

ABI (Application Binary Interface), 25

About page, 145147

accelerometer, 149

accessing and saving data, 183189

async keyword, 191194

await keyword, 191193

embedded resources, 197198

FileIO class, 195196

lambda expressions, 194

PathIO class, 195196

threading, 189191

activation, 161163

actual target, 133

advertising, 328329

animations, discrete, 83

application bar, 136142

Application Data API, 172176

application files, 172

application lifecycle, 157160

activation, 161163

Application Data API, 172176

connected, applications suspended/terminated remaining, 176177

custom splash screen, 177178

navigation, 168171

resume, 167168

suspension, 163166

termination, 166

application manifest, 43

Application UI section, 43

Capabilities section, 44

Declaration section, 44

Packaging section, 45

application settings, 172, 181183

Application UI section of application manifest, 43

architecture and design improved with testing, 305

assumptions eliminated with testing, 302

asymmetric key, 213

async keyword, 191194

Atom, 206

attached properties, 7072

audience, accessibility to global, 330

await keyword, 191193


badges, 229231

glyphs, 230231

numeric, 230231

Base64, 212

BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), 5

basic tiles, 221

BCL (Base Class Library), 7

blank application template (Visual Studio 2012), 38

Blend, 20-21, 36

blue stack, 2728

brokered API calls, 14

buffers, 208

bugs fixed at source with testing, 303

built-in controls (XAML), 107109

built-in icons, 138

business models, 323328

byte arrays, 207208


Callisto, 280

Canvas layout control, 88

Capabilities section of application manifest, 44

charms, 16, 256. See also contracts

Search charm, 258

Settings charm, 145147

Share charm, 46, 267270

custom data, 271272

text selection, 272274

Start charm, 256

classes, 5455

class library template (Visual Studio 2012), 40

CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), 13

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 6

code for your first Windows 8 application, 4553

collections, 199200

LINQ, 200

filters, 202

grouping, 202

join and projections, 203

queries, 201

sorting, 202

COM (Common Object Model), 5

compass, 149

compressing data, 208210

connected and alive, 19

connected, applications suspended/terminated remaining, 176177

ContentControl layout control, 9798

context menus, 134135

contracts, 16, 253254. See also charms

Search contract, 257, 260266

settings contract, 280282

Share contract, 267

receiving content, 274, 277279

sourcing content for sharing, 267273

control, keeping end user in, 330

controls, application bar, 136142

creating your first Windows 8 application, 37

application manifest, 43

Application UI section, 43

Capabilities section, 44

Declaration section, 44

Packaging section, 45

code, writing, 4553

templates, 37

blank application, 38

class library, 40

grid application, 3940

split application, 40

unit test library, 41

Windows Runtime Component, 41

user interface (UI), creating, 4243


data, 271272

icons, 143144

splash screens, 143144, 177178

C#/XAML, 2425

C++/XAML, 2324



accessing and saving, 183189

async keyword, 191194

await keyword, 191193

embedded resources, 197198

FileIO class, 195196

lambda expressions, 194

PathIO class, 195196

threading, 189191

application settings, 181183

buffers, 208

byte arrays, 207208

collections, 199200

LINQ, 200203

compression, 208210

custom data, 271272

encryption, 211214

asymmetric key, 213

Base64, 212

local data, 173

roaming data, 173

signing, 211214

storing and retrieving, 173176

streams, 207208

syndicated content, 206207

web content, 203205

web services, 214217

OData services, 218219

data binding, 7378, 216217

value converters, 7880

DataTemplate (XAML), 104105

debugging, 164

fixing bugs at source, 303

remote debugging, 164

Declaration section of application manifest, 44

deferred execution, 201

