Chapter 10. Using Advanced Techniques

The second part of the book covered the full app development process starting with simple ideas and wireframes, turning those into designs, implementing the designs, and tying everything together with beautiful animations. Throughout the process, you relied on users to provide continuous feedback. With all the core work done, most developers consider the process done, but there are a lot of advanced techniques to learn and implement including analyzing and improving the efficiency of your layouts.

Identifying Jank

Unfortunately, development is never as easy as write it once and everything is perfect. In addition to typical bugs that cause the app to crash or misbehave, you’re also going to have performance issues to figure out. When you scroll a view and it seems to stutter or hiccup, dropping frames, the experience is bad. These hiccups are sometimes called “jank,” which is the opposite of smoothness. You want your app to be as fluid as possible, so eliminating jank can significantly improve the feel of your app.

In many cases, you will see jank but not know what is causing it. For instance, the implementation of the custom view which blurs a portion of an image in the woodworking tools app might be smooth on one device and not smooth on another, causing jank each time a new set of tool images comes into view. What’s going on here? If you have difficulty seeing jank, an easy way to help visualize it is by going into the developer options of your phone and turning on Profile GPU rendering (the past few versions of Android have the “On screen as bars” choice so that you don’t have to grab the output from adb). Go back to the app and scroll around for a bit. A graph of the rendering time will be displayed on top of the UI. The X-axis represents rendering over time and the Y-axis represents the amount of time taken for a frame. The horizontal green line is the limit (16 milliseconds); anything above that line means something is taking too long and causing jank. Figure 10.1 shows an example.


Figure 10.1 Profiling GPU rendering in real time

You should notice that there are multiple graphs on the screen; one for each “window.” One represents the status bar, one represents the navigation bar, and one represents the visible application. Some devices will show the navigation bar and application graph on top of each other, like in Figure 10.1, but you can discern between them by interacting with the app and watching the graph draw itself. The bars are also made of three colors. The purple at the base is used to indicate the draw time; this is the process of converting your draw commands into what’s called a display list. A display list is a group of OpenGL commands that have been compiled for execution. Once that’s done, the renderer has to execute the display list by communicating with the GPU, represented by the red. At the top of each line is an orange cap. Typically, that cap is small because it represents the amount of time the CPU is waiting for the GPU to acknowledge the commands, which is nearly always fast if you’re not doing any custom GPU work.

Using Systrace to Understand Jank

This is a good way to see when the problems happen and you might have some sense of what is going on as you scroll and see the spikes, but it doesn’t help much with narrowing down exactly what’s going on. That’s where the Systrace tool comes in. Systrace logs a significant amount of data about what’s going on while it is running and outputs the data as an interactive HTML file. Typically you run it for a brief time (say, 5 seconds), interacting with the app during that time to reproduce the jank, and then you analyze the created HTML file to understand what was taking so long that frames were dropped. Note that not all devices have Systrace available, so it’s best used on Nexus devices.

You may recall that in Chapter 8, “Applying the Design,” we called out the jank created during scrolling on the main screen of the app. Now it’s time to come back to that issue, track down what exactly was causing it with Systrace, and fix it. First, we know that the jank seemed most noticeable when a new item was coming onto the screen. To make this easier to test, we’re going to increase the verticalSpacing attribute in the GridView within fragment_tool_grid.xml from 16dp to 200dp. This will add enough spacing between items that only about two rows show up on a typical phone, which means two rows are off screen and can be scrolled on to create jank. One of the most important parts of fixing any bug, whether it’s a crash or just a UI hiccup, is being able to easily reproduce it so that you can verify your changes fix it.

First, we can run Systrace without making any other changes. Open Android Device Monitor (under the Tools menu and the Android submenu). You should see your device in the Devices tab on the left. Select it and then pick the confusing Systrace icon above (called out in Figure 10.2). The next window, shown in Figure 10.3, allows you to configure Systrace. Be sure to pick a reasonable name and location. The default 5 seconds and buffer size are both typically fine. You must enable application traces from the app by clicking the dropdown and pick the package name of the app if you want to use any additional logging within your app (it’s a good habit to select your app every time). If you don’t see the app, be sure that you’ve selected the correct device and you’ve installed a debug version of the app (the default build type in Android Studio is a debug build).


Figure 10.2 The Systrace icon in Android Device Monitor


Figure 10.3 The Systrace configuration dialog

Systrace works by tracking the starting and stopping points of events. The events are identified by strings called tags. Android has several built in that are enabled by default as well as some advanced ones that are typically off. For now, leave the commonly used tags all enabled and turn on RenderScript in the advanced options below (remember, we used RenderScript to blur the portion of the image behind the text).

When you click OK, you’ll see a dialog informing you that it is collecting trace information. Sometimes it can help to wait briefly (1–2 seconds) before interacting and then start interacting with the app to reproduce the jank. The wait lets you create a baseline for how long events take when there is no interaction, but it’s up to you whether that’s useful. Once the time is up, the data is pulled off the device and the HTML file is generated (Systrace currently doesn’t tell you that everything is ready; the dialog just goes away and the file appears where you specified). Open it in your browser and prepare to be confused. You should see something like Figure 10.4 in your browser.


Figure 10.4 The Systrace output in a browser

The HTML will display as a bunch of colorful lines and boxes that make no sense at first. The display shows time along the X-axis and various events along the Y-axis. The wider a box is, the longer it took to perform that operation. At the top will be the CPU info, if you had that enabled. Then you’ll have various info, much of which won’t be useful to you right now. Further down, you will see “surfaceflinger.” SurfaceFlinger takes buffers of pixel data, composites them, and then pushes them to the display. Big gaps in the SurfaceFlinger section when the UI should have been changing (such as while scrolling) are generally problems, but we can scroll down more to the app (the name should be on the left, though it is often cut off for longer names) for more detail.

The controls for the Systrace HTML page are not particularly user friendly. Pretend your Systrace output is as exciting as a first-person shooter and put your fingers on the W, A, S, and D keys. The W and S keys zoom in and out, respectively, while the A and D keys pan. You can also click and drag the mouse up or down to zoom. Double-clicking the mouse creates a guideline under the mouse that you can then position by clicking where you want it. Once you’ve placed more two guidelines or more, you can see the time between them at the top. At time of writing, the documentation for Systrace is outdated, so the best source for learning the bizarre controls is by clicking the question mark at the very top right when viewing a Systrace file.

Scroll down to the woodworking tools app (it should be the largest section) as shown in Figure 10.5. If you see several huge sections such as obtainView that report they never finished, then Systrace is lying to you. The way the tool works is very simple. Each time a developer wants to track something (including the events that are tracked inside of Android itself), the developer uses the Trace class (made available to application developers in Android 4.3; you can also use TraceCompat from the support library), calling beginSection. When you begin a new section, you give it a name, which shows up in the colored bars here. When that event you were tracking is done, you call endSection. Simple, right? The problem is that ending a section always ends the most recently started section. This means that if you forget to call endSection such as when you bail out of a method early due to an exception, your section will not end at the right time, if at all. There are a few places where this can happen in the Android system code, unfortunately, so you can receive Systrace output that tells you something like obtainView did not finish when you know it did (the view appeared on the screen).


