

Abstraction. See Reference architecture

Access control

Aspect-Oriented Design considerations, 141–143

direct interaction via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols and, 178

policy enforcement points in, 78–79, 148

standardizing using services, 212

straight-wire mapping mediation pattern and, 164

Accidental architecture, 7

ActiveMatrix adapters, 178–179

ActiveMatrix composite implementation type, 76

ActiveMatrix hosts

administration organization of, 84–86

architecture pattern and, 88–89

configuration folder, 87

creating with TIBCO Configuration Tool, 86–87

folders for, 87

overview of, 80

physical environment, 83–84

SOAP over ActiveMatrix Virtualization used only with, 178

solution life cycle and, 88–91

ActiveMatrix nodes

deploying SCA designs on, 91–96

enforcing policies in, 148, 159

example of, 78–79

within internal structure, 74–75

in logical environments, 83–84

overview of, 78

in physical environments, 83–84

as Service Bus element, 80

ActiveMatrix policy framework

accessing external systems, 150–153

accessing LDAP, 153–157

approach to, 143–144

Aspect-Oriented Design, 141–143

associating policy sets with design elements, 148–150

policy applicability, 148

policy enforcement points, 148

policy intents, 157–158

policy set templates, 146–148

policy sets, 144–146

summary review, 158–159

ActiveMatrix Virtualization transport, 123


ATM withdraw cash process example, 21–22

implementing in parallel, 23–24

process-pattern mapping, 18–19

structuring through process models, 13–16

Adapter binding type, 77

Adapter SDK, TIBCO®, 180–181

Adapters. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix adapters

Add Resource dialog, policy in LDAP, 155–156


stand-alone EMS tool for, 69

using Administrator. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Administrator

Advice, in Aspect-Oriented Design, 142

Agile development process, 37

AMX hosts. See ActiveMatrix hosts


bridge delivery semantics for, 137–138

Out-Only message pattern, 120–121

requests vs., 133

topic delivery semantics for, 137

API (application programming interface)

