

accessibility 8194, 90

adding 8791

checking 82

Accessibility Checker panel 8284

Accessibility Setup Assistant 91

Accessibility tool 82

accessible text, copying text as 132

ACE (Adobe Color Engine) 298

Acrobat DC. See Adobe Acrobat DC

Acrobat DC mobile app 12

Acrobat PDFMaker 144

dialog box 151, 153

using 49

Acrobat Reader. See Adobe Acrobat Reader

commenting in 223

using Protected Mode in 180

Acrobat ribbon in Microsoft Office 144

action pane 269


about 268

adding steps to 274

adding to form fields 253

creating 272

editing 282

exporting 282

Go To steps in 275

instruction steps in 274

naming 278

reviewing tasks performed by 272

saving 278

sharing 282

using 268, 278

Action Wizard tool 268

Actual Size command 67

Add Header And Footer dialog box 271

Add Image tool 130


barcodes 244

blank pages 48

bookmarks 113

bullet points 126127

comments 221227

files to combined files 165

form fields in Acrobat 244250, 245251

headers and footers to PDF files 271, 279

images to PDF files 130

keywords 118

multimedia files 117

navigational tools to the toolbar 71

page numbers 108

passwords 185

security 185

steps to actions 274

sticky notes 223

tags 8889

text 126

text fields 245

tools to the Quick Tools toolbar 31

tools to the Tools pane 17

videos to PDF files 280

watermarks 270

Add Text Box tool 222

Add Text tool 80, 127, 199, 222

Add Watermark dialog box 270

Adobe Acrobat DC

about 1012

installing 2

mobile app 6

options for purchasing 3

starting 3

Adobe Acrobat DC Classroom in a Book, Second Edition

about 1

lesson files 3

prerequisites 2

Adobe Acrobat DC Help 34

Adobe Acrobat DC Pro

compared with Acrobat Standard 2

lessons requiring 2

Adobe Acrobat DC Standard 2

Adobe Acrobat Reader. See Acrobat Reader

about 11

distributing 13

installing 13

security in 11

Adobe Color Engine (ACE) 298

Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management 183

Adobe PDF files

about 10

accessible 81

adding security to 183

advantages of 10

certifying 211

comparing methods for creating 38

consolidating and converting source files 43

converting to Microsoft Word documents 137

creating 3663

creating by dragging and dropping 42

designing for online viewing 29

from Microsoft Excel files 152157

from Microsoft Word document on Mac OS 151152

from Microsoft Word documents in Windows 145150

from web pages 57

modifying signed 210

navigating 2125, 66

on the web 12

opening 14

optimizing 5354

reading 66

reflowing 85

searching 72

signing 207

structured 81

tagged 81, 82

Adobe PDF Print Engine 292

Adobe PDF Printer 4950

Adobe Send 94, 95

Adobe Sign 189, 189198, 190

preparing a form for 190193

sending for signatures 193195

signing a document in 196198

alignment, changing 126

Allow Fast Web View option 30

Allow Speculative Downloading In The Background option 30

alt text 90

specifying 9091

Always Add Bookmarks To Adobe PDF Files option in the Combine Files dialog box 173