Figure 10.5 The Systrace output showing the app events

Fortunately, you can “fix” the output of Systrace yourself by calling endSection where it was missing. If you see this bug, then after each call to the static createFromBitmap method of Allocation, call TraceCompat’s endSection method. This fixes the missing calls in Allocation (a bug fix has been accepted for this in the Android source code itself, but it hasn’t yet made it into a major release) and now you can run Systrace again. Scrolling down to the woodworking tools app, you should now see only a few rows with most of the entries significantly smaller than they were. The areas where each tracked section is just a sliver are generally good (remember, the X-axis is time) and the larger ones are generally bad. If you use W on your keyboard (or click and drag up), you can zoom in on one of those bigger sections. Double-clicking with the mouse will begin the placement of a timing guideline that you can then position by moving the mouse and place by clicking. Creating two of these will tell you the time between them. Figure 10.6 shows that one of the obtainView sections took 155 milliseconds, which is more than eight frames! Keep in mind the power of the device you’re testing on as well. In this case, the test was on a Nexus 5. A Nexus 6 might not drop as many frames (a quick test shows it closer to 90 milliseconds), but the Nexus 5 is still in the middle range of Android devices (especially when you look at markets across the world).


Figure 10.6 Analyzing the details of the Systrace output

The obtainView section we’ve been looking at comes from AbsListView’s package-private method of the same name. Because we can be reasonably sure that the Android system code around this is fast, the problem is within the getView method of our ToolGridAdapter. In the Systrace output, we can also see that the image for the view is being decoded and that alone is taking almost four frames; looking closer, you can see the image is being decoded twice! Just fixing this issue will cut the total obtainView time almost in half.

Within the getView method, we call the setImageResource method of our CaptionedImageView. That method simply sets the reference to our drawable and sets the drawable for the image view and then moves on to the blur code. But look a little closer. The drawable reference is being created by inflating the drawable via our resources. The ImageView is then having its image set via the resource ID, which causes it to be inflated again. By simply changing that line to instead call setImageDrawable and pass in mDrawable, we eliminate that second instance of decodeBitmap, which was taking around 60 milliseconds.

Maybe you caught this back in Chapter 8, “Applying the Design,” but this is the type of mistake that’s very easy to make and yet might not be caught. Having a code review process helps increase the chance that this will be caught, but there are still times when it will slip by or you might be working on your own without anyone to review your code. By making use of Android’s performance tracking tools, you can catch issues like this, and you will eventually start to get used to keeping your eyes out for these types of problems.

You can run the app with the change and immediately feel the difference, but it’s still not smooth, so let’s make better use of Systrace. We are reasonably sure that the slowdown is in this area, so let’s update the setImageResource method so that the first line beings a new trace section and that section is ended in the last line of the method. You can call the sections anything you want, but you can consider a prefix if you’re adding a lot of related sections, so something like “BLUR — setImageResource” tells you that this section is part of the overall blurring process and is specifically the setImageResource call. Diving into the updateBlur method, there are a lot of different places that might be the cause of slowdown. This is a case where intuition and experience will help you decide, but you can’t go wrong with extra logging.

Anywhere that you create or manipulate a bitmap is a good place to track. For instance, the two lines that create the portionToBlur and blurredBitmap objects can be wrapped with TraceCompat calls (that is, put a call to beginSection before those objects are created and a call to endSection after). Wrapping the full RenderScript section is also a good idea. You can even add some sections within the RenderScript portion of the code to better understand what is taking time there. Listing 10.1 shows an example of the setImageResource and updateBlur methods.

Listing 10.1 An Example of Methods with Systrace Logging Added

public void setImageResource(@DrawableRes int drawableResourceId) {
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — setImageResource");
    mDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(drawableResourceId);

private void updateBlur() {
    if (!(mDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable)) {
    final int textViewHeight = mTextView.getHeight();
    if (textViewHeight == 0) {

    // Determine the size of the TextView compared to the height of the ImageView
    final float ratio = (float) textViewHeight / mImageView.getHeight();

    // Get the Bitmap
    final BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) mDrawable;
    final Bitmap originalBitmap = bitmapDrawable.getBitmap();

    // Calculate the height as a ratio of the Bitmap
    int height = (int) (ratio * originalBitmap.getHeight());

    // The y position is the number of pixels height represents from the bottom of the Bitmap
    final int y = originalBitmap.getHeight() — height;

    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — createBitmaps");
    final Bitmap portionToBlur = Bitmap.createBitmap(originalBitmap, 0, y, originalBitmap.getWidth(), height);
    final Bitmap blurredBitmap = portionToBlur.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);

    // Use RenderScript to blur the pixels
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript");
    RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(getContext());
    ScriptIntrinsicBlur theIntrinsic = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript Allocation");
    Allocation tmpIn = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, portionToBlur);
    // Fix internal trace that isn't ended
    Allocation tmpOut = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, blurredBitmap);
    // Fix internal trace that isn't ended
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript forEach");
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript copyTo");
    new Canvas(blurredBitmap).drawColor(mScrimColor);

    // Create the new bitmap using the old plus the blurred portion and display it
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — Finalize image");
    final Bitmap newBitmap = originalBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
    final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(newBitmap);
    canvas.drawBitmap(blurredBitmap, 0, y, new Paint());

Running the app and using Systrace again, we can see that a particular instance of the obtainView call is now taking 90 milliseconds with the decodeBitmap portion roughly two-thirds of that. The RenderScript portion of our code is the majority of the rest of the time with almost half of the RenderScript time coming from the copyTo call. Let’s start with the image loading portion, because that’s the larger part.

Optimizing Images

There are a few big things you can do to speed up your use of images. First, you can shrink the image file sizes by stripping out metadata and adjusting the compression. Second, you can size them correctly (loading an image that’s bigger than it is displayed is obviously slower than loading one that’s exactly the size that will be displayed). Finally, you can keep them in memory to avoid loading them again.

Shrinking Images

Many people aren’t aware that images can contain a lot more data than they need. For instance, JPEGs can be “progressive,” which means they actually store multiple versions of the image at progressively higher levels of detail. This was particularly helpful for old webpages on dialup, when you wanted some sense of what the image was before all of it could be downloaded on the slow connection, but it causes the images to be much larger and Android doesn’t use this extra data because the full image is already on the local disk. JPEGs can also store metadata in EXIF or XMP formats. These are two different formats for storing information about the photo such as when it was taken, what camera was used, and even how long the photo was exposed. That data is great for photographers but it adds bulk to the image that isn’t helpful for our app, so it can be stripped out. Another common inclusion in JPEGs is actually a thumbnail of the image. This is intended to help file browsers and cameras themselves to display a thumbnail without having to read in massive images and scale them; it can be stripped out as well.

You can also adjust the compression of the image. Although a more compressed image will still take up the same amount of memory once it is decompressed and decoded, it can significantly decrease the loading time because the amount of data read from disk can be substantially decreased. JPEG is a lossy format, which means you lose image detail by compressing it, but you can decrease file sizes substantially with only minor changes in compression. Typically, the compression level is described in terms of quality where 100 is highest quality and least compression. Although you might want to keep quality closer to 100 for your own personal photos, that isn’t necessary for most app images like what are in the woodworking tools app. The amount of compression you can use while maintaining quality will vary depending on what is in the image (e.g., details like thin letters will look poor faster than something like a tree in the background), but you can generally start at a quality level of 90 and see how it looks.

