
Chapter 1

1. MAC stands for Medium Access Control. How a transceiver uses a Physical Layer to communicate with other transceivers.

2. PHY stands for Physical Layer.

3. IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

4. FRAND stands for Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory. This means that if you license your technology, you must do it at a fair price, on the same terms for everybody, regardless of who the licensee is.

5. SI stands for Système International (or International System in English), which is a system of standardized unit designations, typically in relation to scientific, engineering, and technical measurements such as seconds, meters, kilograms, and so on.


Chapter 3

1. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus.

2. SDIO stands for Secure Digital Input Output.

3. UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter.

4. UUIDs are documented as part of ITU-T Rec. X.667 | ISO/IEC 9834-8, which is duplicated in the IETF as RFC 4122.

Chapter 4

1. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. This is the protocol that is used to transmit a stream of data between two devices.

Chapter 5

1. Sometimes, this is an invalid assumption if the antenna and matching circuits are poorly designed. Good module manufactures or RF engineers should be able to reduce this problem.

Chapter 7

1. Cipher Block Chaining = CBC; Message Authentication Code = MAC; Counter with CBC-MAC = CCM.

2. Complimentary Metal on Silicon (CMOS) is used to manufacture over 95 percent of all silicon chips. It is a very low-cost technology.

Chapter 10

1. The computer used to write this book has 23 different temperature sensors.

2. Universally Unique Identifiers are defined in RFC 4122, which is functionally equivalent to ISO/IEC 9834-8.

3. The number of services is approximately 1038, more than enough for the planet earth for a few years.

4. The smallest attribute database must have the following six attributes: Primary Service for GAP Service, Characteristic for Device Name, the Device Name value, Characteristic for Appearance, the Appearance value, and a Primary Service for GATT Service. This database doesn’t expose much state and is therefore not particularly useful.

5. A more dramatic example would be an oven that automatically turned off when the food inside caught fire. Not that this happens in my house, of course :-).

Chapter 11

1. You can find NIST FIPS-197 at

2. You can find NIST Special Publication 800-38B at

Chapter 13

1. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures. You can find more information at

2. Use to discover all possible characteristics.

Chapter 15

1. To create a new project, go to

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