accessing external systems, 174

combining Database interactions with, 177

Application program, two-phase commit transactions, 191–193


policy, 148

reference architecture, 32–33


architecture and, 7

maintaining total perspective, 11

project vs. enterprise, 7–8

Architects, roles of

avoiding policeman approach, 40

business processes and organizational silos, 35–36

creating architecture steps, 38–39

development processes, 36–37

enterprise architects, 47–49

importance of vision, 50–51

improving project schedules, 42–44

integration test step, 42

project architects, 44–46

project charter, 40–42

summary review, 51–52

Architecture, aspects of

architecture patterns, 17–18

ATM architecture example, 20–25

ATM architecture example with services, 25–26

overview of, 13

process models, 13–16

process-pattern mapping, 18–19

reasons to care about architecture, 19–20

summary review, 26–27

Architecture concepts

architects. See Architects

business process management, 5–6

collaborative business process design focus, 5

service-oriented architecture design focus, 3–5

summary review, 8

system-centric design focus of past, 3–4

Architecture patterns

accessing external systems, 151

ActiveMatrix administrative, 88–89

data augmentation, 166–167

data transformation, 165–166

direct interaction via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 178

evaluating for breakdown detection, 207–208

mediation, 161

Membership Validation Service, 222

multicast message delivery, 69–71

overview of, 17–18

process-pattern mapping. See Mapping, process-pattern

pub-sub, 134–135

reference, 31–33

reference architecture used as entire solution, 230

reference architecture used as fragment of, 232

routing, 168–169

sketch of, 13–14

solution architecture, 219, 224–226

straight-wire mapping, 162

system-initiated direct interaction via non-ActiveMatrix protocol, 181–182

system-initiated indirect interaction via adapters, 179

TIBCO ActiveMatrix®, 74–78

TIBCO BusinessEvents deployment, 111

TIBCO BusinessEvents™ life cycle, 113

two-party interactions, 119

why you should care about, 19–20

Architecture, solution. See Solution architecture

Architecture step, 37–39

Architecture vision, of enterprise architect, 47

Aspect-Oriented Design, 141–143

Asynchronous delegation with confirmation pattern, 189–190

Asynchronous In-Out message pattern, 125–127

Asynchronous Out-In message pattern, 130–131

Asynchronous request-reply coordination, 188

ATM (automated teller machine) architecture example

architecture pattern, 20–21

architecture pattern refinement, 224–226

Aspect-Oriented Design in, 141–142

defined, 20

process-pattern mapping after refinement, 226–228

with services, 25–26

withdraw cash process model, 21–24

withdraw cash process-pattern mapping, 24–25


ATM withdraw cash process example, 21–22

EMS supporting JAAS for, 72

Service Bus policy templates for, 147

using policies for, 144


ATM withdraw cash process example, 21–22

disbursal, 24–25

EMS supporting JAAS and JACI for, 72

Service Bus policy templates for, 147

using policies for, 144

Automated teller machine. See ATM (automated teller machine) architecture example

Automobile recall notice example, Out-In pattern, 121


Back-end systems

in architecture step, 38–39

placing validation in, 204

Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed (Boehm and Turner), 37

Basic route, mediation flow, 169

Behavior, addressing concern in design with, 142

Binding types, 77, 80

BPM (business process management). See also TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM

business processes and organizational silos, 35–36

design focus, 5–6

TIBCO product suite for, 64–65

BPM composite, TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 98

Breakdown detection, multi-party

adding feedback to improve, 205

coordination patterns, 205–208

delegation with confirmation pattern, 201–202

evaluating architecture, 207–208

request-reply confirmation pattern, 200–201

third-party process monitoring for, 206–207

Breakdown detection, two-party

compensating transactions, 195

delegation pattern, 189

impossible with fire-and-forget coordination, 186

overview of, 185

request-reply confirmation pattern, 187

Bridge semantics, event-driven interaction patterns, 137–138

Browser-based interfaces, TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 97

Business expectations, project charter, 40–42

Business process management. See BPM (business process management); TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM

Business processes

in architecture step, 38–39

collaborative, 5

identifying in solution architecture, 219

Membership Validation solution architecture, 221–222

organizational silos and, 35–36

project architect responsibilities, 45

project charter quantifying risks in, 41–42

scope of total architecture, 9–11

TIBCO product suite for, 64

Business Studio. See TIBCO Business Studio™

Business Works. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix™ BusinessWorks™

BusinessEvents. See TIBCO BusinessEvents™

BWSE (TIBCO Business Works™ Service Engine), 76


C++ implementation type

defined, 75

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Grid and, 81–82

TIBCO supporting, 56

C programming language, EMS client library for, 68–69

C# programming language, EMS client library for, 68–69

Categories, Service Bus policy templates, 147–148

Central Administration server, 69

Change Data Capture, 177

check order status

process model, 15–16

process-pattern mapping, 18

Checkpoint asynchronous In-Out pattern, 125–126

Cloud platform, TIBCO product suite for, 64

COBOL, EMS client library for, 68–69

Collaborative business processes, 5–6

Combining API and database interactions, 177


of architectural vision, 50–51

TIBCO Architecture Fundamentals, 63

Compensating transactions, 195–197

Complex composites, SCA, 59–60, 94–96

Complex designs, and enterprise architect, 49

Complex event processing, BusinessEvents

basic solution role of, 106

capturing technical events in, 138

defined, 65

event channels, 104–105

information extraction, caching and persistence, 103

overview of, 101–102

queries, 105

rules and decisions, 105

state machine modeling, 103–104

visualization, 105

Component type, SCA, 58–59


administrator, 86

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 98

TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™, 67–69

Components, SCA

deploying SCA designs on Active-Matrix nodes, 91–94

overview of, 55–56

with reference, 57–58

services, 56–57

summary review, 60

Composites, SCA

ActiveMatrix composite implementation type, 76

associating policy sets with, 154–155

BPM solution, 98

complex, 59–60

components contained within, 55–56

mediation flow in, 162

with promoted services, 56–57

summary review, 60

TIBCO Active Matrix product suite for, 64–65


Aspect-Oriented Design addressing, 141–142

Service Bus policies addressing, 143–144

Configuration folder, ActiveMatrix, 86–87

Content transformation, mediation, 165–166, 171

Conventional delivery, TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™, 69–70

