PMP Practice Exam

Test-Taking Tips

When you sit for the PMP certification examination, there will be 200 multiple-choice questions, and you will have up to four hours to complete the examination. This breaks down to 50 questions per hour and gives you a little more than 1 minute per question. The practice exam included in this book is also 200 questions and simulates the questions you will see on the real exam. Not all questions require equal time. Don’t agonize over every question. Read the question and each possible answer in its entirety prior to selecting an answer. Select the best answer to each question based on the response that seems to adhere to the PMBOK and PMI.

More than one answer might seem plausible and correct. Select the best answer from those provided rather than aiming for the “correct” answer. In some cases, multiple choices among the available answers might seem equally valid, so it is important to rule out obviously incorrect choices to narrow your options.

If more than one answer seems logical, look for an answer that includes both responses. Sometimes the exam presents choices such as “Both X and Y,” “Neither X nor Y,” “All of the above,” and “None of the above.” Just because a question has a choice that includes multiple answers does not mean it is the correct answer. Some of the choices can be tricky in this regard.

Many of the available choices include terminology, concepts, and processes endorsed by the PMBOK and PMI. Just because you recognize a term does not mean that it is the correct answer. The exam uses terms in similar contexts to ensure that you thoroughly understand and can apply the material. Be sure to read each question carefully to avoid any confusion about terminology or process names.

In your response to every test question, you should strive to select the best answer, based on how you believe PMI and the PMBOK would respond to the question and not necessarily from your own project management experience. The best answer as determined by PMI is provided as one of the four possible responses.

Be suspicious of answers offering definitive responses such as never and always. Some answers might tout non-PMI methods and reflect common project management misconceptions. Some answers might offer information that is correct but that is not pertinent to the question at hand and is simply included to confuse you. Similarly, some questions might contain factually correct information that has no bearing on the possible answers. If you do not have a firm grasp of the material and immediately know the best answer, you can waste valuable test time trying to figure out a way to use and apply irrelevant information. This is particularly tricky when mathematical calculations are requested in response to an examination question. Remember that the purpose of this exam is to measure your ability to understand and apply the PMI methodology, not your past experiences as a project manager. Whenever there is a discrepancy between your experience and the PMBOK, go with the PMBOK answer.

It is important to apply the same test conditions to taking this practice exam as you expect to experience on the day of the actual test. Be aware of your time to avoid having to rush at the end to complete the examination. You should leave adequate time to review any responses you are unsure of and/or to return to unanswered questions. If you are spending more than 1 minute on a question, it is better to skip over the question and mark it for review later than to agonize over the question and lose the opportunity to answer other questions to which you know the answers.

During the actual computerized exam, you can mark questions for later review and/or make multiple passes through the exam. Mark every question you are unsure of even if you have selected an answer. This approach saves you time when you review your responses because you do not need to review any unmarked questions. If on a second review you determine an answer, unmark the question. Continue this process of going through all the marked questions until they all have answers or you are nearing the end of the allotted time period.

Save the last 20 minutes or so of the test to finalize any unmarked answers and ensure that you have provided an answer to each question. For the practice test, if you adhere to the suggested 1-minute-per-question rule of thumb, you have 10 minutes to review your answers and respond to any marked questions. On the actual exam day, try to make a best guess by ruling out definitely wrong answers, as described earlier. Select an answer for each question even if you have to guess. Ruling out obviously wrong answers as discussed earlier is extremely valuable because it increases your chances of guessing from the remaining answers that are plausible. For example, if you can rule out two of four answers as obviously wrong, then you have a 50% chance of guessing the correct answer. There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so make sure to answer all questions if at all possible.

Exam Topics

The PMP certification examination tests for knowledge in the five project management process groups. In addition, questions that relate to the area of professional responsibility are included within each process group. The project management process groups are

Image Initiating

Image Planning

Image Executing

Image Monitoring and Controlling

Image Closing

Exam Questions

1. You are a project manager working for a large utility company. You have managed many successful projects and have decided to pursue the PMP certification. After studying the processes in the monitoring and controlling process group, you find that the PMI processes differ a lot from the processes you currently use in your own organization. The processes your organization uses work very well, and you are confused about the PMI approach. To answer questions on the PMP exam, you should

Image A. Use your experience with managing projects, along with the information in the PMBOK.

Image B. Use your experience as a project manager to find the best answers.

Image C. Use the PMBOK as the primary resource and use your experience as a project manager to apply the PMBOK knowledge.

Image D. Use the PMBOK information only. No other information is relevant.

2. To study for the PMP exam, you decide to join a study group. At the first meeting, another student offers to share some “actual, live questions” from the PMP exam. What should you do?

Image A. Study with the real questions

Image B. Report the study group to PMI

Image C. Leave the study group

Image D. Find out where the student got the questions and report the source to PMI

3. While building your project team, you decide to include a business analyst with extensive experience in implementing, using, and managing tasks with the new chosen accounting software. This individual has managed and participated in other projects that are similar and knows how to work well with users, technical personnel, and management to get the software up and running. Your choice to include this individual is due to the fact he possesses expertise in which PMI knowledge area?

Image A. General management knowledge and skills

Image B. Interpersonal skills

Image C. Application area specific knowledge and standards

Image D. Software implementation

4. Which quality management tool would be used to determine potential causes of a production problem?

Image A. Control chart

Image B. Fishbone diagram

Image C. Scatter diagram

Image D. Histogram

5. Smoothing out resource requirements from period to period is called

Image A. Allocation

Image B. Partitioning

Image C. Leveling

Image D. Quantification

6. At what point in a project do you have the highest probability that it will fail?

Image A. The beginning of the project

Image B. After the initial project plan is published but before work actually begins

Image C. After the halfway point of the project is reached

Image D. Just before the end of the project

7. You have just completed the collect requirements and define scope processes. What should you do next?

Image A. Validate scope

Image B. Define activities

Image C. Create WBS

Image D. Control scope

8. You have just been assigned as the project manager for a new project. You have collected the necessary input information and delivered the project charter to the stakeholders. What should you do next?