dependency properties, 6770

design guidelines, 19

architecture and design improved with testing, 305

connected and alive, 19

contracts, 16

fast and fluid, 15

snap and scale, 15

tiles, 1719

developers improved by testing, 306

direct calls to underlying kernels, 14

DirectX, 13

discovering applications, 318321

discrete animations, 8384

documenting code with help from testing, 303

domain model (MVVM), 285288

advantages of, 290

misconceptions about, 289

model, 292293

pattern vocabulary, 292

view, 293295

view model, 295

dual boot install, 3135


ECMA-335 standard, 13, 57

embedded resources, 196198

encoding, 209

encryption, 211214

asymmetric key, 213

Base64, 212

symmetric key, 211

end user, providing value to, 329

Engelbart, Douglas, 9

English, Bill, 9

Essential LINQ, 103

extending and maintaining applications with testing, 304

extensions, 5455, 255256


fast and fluid, 15

feeds, 206

FileIO class, 195196

Filters, LINQ, 202

flat navigation, 168

FlipView layout control, 106

flyout, 53, 233

full install, 3032


Gates, Bill, 2

GDI (Graphics Device Interface), 7

generics, 185

geolocation, 150


keyboard equivalents, 49

mouse equivalents, 49

given...when...then pattern, 310

global audience, accessibility to, 330

glyphs, 230231

Gossman, John, 287

green stack, 27

grid application template (Visual Studio 2012), 3940

Grid layout control, 8991

GridView layout control, 102105

Grouping, LINQ, 202

groups, 116119

gyrometer, 151


Harris, Jensen, 14

hierarchical navigation, 168

HLSL (High Level Shading Language, 24

HTML5/JavaScript, 2123

HttpClient, 203


IBuffer, 207, 211


built-in icons, 138

customizing, 143144

IDE (Interactive Development Environment), 5

identify and understand, making application easy to, 331

ILDASM tool, 55-59

image, capture, 46-49

inclinometer, 151


dual boot install, 3135

full install, 3032

virtual machine install, 31, 35

IoC (Inversion of Control), 298300

iPhones, 9

ItemsControl layout control, 99


JavaScript/HTML5, 2123

joins and projections, LINQ, 203

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 187188, 271


gestures, keyboard equivalents for, 49

history of, 8

support, 129

Kinect, 1011


lambda expressions, 194

layouts and views, 88, 111

Canvas layout control, 88

ContentControl layout control, 9798

FlipView layout control, 106

Grid layout control, 9091

GridView layout control, 102105

ItemsControl layout control, 99

ListBox layout control, 106

ListView layout control, 105

ScrollViewer layout control, 99

semantic zoom, 119122

simulator used to test changes in, 112115

snapped view, 113115

StackPanel layout control, 92

virtualizing stack panel, 9394

VariableSizedWrapGrid layout control, 96

ViewBox layout control, 100102

VSM and, 115119

WrapGrid layout control, 94

light sensor, 152

Likness, Jeremy, 340

LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 103, 200

deferred execution, 201

filters, 202

grouping, 202

joins and projections, 203

queries, 201

sorting, 202

syntax, 174

ListBox layout control, 106

ListView layout control, 105

live tiles, 223225, 228

local data, 173

logo. See live tiles.

lossless compression, 208

lossy compression, 208


MAC (Message Authentication Code), 213

maintaining and extending applications with testing, 304

managed code, 57

manipulation events, 126128

menus, context, 134135

metadata, 13, 56

ILDASM tool used to inspect metadata for components, 5759

mocks, 311315

model (MVVM), 292293


gestures, mouse equivalents for, 49

history of, 9

support, 128131

MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), 6

MVVM (Model-View-View-Model), 285288

advantages of, 290

misconceptions about, 289

model, 292293

pattern vocabulary, 292

view, 293295

view model, 295


namespaces, 63

navigation, 168171

flat, 168

hierarchical, 168

Newton-King, James, 271

Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS), 5

notifications. See toast notifications.