Coordination patterns

multi-party. See Multi-party coordination patterns

two-party. See Two-party coordination patterns

Cost, business expectations for project, 41

Credential mapping, Service Bus policy templates for, 148

Credential server keystore, administrator, 86

Credentials, ATM withdraw cash process, 21–22

Crosscutting concern, in Aspect-Oriented Design, 141–142


DAA (distributed application archive), 89–90, 151

Data augmentation, mediation, 166–168, 171–172

Data transformation mediation flow, 165–166

Data validation, multi-party coordination patterns, 202–205


administrator, 86

implementing two-phase commit transactions with, 191

Database adapter, 176, 182–183

Database interactions

accessing external systems, 174–175

combining API interactions with, 177

strategies for, 182–183

Database triggers, 174, 176–177

Delegation pattern, two-party coordination, 188–189, 198

Delegation with confirmation pattern

multi-party, 201–202

two-party, 189–190

Design focus

of business process management, 5–6

of collaborative business processes, 5

of service-oriented architecture, 3–5

system-centric, 3–4

why you should care about architecture, 19–20

Design patterns, TIBCO ActiveMatrix®

basic interaction. See Interaction patterns

event-driven interaction. See Event-driven interaction patterns

mediation. See Mediation patterns

overview of, 117

policy framework. See ActiveMatrix policy framework

system access. See System access patterns

two-party coordination. See Two-party coordination patterns

Development processes, 36–37

Direct interaction

with databases, 182–183

with files, 183

via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 178

via non-ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 181–182

Director role, BusinessEvents, 106–107

Disbursal authorization, process-pattern mapping, 24–25

Distributed application archive (DAA), 89–90, 151

Distributed systems, TIBCO products for, 63

Distributed transactions

limitations of, 193–194

messaging and, 193

overview of, 190–191

summary review, 198

two-phase commit protocol, 191–193


advantages of, 27

project architect responsibilities, 45

reference architecture advantages, 33

Dynamic routing, mediation flow, 169–170


E-mails, In-Only pattern, 120

EJB binding type, 77

EJBs (enterprise java beans), 77

EMS (Enterprise Message Service). See TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™ (EMS)

EMS servers

ActiveMatrix architecture pattern, 88–89

administration, 69, 86

EMS client libraries interacting with, 68–69

overview of, 67–68

as Service Bus element, 80

End-to-end business process, defined by project architect, 45

Enterprise architects

overview of, 7–8

responsibilities of, 47–49

role of, 44

Enterprise java beans (EJBs), 77

Enterprise Message Service. See TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™ (EMS)

Environments, TIBCO ActiveMatrix®, 82–84

ETL (extract-transform-load) interactions, 176

Event collector, TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 97

Event-driven interaction patterns

bridge semantics, 137–138

defined, 134–135

other sources of events, 139

overview of, 133–134

pub-sub architecture pattern, 134–135

queue semantics, 135–136

summary review, 139

topic semantics, 137

Events. See TIBCO BusinessEvents™

Evolution strategy, enterprise architect defining, 47–48

Execution environment, AMX, 89

External reference checks, data validation, 203–205

External systems, accessing

API interaction, 174

combining API and Database interactions for, 177

database interaction, 174–175

direct interaction via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 177–178

event recognition challenge, 175–177

file-based interaction, 175

indirect interaction via ActiveMatrix adapters, 179–181

overview of, 173–174

policies for, 150–153

protocol-based interaction, 175

Extract-transform-load (ETL) interactions, 176


Failures, transaction. See also Breakdown detection, 193–194

Fault mapping, mediation flow design, 163–164

Fault tolerance, EMS servers for, 67–68

Feedback, improving breakdown detection with, 205–206

File Adapter, 183

File-based interactions

accessing external systems, 175

overview of, 183

File system folder structure, Active-Matrix, 86–87

Fire-and-forget coordination pattern

delegation pattern using, 189

delegation with confirmation pattern using, 189–190

multi-party, 200

two-party, 186, 197

Flexibility of services, 213

folder structures, ActiveMatrix, 86–87

Front-end systems

architecture step examining, 38–39

placing validation in, 203–204

Functional organization, TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 96–97