form data 260

PDF files for printing 289

Append To Document, web pages 60

Arrow tool 223

Attach File tool 222

attaching the original Word file to a PDF 148

audio, adding to PDF files 117

automatic scrolling 92

automating tasks using actions 268

Autotag Document option 88


barcodes, adding 244

Bates numbering 109

best practices for creating print-ready PDF files 287

blank pages, inserting 48

bolding text 126

booklets, printing 79


adding 113114

changing destinations for 115

creating 24, 114

for converted web pages 59

from Word headings and styles 145

generating automatically 24

in combined files 174

increasing text size in 93

moving 116

naming automatically 114

navigating with 24

nesting 25, 116

Bookmarks button in navigation pane 24, 100

Bookmarks panel 112, 113

Bookmarks tab, PDFMaker 146

bounding boxes, moving 127

Box, saving PDF files to 42

brightness setting 33

bullet points 124, 126127

buttons, adding to forms 244, 253


calculating values in form fields 262263

cascading multiple documents 26

certificates, digital ID 209

certified PDF files, signing 215

certifying PDF files 211216

changing text in a PDF 123127

check boxes, adding to forms 244

checking accessibility 82

check marks in the Comments list 230

checks in preflighting 289

clipboard, creating Adobe PDF from contents 54

Clip Complex Regions, when flattening transparency 297

Cloud tool 223

collecting form data 258259

color management

about 298

setting up 298

synchronizing settings across Adobe Creative Cloud 298

when printing 304

color of text, changing 126

color separations

about 299

previewing 299

printing 302

Combine Files tool 43, 165

arranging pages in 170172

browsing thumbnails in 167

displaying contents as list in 172

excluding pages in 45

page size options in 173

setting options in 173174

specifying options for conversion in 46

zooming in on thumbnails in 167

combining files 162177

about 164

adding files when 165

in PDF Portfolios 164

into a single PDF 175

limitations of 164

selecting files when 164169

setting options for 173174

commenting tools 222223

Add Note To Text tool 222

Arrow tool 223

Attach File tool 222

Cloud tool 223

Connected Lines tool 223

Highlight Text tool 222

Insert Text tool 222

Line tool 223

Oval tool 223

Record Audio tool 222

Rectangle tool 223

Stamp tool 222

Sticky Note tool 222, 223

Strikethrough tool 222

Text Box tool 222

Underline tool 222


about 222

adding in Acrobat Reader 223

adding to a PDF 221227

changing the status of 231

exporting 229

filtering 230

importing 228229

including in a PDF from a Word document 147148

inserting text with 226

marking text edits in 226228

replying to 231

sorting 229

summarizing 232

viewing 228, 229

viewing in context 229

Comments List 230

Comment tool 20, 221

Compare Files tool 20, 236238

compatibility in encryption 187

completing forms 7880

compression 53

Configure Signature Appearance dialog box 200201

Connected Lines tool 223

conversion settings in PDFMaker 148

Convert All Strokes To Outlines option 297

Convert All Text To Outlines option 297

Convert Displayed Comments To Notes In Adobe PDF option 147


and combining files 43

a page range 45

spot colors to process colors 302

web pages 57

Convert Multimedia and Preserve Slide Transitions option 159

Convert To PDF preferences 40


images 132134

text 132133

Copy With Formatting command 133

Create Link dialog box 112

Create New Action dialog box 273

Create PDF tool 20, 38


actions 272

bookmarks 24, 114

custom preflight profiles 292

custom stamps 222

forms 242

links in PDF files 112

creating Adobe PDFs 38

by dragging and dropping 42

by scanning 5557

comparing methods for 38

for print and prepress 286

from Office applications 144161

from the clipboard 54

from web pages 5762

using the Adobe PDF Printer (Windows) 4950

using the Create PDF tool 38

using the Print command 4950

using the Save As Adobe PDF option (Mac OS) 51

Creation and Appearance Preferences dialog box 200201

Crop icon 130

cropping images 130


interface brightness 33

preflight profiles 292


date fields, creating 247


tools 17

work area 14

Default File Size option in the Combine Files dialog box 173


blocks of text 122123

pages 106

pages when combining files into a single PDF 45

description, adding 118

digital IDs

about 190

certificates for 209

creating 204

self-signed 204

digital signatures

about 189