Image A. Develop the project scope statement

Image B. Get the project charter signed

Image C. Start the initial project planning process

Image D. Ask the stakeholders for resources

9. Which of the following activities is NOT concerned with identifying areas in which changes are required?

Image A. Perform integrated change control

Image B. Manage communications

Image C. Control schedule

Image D. Control quality

10. Which of the following is the same as a lump-sum contract?

Image A. Fixed-price contract

Image B. Price-fixing contract

Image C. Purchase order

Image D. All of the above

11. Which function audits quality requirements and the results from quality control measurements?

Image A. Quality control

Image B. Quality planning

Image C. Quality assurance

Image D. Quality improvement

12. A member of the project team is sabotaging the project because of a basic disagreement with functional processes. As the project manager, what should you do?

Image A. Fire the project team member

Image B. Present the problem to the appropriate management

Image C. Present the problem to the appropriate management with the suggestion that the team member be removed from the project

Image D. Present the problem to the appropriate management with a demand to fire the team member

13. Which factor has the greatest effect on the way a project manager sends and receives information?

Image A. How others relate to the project manager

Image B. The project manager’s level in the organization

Image C. The size of the project

Image D. The project manager’s salary and age

14. How do you calculate the expected value of an outcome?

Image A. Divide the value of each outcome by its probability and then sum the results

Image B. Divide the value of the desired outcome by the value of all possible outcomes

Image C. Multiply the value of each outcome by its probability and then sum the results

Image D. Use linear regression to assess the expected value of the outcome

15. You are managing a road paving project and are assessing risks to your project. You find that weather forecasters estimate that there is a 25% chance that the upcoming week will be drier than normal. This would allow your team to work more hours and save $80,000 in downtime. However, there is also a 10% chance that fuel prices will rise substantially over the next week, costing your team $45,000. What is the expected monetary value, based on these two project risks?

Image A. $24,500

Image B. $15,500

Image C. –$15,500

Image D. –$24,500

16. A lessons learned session should be held at what point in a project?

Image A. At the project conclusion

Image B. When something goes wrong

Image C. At key milestones

Image D. All of the above

17. Who is ultimately responsible for project quality control?

Image A. The project quality officer

Image B. The company quality group

Image C. The plant manager

Image D. The project manager

18. Which of the following activities is NOT part of the acquisition process?

Image A. Source selection

Image B. Invitation to bid

Image C. Contract award

Image D. Notice to proceed

19. While in the executing phase of a project, a functional manager informs you that he will not have sufficient resources available next month to support your project and two other projects. How should you handle this situation?

Image A. Ask the functional manager to make the decision about which project to support

Image B. Ask the functional manager to work with his management to prioritize the work

Image C. Ask your sponsor to meet with the functional manager

Image D. Ask the functional manager to set up a meeting with you and the other project managers to work out the problem yourselves

20. You are the project manager for a building project and have just received notice that a vendor is completing a large portion of the project. You have heard a rumor that the vendor is losing many of its workers due to labor issues. With the rumored information, what should you do?

Image A. Suspend work with the vendor until the labor issues are resolved

Image B. Contact the vendor to talk about the rumor

Image C. Pursue another vendor to replace the current vendor

Image D. Negotiate with the labor union to secure the workers on your project

21. Which of the following types of communication is least desirable to explain to a team member why his or her performance is substandard?

Image A. Project office memo

Image B. Counseling session

Image C. Project team meeting

Image D. Formal letter

22. The ultimate way to ensure successful quality control is by

Image A. Outsourcing the quality function

Image B. Making the quality department report to facilities

Image C. Making quality a priority at the organizational level

Image D. Playing a movie about quality in the auditorium

23. One of your project deliverables is to perform a post-implementation review of the water treatment plant you just delivered. You have been asked to do what?

Image A. Present all the lessons learned

Image B. Meet with the project sponsor to discuss what could have been improved in your project

Image C. Investigate and report on the plan performance and maintenance requirements

Image D. Meet with your project team and discuss plant support options

24. The delay between the start/finish of one activity and the start/finish of another activity is referred to as

Image A. Slack

Image B. Free float

Image C. Lag

Image D. Total float

25. Which style of leadership is a project manager demonstrating by allowing the team to make the majority of the decisions?

Image A. Laissez-faire

Image B. Boss centered

Image C. Subordinate centered

Image D. Autocratic

26. Which of the following activities is NOT an element of procurement management?

Image A. Purchasing

Image B. Expenditure

Image C. Marketing

Image D. Inspection

27. You are the project manager for a project and have received overall cost estimates from three vendors. One of the estimates is significantly higher than similar project work in the past. In this scenario, you should do which of the following?

Image A. Ask the other vendors about the higher estimate from the third vendor

Image B. Use the cost estimates from the historical information

Image C. Discuss the issue with the vendor that submitted the high cost before reviewing the issue with the other vendors

Image D. Ask the vendor that supplied the high estimate for information on how the estimate was prepared

28. What should a project manager do to determine whether a team member correctly understands a message?

Image A. Reduce the filtering

Image B. Eliminate barriers

Image C. Obtain feedback

Image D. Use more than one medium

29. The critical path

Image A. Has the greatest degree of risk

Image B. Will elongate the project if the activities on this path take longer than anticipated

Image C. Must be completed before all other paths

Image D. All of the above

30. You are the project manager of a project that just went into integration mode. This means that your project

Image A. Is still running but missing resources

Image B. Will be closed due to lack of resources

Image C. Is having resources assigned to other areas of the business

Image D. Has been accepted by the sponsor and the client

31. The project charter includes

Image A. Measurable project objectives

Image B. A summary milestone schedule

Image C. Project approval requirements

Image D. All of the above

32. You are the project manager of a project that just went into extinction. This means that your project

Image A. Is still running but missing resources

Image B. Will be closed due to lack of resources

Image C. Has had resources assigned to other areas of the business

Image D. Has ended before its stated objective

33. Your customer authorizes and funds a scope change that results in a major change to the schedule. The baseline schedule

Image A. Now becomes the new schedule, including the changes, and the original baseline is disregarded

Image B. Is still the original baseline but is annotated to reflect that a change has taken place

Image C. Is amended to reflect the scope change, but the original baseline is still maintained for post-project review

Image D. Is meaningless because every schedule update changes the baseline

34. The customer of your project has requested that you inflate your cost estimates by 25%. He tells you that his management always reduces the cost of the estimates, so this is the only way to get the budget needed to complete the project. Which of the following is the best response to this situation?