By stripping out all this extra data and changing the quality level to 90, we decrease the hero image sizes in the woodworking tools app substantially. For instance, the image of the clamps was 493KB and it is now 272KB. The smallest image (in terms of file size) was the drill at 165KB and even it shrank down to 64KB. Testing the app again shows that the time to decode the images has gone from about 60 milliseconds to about half that (with a fair bit of variation). Photoshop makes this pretty easy by picking “Save for Web” and ensuring that the quality is set how you want, it is not progressive, and no metadata is enabled. The process in GIMP is slightly different, starting with the “Export As” command that will give you an “Export Image as JPEG” dialog when saving as a JPEG; the dialog has “Advanced Options” where you want to make sure the image is not progressive, does not contain EXIF or XMP data, and does not have an embedded thumbnail.

Although these images are JPEGs, the same idea of shrinking down the file size applies to PNGs. PNGs are lossless, so you should always use the maximum compression. PNGs can be 8-bit (256 colors), 24-bit (red, green, and blue channels of 256 values each), or 32-bit (adding the alpha channel with 256 values). You can also save them with custom palettes, which can significantly shrink down the overall size. Many graphics programs support shrinking PNGs quite a bit themselves, so look for those options (such as a “save for web” feature). There are also third-party tools like “pngcrush,” which will try many different ways of compressing and shrinking the image to give you a smaller file size.

Using the Right Sizes

Our “hero” images are being used as thumbnails, so they’re actually significantly larger than what is displayed. The screen has a 16sp space on the left, center, and right of the thumbnail grid. In the case of the Nexus 5 (an XXHDPI device, which means the spaces are 48px), the spaces use a total of 144px. With a screen width of 1080px, we can subtract the 144px of space and divide the remainder by 2 (because there are two thumbnails in each row) to determine the thumbnails will be 468px in each dimension. That means we’re loading a 1080 × 607 image (roughly 650,000px) when we really just need a 468 × 468 image (about 220,000px). If we run the same numbers for a Nexus 4, which is an XHDPI device with a screen width of 768px, we need an image that’s 336px (about 110,000px). That means a Nexus 5 is loading almost three times as many pixels as needed and a Nexus 4 is loading almost six times as many pixels as needed! Not only is using larger images than necessary slower to load, it’s slower to blur and takes up more memory.

There is a simple method we can use to handle this. First, we will create a few sizes to handle the most typical device configurations. Then we’ll store all of these in the drawables-nodpi folder with a filename that indicates the size (for instance, hero_image_clamps_468.png) because we don’t want Android to scale these images. It’s a good idea to make sure the original images have updated names (e.g., hero_image_clamps_1080.png) to be consistent, and don’t forget to make sure the images you save out have any extra data stripped (they should not be progressive JPEGs, they shouldn’t have EXIF data, XMP data, or thumbnails embedded). Removing the extra data helps keep your APK smaller and also slightly decreases the loading time for the images. After that we just need some simple code to pick the best size.

Listing 10.2 demonstrates a simple BitmapUtils class that picks the best sized image. You might be wondering if there’s a way to construct the drawable resource ID from a string. For instance, you could store the string “hero_image_clamps_” and then concatenate the appropriate size, then get the resource that references. Indeed, that is possible. With a reference to your resources like you get from getResources(), you can use the getIdentifier method, but that method actually uses reflection to figure out which resource you’re referencing, so it is slow (defeating the purpose of optimizing this code in the first place). You should typically avoid using that method.

Listing 10.2 A BitmapUtils Class

public class BitmapUtils {

    private static final int THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336 = 336;
    private static final int THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468 = 468;

    public static int getScreenWidth(@NonNull Context context) {
        WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
        Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay();
        Point point = new Point();
        return point.x;

     * Returns a resource ID to a smaller version of the drawable, when possible.
     * This is intended just for the hero images. If a smaller size of the resource ID cannot
     * be found, the original resource ID is returned.
     * @param resourceId int drawable resource ID to look for
     * @param desiredSize int desired size in pixels of the drawable
     * @return int drawable resource ID to use
    public static int getPresizedImage(@DrawableRes int resourceId, int desiredSize) {
        switch (resourceId) {
            case R.drawable.hero_image_clamps_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_clamps_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_clamps_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_saw_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_saw_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_saw_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_drill_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_drill_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_drill_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_sander_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_sander_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_sander_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_router_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_router_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_router_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_lathe_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_lathe_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_lathe_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_more_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_more_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_more_468;

        return resourceId;

Testing out loading images that are the correct size for a Nexus 5 shows that we drop from the 30 milliseconds we saw after shrinking the file sizes in the previous section to just 7 milliseconds! This has also made our blurring code significantly faster (down from 30 milliseconds to about 15 milliseconds) because it’s operating on fewer pixels. Overall, it is still taking about 22 milliseconds to get the view, so it’s still slow, but the improvements so far have been substantial.

Before we move on, it’s worth noting that you can also tackle this by loading the images at a smaller size using the BitmapFactory class, which supports subsampling. By subsampling, you can read a fraction of the number of pixels. For instance, if you have an image that was 1000px wide but you only need it at 500px wide, you can read every other pixel. This isn’t as efficient as providing correctly sized images, but it is more universal.

The general idea is that you read in just the metadata about the image (which includes the dimensions) by making use of the Options class. Create a new instance of the Options class and set inJustDecodeBounds to true. Now when you decode the image with decodeResources, you use the Options object to tell it that you only want the bounds (the size of the image). The Options object will now have its outWidth, outHeight, and outMimeType set to the values of the actual image (and BitmapFactory will return null).

Once you know how big the image is, you figure out how to subsample the image. The BitmapFactory class works in powers of 2, so you can subsample every second pixel, every fourth pixel, every eighth pixel, and so forth. Using a simple while loop, we can double the sample size until the resulting image will be just larger than the desired width. Listing 10.3 shows a simple implementation of this method.

Listing 10.3 The getSizedBitmap Method

public static Bitmap getSizedBitmap(@NonNull Resources res, @DrawableRes int resId, int desiredWidth) {
    // Load just the size of the image
    BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
    BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, resId, options);

    // Options now has the bounds; prepare it for getting the actual image
    options.inSampleSize = 1;
    options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;

    if (options.outWidth > desiredWidth) {
        final int halfWidth = options.outWidth / 2;

        while (halfWidth / options.inSampleSize > desiredWidth) {
            options.inSampleSize *= 2;

    return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, resId, options);

This is a simple way of making your image loading more efficient and this technique can be used throughout your app; however, it isn’t as efficient as having your images exactly the correct size. Testing image loading with this method, the average speed is around 15 milliseconds (with a fair bit of variation), compared to the 30 milliseconds without this method or the 7 milliseconds with properly sized images.