Google Web Toolkit (GWT), OpenSpace BPM client, 97

Governance applications

accessing external systems, 150–152

implementing policy accessing LDAP, 153–155, 157

summary review, 159

Granularity, service, 216


High-fanout message delivery, EMS, 69

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 63

HyperSQL database, Service Bus, 80–81


Identification, ATM withdraw cash process, 21–22

Implementation types

ActiveMatrix, 75–76

content transformation, 165–166

In-Only message pattern, 123

Out-In message pattern, 131

In-Out message pattern, 125, 127

Out-Only message pattern, 130

SCA, 55–56, 59

Service Grid, 81–82

straight-wire mapping, 162

Implementing SOA (Brown), 38, 41

In-Only message exchange pattern

defined, 120

delegation with confirmation pattern, 190

example and implementation options, 122–123

summary review, 131

In-Out message exchange pattern

examining interactions of, 120

example and implementation options, 123–127

fire-and-forget coordination pattern using, 186

summary review, 131–132

Inbound to external system, 173–175, 177

Indirect interaction

with databases, 182–183

via ActiveMatrix adapters, 179–181


ATM withdraw cash process, 21–22

mediation flow design for mapping, 163–164

Installation folder, ActiveMatrix, 86

Integration test step, 42

Interaction patterns

event-driven. See Event-driven interaction patterns

mediation. See Mediation patterns

newspaper case study example, 121–122

In-Only implementation, 122–123

In-Out implementation, 123–127

Out-In implementation, 130–131

Out-Only implementation, 127–130

overview, 120–121

overview of, 119

summary review, 131–132

system access. See System access patterns

TIBCO Architecture Fundamentals, 63


investment required for stability of, 215–216

mediation flow design, 163–164

Membership Validation Service, 220–221

services standardizing, 212

stability of SOA, 213

in system-centric design focus, 3–4

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM browser-based, 97

Investment, interface stability, 215–216

Isolation, services benefiting, 213


JAAS, EMS supporting, 72

JACI, EMS supporting, 72

Java, EMS client library for, 68–69

Java implementation type

defined, 75

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Grid, 81–82

TIBCO supporting, 56

JDBC interactions, 182, 187

JMS (Java Messaging Service). See also XML over JMS

binding type, 77

as communication mechanism, 63

conventional message delivery, 69–70

high-fanout message delivery, 69

pub-sub architecture pattern and, 135

queue semantics, 135–136

JMX commands, ActiveMatrix solution life cycle, 88–89


LDAP access policies, 150–157

Leadership, proactive architectural, 40

Libraries, EMS client, 68–69

Life cycle

solution, 88–91

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Lifecycle Governance, 73–74

TIBCO BusinessEvents™ solution, 112–114

Logical environment structure, ActiveMatrix, 83, 89–90


Machine model, AMX execution environment, 89

Manager role, distributed transactions, 191

Mapping, process-pattern

advantages of, 27

after refinement, 226–228

Aspect-Oriented Design and, 141–142

ATM withdraw cash examples, 24–26

documentation of, 27

Membership Validation, 222–223

overview of, 18–19

reference architecture, 32–34

reference architecture used as entire solution, 230–231

reference architecture used as fragment of, 232–235

solution architecture, 219

why you should care about, 19–20

Mediation flow design interface, 163–164

Mediation Flow implementation type

ActiveMatrix, 75

content transformation, 165

data augmentation, 166–167

features, 164

routing, 169

as Service Bus element, 80

straight-wire mediation, 162

summary review, 172

Mediation patterns

content transformation, 165–166

data augmentation, 166–168

flow capabilities and limitations, 170–171

mediation flow design, 163–164

overview of, 161

routing, 168–170

straight-wire mapping, 162

summary review, 171

use case: access control, 164