Image A. Do as the customer asked to ensure that the project requirements can be met by adding the increase as a contingency reserve.

Image B. Do as the customer asked to ensure that the project requirements can be met by adding the increase across each task.

Image C. Do as the customer asked by creating an estimate for the customer’s management and another for the actual project implementation.

Image D. Complete an accurate estimate of the project. In addition, create a risk assessment on why the project budget would be inadequate.

35. How do you calculate the earned value (EV) for a task that has just been completed?

Image A. Multiply the actual hours worked on the project by the budgeted labor rate.

Image B. Multiply the budgeted hours to complete the task by the budgeted labor rate.

Image C. Divide the actual hours required to complete the task by the budgeted labor rate.

Image D. It cannot be determined.

36. You are the project manager of a project that just went into inclusion mode. This means that your project

Image A. Is still running but missing is resources

Image B. Will be closed due to lack of resources

Image C. Has become part of the business processes

Image D. Has been accepted by the sponsor and the client

37. A project is

Image A. An organized group of activities arranged to fulfill single and multiple objectives

Image B. Related activities coordinated to accomplish a generic goal

Image C. Beginning-to-end activities that are to be accomplished in a specific time frame and utilizes various resources

Image D. An undertaking with a specific time frame and well-defined objectives that utilizes various types of resources within constraints

38. What is the impact to a project if an activity is crashed by two weeks?

Image A. The project’s schedule will be reduced by two weeks.

Image B. The available slack on the noncritical paths will increase.

Image C. A new critical path might appear after the crash.

Image D. All of the above.

39. Quality assurance

Image A. Is the prevention of product defects

Image B. Is an auditing function that provides feedback about the quality of output being produced

Image C. Is the technical process that results in control charts that specify acceptability limits for conforming output

Image D. Both A and B

40. During which phase in the project life cycle are most of the project expenses generally incurred?

Image A. Initiating phase

Image B. Planning phase

Image C. Executing phase

Image D. Closing phase

41. Administrative closure refers to the tasks involved in

Image A. Validating the project products and services

Image B. Collecting user acceptance of the project product or service

Image C. Closing all activities pertaining to a specific project or phase

Image D. None of the above

42. Product validation pertains to

Image A. All the activities that ensure that the products and services delivered are in line with quality requirements

Image B. All the activities that ensure that the products and services delivered are in line with project deliverables and sponsor and client satisfaction

Image C. All activities that verify tangible assets

Image D. Both A and C

43. The main goal of having lessons learned is to

Image A. Keep the names of the team for posterity

Image B. Close all open contracts

Image C. Record variances and the mental state behind corrective and preventive actions taken

Image D. Record all the qualitative reasoning behind corrective and preventive actions taken in the project

44. The difference between the earned value (EV) and planned value (PV) is referred to as the

Image A. Schedule variance

Image B. Cost variance

Image C. Estimate at completion

Image D. Actual cost of the work performed

45. Which of the following is most likely to become a source of conflict among members of a project team?

Image A. Performance trade-offs

Image B. Ambiguity of roles

Image C. Administrative procedures

Image D. Determination of earned value

46. You have been assigned as the project manager for a project that takes place in a country that is not where you are from. The project leader from the other country presents a team of workers that are all from his family. What should you do?

Image A. Reject the team leader’s recommendations and build your own project team.

Image B. Review the resume and qualifications of the proposed project team before approving the team.

Image C. Determine whether the country’s traditions include hiring from the immediate family before hiring from outside the family.

Image D. Replace the project leader with an impartial project leader.

47. When can conflict be beneficial?

Image A. When a diversion is needed

Image B. When conflict situations are in their early stages and emotional involvement is low

Image C. When conflict situations are in their late stages and emotional involvement is high

Image D. When conflict might cause a loss of status or position power

48. What is the main reason for making sure all procurements are closed at the end of a project?

Image A. Materials must be returned.

Image B. Contractors need to return all excess materials.

Image C. Contracts are legally binding.

Image D. You would like to avoid any penalties.

49. Work performance data is

Image A. Considered a necessity for entering a contract

Image B. Required as part of the vendor performance evaluation

Image C. Needed only for contracts in distress

Image D. An output from the direct and manage project work process

50. Your project team is working with a vendor to correct some programming errors found during user acceptance testing. The decision is made to work through lunch and order take-out. When the food is delivered, the vendor says the bill has been taken care of. What do you do?

Image A. You accept and thank the vendor for your lunch.

Image B. You accept and tell him you will pay for lunch for everyone tomorrow.

Image C. You keep working and pretend you did not hear what the vendor said.

Image D. You decline and pay for your own meal.

51. What does a statement of work (SOW) identify?

Image A. The business need for the project

Image B. The project or product requirements

Image C. The strategic plan

Image D. All of the above

52. As a project manager, you direct the performance of all planned project activities and manage the technical and organizational resources available to and interacting with your project. Your work is performed in conjunction with whom?

Image A. The external project sponsor

Image B. The project management team

Image C. Both A and B

Image D. Neither A nor B

53. The earned value technique (EVT) measures project performance from project initiation through which of the following phases?

Image A. Planning

Image B. Executing

Image C. Monitoring and controlling

Image D. Closing

54. Which of the following is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be performed by a project team?

Image A. Organizational breakdown structure (OBS)

Image B. Milestone schedule

Image C. Work breakdown structure (WBS)

Image D. Master schedule

55. In communications, which of the following is described as “assimilating through the mind or senses (as in new ideas)”?

Image A. Understanding

Image B. Communicating

Image C. Receiving

Image D. Decoding

56. Which of the following is the best long-lasting approach to settling project conflict?

Image A. Problem solving

Image B. Compromise

Image C. Withdrawal

Image D. Smoothing

57. Your project is ahead of schedule. Management decides to incorporate additional quality testing into the project to improve the quality and acceptability of the project deliverable. What activity does this action exhibit?

Image A. Scope creep

Image B. Change control

Image C. Quality assurance

Image D. Integrated change control

58. ____________ is the subdivision of project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components. The final product categorizes project deliverables at the work package level.