Using an Image Cache

Every time you load an image from disk, it has to be decoded again. As we’ve seen, this process is often very slow. Worse, we can be loading the same image multiple times because the view that was displaying it goes off the screen and garbage collection is triggered and later it comes back on screen. An image cache allows you to specify a certain amount of memory to use for images, and the typical pattern is an LRU (least-recently-used) cache. As you put images in and ask for images out, the cache keeps track of that usage. When you put in a new image and there isn’t enough room for it, the cache will evict the images that haven’t been used for the longest amount of time, so that images you just used (and are most likely to still be relevant) stay in memory. When you load images, they go through the image cache, which will keep them in memory as long as the cache has room. That means the view going off screen and coming back on might not cause the image to have to be read from disk, which can save several milliseconds.

You can use the LruCache class that is in the support library to work with any version of Android. It has two generics, one for the keys and one for the values (the objects you cache). For images, you’ll typically have a string key (such as a URL and filename), but you can use whatever makes sense for your needs. Because the LruCache class is designed to work in many situations, the concept of “size” can be defined by you. By default, the size of the cache is determined by the number of objects, but that doesn’t make sense for our use. A single large image will take up a lot more memory than several smaller ones, so we can make the size measured in kilobytes. We need to override the sizeOf method to return the number of kilobytes a given entry is. We also need to decide on the maximum size of the cache. This will depend heavily on the type of app you’re developing, but we can make this a portion of the overall memory available to our app. Let’s start with an eighth of the total memory. We can also place an upper limit on the size of 16mb so that our app is well behaved on devices that give each VM much more memory that we necessarily need. Listing 10.4 shows this simple class.

Listing 10.4 The BitmapCache Class

public class BitmapCache extends LruCache<String, Bitmap> {
    public static final String TAG = "BitmapCache";

    private static final int MAXIMUM_SIZE_IN_KB = 1024 * 16;

    public BitmapCache() {

    protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap bitmap) {
        return bitmap.getByteCount() / 1024;

     * Returns the size of the cache in kilobytes
     * @return int total kilobytes to make the cache
    private static int getCacheSize() {
        // Maximum KB available to the VM
        final int maxMemory = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024);
        // The smaller of an eighth of the total memory or 16MB
        final int cacheSize = Math.min(maxMemory / 8, MAXIMUM_SIZE_IN_KB);
        Log.v(TAG, "BitmapCache size: " + cacheSize + "kb");
        return cacheSize;

We can create the BitmapCache in our BitmapUtils class and then add some simple methods for interacting with it. In the case of our grid of images, we actually care more about the versions of the images that have been blurred along the bottom already, so we can directly cache those. Listing 10.5 shows the BitmapUtils methods we’ve added and Listing 10.6 shows the updated methods in CaptionedImageView.

Listing 10.5 The BitmapUtils Class Updated to Use the Cache

publicclass BitmapUtils {

    private static final int THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336 = 336;
    private static final int THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468 = 468;

    private static final BitmapCache BITMAP_CACHE = new BitmapCache();

    public synchronized static void cacheBitmap(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Bitmap bitmap) {
        BITMAP_CACHE.put(key, bitmap);

    public synchronized static Bitmap getBitmap(@NonNull String key) {
        return BITMAP_CACHE.get(key);

    public synchronized static Bitmap getBitmap(@NonNull Resources res, @DrawableRes int resId) {
        String key = String.valueOf(resId);
        Bitmap bitmap = BITMAP_CACHE.get(key);
        if (bitmap == null) {
            bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, resId);
            BITMAP_CACHE.put(key, bitmap);
        return bitmap;

    public static int getScreenWidth(@NonNull Context context) {
        WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
        Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay();
        Point point = new Point();
        return point.x;

     * Returns a resource ID to a smaller version of the drawable, when possible.
     * This is intended just for the hero images. If a smaller size of the resource ID cannot
     * be found, the original resource ID is returned.
     * @param resourceId int drawable resource ID to look for
     * @param desiredSize int desired size in pixels of the drawable
     * @return int drawable resource ID to use
    public static int getPresizedImage(@DrawableRes int resourceId, int desiredSize) {
        switch (resourceId) {
            case R.drawable.hero_image_clamps_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_clamps_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_clamps_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_saw_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_saw_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_saw_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_drill_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_drill_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_drill_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_sander_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_sander_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_sander_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_router_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_router_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_router_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_lathe_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_lathe_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_lathe_468;
            case R.drawable.hero_image_more_1080:
                if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_336) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_more_336;
                } else if (desiredSize <= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_468) {
                    return R.drawable.hero_image_more_468;

        return resourceId;

    public static Bitmap getSizedBitmap(@NonNull Resources res, @DrawableRes int resId, int desiredWidth) {
        // Load just the size of the image
        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
        options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
        BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, resId, options);

        // Options now has the bounds; prepare it for getting the actual image
        options.inSampleSize = 1;
        options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;

        if (options.outWidth > desiredWidth) {
            final int halfWidth = options.outWidth / 2;

            while (halfWidth / options.inSampleSize > desiredWidth) {
                options.inSampleSize *= 2;

        return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, resId, options);

Listing 10.6 The Updated CaptionedImageView Methods

public void setImageResource(@DrawableRes int drawableResourceId) {
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — setImageResource");
    mDrawableResourceId = drawableResourceId;
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapUtils.getBitmap(getResources(), mDrawableResourceId);
    mDrawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap);

private void updateBlur() {
    if (!(mDrawable instanceof BitmapDrawable)) {
    final int textViewHeight = mTextView.getHeight();
    final int imageViewHeight = mImageView.getHeight();
    if (textViewHeight == 0 || imageViewHeight == 0) {

    // Get the Bitmap
    final BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) mDrawable;
    final Bitmap originalBitmap = bitmapDrawable.getBitmap();

    // Determine the size of the TextView compared to the height of the ImageView
    final float ratio = (float) textViewHeight / imageViewHeight;

    // Calculate the height as a ratio of the Bitmap
    final int height = (int) (ratio * originalBitmap.getHeight());
    final int width = originalBitmap.getWidth();
    final String blurKey = getBlurKey(width);
    Bitmap newBitmap = BitmapUtils.getBitmap(blurKey);
    if (newBitmap != null) {

    // The y position is the number of pixels height represents from the bottom of the Bitmap
    final int y = originalBitmap.getHeight() — height;

    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — createBitmaps");
    final Bitmap portionToBlur = Bitmap.createBitmap(originalBitmap, 0, y, originalBitmap.getWidth(), height);
    final Bitmap blurredBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(portionToBlur.getWidth(), height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

    // Use RenderScript to blur the pixels
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript");
    RenderScript rs = RenderScript.create(getContext());
    ScriptIntrinsicBlur theIntrinsic = ScriptIntrinsicBlur.create(rs, Element.U8_4(rs));
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript Allocation");
    Allocation tmpIn = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, portionToBlur);
    // Fix internal trace that isn't ended
    Allocation tmpOut = Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, blurredBitmap);
    // Fix internal trace that isn't ended
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript forEach");
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — RenderScript copyTo");
    new Canvas(blurredBitmap).drawColor(mScrimColor);

    // Create the new bitmap using the old plus the blurred portion and display it
    TraceCompat.beginSection("BLUR — Finalize image");
    newBitmap = originalBitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
    final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(newBitmap);
    canvas.drawBitmap(blurredBitmap, 0, y, new Paint());
    BitmapUtils.cacheBitmap(blurKey, newBitmap);

Given that on a typical device six of the seven images in the woodworking tools app are available on the first screen (once the spacing is back to normal); you might consider precaching the seventh image. By precaching them all, you will slightly increase the loading time of the app, but you will ensure that the scrolling is smooth. If you had even more images to handle, you might even move the image loading and blurring to a background thread. Although RenderScript is extremely fast, it still takes time pass the data to the GPU, process it, and pass that data back, so it’s not a bad idea to push that work to a background thread if you’re going to be doing it often.