use case: transport mapping, 164–165

Membership Validation Service example

reference architecture used as entire solution, 231–235

requirements, 220–221

solution architecture, 221–223

Mentoring, enterprise architect role, 49

Message delivery transports, 69–72, 144


distributed transactions and, 193

event-drive interaction patterns. See Event-driven interaction patterns

as pub-sub communications channel, 135

Migration strategy, enterprise architect defining, 47–48

Multi-party coordination patterns

breakdown detection, 205–208

data validation, 202–205

delegation with confirmation, 201–202

fire-and-forget, 200

overview of, 199–200

request-reply, 200–201, 222–223

summary review, 207–208

Multicast message delivery, EMS, 70–72

Multiple message storage options, EMS, 72


Newspaper case study example

In-Only implementation, 122–123

In-Out implementation, 123–127

Out-In implementation, 130–131

Out-Only implementation, 127–130

overview of, 121–122

Nodes. See ActiveMatrix nodes


delivered to multiple parties, 133–134

requests vs., 133

topic delivery semantics for, 137


OpenSpace client, 97

Operation semantics, 212–213

Optimization, TIBCO product suite for, 64

Organizational silos, business processes and, 35–36

OSGI Plugins, AMX execution environment, 89, 92

Out-In message exchange pattern

asynchronous variation of, 131–132

defined, 121

example and implementation options, 130–131

fire-and-forget coordination pattern, 186

Out-Only message exchange pattern

asynchronous variation of, 131–132

defined, 120–121

delegation with confirmation pattern, 190

example and implementation options, 127–131

Outbound from external system, 173–175, 177

Output mapping, mediation flow design, 163–164


Parallelism, implementing processes with, 23–24


architecture. See Architecture patterns

design. See Design patterns, TIBCO ActiveMatrix®

event-driven interaction. See Event-driven interaction patterns

mediation. See Mediation patterns

system access. See System access patterns

two-party coordination. See Two-party coordination patterns

People, in scope of total architecture, 9–11

PEPs (policy enforcement points)

ActiveMatrix nodes, 78–79

direct interaction via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 178

overview of, 148

straight-wire mapping for access control, 164

Physical environment structure

administration organization of, 86

architecture pattern for, 88

overview of, 83–84

Platform neutrality, of services, 213

Point-of-view interfaces, system-centric design, 3–4

Policeman approach, architects avoiding, 40


concerns addressed by Service Bus, 143–144

framework. See ActiveMatrix policy framework

governing node behavior, 78

overview of, 144

Policy agent, 78, 80

Policy enforcement points. See PEPs (policy enforcement points)

Policy intents

overview of, 157–158

summary review, 159

Policy set templates. See Policy templates

Policy sets

applicability of, 148

associating with design elements, 148–150

implementing policy accessing LDAP, 153–154

overview of, 144–146

summary review, 158–159

Policy templates

accessing external system from policy set, 151

concerns addressed by ActiveMatrix Service Bus using, 143–144

overview of, 146–148

summary review, 158–159

Port types, in straight-wire mapping, 162

Practical evolution strategy, enterprise architect defining, 47–48

Problem-solving, with reference architecture, 33

Process-centric design

coordinating changes to multiple systems, 37

IT moving from system-centric to, 5–6

Process coordinator, third-party, 194–195

Process manager, 5–6, 96–97

Process models

ATM withdraw cash example, 21–24

check order status, 15

overview of, 13–16

process-pattern mapping, 18–19, 24–25

reference architecture, 30–31, 228–229

refining solution architecture, 224–225

why you should care about, 19–20

Process-pattern mapping. See Mapping, process-pattern

Product structure, TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™, 67–69