Image A. Baselining

Image B. Critical path mapping

Image C. Decomposition

Image D. Resource leveling

59. You are the project manager for a research organization and have just been alerted that new legislation will affect your project and change your project scope. What should you do?

Image A. Create a documented change request

Image B. Proceed as planned, assuming that the project will be grandfathered beyond the new change in the law

Image C. Consult with the project sponsor and stakeholders

Image D. Stop all project work until the issue is resolved

60. Applying sound project management techniques guarantees that

Image A. Budget will be met.

Image B. Schedule will be met.

Image C. The project will be a success.

Image D. None of the above.

61. One component of the scope baseline for a project is

Image A. The preliminary project scope

Image B. The approved preliminary project scope

Image C. The project scope statement

Image D. The approved project scope statement

62. A project is a(n) __________ endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.

Image A. Permanent

Image B. Temporary

Image C. Ongoing

Image D. None of the above

63. Which of the following can best assist a project manager during project execution?

Image A. Stakeholder analysis

Image B. Change control board

Image C. A PMIS

Image D. Verification of scope

64. With respect to integrated change control, what must the project manager ensure is present?

Image A. Supporting detail for the change

Image B. Approval of the change from the project team

Image C. Approval of the change from an SME

Image D. Risk assessment for each proposed change

65. You are the project manager for a project to design and implement a new accounting application. Management has requested that you document any changes or enhancements to the technical attributes of the project deliverable. Which one of the following would satisfy management’s request?

Image A. Configuration management

Image B. Integrated change control

Image C. Scope control

Image D. Change management plan

66. The risk of project failure is highest during which phase of a project?

Image A. Initiating

Image B. Planning

Image C. Executing

Image D. Controlling

67. The cost of changes to project scope generally do which of the following over the life cycle of a project?

Image A. Increase

Image B. Decrease

Image C. Stabilize

Image D. None of the above

68. Project cost and project staffing resources follow a typical pattern during the life cycle of a project. Which of the following is common?

Image A. Cost and staffing levels are high at the beginning of the project, stabilize during the middle phases of the project, and drop rapidly toward project closing.

Image B. Cost and staffing levels are high at the beginning of the project, are high during the middle phases of the project, and drop rapidly toward project closing.

Image C. Cost and staffing levels are low at the beginning of the project, peak during the middle phases of the project, and drop rapidly toward project closing.

Image D. Cost and staffing levels are low at the beginning of the project, rise during the middle phases of the project, and peak toward project closing.

69. An organization comprising a full-time project manager with moderate project authority and a full-time project management administrative staff is an example of what type of structure?

Image A. Functional

Image B. Weak matrix

Image C. Strong matrix

Image D. Projectized

70. One type of progressive elaboration occurs when the work to be performed in the near term is planned in detail while work scheduled for further out is defined at only a high level in the work breakdown structure (WBS). As a task draws nearer, the amount of detail for the task is further defined. Which of the following terms defines this type of progressive elaboration?

Image A. Activity sequencing

Image B. Precedence diagramming method (PDM)

Image C. Activity-on-node (AON)

Image D. Rolling wave planning

71. What is the most common precedence relationship used in the precedence diagramming method (PDM)?

Image A. Finish-to-start

Image B. Finish-to-finish

Image C. Start-to-finish

Image D. Start-to-start

72. As the project manager for a project with an international team, you are about to enter negotiations with foreign vendors. Where do you find what business practices are allowed and discouraged?

Image A. The project charter

Image B. The project plan

Image C. Organizational process assets

Image D. The PMP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

73. Which of the following is NOT a type of dependency available in activity sequencing?

Image A. Discretionary dependencies

Image B. External dependencies

Image C. Chronological dependencies

Image D. Mandatory dependencies

74. When a scheduled activity cannot be estimated with an adequate degree of certainty, the work within the activity can be decomposed. The resource requirements for each lower, more detailed work package can be estimated and aggregated to form a basis for estimating the overarching scheduled activity. What is this type of estimating called?

Image A. Bottom-up estimating

Image B. Decomposed estimating

Image C. Should-cost estimating

Image D. Three-point estimating

75. You have been assigned two concurrent projects. Because of the nature of the projects, you have a conflict of interest. You should

Image A. Do the best you can and tell no one

Image B. Ask to be removed from one of the projects

Image C. Ask to be removed from both of the projects

Image D. Inform your sponsor and ask for her advice

76. Cost control of a project entails determining and evaluating which of the following factors?

Image A. The cause of a cost variance

Image B. The magnitude of a cost variance

Image C. Both A and B

Image D. Neither A nor B

77. Which of the following activities is NOT included in configuration management?

Image A. Controlling changes to the project deliverables

Image B. Scope verification

Image C. Automatic change request approvals

Image D. Identification of the attributes of the project deliverables

78. You are the project manager for a performance analysis project for a client’s database application. Your client provides you with a test database to use for your analysis. The IT director for your organization disagrees with the database provided by the client and tells you to use a different database with different data that should give better results. This is a violation of the SOW. What should you do?

Image A. Use the client’s database

Image B. Use the replacement database without telling the customer

Image C. Use the replacement database and discuss the reasons with the customer

Image D. Ask your sponsor for clarification, assuming that the IT director is not your sponsor

79. Which set of tools is part of the project plan execution?


Image B. General management skills, status review meetings, EVM

Image C. General management skills, status review meetings, work authorization systems

Image D. General management skills, status review meetings, EVM

80. Planned value (PV) is

Image A. The budgeted cost for work scheduled to be completed on an activity up to a specific time

Image B. The budgeted cost for the work actually completed on the schedule activity during a specific time period

Image C. The total cost for work on the schedule activity during a specific time period

Image D. None of the above

81. A cost performance index (CPI) value less than 1.0 indicates that a project has which of the following?

Image A. An overrun of the cost estimates

Image B. An underrun of the cost estimates

Image C. Neither a cost overrun nor a cost underrun

Image D. None of the above

82. Which of the following requires a concise definition of the end users’ needs?

Image A. Work breakdown structure

Image B. Budget estimate

Image C. Functional requirements

Image D. Risk register

83. You are managing a project using the earned value technique (EVT) for cost management. The project planned value (PV) is $200,000. The project earned value (EV) is $100,000. The actual value (AV) is $150,000. What is the schedule variance (SV) for the project?