Additional Performance Improvements

There are many causes of performance issues, but they are nearly always related to doing too much work on the UI thread. Sometimes you can affect these issues directly (like moving the loading of images to a background thread) and other times you have to be less direct (like maintaining a reference to an object you don’t need to avoid garbage collection during an animation). Whether you have to be direct or not, knowing additional techniques to improve performance is always beneficial.

Controlling Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is one of those things that you can simultaneously love and hate. It’s great because it lets you focus on the fun part of developing an app rather than worrying about tedious tasks like reference counting. It’s horrible because it slows down your app when it happens. Although Android has had concurrent garbage collection for years now and its introduction helped a huge amount, garbage collection can still cause jank. Remember, you have just 16 milliseconds for each frame, so the garbage collector taking just 4 milliseconds is effectively taking 25% of your time for that frame.

Although you can’t do much to control the garbage collector directly other than just triggering a collection, you can adjust the way you code your app to decrease the work it does or even simply change the timing. In particular, you should be conscious of where you are allocating memory and where you are releasing it. Every time you allocate memory, such as declaring an object or array, you are asking the system for a consecutive chunk of free memory. The fact that it’s consecutive is important because that means even if you have 10mb free, you could ask for 500kb and still incur the cost of the VM reorganizing the memory if there isn’t enough consecutive free memory available. Even if the virtual machine doesn’t have to clear out memory, just moving chunks of memory around to make a large, consecutive section takes time. On the other side of that, every time you get rid of a reference to an object or an array and that was the last reference to that object or array, there is a chance the garbage collector will run. Halfway done with that animation and now you don’t need those giant bitmaps? Removing your reference could cause the animation to pause or skip frames.

In general, you don’t want to allocate or release memory in any method that is already potentially slow or gets called many times in succession. For instance, be careful in the onDraw and onLayout methods of View (both are covered in Chapter 13, “Developing Fully Custom Views”), getView of Adapter implementations, and any methods you trigger during animations. If you have to allocate objects, consider whether it’s possible to keep them around or reuse them (such as in an object pool).

View Holder Pattern

ListView and other AbsListView implementations are excellent ways to effectively display a subset of a larger data set. They effectively reuse views to limit garbage collection and keep everything smooth, but it’s still easy to run into problems. One of the most common methods to use within a getView call of an adapter is findViewById. For example, look at Listing 10.7 that shows a simple getView implementation.

Listing 10.7 An Example getView Method

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    if (convertView == null) {
        convertView = mLayoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item, parent, false);

    ListItem listItem = getItem(position);
    ImageView imageView = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(;
    Drawable drawable = mContext.getDrawable(R.drawable.person);

    TextView textView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;

    textView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
    textView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;

    return convertView;

Each getView call traverses the view to find the views that need to be updated. In this case, there are four separate findViewById calls. Each call will first check the convertView ID, then the children one at a time until a match is found. If this example has just the convertView plus the four views that are searched for, the first call will check two views to get the match, the next three, and so on. This leads to 14 view lookups in this simple case! The more complex the view, the longer it takes to traverse the hierarchy and find the views you are looking for.

The ideal solution would be to only have to find the views one time and then just retain the references, and that’s what the view holder pattern does. Because you are reusing views (via the convert view), you have to traverse a finite number of views before you have found every view you care about in the list. By creating a class called ViewHolder that has references to each of the views you care about, you can instantiate that class once per view in the ListView and then reuse that class as much as needed. This class is implemented as a static inner class, so it is really just acting as a container for view references. See Listing 10.8 for a simple example of a class that takes the view and sets all the necessary references.

Listing 10.8 An Example of a ViewHolder Class

private static class ViewHolder {
    /*package*/final ImageView imageView;
    /*package*/final TextView count;
    /*package*/final TextView title;
    /*package*/final TextView subtitle;

    /*package*/ ViewHolder(View v) {
        imageView = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
        count = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
        title = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
        subtitle = (TextView) v.findViewById(;

Looking back at the getView method, a few minor changes can significantly improve the efficiency. If convertView is null, inflate a new view as we already have and then create a new ViewHolder instance, passing in the view we just created. To keep the ViewHolder with this view, we call the setTag method, which allows us to associate an arbitrary object with any view. If convertView is not null, we simply call getTag and cast the result to the ViewHolder.

Now that we have the ViewHolder, we can just reference the views directly, so the rest of the getView code is not only much simpler than before but also better performing and easier to read. See Listing 10.9 for the updated getView call. Any time you use an adapter and you use the child views in the getView method, you should use this view holder pattern. For example, the ToolArrayAdapter in the woodworking tools app should be updated to use the view holder pattern; give it a try.

Listing 10.9 The getView Method Using a ViewHolder

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    ViewHolder viewHolder;
    if (convertView == null) {
        convertView = mLayoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item, parent, false);
        viewHolder = new ViewHolder(convertView);
    } else {
        viewHolder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();

    ListItem listItem = getItem(position);
    Drawable drawable = mContext.getDrawable(R.drawable.person);


    return convertView;

Eliminating Overdraw

Overdraw is when your app causes pixels to be drawn on top of each other. For example, imagine a typical app with a background, whether plain or an image. Now you put an opaque button on it. First, the device draws the background; then it draws the button. The background under the button was drawn but is never seen, so that processing and data transfer are wasted.

You might wonder how you can actually eliminate overdraw then, and the answer is that you do not need to. You only need to eliminate excessive overdraw. What “excessive” means is different for each device, but the general rule of thumb is that you should not be drawing more than three times the number of pixels on the screen (as detailed in Chapter 7, “Designing the Visuals”). When you go above three times the number of pixels, performance often suffers.

It’s worth noting that some devices are better than others at efficiently avoiding drawing pixels when opaque pixels would be drawn right on top of them. GPUs that use deferred rendering are able to eliminate overdraw in cases where fully opaque pixels are drawn on fully opaque pixels, but not all Android devices have GPUs that use deferred rendering. Further, if pixels have any amount of transparency, that overdraw cannot be eliminated because the pixels have to be combined. That is why designs that contain a significant amount of transparency are inherently more difficult to make smooth and efficient than designs that do not.

Overdraw is easiest to eliminate when you can see it. Android 4.2 and newer offer a developer option to show GPU overdraw by coloring the screen differently based on how many times a pixel has been drawn and redrawn. To enable it, go to the device settings and then Developer options and scroll to the “drawing” section to enable the Show GPU Overdraw option (see Figure 10.7). When this option is checked, apps will be colored to show the amount of overdraw. Current versions of Android don’t require restarting the app, but older versions do.


Figure 10.7 The Show GPU Overdraw option in Android’s developer options

First, you should understand what the color tints mean. If there is no tint, there is no overdraw, and this is the ideal situation. A blue tint indicates a single overdraw (meaning the pixel was drawn once and then drawn again), and you can think of it as being “cold” because your device can easily handle a single level of overdraw (so the processor is not overheating). When something is tinted green, it has been overdrawn twice. Light red indicates an overdraw of three times, and dark red indicates an overdraw of four (or more) times (red, hot, bad!).