Product suites

BusinessEvents, 107–110

TIBCO, 63–65

TIBCO ActiveMatrix®, 73–74

Production BusinessEvents deployment example, 111–112

Project architects

enterprise architect role in training, 49

overview of, 7–8

responsibilities of, 45–46

role of, 44

Project charter, 40–42

Project teams, 48–49

Promoted reference, SCA, 57–58

Promoted service, SCA, 56–57

Protocols, Active-Matrix supported

accessing external systems, 175, 177–178

accessing external systems with non, 181–182

advantages, 182

fire-and-forget coordination using, 186

synchronous request-reply coordination using, 187

provides attribute, policy sets, 158

Pub-sub architecture pattern, 134–135


QA (quality assurance), development process, 36

Quantification of business expectations, project charter, 40–41

Queue delivery semantics, event-driven interactions, 135–138


Reference architecture

applications of, 32–33

architecture pattern, 31–32

essential aspects of, 29–30

process model, 30–31

process-pattern mapping, 32

role between project and enterprise architects, 45–46, 48, 52

summary review, 33–34

using as entire solution, 228–231

using as fragment of solution, 231–235

References, SCA

associating policy sets with, 149–150

defining component type with, 58–59

deploying SCA designs on ActiveMatrix nodes, 92–94

overview of, 57–58

straight-wire mapping for mediation, 162

summary review, 60

Refinement process, solutions

overview of, 224–228

reference architecture as entire solution, 228–231

reference architecture as solution fragment, 232–235

Reliability, policy intents associated with, 158

Request-reply coordination pattern. See also In-Out message exchange pattern

delegation pattern using, 189

multi-party, 200–201

two-party, 187–188


bridge message delivery semantics for, 137–138

notifications vs., 133

queue delivery semantics for, 135–136

Resource managers, two-phase commit transactions, 191–193

Resource templates, ActiveMatrix solution life cycle, 90–91

Resource Templates dialog, accessing LDAP, 155

Results, ATM withdraw cash process, 21–22

Return on investment (ROI), services, 215–216

Reuse, of services, 213

Risks, quantifying business process, 41–42

ROI (return on investment), services, 215–216


architect. See Design patterns, TIBCO ActiveMatrix®

process coordinator, 194–195

TIBCO BusinessEvents™, 106–107

transaction manager, 191

Rollbacks, transaction, 193

Routing, mediation, 168–170, 172

Rules, ActiveMatrix policy, 144

Run-time environments, 82–84


SCA (service-component architecture)

architectural decisions, 38–39

business processes/organizational silos, 35–36

components and composites, 55–56, 58–60

deploying designs on ActiveMatrix nodes, 91–96

design focus, 3–5

example service design, 54–55

implementation type, 59

Out-Only pattern not well represented in, 128–130

overview of, 53–54

policy intents, 158

policy sets, 144

references, 57–58

Service Bus as foundation of, 73–74

Service Bus policy framework, 143–144

services, 56–57

summary review, 60

Schedule, project, 41–44

Scope, 7–11

Security, policy intents, 158

Select/Create a Policy Set dialog, 149–150

Self-consistency checks, data validation, 203

Sequencing activities, process models, 22–23

Servers. See EMS servers

Service Bus. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Bus

Service-component architecture. See SCA (service-component architecture)

Service Grid. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Grid

service-level agreements (SLAs)

multi-party request-reply coordination, 200

two-party request-reply coordination, 187

service-oriented architecture. See SOA (service-oriented architecture)