NUI (Natural User Interface), 911

numeric badges, 230231


OData services, 217219

Open Data Protocol, 218219

orientation sensor, 153154

packaging section of application manifest, 45

PathIO class, 195196

pattern vocabulary, 292

PCL (Portable Class Library), 296300

PLM (Process Lifetime Management), 160

activation, 161163

Application Data API, 172176

connected, applications suspended/terminated remaining, 176177

custom splash screen, 177178

navigation, 168171

resume, 167168

suspension, 163166

termination, 166

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format, 50

pointer events, 125

predictable behavior, 330

preparing your application for Windows Store, 329

control, keeping end user in, 330

global audience, accessibility to, 330

identify and understand, making application easy to, 331

predictable behavior, 330

value to end user, providing, 329

projections, 13, 203

Prosise, Jeff, 184


queries, LINQ, 201

query text, 262-263

reach (product), 322323

receiving content, 274, 277279

refactoring isolation, 286

regular expressions, 205

remote debugging, 164

resource dictionaries, 86

resources, 8587

REST (Representational State Transfer), 214

resuming applications, 166168

Richter, Jeffrey, 184

roaming data, 173

Robbins, John, 184

root visual, 88

routed events, 64

RSS (Real Simple Syndication), 206


saving and accessing data, 183189

async keyword, 191194

await keyword, 191193

embedded resources, 197198

FileIO class, 195196

lambda expressions, 194

PathIO class, 195196

threading, 189191

ScrollViewer layout control, 99

Search charm, 258

Search contract, 257, 260262, 265266

searching, 257258

Search charm, 258

Search contract, 257, 260262, 265266

secondary tiles, 231235

Segoe UI Symbol font, 138

semantic zoom, 119122

sensors, 148

accelerometer, 149

compass, 149

geolocation, 150

gyrometer, 151

inclinometer, 152

light sensor, 152

orientation sensor, 153154

serialization helper, 182183

Settings charm, 145147

settings contract, 280282

setting up your development environment, 30

Windows 8, setting up, 3031

dual boot install, 3235

full install, 32

virtual machine install, 35

Share charm, 46, 267270

custom data, 271272

text selection, 272274

Share contract, 266-267

receiving content, 274, 277279

sourcing content for sharing, 267273

Sholes, Christopher, 8

side-loading, 337339

signing data, 211214

Silverlight, 26

simulator, 326

layouts and views, testing changes in, 112115

snapped view, 113115

snap and scale, 15

snapped view, 113115

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 214215

software testing. See testing

sorting, LINQ, 202

sourcing content for sharing, 267273

split application template (Visual Studio 2012), 40

StackPanel layout control, 92

virtualizing stack panel, 9394

Start button, 256-257

Start charm, 256

Start screen, 257

states, 116119

static resource, 79

storyboards, 8084

streams, 207208

stubs, 311-315

styles, 8587

submission process for Windows Store, 331, 336

suspension, 163166

symmetric key, 211

syndicated content, 205207


targeting, 132134

templates, 37

blank application, 38

class library, 40

DataTemplate, 104105

grid application, 3940

split application, 40

unit test library, 41

Windows Runtime Component, 41

termination, 166

testing, 301

architecture and design improved with, 305

assumptions, eliminating, 302

developers improved by, 306

documenting code, 303

extending and maintaining applications, 304

fixing bugs at source, 303

unit tests, 306307

mocks, 311315

stubs, 311, 315

Windows Store unit testing framework, 308311

white box tests, 306

text selection, 272274

threading, 189191

tiles, 1719

basic, 221

live, 222228

secondary, 231235

toast notifications, 236241

token, 248-249

tools, 20

Blend, 21

C#/XAML, 2425

C++/XAML, 2324

HTML5/JavaScript, 2223

JavaScript/HTML5, 2223

Visual Studio 2012, 20

XAML/C#, 2425

XAML/C++, 2324

touch-first, 125


UI (User Interface)