Large sections of blue are acceptable as long as the whole app is not blue (if it were, that’d suggest you’re drawing the full screen and immediately redrawing it, which is very wasteful). Medium-sized sections of green are okay, but you should avoid having more than half of the screen green. Light red is much worse, but it’s still okay for small areas such as text or a tiny icon. Dark red should make you cry. Well, maybe not cry, but you should definitely fix any dark red. These areas are drawn five times (or more), so just imagine your single device powering five full screens and you should realize how bad this is.

Figure 10.8 shows a very simple design that is just a list of text. Judging by the simple appearance, it looks like the device has to do minimal work to get these pixels on the display; however, we can turn on the overdraw visualization and see how bad things actually are. Figure 10.9 shows the design tinted by the Show GPU Overdraw option. The full source code for this example is in the OverdrawExample project in the chapter10 folder.


Figure 10.8 Simple app that shouldn’t require much work by the device


Figure 10.9 The same app with overdraw being displayed

First, you should know that the theme your app uses should have a window background. This can be a drawable and it is usually a simple color. Android uses this when your app is first being displayed to immediately show some visual indication of what your app should look like even before the views have been inflated. This makes the device feel more responsive because it can respond to the tap even before you’ve initiated the activity and inflated its views. This window background stays on the screen and everything else is painted on top. That means if you have an activity with a layout that also draws a background, you can very easily draw all pixels on the screen twice and then more times when the views are put on top.

Another common source of overdraw is with items in a ListView. The example is not only drawing a white background with the activity’s base view right on top of the window background, it is drawing a white background for each list item over that, which is entirely unnecessary. By simply eliminating the extra backgrounds, the overdraw visualization (shown in Figure 10.10) is immediately improved.


Figure 10.10 Overdraw visualization after eliminating extra backgrounds

Remember that you don’t need to eliminate all overdraw, but you should generally minimize it. You should be conscious of what views are drawing in front of and check the overdraw visualization now and then.

Hierarchy Viewer

Hierarchy Viewer is the unsung hero of layout optimization. It hasn’t seen a whole lot of change since the early versions, but it still remains a great go-to tool for figuring out what is happening with your layouts. It can be used for simply figuring out why a view doesn’t display or to figure out why a hierarchy is slow to load. It can even output your views as a PSD, allowing you to inspect positioning and colors with precision that is hard to match from simple screenshots.

If your device is running Android 4.0 (or lower) and is unlocked, everything should just work. If it’s running 4.0 (or lower) and it is locked, you can use the ViewServer class from Romain Guy ( in your app (be sure to add the internet permission). If your device is running Android 4.1 or newer, you need to set an environment variable called ANDROID_HVPROTO with a value of ddm. In Windows, you can open My Computer, Property, Advanced, Environment Variables, and click New to create it. For Mac you’ll open .bash_profile in your home directory (note that the file starts with a dot, which means it is hidden by default). Add a line that contains export ANDROID_HVPROTO=ddm and save the file. Now type source ~/.bash_profile from the command line (this causes the file to be re-read so that the variable is immediately set). For Linux, you can follow the same steps as for Mac but the file is .bashrc in your home directory.

Open Android Device Monitor (under the Tools menu and the Android submenu). The Hierarchy Viewer is a different perspective, so open the Window menu and click the Open Perspective option. Select Hierarchy View and click OK. If you haven’t already connected your device and opened the screen you want to inspect, do so now.

On the left side, you should see your device(s) listed. Select it and click the “Load view hierarchy” button (that’s the icon next to the refresh button; you can also click the downward-facing triangle and select the option there). If the icon is grayed out, that typically means there is an issue communicating with the device and more details should be available in the console (usually on the bottom right). If you’ve already followed the directions from two paragraphs ago and it’s still gray, you can also try closing out Android Studio (and anything else that might be communicating with the device) and then run Android Device Monitor directly (run monitor from the Android SDK tools directory).

Once the view hierarchy has loaded, the left window will show view properties, the center of the screen will be the detailed view hierarchy, the top right will be an overview, and the bottom right is the layout view that lets you see what portion of the screen the selected view is responsible for (the bottom right may be showing the console tab, so just click the Layout View tab). Your screen should look like Figure 10.11.


Figure 10.11 After the view hierarchy has been loaded, this is what you should see

Each gray box in the tree view (the center window) represents a view. The boxes can have the class type (e.g., LinearLayout), the memory address, the ID (e.g., id/content), performance indicators, and a view index. The view index shows you the view’s position within the parent, where the first child is position 0. The performance indicators are simply colored circles that indicate the time it took to measure the view, the time it took for the layout pass, and the time it took to draw the view. Newer versions of Hierarchy Viewer require you to click the icon with the three circles to obtain the layout times. These indicators on the gray boxes are broken into three groups. If a view is within the fastest 50% of views for the given indicator (e.g., draw time), that view will be green for that circle. If it’s in the 50% of slow views, it will be yellow. If it is the slowest of all the views, it is red. It’s important to realize these are relative indicators, so a view hierarchy that is extremely fast and efficient will still have a view with a red indicator for each circle just as an extremely slow hierarchy will.

By clicking a gray box, you can see an image of the view, a count of how many views this view represents (a 1 indicates the view itself; a 2 indicates the view plus a child view), and the exact times for measuring, laying out, and drawing the view. In the view properties (the left window), you can see virtually everything you could want to know about a view. This is extremely helpful when troubleshooting.

Finding Missing Views

One particularly handy use of Hierarchy Viewer is to figure out why a given view isn’t showing up. There are many different reasons a view might not appear on the screen, so being able to see all the view’s properties in one place plus a visual representation of the views in your hierarchy is incredibly useful. You can quickly see that a view’s alpha is 0 or its visibility is set to invisible. You can tell if the view was sized incorrectly or positioned incorrectly. Before Android was blessed with Lint checks, pretty much every developer at one point (or many points) would have a LinearLayout and some child views with their widths set to match_parent, run the app, and then wonder why only the first child showed up. Simple things like forgetting the default orientation is horizontal can leave you with unexpected results, but Hierarchy Viewer can easily show you where a view is positioned and seeing it on the right edge of the screen instead of below the previous view is usually enough to get the developer to realize the simple mistake.

Eliminating Unnecessary Views

The biggest benefit Hierarchy Viewer can bring is helping you understand the complexity of your view hierarchy and eliminate extra views. The more complex your hierarchy, the longer your UI thread has to lock up on measuring, laying out, and drawing your views. You should look for views that have only a single child because those are often extraneous views that are easy to remove. You should also look for several sibling TextViews because you can often consolidate them (details are later in this chapter). It’s a good idea to look for invisible views too. Although they aren’t drawn, views that have visibility set to INVISIBLE are still measured and even a view that is GONE will slow down your view lookups and take up memory. If you sometimes need some views on a given screen but not always, use a ViewStub instead of inflating the entire view hierarchy and not drawing it. It’s also a good idea to look out for views entirely outside of the screen (such as views that have been animated off the screen); it doesn’t do any good to waste processing power on something that will never be seen.