Service providers, for data validation, 204


accessing via two different transports, 164–165

ATM withdraw cash example, 25–26

benefits of, 213–214

defined, 211

granularity of, 216

overview of, 211

policy governing access to, 144

policy sets associated with, 154–155

practical evolution strategy for, 47–48

project architect identifying, 46

SCA, 56–59, 91–94

situations warranting investment in, 215–216

SOA approach to, 212–214

straight-wire mapping and, 162

summary review, 217

traditional approach vs., 211–212

SLAs (service-level agreements)

multi-party request-reply coordination, 200

two-party request-reply coordination, 187

SOA (service-oriented architecture)

approach to services, 212–213

business processes in, 35–36

design concept of, 3–4

requiring service interface stability, 214

SCA based on. See SCA (service-component architecture)

service-centric design focus and, 4–5

TIBCO product suite for, 64


fire-and-forget coordination using, 186

protocol binding type, 77

synchronous request-reply coordination using, 187

SOAP faults, 204, 222–223

SOAP over ActiveMatrix Virtualization, 124


direct interaction via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 178

interactions of, 119

In-Only message pattern, 122–123

In-Out message pattern, synchronous, 124


direct interaction via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 178

interactions of, 119

In-Only message pattern, 122–123

In-Out message pattern, synchronous, 124

Software Architecture in Practice, Second Edition (Bass et al.), 29

Solution architecture

architecture pattern refinement, 224–226

mapping refinement, 226–227

Membership Validation Service example, 221–222

overview of, 219–220

process model refinement, 224–225

refinement, 224

Solution composite, TIBCO Active-Matrix® BPM, 98

Solution life cycle, 88–91


adding refinement to, 224–228

BusinessEvents life cycle, 112–114

deploying BusinessEvents, 110–112

Membership Validation Service example, 220–223

overview of, 219

reference architecture as fragment of, 231–235

reference architecture defining, 228–231

solution architecture. See Solution architecture

summary review, 235

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 98

Spring implementation type

defined, 75

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Grid, 81–82

TIBCO supporting, 56

Standardized data semantics, 213

Straight-wire mapping

mediation flow design, 163–164

overview of, 162

summary review, 171

use case: access control, 164

use case: transport mapping, 164–165

Succeeding with SOA (Brown), 42

Synchronous In-Out pattern, 124–125

Synchronous request-reply coordination, multi-party, 200–201

Synchronous request-reply coordination, two-party, 187

Syntactic validation, 203

System access patterns

accessing external systems, 173–177

database interactions, 182–183

direct interaction via non-Active-Matrix-supported protocols, 181–182

direct interaction vs. ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 177–178

file interactions, 183

general considerations, 182

indirect interaction via ActiveMatrix adapters, 179–181

overview of, 173

summary review, 183–184

System-centric design

accidental architecture based on, 7

business process change using, 35–36

development process, 36–37

no longer sufficient for today’s projects, 3–6

System Environment, 86

System Host, 86

System integration test step, 42

System Node, 86, 88–89

Systems, scope of total architecture, 9–11


Target architecture, 47–48

TAS (total architecture synthesis) methodology, 41

TCT (TIBCO Configuration Tool), 86–87

Technology, access

standardizing using services, 212–213

traditional vs. service approaches, 211–212

Templates, policy set, 146–148

Text messages, In-Only message patterns, 120

Third-party asynchronous In-Out pattern, 126–127

Third-party process coordinators, 194–195

Third-party process monitoring, 206–207

Threads, EMS server, 68

TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database, 176, 182–183

TIBCO ActiveMatrix adapters

for Database, 176, 182–183

defined, 73–74

deploying implementations in, 76

for Files, 183

indirect interaction via, 179–181

other components playing role of, 181

solving event recognition using, 176–177

TIBCO ActiveMatrix Business Works™, 73–76

TIBCO ActiveMattrix® product suite, 73-74

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Administrator

accessing external system from policy set, 151

of ActiveMatrix nodes, 78

administration organization, 84–86

deployment and run-time management, 80–81

implementing policy accessing LDAP, 154–156

plugins for EMS, 69

solution life cycle, 88–91

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM

defined, 65, 73–74

functional organization, 96–97

overview of, 96

process coordinator role of, 195

solution deployment, 98

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Lifecycle Governance Framework, 73–74