adding to forms 244

creating 199

creating fields for 191

customizing the appearance of 201

personalizing 199

reversing 211

sending documents for 190

using Preview Document mode with 203

validating 211

verifying 202

displaying page size 15

Display In Read Mode By Default option 30

display, onscreen 66


Acrobat Reader 13

PDF forms 255, 259

dividing a spreadsheet into sections for viewing 157

Document Cloud, uploading files to 95

document message bar 257

Document Open password 185

Document Properties dialog box 117, 184, 209, 212

document properties, setting 117

document review processes 220

document title 118

document window 15

downsampling 54

dragging and dropping to create PDFs 42

Dropbox, saving files to 42

dropdown menus, adding to forms 244

duplex printing 79

Dynamic Zoom tool 70



actions 282

images in Acrobat 129132, 130132

images in another application 131

text 122127

Edit PDF tool 19, 20, 122, 127, 129

email-based reviews

about 220

initiating 232

tracking comments in 234

using Tracker in 235

email, distributing forms through 259

Enable Accessibility And Reflow With Tagged PDF option 154

encrypting PDF files 183, 185, 205

Enhance Scans tool 20

Enter key, navigating with 67

Eraser tool 222

Excel spreadsheets

converting to PDF in Windows 152156

converting to PDF on Mac OS 156

saving PDF tables as 138

exiting Full Screen mode 28

expanding documents in the Combine Files dialog box 168169


actions 282

comments 229

form data 261

images 132133

PDF files as Word documents 137

preflight profiles 292

presentations to PowerPoint 134135

tables from PDF as Excel spreadsheets 139

Export PDF tool 20, 137


Fields panel 243

file information, viewing in the Combine Files dialog box 167

file size, reducing 52

by optimizing 53

filling out PDF forms 78

Fill & Sign tool 20, 199


comments 230

form data 260

find and search, compared 72

finding and replacing text 125

Find panel 125

FIPS mode 216

First Page button 71

First Page command 68

Fit One Full Page button 41, 67

Fit To Paper Width option 154

Fit Visible command 67

Fit Width command 21, 66, 69

Fit Worksheet To A Single Page option in Excel 154

fixing PDF files for printing 289

fixups in preflighting 289

flat forms, converting into interactive forms 78

Flattener Preview 294

flattener preview settings 294

flattening transparency 293

options 297

floating toolbar 30

font, changing 126

formatting text field responses 247

formatting text in Acrobat 126, 127

form data

analyzing 260

exporting 261

filtering 260261

sorting 260261

using in a spreadsheet or database 261

viewing responses in a PDF Portfolio 258

Form Editing mode 243

form fields

adding actions to 253

adding automatically 243

adding labels to 253

barcodes 244

buttons 244, 253

calculating numeric fields 262

check boxes 244

date fields 247

digital signatures 244

dropdown menus 244

editing properties for 247

list boxes 244

naming 245

phone number fields 247

positioning 246

previewing 248

radio buttons 244, 249

resizing 247

restricting answer formats for 247

reviewing in Fields panel 243

scrolling text fields 248

text fields 244, 245

types 244

validating numeric fields 262

zip code fields 247

form responses

tracking 258

using in a spreadsheet or database 261

viewing in a PDF Portfolio 260

forms 240265

adding a reset button to 253

adding signature fields for eSign 191

adding text fields to 245

collecting data from 258

compiling responses from 259

converting paper to PDF 242

creating from scanned documents 242

creating from Word documents 242

distributing 255, 259

document message bar in 257

filling out 78

flat 78

laying out precisely 246

making interactive 242

noninteractive 80

tracking 258

Full Screen mode 118

about 28

avoiding the warning message 280

displaying navigation tools in 28

exiting 28

setting a file to open in 29

setting preferences for 28

viewing PDFs in 2830


Go To Page dialog box 22

Go To steps in actions 275

Gradient And Mesh Resolution option 297


Hand tool 17, 23, 66

headers and footers

adding to PDF files 271, 279

editing in PDF file created from Office document 149

headers, viewing in a spreadsheet while scrolling 157

headings and styles in Word, converting to bookmarks 145


layers when printing 291

text (redacting) 128

highlighting areas affected by transparency 294

Highlight Text tool 222, 225

Home screen 14