Image A. 100,000

Image B. –100,000

Image C. 50,000

Image D. –50,000

84. EVM is used during which process group(s)?

Image A. Controlling

Image B. Executing

Image C. Closing

Image D. Entire project

85. To maintain the customer’s schedule, substantial overtime will be required during a traditional holiday season. Many team members have requested vacation during this time. You should

Image A. Let the schedule slip and inform the customer

Image B. First give the team members the choice of working overtime

Image C. Make the team members cancel their vacation plans and work overtime

Image D. Acquire temporary employees for the overtime

86. Which of the following is a business philosophy to find methods to continuously improve products, services, and business practices?

Image A. TQM

Image B. ASQ

Image C. QA

Image D. QC

87. You’re managing a project using the earned value technique (EVT) for cost management. The project planned value (PV) is $200,000. The project earned value (EV) is $100,000. The actual value (AV) is $150,000. Calculate the cost performance index (CPI) for the project. What is the cost-efficiency of the project?

Image A. Over budget

Image B. Under budget

Image C. On budget

Image D. Unable to determine from the information given

88. You’re managing a project using the earned value technique (EVT) for cost management. The project planned value (PV) is $200,000. The project earned value (EV) is $100,000. The actual value (AV) is $150,000. What is the schedule performance index (SPI) for the project?

Image A. 0.5

Image B. 1.5

Image C. 1.75

Image D. 2

89. Monitoring project activities and results to evaluate whether the findings comply with applicable quality standards as well as identifying mitigation strategies are _________ activities.

Image A. Quality assessment

Image B. Quality assurance

Image C. Quality control

Image D. Quality improvement

90. You are the project manager for a project requiring that quality maps to federal guidelines. During a quality audit, you discover that a portion of the project work is faulty and must be done again. The requirement to redo the work is an example of which of the following?

Image A. Cost of quality

Image B. Cost of adherence

Image C. Cost of nonconformance

Image D. Cost of doing business

91. Which of the following techniques is the best for most project management situations?

Image A. Confronting

Image B. Compromising

Image C. Forcing

Image D. Avoidance

92. Ishikawa diagrams are also known as

Image A. Cause-and-effect diagrams

Image B. Scatter diagrams

Image C. Fishbone diagrams

Image D. Both A and C

93. A Pareto diagram is a type of

Image A. Cause-and-effect diagram

Image B. Control chart

Image C. Histogram

Image D. Scatter diagram

94. Project communication planning includes which of the following tasks?

Image A. Determining and limiting who will communicate with whom and who will receive what information

Image B. Combining the type and format of information needed with an analysis of the value of the information for communication

Image C. Understanding how communication affects a project as a whole

Image D. All of the above

95. The complete review of a seller’s technical performance, cost performance, and delivery schedule is referred to as

Image A. Project or phase evaluation

Image B. Contract evaluation

Image C. Postmortem

Image D. Seller performance evaluation

96. The procurement closing of a project dictates that

Image A. All project monies have been spent

Image B. No budget category amounts have been exceeded

Image C. No other work from this client will be considered

Image D. No further charges can be made against the project

97. Which of the following is an example of coercive power?

Image A. A project manager has lunch with the project team on the same day each week.

Image B. A project manager openly punishes any team member who is late with an activity.

Image C. A project manager has worked with the technology on the project for several years.

Image D. A project manager is friends with all the project team members.

98. While managing a project, you find that the project customer and a team member are in conflict over the level of quality needed on a sample. You decide to split the difference between what the two stakeholders want. This is an example of which of the following?

Image A. A win–win solution

Image B. A win–lose solution

Image C. A lose–lose solution

Image D. A leave–lose solution

99. You are the project manager for a project with a very tight schedule. Because the project is running late, you feel that you do not have time to consider all the possible solutions due to a disagreement between two team members. You quickly decide to side with the team member who has the greater seniority. This is an example of which of the following?

Image A. Problem solving

Image B. Compromising

Image C. Forcing

Image D. Withdrawal

100. The most important decision for the sponsors to make during the close project or phase process is

Image A. Allocating budget allocations for the next phase

Image B. Authorizing scope changes for the next phase

Image C. Authorizing budget increases for the next phase based on scope changes

Image D. Cancelling the project

101. Historical records collected during closing are useful to do what for future projects?

Image A. Predict trends and highlight issues

Image B. Analyze successes and shortfalls

Image C. Analyze strengths and document results

Image D. Justify results and set standards

102. In small organizations, project managers and functional managers are

Image A. Never the same person

Image B. Generally the same person

Image C. Sometimes the same person

Image D. Always subordinate to the project initiator

103. Which of the following is an accurate statement?

Image A. Qualitative risk analysis occurs prior to quantitative risk analysis.

Image B. Quantitative risk analysis occurs prior to qualitative risk analysis.

Image C. Qualitative risk analysis is performed on risks that have been prioritized during quantitative risk analysis.

Image D. Both B and C.

104. The project charter

Image A. Is a good thing to have to enter restricted areas

Image B. Tells the newspapers when the project will end

Image C. Authorizes equipment acquisition

Image D. Provides a high-level definition of the effort and its stakeholders

105. Scorecard modeling, cost–benefit analysis, payback periods, and internal rate of return are examples of

Image A. Project selection methods

Image B. Enterprise benefits measurement methods used in selecting a project

Image C. Ways to ensure stakeholder commitment

Image D. Integral parts of the statement of work

106. What is the primary purpose of project control?

Image A. To plan ahead for uncertainties

Image B. To generate status reports

Image C. To keep the project on track

Image D. To develop the project road map

107. An activity was estimated to require one month for completion, with 800 hours of labor and a burdened cost of $47,000. The activity was completed in 800 hours but at a higher burdened cost of $58,000. What is the most likely reason for the increase?

Image A. Higher-salaried employees were assigned to the activity than planned

Image B. Overtime was required

Image C. The overhead rate increased

Image D. Any of the above

108. Project scope

Image A. Defines all the equipment that will be used in a project

Image B. Is a document that identifies stakeholder responsibilities

Image C. Is part of the project charter

Image D. Defines at a high level the project execution framework and its deliverables

109. Which one of the following will result in the most productive results when negotiating?

Image A. Yielding

Image B. Forcing

Image C. Collaborating

Image D. Compromising

110. Which of the following is an output of the control communications process?

Image A. Trend analysis

Image B. EVM

Image C. Variance analysis

Image D. Change requests

111. Project success can be achieved only if

Image A. The project manager is an expert in managing resources.