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Bus

administration organization, 84–86

architecture patterns, 74–78

associating policy sets with design elements, 148–150

defined, 73

deploying SCA designs on Active-Matrix nodes, 91–96

design patterns. See Design patterns, TIBCO ActiveMatrix®

file system folder structures, 86–87

implementing policy for accessing LDAP, 153–157

logical environments, 83

Mediation Flow implementation type in, 56, 75

overview of, 78–81

physical environments, 83–84

policies accessing external systems, 151–153

policy applicability, 148

policy enforcement points, 148

policy framework, 143–144

policy intents, 157–158

policy set templates, 146–148

policy sets, 144–146

references, 57–58

run-time environments, 82–83

Service Grid built on, 81

services, 56–57

solution life cycle, 88–91

summary review, 98–100

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® Service Grid

defined, 64, 73–74

deploying implementations in, 75

overview of, 81–82

TIBCO ActiveMatrix™ BusinessWorks™

architecture pattern example, 17

defined, 64

deploying implementations in, 75–76

direct interaction with databases, 182–183

direct interaction with files, 183

messaging and transactions in, 193

process coordinator role of, 195

taking role of adapter, 181

TIBCO Business Studio™, 56, 80

TIBCO Business Works™ Service Engine (BWSE), 76

TIBCO BusinessEvents™. See also Complex event processing, BusinessEvents

director role, 106–107

overview of, 101

process coordinator role of, 195

product suite, 107–110

solution deployment, 110–112

solution life cycle, 112–114

solution role of complex event processor, 106

summary review, 114–115

TIBCO Configuration Tool (TCT), 86–87

TIBCO Enterprise Message Service™ (EMS)

conventional message delivery, 69–70

defined, 63

feature highlights, 72

high-fanout message delivery, 69

multicast message delivery, 70–72

overview of, 67

product structure, 67–69

as pub-sub communications channel, 135

queue delivery semantics, 136

TIBCO ActiveMatrix® architecture patterns, 74

TIBCO product suite

overview of, 63–65

TIBCO Rendezvous™, 72

TIBCO SmartSockets™, 72

TIBCO® Adapter SDK, 180–181

TIBCO™ General Interface, 97

Topic delivery semantics, event-driven interaction patterns, 137–138

Total architecture, scope of, 9–10

total architecture synthesis (TAS) methodology, 41

Traditional approach, to services, 211–212

Training, enterprise architect role, 49


implementing distributed, 190–194

policy intents associated with, 158

Transport mapping, in straight-wire mapping, 164–165

Two-party coordination patterns

architecture pattern for, 119

compensating transactions, 195–197

delegation, 188–189

delegation with confirmation, 189–190

distributed transactions, 190–194

fire-and-forget coordination, 186

overview of, 185

request-reply coordination, 187–188

summary review, 197–198

third-party process coordinator, 194–195

Two-phase commit transactions

approximating with compensation patterns, 195–196

compensating transactions vs., 195

implementing distributed transactions, 191–193


UML (Unified Modeling Language) notations, using, 54

Understanding SCA (Marino and Rowley), 53

Unified Modeling Language (UML) notations, using, 54


Validation, data., 202–204

Virtualization, policy intents and, 158

Vision, architectural

communicating, 50–51

creating reference architectures for, 45–46

enterprise architect’s role in, 44, 47–49

project architect’s role in, 44


WebApp implementation type, 56, 75, 81–82

Work manager, TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 96–97

Work patterns, project architect responsibilities, 46

WorkSpace client, TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM, 97

WSDL portType, SCA services and references, 56–57, 60

WSS Consumer, Service Bus policy templates for, 148

WSS Provider, Service Bus policy templates for, 148


XML files, defining policy sets with, 144

XML over JMS

direct interaction via ActiveMatrix-supported protocols, 178

fire-and-forget coordination, 187–188

interactions of, 119, 123

Out-In message pattern, 130–131

In-Out message pattern, asynchronous, 127

In-Out message pattern, synchronous, 124

Out-Only message pattern, 127–129

request-reply coordination, synchronous, 187

XPath Route, mediation flow, 169

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