hyperlinks. See links


image-editing application, using to edit images in a PDF 131

image fields, adding to forms 244, 252


adding 130

converting to PDF 38

copying 132134

cropping 130

editing in Acrobat 129132

editing in another application 131

exporting from Acrobat 132133

replacing 129

saving 133


actions 282

comments 228

preflight profiles 292

initial view, setting to Full Screen mode 29

Initial View tab in the Document Properties dialog box 117

Ink Manager 300, 302


blank pages 48

images 130

pages from one PDF file into another 104

Insert Pages dialog box 48

Insert Text tool 222, 226

inspecting objects in a PDF file 301

installers, Acrobat Reader 13

installing Acrobat 2

instruction steps, adding to actions 274

interactive forms, creating 242

Internet settings, for converting web pages 57

inviting reviewers 232


keyboard shortcuts 92

keywords, adding to a PDF 118


labels, adding to form fields 253

Larger File Size option in the Combine Files dialog box 173

layers, printing 291

layout of forms 246

learning resources 4

lesson files, downloading 3

Line Art And Text Resolution option 297

Link Properties dialog box 110

links 71

adding actions to 110

changing the destination of 110

creating 112

editing 110

list boxes, adding to forms 244

list, display contents of Combine Files dialog box as 172

listing comments 228, 229

LiveCycle Rights Management 183

logos in digital signatures 201



about 66

changing 17, 21

magnifying glass in the Combine Files tool 167

mail merge, converting Word files to PDF 150

Make Accessible action 8789

Make Searchable option 56

malicious files, preventing damage from 180

Manage Actions dialog box 282

markup tools 222223

Marquee Zoom tool 70

menu bar, reopening 15

merging files into a single PDF 162177

metadata, adding to PDF files 117

Microsoft Excel

converting spreadsheets to PDF on Mac OS 156

exporting tables to 138

using PDFMaker with, in Windows 152155

Microsoft Office files, including in combined files 164

Microsoft PowerPoint

exporting presentations to 134

using PDFMaker with 158160

Microsoft SharePoint, using to distribute forms 259

Microsoft Word documents

converting to PDF on Mac OS 151

converting with PDFMaker in Windows 145150

saving PDF files as 137

Microsoft WordPad, creating PDF files from 50

mobile app for Acrobat DC 6, 12

monitor resolution 66

movie files, adding to a PDF 117


pages 101

text bounding boxes 127

multiline text fields, adding 247

multimedia files, adding to PDF files 117

multiple documents

combining into a single PDF 43

viewing 25



form fields 245

radio buttons 249


documents 6674

in Full Screen mode 28

PDF files 21, 66

with Enter and Return keys 67

with scroll bar 68

Navigation Bar in Full Screen mode 28

navigation pane 100

Page Thumbnails panel 22

Security Settings button in 183

Signatures panel 210

Tags panel 87

navigation tools, adding to the toolbar 71

New Bookmark button 24, 113, 114

Next Page button 24

Next Page command 22

Next View button 72

notes from Microsoft Word comments 147

Number Pages command 107

numeric fields, calculating and validating 262263


Object Inspector 301

OCR, applying 5657

omitting pages from combined files 169170

OneDrive, saving PDF files to 42

onscreen display 66


password-protected PDF files 188

PDF files 14

PDFs in Full Screen mode 29

optimizing PDF files 5354

Organize Pages tool 18, 20, 104

organizing pages in the Combine Files dialog box 170172

Output Preview dialog box 301

Oval tool 223


Page Controls toolbar 16

Page Display preferences 93

page numbers, adding to a PDF 108

page preview box 69

page range, converting 45


arranging in the Combine Files dialog box 170172

deleting 106

inserting 104

moving with page thumbnails 101

omitting from combined files 169170

printing 74

rearranging 101

renumbering 107108

rotating 105

page size

displaying 15

options in the Combine Files dialog box 173

Pages panel 20

page thumbnails

moving pages with 101

Page Thumbnails button 22

Page Thumbnails panel 22

page view magnification 69

panning across a page 66

password-protected PDF files

creating 185186

opening 188

password strength 186

PDF. See Adobe PDF files

PDF/A 293

PDF/E 293

PDF files. See Adobe PDF files

PDFMaker 49. See also Acrobat PDFMaker

PDF Optimizer 53

PDF Portfolios 175176

advantages of 175

collecting form responses in 258

creating 175176

PDF settings files (presets)