Image B. The project manager is part of the executive management team.

Image C. There is a clear link between the project deliverables and the business strategy.

Image D. The project sponsor leads the initiatives.

112. Reaching an agreement of concessions is accomplished in the _____ stage of negotiations.

Image A. Protocol

Image B. Posturing

Image C. Bargaining

Image D. Closure

113. The two processes in the closing process group are called

Image A. Close procurements and validate scope

Image B. Validate scope and close project or phase

Image C. Close project or phase and close procurements

Image D. Control communications and close procurements

114. The project management plan is

Image A. The steps needed to complete a project task

Image B. Prepared at the beginning and fixed throughout the execution of a project

Image C. Not needed until resources have been assigned

Image D. An outline that identifies all the steps and processes that will be used after a project is initiated

115. In what process group does source selection happen?

Image A. Initiating

Image B. Planning

Image C. Executing

Image D. Closing

116. Which of the following is NOT an input to the control procurements process?

Image A. Work performance reports

Image B. Source selection criteria

Image C. Approved change requests

Image D. Agreements

117. What is the primary function of a project manager?

Image A. Systems design

Image B. Client interfacing

Image C. Quality assurance

Image D. Integration

118. What does fast tracking mean?

Image A. Speeding up a project by performing some activities in parallel

Image B. Swapping one activity for another

Image C. Reducing the number of activities, if possible

Image D. Both B and C

119. The work breakdown structure is

Image A. A list of all the tasks needed to complete a meeting

Image B. Needed as part of the project charter

Image C. Set and does not change throughout the project

Image D. Used to break down a project into manageable pieces

120. Which two of the following knowledge areas are part of closing?

Image A. Project communications management and project risk management

Image B. Project integration management and project scope management

Image C. Project scope management and project procurement management

Image D. Project integration management and project procurement management

121. Which of the following situations describes a violation of the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct?

Image A. Accepting a gift that is within the customary guidelines of the country or province you are currently working in

Image B. Using confidential information to advance your position or influence a critical decision

Image C. Complying with laws and regulations of the state or province in which project management services are provided

Image D. Disclosing information to a customer about a situation that might have an appearance of impropriety

122. At what point in a project does administrative closure take place?

Image A. When the project is cancelled

Image B. At the completion of each phase

Image C. Only when the project is complete or cancelled

Image D. As management sees fit

123. The project baseline

Image A. Encompass all the initial estimates for tasks and resource utilization

Image B. Is important only in the project initiation phase

Image C. Is the result of the original plans plus the approved changes

Image D. Is not needed to successfully manage a project

For Questions 124–126, use the following network diagram:


124. What would be the early start for activity H?

Image A. 11

Image B. 10

Image C. 4

Image D. 6

125. What is the critical path?

Image A. Start–A–D–G–Finish

Image B. Start–B–F–Finish

Image C. Start–C–E–H–Finish

126. Which project schedule represents the tasks outlined in the network diagram?

Image A. Image

Image B. Image

Image C. Image

127. Which of the following is NOT a good input to project cost estimation?

Image A. Work breakdown structures

Image B. Time estimates

Image C. Earn value analysis

Image D. Schedules

128. The major difference between project and functional management is that the project manager generally does not have control over which function?

Image A. Cost allocation

Image B. Staffing

Image C. Rewarding

Image D. Monitoring

129. Which of the following cost budgeting tools uses current and historical project information to calculate project cost estimates?

Image A. Cost cancellation techniques

Image B. Reserves analysis

Image C. Parametric estimating

Image D. Funding limit reconciliation

130. Which of the following is NOT an element of procurement management?

Image A. Inspection

Image B. Purchasing

Image C. Estimating

Image D. Expediting

131. Which tool is useful in determining what causes the majority of quality problems in a process?

Image A. Cause-and-effect diagram

Image B. Flowchart

Image C. Control chart

Image D. Pareto diagram

132. In the PMI realm, who is ultimately responsible for project quality?

Image A. Project team

Image B. Project manager

Image C. Quality assurance manager

Image D. Validation engineer

133. The process in which detailed resource assignments and responsibilities are formalized is called

Image A. Develop project management plan

Image B. Plan quality management

Image C. Develop project charter

Image D. Plan human resource management

134. How many communication channels will be required in a project in which 30 individuals are participating?

Image A. 150

Image B. 270

Image C. 444

Image D. 435

135. Which of the following terms describes the process of gathering, generating, and disseminating project information upon project completion?

Image A. Close project

Image B. Close project or phase

Image C. Administrative closure

Image D. Operational transfer

136. You are completing the closeout of a project to design a storage facility. The procurement contract is a cost-plus-incentive-fee contract. The target cost is $400,000, with an 8% target profit. However, the project comes in at $360,000. The incentive split is 75/25. How much is the total contract cost?

Image A. $410,000

Image B. $432,000

Image C. $442,000

Image D. $382,000

137. Who has the ultimate responsibility for making sure that a message in the project team is understood?

Image A. The project sponsor

Image B. The sender

Image C. The project coordinator

Image D. All of the above

138. Sound project objectives should be

Image A. General rather than specific

Image B. Established without considering resource bounds

Image C. Realistic and attainable

Image D. Measurable, intangible, and verifiable

139. The intent of the project risk management knowledge area is to

Image A. Underwrite all the risks affecting the company

Image B. Announce project risks

Image C. Address and implement how risk will be identified and mitigated

Image D. Increase the probability of positive outcomes in the project

140. Quality control is normally performed by

Image A. QA personnel

Image B. The project team

Image C. Operations personnel

Image D. Project management

141. As of today, $1,000 worth of planned work on Task A was supposed to have been done (PV). However, currently the EV is $850. What is the schedule variance (SV)?