Exporting to PSD

One of the extremely powerful but often overlooked features of Hierarchy Viewer is the ability to export a layout hierarchy as a Photoshop Document (a PSD file). This can be hugely valuable to designers, so make sure they are aware of this functionality. There is a rather forgettable-looking button above the tree view that appears to be three overlapping squares. That’s the Capture Layers button. If you do not see it, you can also click the downward-facing triangle to get the list of options and select it from there. The resulting PSD can take a while to be generated, so be patient. If it fails, you will see an error in the console and can try again (occasionally it helps to reconnect the hardware device or restart the emulator).

Because this PSD is not using any advanced features such as layer masks, you can actually open it in GIMP and other tools as well. Along with the techniques discussed earlier in the chapter, this is an excellent method of detecting overdraw.

Exporting to a PSD is a great way for a developer and a designer to speak the same language. The designer can inspect in detail exactly what is going on with a layout by tweaking the layers and then tell the developer which layer has an issue (the layers are named after the view IDs when present, making it extra easy to associate a layer with a view). This also gives the designer the opportunity to make changes to further optimize the design. Perhaps initially a view seemed best at 50-percent opacity, but now the designer can tweak how opaque a view is just like any layer in Photoshop and determine that 40% is actually better.

One thing to note is that the layers are all rasterized. In simplistic terms, the pixels that each view creates are what are actually exported as layers. TextViews do not create actual Photoshop text layers, for instance. That also means that if you have a complex view that’s drawing shapes, text, and images, only the resulting pixels are exported, so you can’t see what each “layer” of that view looks like.

Custom Fonts

There are times when using a custom font can improve your app. Some apps designed for reading provide additional font choices for users; other apps might use fonts specific to their brand. When deciding on whether to use an additional font, consider how it helps the user experience. Don’t include a font just because it’s popular or makes the app look different from others; include a font because a usability study has shown that your app is easier to read with the font or because your brand requires it and you want to avoid using images for custom text.

The Roboto font family was built specifically for Android and is the default font for Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and above. Whenever possible, it is the font you should use. You can download the font from the Google design site (, and it includes multiple variations. In addition to Roboto regular, there is a thin version, light version, medium version, black version, and condensed version (as well as bold and italic versions where applicable).

Because this font was built for Android specifically, it displays very well on a variety of densities and screen types. Many of the most commonly used fonts today were designed for print, which is a very different medium than an electronic display, so some of the fonts that look great on paper do not reproduce as well onscreen. In particular, if you are considering light or thin fonts, be sure to test them on medium- and high-density displays and test them against low-end devices with AMOLEDs (most modern AMOLEDs are reasonably comparable to LCDs, even besting them in some measures, but older and lower quality AMOLEDs like the ones used for the Nexus S have a different subpixel arrangement than a traditional LCD and on top of that have a low enough resolution that the subpixel arrangement can cause display issues for very thin items).

If you do decide to use an alternate font, you need to put it in a directory called assets within the root directory of your project. The easiest way to use a custom font in your app is to extend TextView to create your own class. Listing 10.10 shows an example.

Listing 10.10 A Custom TextView for Displaying a Font

public class TextViewRobotoThin extends TextView {

     * This is the name of the font file within the assets folder
    private static final String FONT_LOCATION = "roboto_thin.ttf";

    private static Typeface sTypeface;

    public TextViewRobotoThin(Context context) {

    public TextViewRobotoThin(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public TextViewRobotoThin(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

    public TextViewRobotoThin(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

     * Returns the Typeface for Roboto Thin
     * @param context Context to access the app's assets
     * @return Typeface for Roboto Thin
     public static Typeface getTypeface(Context context) {
        if (sTypeface == null) {
            sTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), FONT_LOCATION);

At the top of the class is a static string specifying the name of the font file. Each of the normal constructors calls setTypeface. A public static method called getTypeface() will create the Typeface from the font file in the assets directory, if it hasn’t already been created, and then return the Typeface. This is useful for times when you might access the Typeface for other uses (perhaps you do some custom drawing using this Typeface elsewhere). By having this public static method, anywhere in your code that needs this custom Typeface has one place to go, and you can just change the FONT_LOCATION if you need to change the font everywhere in the app.

You can now use this class anywhere you would use an ordinary TextView. For instance, you can replace the default “hello world” TextView with this in a new project. Figure 10.12 shows how this custom TextView looks on an actual device.


Figure 10.12 The custom TextView being displayed on a device

Complex TextViews

TextView is an extremely powerful view in Android. Obviously, they’re able to display text, but they can also display several styles of text, different fonts or colors, and even inline images, all within a single TextView. You can have specific portions of text respond to click events and really associate any object you want with any portion of text. These ranges of text are generically referred to as “spans,” as in a span (range) of bold text or a span of subscript.

Existing Spans

Android has a large number of prebuilt spans you can take advantage of. Because you can assign any object as a span, there isn’t an actual span class. That’s great in that it gives you a huge amount of flexibility, but it also means you have to dig a little to figure out what is supported.

First, you should know about the two main types of spans defined by the interfaces CharacterStyle and ParagraphStyle. As you can probably guess, these interfaces refer to spans that affect one or more characters and spans that affect entire paragraphs, respectively. Most spans will implement one of these two interfaces (although many implement more than just these). See the following list of built-in spans to get an idea about what is already supported:

Image AbsoluteSizeSpan—A span that allows you to specify an exact size in pixels or density independent pixels.

Image AlignmentSpan.Standard—A span that attaches an alignment (from Layout.Alignment).

Image BackgroundColorSpan—A span that specifies a background color (the color behind the text, such as for highlighting).

Image ClickableSpan—A span that has an onClick method that is triggered. (This class is abstract, so you can extend it with a class that specifies the onClick behavior.)

Image DrawableMarginSpan—A span that draws a Drawable plus the specified amount of spacing.

Image DynamicDrawableSpan—A span that you can extend to provide a Drawable that may change (but the size must remain the same).

Image EasyEditSpan—A span that just marks some text so that the TextView can easily delete it.

Image ForegroundColorSpan—A span that changes the color of the text (basically just called setColor(int) on the TextPaint object).

Image IconMarginSpan—A span that draws a Bitmap plus the specified amount of spacing.

Image ImageSpan—A span that draws an image specified as a Bitmap, Drawable, URI, or resource ID.

Image LeadingMarginSpan.Standard—A span that adjusts the margin.

Image LocaleSpan—A span that changes the locale of text (available in API level 17 and above).

Image MaskFilterSpan—A span that sets the MaskFilter of the TextPaint (such as for blurring or embossing).

Image MetricAffectingSpan—A span that affects the height and/or width of characters (this is an abstract class).

Image QuoteSpan—A span that puts a vertical line to the left of the selected text to indicate it is a quote; by default the line is blue.

Image RasterizerSpan—A span that sets the Rasterizer of the TextPaint (generally not useful to you).

Image RelativeSizeSpan—A span that changes the text size relative to the supplied float (for instance, setting a 0.5 float will cause the text to render at half size).

Image ReplacementSpan—A span that can be extended when something custom is drawn in place of the spanned text (e.g., ImageSpan extends this).