about 52, 286

selecting 288

PDF standards 293

PDF tables, saving as Excel spreadsheets 138

PDF/X files

creating for professional printing 287

saving as 293

validating 293

Pencil tool 222

Permission Details in the Security Settings panel 184

Permissions password 185

phone number field, creating 247

pop-up menus, adding to forms 244

Portable Document Format. See Adobe PDF files

positioning form fields 246

PostScript printer driver 302

PowerPoint presentations

converting to PDF in Windows 158159

converting to PDF on Mac OS 160

exporting from PDF 134


Convert To PDF 40

for web browsing 30

Full Screen mode 28, 280

Internet 30

Page Display 93

Reading 93, 94

Security 199

preflighting PDF files 289291

preflight profiles

creating custom 292

exporting 292

importing 292

preflight summary report 291

Prepare For Distribution action 268

Prepare Form tool 20, 242

prepress, creating PDF files for 286

prerequisites for Classroom in a Book 2


exporting to PowerPoint 134

setting up 118

viewing in Full Screen mode 28

Preserve Overprint option 297

presets for creating PDF files 52


color separations 299

documents in the Combine Files dialog box 167

form fields 248

printing 299

transparency 292

Preview mode when signing documents 208

Previous Page command 22

Previous View command 72, 101

Print command, using to create PDF files 4950

printers’ marks 303


booklets 79

color separations 302

comments 232

PDF files 74

printers’ marks 303

using color management 304

printing options 302

print preview 299

Print Production tool 289

professional printing, creating PDFs for 287

Prompt For Conversion Settings option, in Excel 154

Prompt User option when creating actions 274

proofing onscreen 301


document 117

editing for form fields 247

Protected Mode in Acrobat Reader 11, 180

disabling 11, 182

verifying 180181

protecting PDF files 183217

Protect tool 20, 185


Quick Tools on toolbar

customizing 31


radio buttons

adding 244, 249

naming 249

rasterization 295

Raster/Vector Balance slider 296


comments 228

PDFs 66

reading out loud 93

Reading preferences 9394

Read mode 2930

rearranging pages in a PDF 101

Recognition Report 88

Record Audio tool 222

Rectangle tool 223

redacting text 128

reducing file size 52


a PDF file 8587

text 123

remapping spot colors to process colors 300, 302

Remove Selected Items button in the Combine Files dialog box 45

Remove Split command 27

removing pages from combined files 169

renumbering pages 107109

reopening the menu bar 15

Replace Text tool 222, 226


images 129

multiple occurrences of text 125

text 123124

replying to comments 231

Require A Password To Open The Document option 186

resampling 53, 54

reset buttons, adding to forms 253

resetting toolbars 72


form fields 247

text bounding boxes 127

resolution, checking 301

resources for learning Acrobat 4

response file, adding form data to 259

Results pane in the Preflight dialog box 290291

Return key, navigating with 67

reversing digital signatures 211

reviewers, inviting to an email-based review 232

reviews 218239

about 220

commenting and markup tools for 222

shared 220

types of 220

rich text format, copying text as 132

roman numerals as page numbers 107

rotating pages 105


sandboxing 11, 180

Save As Adobe PDF option 51


actions 278

as image files 133

as RTF 132

as Word documents 137

saving PDF files to cloud accounts 42

scanned documents, creating interactive forms from 242

scanned text, making editable 56

scanning paper documents to PDF 5557

using OCR 56

scrolling 68

automatic 92

searching PDF documents 7274

security in PDF files 178217

about 183

adding 185

and accessibility 85

in Acrobat Reader 11

Security preferences 199

security settings 183

Security Settings button in the navigation pane 183

Selection tool 24

self-signed digital IDs 199

Send For Signature tool 20, 190199

Send & Track tool 20, 95, 20

Set Bookmark Destination command 115

settings for combining files 46

setting up presentations 118

shared reviews 220, 235

Sharepoint, saving PDF files to 42

SharePoint, using in a review 220


actions 282

PDF files 94

showing and hiding layers when printing 291

Sign. See Adobe Sign

signature appearances

creating 199201

naming 201

signatures. See also digital signatures

adding to forms 244

signatures in PDF files 189217

Signatures panel 210, 211

Signature Verification Preferences dialog box 202


certified files 215

in Preview mode 203, 208