Image A. –100

Image B. 100

Image C. –150

Image D. 150

142. Which one of these is NOT a typical way to deal with negative threats?

Image A. Avoid

Image B. Transfer

Image C. Mitigate

Image D. Share

143. Which of the following is a recognized contract type in the PMI context?

Image A. Fixed-price or lump-sum contract

Image B. Cost-reimbursable contract

Image C. Time-and-materials contract

Image D. All of the above

144. Which one of these is NOT used when preparing a statement of work?

Image A. Project scope statement

Image B. Work breakdown structure

Image C. Risk management plan

Image D. WBS dictionary

145. When a project manager receives a project change request, she should

Image A. Send it to the change control board for approval

Image B. Discuss it with the project team and leave it for phase 2

Image C. Evaluate its risk and potential impact before taking any action

Image D. None of the above

146. Which of the following is NOT part of the definition of quality?

Image A. Conformance to requirements

Image B. Fitness for use

Image C. Continuous improvement of products and services

Image D. Appeal to the customer

147. Resource leveling often affects a project by making the schedule

Image A. Shorter

Image B. Longer

Image C. More responsive to customer needs

Image D. Both A and C

148. Graphical displays of accumulated cost and labor hours, plotted as a function of time, are called

Image A. Variance reports

Image B. S curves

Image C. Trend analysis

Image D. Earned value reporting

149. The process of selecting and documenting the best approach to meet project objectives is part of

Image A. Scope baseline

Image B. Scope authorization

Image C. WBS

Image D. Scope planning

150. One method to determine how well a project is executing at a specific point in time is by using

Image A. Cost variance analysis

Image B. Historical data

Image C. Expert judgment

Image D. The cost performance index (CPI)

151. Quality assurance application in a project involves

Image A. Defining organizational quality practices

Image B. Ensuring Six Sigma compliance

Image C. Applying Pareto diagrams to project sample points

Image D. Applying organizational quality metrics to a project

152. Quality management is

Image A. Another name for recurrent inspections

Image B. Inversely related to productivity

Image C. Primarily the responsibility of management

Image D. Primarily the responsibility of the workers

153. Cost of quality is

Image A. Associated with nonconformance to specifications

Image B. Primarily caused by poor workmanship of workers

Image C. Used to determine whether a quality management program is suitable for a given project

Image D. Negligible for most large projects

154. The purpose of configuration management is to

Image A. Ensure that drawings are updated

Image B. Control change throughout a project

Image C. Control change during production

Image D. Generate engineering change proposals

155. Quality and _____ are directly related.

Image A. Productivity

Image B. Cost overruns

Image C. Scope control

Image D. Pareto diagram

156. You and your project team determine that external resources are needed. Which method would be best to secure these resources?

Image A. Acquisition

Image B. Pre-assignment

Image C. Negotiation

Image D. Contract management

157. As a project manager, you need to know how to manage conflict. Which one of the following is NOT a way to successfully manage conflict?

Image A. Problem solving

Image B. Compromising

Image C. Formal

Image D. Withdrawal

158. What type of inspection validates that quality requirements are met?

Image A. Inspection by attributes

Image B. Cyclical inspection

Image C. Quality conformance inspection

Image D. Original inspection

159. How much time should a project manager spend in communication activities?

Image A. 10%–25%

Image B. 36%–50%

Image C. 51%–69%

Image D. 70%–90%

160. Which of the following is NOT a basic element for successful communication?

Image A. Sender

Image B. Message

Image C. Analog line

Image D. Receiver

161. What is the name of the process that uses as primary inputs the procurement documents and the source selection criteria?

Image A. Plan procurement management

Image B. Conduct procurements

Image C. Control procurements

Image D. Close procurements

162. An approved corrective action is

Image A. A response to a management request

Image B. A quality management plan

Image C. A course correction to bring the project in line with the project plan

Image D. None of the above

163. Statistical cost estimating techniques that use historical data are called

Image A. Definitive

Image B. Analogy

Image C. Three-point

Image D. Parametric

164. What must management do to achieve long-term quality improvements?

Image A. Motivate the employees by using various techniques

Image B. Create a quality control department and give it authority over production

Image C. Implement a formal quality control program with worker and management involvement

Image D. Establish financial incentive packages for workers

165. A task-oriented list of activities organized into a tree is a

Image A. Detailed plan

Image B. Linear responsibility chart

Image C. Work breakdown structure

Image D. Cost account coding system

166. Fishbone diagrams, like the one in this figure, are used for


Image A. The cost management plan during project execution

Image B. Brainstorming

Image C. Finding the cause and effect in the project quality assurance process

Image D. All of the above

167. Pareto diagrams, fishbone diagrams, histograms, and Six Sigma are techniques used for implementing ___________ in a project.

Image A. Quality processes

Image B. Quality metrics

Image C. Quality control

Image D. All of the above

For Questions 168–174, use the following problem:

You are the new project manager tasked with taking over for a project manager who left six weeks ago. Some of the numbers that you find in your initial research are as follows:

Estimated project cost: $675,000

Project timeline: 24 weeks

This is week 16, and accumulated costs are $300,000. In addition, only 25% of the work has been completed.

168. What is the budget at completion?

Image A. $300,000

Image B. $168,750

Image C. $675,000

Image D. There is not enough information to determine an answer.

169. What is the planned value?

Image A. $300,000

Image B. $168,750

Image C. $389,423

Image D. $452,250

170. What is the earned value?

Image A. $300,000

Image B. $168,750

Image C. $389,453

Image D. $483,103

171. What is the cost variance?

Image A. –$250,000

Image B. –$483,103

Image C. –$289,750

Image D. –$131,250

172. What is the schedule variance?

Image A. –$157,351

Image B. –$289,750

Image C. –$283,500

Image D. There is not enough information to determine an answer.

173. What is the estimated-at-completion cost?

Image A. $1,200,000

Image B. $675,000

Image C. $3,000,000

Image D. $1,050,000

174. Because the CPI is .5625, what do we know about this project?

Image A. It can be finished on time if we crash the schedule.

Image B. We will need an extra six weeks to complete it.

Image C. The project is experiencing a cost overrun for work completed.

Image D. None of the above.

175. Uncertainty refers to a situation where

Image A. The outcomes are known and the likelihood of their occurrences is high.

Image B. The outcomes and the likelihood of their occurrences are known.