creating, 4243

declaring, 6264

attached properties, 7072

dependency properties, 6770

visual tree, 6467

routed events, 64

UI (user interface) design patterns, 286

MVVM, 287288

advantages of, 290

misconceptions about, 289

model, 292293

pattern vocabulary, 292

view, 293295

view model, 295

understand and identify, making application easy to, 331

unit test library template (Visual Studio 2012), 41

unit tests, 306307

mocks, 311315

stubs, 311, 315

Windows Store unit testing framework, 308311

unmanaged code, 56

user input, 122123

context menus, 134135

manipulation events, 126128

mouse support, 128131

pointer events, 125

targeting, 132134

visual feedback, 131132


value converters, 7880

value to end user, providing, 329

VariableSizedWrapGrid layout control, 96

VB (Visual Basic) programming language, 5

ViewBox layout control, 100102

view model (MVVM), 295

view (MVVM), 293295

views and layouts, 88, 111

Canvas layout control, 88

ContentControl layout control, 9798

FlipView layout control, 106

Grid layout control, 9091

GridView layout control, 102105

ItemsControl layout control, 99

ListBox layout control, 106

ListView layout control, 105

ScrollViewer layout control, 99

semantic zoom, 119122

simulator used to test changes in, 112115

snapped view, 113115

StackPanel layout control, 92

virtualizing stack panel, 9394

VariableSizedWrapGrid layout control, 96

ViewBox layout control, 100102

VSM and, 115119

WrapGrid layout control, 94

VirtualBox, 35

virtualizing stack panel, 9394

virtual machine install, 31, 35

visual feedback, 131132

Visual Studio 2012, 20, 3536

templates, 37

blank application, 38

class library, 40

grid application, 3940

split application, 40

unit test library, 41

Windows Runtime Component, 41

visual target, 133

visual tree, 6467

VSM (Visual State Manager), 115119, 287-288

groups, 116119

states, 116119


web content, 203205

web services, 214217

OData services, 218219

white box tests, 306. See also unit tests

Wii console, 10

Win32, 35

Windows, history of, 28

Windows 7 operating system, 11

Windows 8 applications, 1214

design guidelines, 14, 19

connected and alive, 19

contracts, 16

fast and fluid, 15

snap and scale, 15

tiles, 1719

tools, 20

Blend, 21

C#/XAML, 2425

C++/XAML, 2324

HTML5/JavaScript, 2223

JavaScript/HTML5, 2223

Visual Studio 2012, 20

XAML/C#, 2425

XAML/C++, 2324

Windows 8 operating system, 12

setting up, 3031

dual boot install, 3235

full install, 32

virtual machine install, 35

Windows App Certification Kit, 332334

Windows Registry, 54

Windows Runtime Component template (Visual Studio 2012), 41

Windows Store, 12-14, 317318

advertising, 328329

business models, 323328

discovering applications, 318321

preparing your application for, 329

control, keeping end user in, 330

global audience, accessibility to, 330

identify and understand, making application easy to, 331

predictable behavior, 330

value to end user, providing, 329

reach (product), 322323

simulator, 326

submission process, 331, 336

unit testing framework, 307311

Windows App Certification Kit, 332334

Windows Store applications. See Windows 8 applications

WinRT (Windows Runtime), 1, 1214, 26

brokered API calls, 14

direct calls to underlying kernel, 14

projection, 13

WNS (Windows Notification Service), 242250

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 7, 27, 61

WrapGrid layout control, 94

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 215


XAML/C#, 2425

XAML/C++, 2324

XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language), 7, 6162

built-in controls, 107109

data binding, 7378

value converters, 7880

declaring the UI, 6264

attached properties, 7072

dependency properties, 6770

visual tree, 6467

layout, 88

Canvas layout control, 88

ContentControl layout control, 9798

FlipView layout control, 106

Grid layout control, 9091

GridView layout control, 102105

ItemsControl layout control, 99

ListBox layout control, 106

ListView layout control, 105

ScrollViewer layout control, 99

StackPanel layout control, 9294

VariableSizedWrapGrid layout control, 96

ViewBox layout control, 100102

WrapGrid layout control, 94

namespaces, 63

resources, 8587

static resource, 79

storyboards, 8084

styles, 8587

templates, 104105

user interface (UI), creating, 4243

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