PDF files 189217

when there is no signature field 199

Small File Size option in the Combine Files dialog box 173

smoothing text 93

Snapshot feature. 133

soft-proofing a PDF file 301


comments 229

form data 260

source files, attaching to PDFs 148

Split command 27

splitting the view of a document 27

spot colors, remapping to process 300

Spreadsheet Split command 157

stamps, creating custom 222

Stamp tool 222

Start button in actions 270

sticky notes

adding 223

converting Word comments to 147150

Sticky Note tool 222

Stop button in actions 270

Strikethrough tool 222, 227

structure in PDF files 81

styles in Word, converting to bookmarks 145146

Submit Form button 257

summarizing comments 232

SWF animations, adding to PDF files 117

Switch To List button in the Combine Files dialog box 172


tables, exporting as spreadsheets 138

tagged PDF files 81, 82

about 49

Tags panel 87

Take A Snapshot command 133

task panes 17


adding 126

bolding 126

changing properties of 123, 126

copying 132133

copying as accessible text 132

copying in RTF 132

deleting 122123

editing 122127

finding and replacing 125

formatting 126

inserting in comments 222, 226

making scanned text editable 56

marking for deletion 227

redacting 128

reflowing 8587, 123

replacing 123124

searching 7274

smoothing 93

text blocks, moving 127

text color, changing 126

TextEdit, creating PDF files from 51

text edits, marking in comments 226228

text fields

adding to forms 244, 245

formatting for multiple lines 247

text properties, changing 123, 126


browsing in the Combine Files dialog box 167

highlighted area in 23

moving pages with 101

rearranging in the Combine Files dialog box 170172

viewing 22

TIFF files, converting to PDF 38

tiling documents 25

title, document 118


about 16

adding tools to 71

customizing 31

resetting to default 72


Accessibility 82

Action Wizard 268

Add Text 199, 222

Cloud 223

Combine Files 165

Comment 20, 221

commenting and markup 222

Compare Files 20

Create PDF 20, 38

custom stamp 222

Edit PDF 19, 20, 127, 129

Enhance Scans 20

Export PDF 20

Fill & Sign 20, 199

Highlight Text 222, 225

Organize Pages 18, 20, 104

Oval 223

Prepare Form 20, 242

Print Production 289

Protect 20, 185

Redact 128

selecting in the Tools pane 18

Send For Signature 20, 190199

Send & Track 20

showing and hiding 70

Stamp 222

Sticky Note 222

Tools Center 17

Tools pane

adding tools to 17, 82

panels in 20

TouchUp Reading Order tool 87


in reviews 235

using to track forms 258


reviews 235

transitions, retaining in a PDF from a PowerPoint presentation 158


about 292

flattener preview settings 294

flattening 293

options for flattening 297

previewing 292

using efficiently for printing 287

transparency flattener preset options 295

trusted identities 209

type style, changing 126


Underline tool 222


validating form field data 262

verifying digital signatures 202

versions of documents, comparing 236238

video files, adding to PDF files 117, 280

View Adobe PDF Result option 148150

View Documents in Preview Mode option 203


comments 228, 229

documents in Protected Mode in Reader 180

file information in the Combine Files dialog box 167

form responses 258

individual pages of a document in the Combine Files dialog box 168169

multiple documents 25

multiple views of a document 27

PDFs in Full Screen mode 2830

PDFs in Read mode 2930

security settings 183

spreadsheet headers while scrolling through rows 157

View menu 22


Actual Size 67

changing 69

Fit Visible 67

Fit Width 67

split 27

Spreadsheet Split 157

Zoom To Page Level 67

View Signed Version option, digital signatures 211

viruses, preventing 180


watermarks, adding 270

web browsing preferences for PDF files 30

web links, downloading and converting 60

web pages

converting to PDF 5762

navigating 59

websites, including PDFs in 13

Welcome screen 14

Word comments, converting to PDF notes 147

Word documents

attaching source files to PDFs 148

converting mail-merge to PDF 150

converting to Adobe PDF in Windows 145150

converting to Adobe PDF on Mac OS 151152

including in combined files 164

saving PDF files as 137

Word tab, PDFMaker 147

work area, default 14


zip code fields, creating 247

Zoom In button 16


in on thumbnails in the Combine Files dialog box 167

with the Dynamic Zoom tool 70

with the Marquee Zoom tool 70

Zoom Out button 17

Zoom To command 22

zoom tools 17, 70

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