Image ScaleXSpan—A span that provides a multiplier to use when calling the TextPaint’s setTextScaleX(float) method. (In other words, setting this to 0.5 will cause the text to be scaled to half size along the X-axis, thus appearing squished.)

Image StrikethroughSpan—A span that simply passes true to the TextPaint’s setStrikeThruText(boolean) method, causing the text to have a line through it (useful for showing deleted text, such as in a draft of a document).

Image StyleSpan—A span that adds bold and/or italic to the text.

Image SubscriptSpan—A span that makes the text subscript (below the baseline).

Image SuggestionSpan—A span that holds possible replacement suggestions, such as for a incorrectly spelled word (available in API level 14 and above).

Image SuperscriptSpan—A span that makes the text superscript (above the baseline).

Image TabStopSpan.Standard—A span that allows you to specify an offset from the leading margin of a line.

Image TextAppearanceSpan—A span that allows you to pass in a TextAppearance for styling.

Image TypefaceSpan—A span that uses a specific typeface family (monospace, serif, or sans-serif only).

Image UnderlineSpan—A span that underlines the text.

Image URLSpan—A ClickableSpan that attempts to view the specified URL when clicked.

Using Spans for Complex Text

One of the simplest ways to use spans is with the HTML class. If you have some HTML in a string, you can simply call HTML.fromHtml(String) to get an object that implements the spanned interface that will have the applicable spans applied. You can even supply an ImageGetter and a TagHandler, if you’d like. The styles included in the HTML will be converted to spans so, for example, “b” (bold) tags are converted to StyleSpans and “u” (underline) tags are converted to UnderlineSpans. See Listing 10.11 for a brief example of how to set the text of a TextView from an HTML string and enable navigating through and clicking the links.

Listing 10.11 Using HTML in a TextView


Another easy method for implementing spans is to use the Linkify class. The Linkify class allows you to easily create links within text for web pages, phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, and so on. You can even use it for custom regular expressions, if you’re so inclined.

Finally, you can also manually set spans on anything that implements the Spannable interface. If you have an existing String or CharSequence that you’d like to make Spannable, use the SpannableString class. If you are building up some text, you can use the SpannableStringBuilder, which works like a StringBuilder but can attach spans. To the untrained eye, the app in Figure 10.13 is using two TextViews and an ImageView, but it actually has just a single TextView. See Listing 10.12 to understand how you can do this with one TextView and a few spans.


Figure 10.13 An app that seemingly uses more views than it really does

Listing 10.12 Using Spans with a SpannableStringBuilder

final SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
final int flag = Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE;
int start;
int end;

// Regular text
ssb.append("This text is normal, but ");

// Bold text
start = ssb.length();
ssb.append("this text is bold");
end = ssb.length();
ssb.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), start, end, flag);

// Inline image
ssb.append(' ');
start = end + 1;
ssb.append('uFFFC'); // Unicode replacement character
end = ssb.length();
ssb.setSpan(new ImageSpan(this, R.mipmap.ic_launcher), start, end, flag);

// Stretched text
start = end;
ssb.append("This text is wide");
end = ssb.length();
ssb.setSpan(new ScaleXSpan(2f), start, end, flag);

// Assign to TextView
final TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;


If you’ve been doing Android development for some time, you’ve probably come across issues with ListView. For most uses ListView is great. It handles everything you need and it is efficient; however, there are times when ListView doesn’t do everything you want. For instance, animating views within ListView has a lot of challenges and there isn’t a good way to change how the items are laid out.

To solve these issues, RecyclerView was created. Its name is a reference to the process of view recycling that we’ve discussed previously where a view that goes off screen can then be reused for a new view coming onto the screen. RecyclerView works similarly to ListView but with a more modular architecture. For instance, instead of assuming that you want your items vertically stacked, you supply a layout manager that handles determine how to lay out the items. Given that RecyclerView can do everything that ListView can, you might be wondering when you should still use ListView. The simple answer is to use ListView unless you encounter one of its limitations. Contrary to some opinions, ListView isn’t dead and you shouldn’t change all your ListViews over to RecyclerViews without reason. If you find that ListView doesn’t work for you, that’s the time to switch over to RecyclerView.

If you want a good starting point for playing around with RecyclerView, check out the sample. From Android Studio, open the File menu and select Import Sample and then type “Recycler View” in the search box. This will let you quickly set up a project that uses RecyclerView so that you can see how it works and experiment with it.

Layout Manager

To tell RecyclerView how to arrange the views, you need a layout manager. It’s responsible for measuring and positioning views as well as handling the view recycling policy. Fortunately, there are some built in ones for the typical use cases. You’ll commonly use LinearLayoutManager, which can give you a ListView-like display but also supports horizontal arrangement. You may also use GridLayoutManager or StaggeredGridLayoutManager for times when you want grids of items rather than just rows or columns.


Like ListView, RecyclerView uses an adapter to supply its views, but it works a little differently (also note that it’s RecyclerView.Adapter rather than android.widget.Adapter). You commonly have to use the view holder pattern with adapters for ListView as described earlier in the chapter to avoid repeated calls to findViewById, but that pattern is built in to RecyclerView with an actual ViewHolder class. Rather than the getView method, this adapter has two methods. First, onCreateViewHolder is expected to create any views that are necessary, but it returns a new ViewHolder instance that references those views. Second, onBindViewHolder is expected to set all the views up for a given position using the ViewHolder instance.

Note that a key difference between AdapterView and RecyclerView is how you listen to clicks. Rather than assigning a single onItemClickListener, RecyclerView just uses the regular onClickListener and related classes. Typically any necessary listeners are set in onCreateViewHolder and the position or object(s) they care about are updated in onBindViewHolder.

Item Animator

Whenever the state of the RecyclerView changes, it needs to know how to animate the change and that’s where the ItemAnimator abstract class comes in. A concrete implementation allows you to control the animations that are used to visualize these changes, so that your users can easily understand what happened. By default, RecyclerView uses the aptly named DefaultItemAnimator, but you can provide a custom implementation to precisely control the behavior.

Item Decoration

RecyclerView has one more trick up its sleeve and that’s the concept of item decoration, which is based on the ItemDecoration abstract class. The idea is simple: sometimes you need to draw more than just the views that are displaying your data. For instance, you might draw dividers between items or visually group a section of items. ItemDecoration has both onDraw and onDrawOver methods. The former draws before the views are drawn (such as for backgrounds) and the latter draws after (meaning it draws in front of them). You can add multiple ItemDecoration implementations to your RecyclerView to get the effect you want, but you don’t have to use any.

One additional feature ItemDecoration has is the ability to modify the position of views. By overriding getItemOffsets, you can adjust positions as needed, which allows you to manipulate the display in powerful ways such as visually clustering content based on proximity or spacing.


In this chapter, you learned a wide variety of topics that help advanced developers make even better apps. Using Systrace will allow you to get performance details that help you make informed decisions on how you can improve your app and help you identify issues that are easily missed like decoding an image twice. You saw multiple techniques for improving the efficiency of working with images from pre-sizing to background loading. Additional tools and techniques for performance improvements followed before getting into advanced uses of existing views by way of spans and the flexible RecyclerView.

In the next chapter, you’ll dive right into the world of drawing in Android. You’ll learn how to draw images and text as well as how to apply filters and compositing.

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