Image C. Neither the outcomes nor their likelihood of their occurrences are known.

Image D. Current states can change at any time.

176. Which of the following phrases best describes Deming’s definition of quality?

Image A. Conformance to requirements

Image B. Fitness for use

Image C. Continuous improvement of products and services

Image D. Customer focus

177. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs talks about humans’ need to satisfy various personal needs. What is the correct sequence for those needs, starting with the most basic need?

Image A. Safety, love, esteem and self-actualization, physiological

Image B. Love, physiological, safety, esteem and self-actualization

Image C. Esteem, physiological, safety, love, and self-actualization

Image D. Physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualization

178. Which of the following types of specifications identifies specific measurable capabilities or parameters for which a product can be tested during the acceptance procedure?

Image A. Performance

Image B. Functional

Image C. Technical

Image D. Baseline

179. Which leadership style would be most common in a car wash?

Image A. McGregor’s Theory Y

Image B. McGregor’s Theory X

Image C. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Image D. Ouchi’s Theory Z

180. Which phrase is most similar to business risk?

Image A. Profit and loss

Image B. Personnel turnover

Image C. Workers’ compensation

Image D. Liability insurance

181. Which of the following contract types is the same as a cost-plus contract?

Image A. Firm fixed price

Image B. Cost reimbursable

Image C. Fixed price plus incentive fee

Image D. Progress payments

182. You have chosen to crash a project to avoid penalty payments for late deliveries. To crash the project, either overtime or additional resources should be assigned to

Image A. All activities

Image B. Activities with the longest time durations

Image C. Critical path activities, beginning with the longest time duration

Image D. Activities with the greatest risk

183. Which of the following statements best describes Pareto’s law?

Image A. All problems that have measurable costs associated with them should be corrected to minimize quality control losses.

Image B. The majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of problems, and improvement efforts should be focused on those few problems.

Image C. All quality control problems should be corrected to achieve zero defects.

Image D. On average, correcting only 80% of quality control problems provides justifiable cost-effective benefits.

184. A project manager imposes judgment on a project team. Which of the following is the project manager doing?

Image A. Smoothing

Image B. Formalizing

Image C. Compromising

Image D. Forcing

185. S curves, histograms, and earn value analysis are examples of

Image A. Project justification

Image B. Capital acquisition requests

Image C. Performance reporting tools

Image D. None of the above

186. Which of the following are two procedures used to perform all the closure activities in a project or a project phase?

Image A. Management and stakeholder

Image B. Project team and stakeholder

Image C. Administrative and procurement closure

Image D. Management and procurement closure

187. You work for an organization that has no rules with regard to vendor kickbacks or special gifts. A vendor offers you a trip to Paris in exchange for your helping him get the contract with your organization. What would be the most prudent thing to do?

Image A. Accept the offer and help the vendor get the contract

Image B. Ask the vendor for an additional trip for your boss

Image C. Decline the offer and advise the vendor on the standard bidding process

Image D. Seek legal counsel before accepting the trip

188. As project manager, you offered a promotion to a team member that included a small increase in salary but substantially more responsibility. Which of the following needs would this promotion fulfill for the team member?

Image A. Monetary

Image B. Physiological

Image C. Esteem

Image D. Self-actualization

189. What is the purpose of a management reserve?

Image A. To implement additional unbudgeted scope

Image B. To compensate for inaccurate estimates

Image C. To cover major unforeseen catastrophes

Image D. To cover unforeseen problems in the project

190. You are offered a job as project manager for a fixed-cost project. At the same time, you are approached by another client to work on her project on a time-and-materials basis at a higher hourly rate. What should you do?

Image A. Tell the new client that you need some time to consider all your options before giving her an answer

Image B. Leave your current customer and start on the other project as soon as possible

Image C. Discuss the matter with your client and ask for more money

Image D. Try to squeeze in both projects without notifying anyone

191. Which of the following terms describes a formal invitation to submit a price for specified goods or services?

Image A. Request for proposal

Image B. Request for quotation

Image C. Tender invitation

Image D. Bid invitation

192. Which of the following is NOT an input to the plan quality management process?

Image A. Requirements documentation

Image B. Stakeholder register

Image C. Quality metrics

Image D. Risk register

193. As a senior leader in the project management field, you receive a voicemail message from one of your competitor’s junior project managers, asking for help in the project management discipline. What is the most appropriate course of action?

Image A. Tell the other guy to stop complaining and get a couple project management books

Image B. Decide that it is not worth the risk and ignore the call

Image C. Start working with him after hours

Image D. Talk to your supervisor and apprise her of the situation before initiating contact

194. Which of the following is a graphical display of cumulative costs and labor hours plotted against time?

Image A. Trend line

Image B. Trend analysis

Image C. S curve

Image D. Percent completion report

195. An activity not on the critical path is completed in half the scheduled time. What is the impact?

Image A. The critical path is shortened.

Image B. The slack in the path containing this activity increases.

Image C. The total cost for this activity decreases.

Image D. Resources from this activity can be assigned to other activities.

196. You are assigned to lead a corporate project with a lot of diversity and several countries participating. What is your best course of action when it comes to giving assignments and setting up the schedule?

Image A. Try to standardize all activities based on the corporate calendar

Image B. Tell management that you need to implement a PMO at corporate in order to have everyone local

Image C. Learn about communication styles and local holidays and plan for process execution across time zones

Image D. Use external consultants who are willing to work locally

197. You are in charge of a project that is going to miss the milestones that were set at the enterprise level by two weeks. What do you do?

Image A. Advise management of the revised project plan and timeline

Image B. Wait and see if management notices when you do not give an update on the item

Image C. Crash the schedule to make the deadline

Image D. Do nothing

198. A good project manager tends to __________________ above all else when it comes to active communications.

Image A. Write reports

Image B. Cold-call people

Image C. Listen

Image D. Help

199. Which of the following systems is designed to ensure the timely availability and oversight of non-personnel resources?

Image A. Inventory control

Image B. Materials management

Image C. Procurement

Image D. All of the above

200. In a fishbone diagram, where is the effect depicted?

Image A. At the right-hand end of the spine

Image B. At the end of a diagonal line

Image C. On a branch of a diagonal line

Image D. At the left-hand end of the spine

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