Chapter 10
Working with the filter context

In the previous chapters you learned how to create filter contexts to perform advanced calculations. For example, in the time intelligence chapter, you learned how to mix time intelligence calculations to provide a comparison of different periods. In Chapter 9, “Calculation groups,” you learned how to simplify the user experience and the DAX code using calculation groups. In this chapter, you learn many functions that read the state of the current filter context, in order to change the behavior of your formulas according to existing selections and filters. These functions, though powerful, are not frequently used. Nevertheless, a correct understanding of these functions is needed to create measures that work well in different reports rather than just in the report where they were used the first time.

A formula might work or not depending on how the filter context is set. For example, you might write a formula that works correctly at the month level but returns an inaccurate result at the year level. Another example would be the ranking of a customer against all other customers. That formula works if a single customer is selected in the filter context, but it would return an incorrect result if multiple customers were visible. Therefore, a measure designed to work in any report should inspect the filter context prior to returning a value. If the filter context satisfies the requirements of the formula, then it can return a meaningful value. Otherwise, if the filter context contains filters that are not compatible with the code, then returning a blank is a better choice.

Be mindful that no formula should ever return an incorrect value. It is always better to return no value than to compute an incorrect value. Users are expected to be able to browse your model without any previous knowledge of the internals of the code. As a DAX author, you are responsible for making sure your code works in any situation.

For each function introduced in this chapter, we show several scenarios where it might be useful and logical to use the function itself. But your scenario is surely different from any of our examples. Thus, when reading about these functions, try to figure out how they could improve the features of your model.

Besides, in this chapter we also introduce two important concepts: data lineage and the TREATAS function. Data lineage is an intuitive concept you have been using so far without a complete explanation. In this chapter we go deeper, describing its behavior and several scenarios where it is useful to consider it.


As outlined in the introduction, many calculations provide meaningful values based on the current selection. Nevertheless, the same calculation on a different selection provides incorrect figures. As an example, look at the following formula computing a simple quarter-to-date (QTD) of the sales amount:

QTD Sales :=
    [Sales Amount],
    DATESQTD ( 'Date'[Date] )

As you can see in Figure 10-1, the code works well for months and quarters, but at the year level (CY 2007) it produces a result stating that the QTD value of Sales Amount for 2017 is 2,731,424.16.

In the report, the QTD value at the year level is not a sum over the whole year.
Figure 10-1 QTD Sales reports values at the year level too, but the numbers might confuse some users.

Actually, the value reported by QTD Sales at the year level is the value of the last quarter of the year, which corresponds to the QTD Sales value of December. One might argue that—at the year level—the value of QTD does not make sense. To be correct, the value should not appear at the quarter level. Indeed, a QTD aggregation makes sense at the month level and below, but not starting at the quarter level and above. In other words, the formula should report the value of QTD at the month level and blank the value otherwise.

In such a scenario, the function HASONEVALUE becomes useful. For example, to remove the total at the quarter level and above, it is enough to detect multiple months selected. This is the case at the year and quarter levels, whereas at the month level there is only one month selected. Thus, protecting the code with an IF statement provides the desired behavior. The following code does the job:

QTD Sales :=
IF (
    HASONEVALUE ( 'Date'[Month] ),
        [Sales Amount],
        DATESQTD ( 'Date'[Date] )

The result of this new formula is visible in Figure 10-2.

In the report, QTD Sales only shows values at the month level. Quarter and year level values are blank.
Figure 10-2 Protecting QTD Sales with HASONEVALUE lets you blank undesired values.

This first example is already an important one. Instead of just leaving the calculation “as is,” we decided to go one step further and question exactly “when” the calculation produces a value that makes sense. If it turns out that a certain formula does not produce accurate results in a filter context, it is better to verify whether the filter context satisfies the minimum requirements and operate accordingly.

In Chapter 7, “Working with iterators and with CALCULATE,” you saw a similar scenario when you learned about the RANKX function. There, we had to produce a ranking of the current customer against all other customers, and we used HASONEVALUE to guarantee that such ranking is only produced when a single customer is selected in the current filter context.

Time intelligence is a scenario where HASONEVALUE is frequently used because many aggregations—like YTD, for example—only make sense when the filter context is filtering one quarter, one month, or one specific time period. In all other cases, the formula should avoid returning a value and should return BLANK instead.

Another common scenario where HASONEVALUE is useful is to extract one selected value from the filter context. There used to be many scenarios where this could be useful, but with the advent of calculation groups, their number is much lower. We will describe a scenario performing some sort of what-if analysis. In such a case, the developer typically builds a parameter table that lets the user select one value through a slicer; then, the code uses this parameter to adjust the calculation.

For example, consider evaluating the sales amount by adjusting the values of previous years based on the inflation rate. In order to perform the analysis, the report lets the user select a yearly inflation rate that should be used from each transaction date up to today. The inflation rate is a parameter of the algorithm. A solution to this scenario is to build a table with all the values that a user can select. In our example, we created a table with all the values from 0% to 20% with a step of 0.5%, obtaining the table you can partially see in Figure 10-3.

The table contains the values for inflation.
Figure 10-3 Inflation contains all the values between 0% and 20% with a step of 0.5%.

The user selects the desired value with a slicer; then the formula needs to apply the selected inflation rate for all the years from the transaction date up to the current date. If the user does not perform a selection or if they select multiple values, then the formula should use a default inflation rate of 0% to report the actual sales amount.

The final report looks like the one in Figure 10-4.

The figure shows Sales Amount and Inflation Adjusted Sales, with the slicer at the top for inflation rate. At the top is the year of the report.
Figure 10-4 The Inflation parameter controls the multiplier of previous years.

Image Note

The What-If parameter feature in Power BI generates a table and a slicer using the same technique described here.

There are several interesting notes about this report:

  • A user can select the inflation rate to apply through the top-left slicer.

  • The report shows the year used to perform the adjustment, reporting the year of the last sale in the data model in the top-right label.

  • Inflation Adjusted Sales multiplies the sales amount of the given year by a factor that depends on the user-selected inflation.

  • At the grand total level, the calculation needs to apply a different multiplier to each year.

The code for the reporting year label is the simplest calculation in the report; it only needs to retrieve the year of the maximum order date from the Sales table:

Reporting year := "Reporting year: " & YEAR ( MAX ( Sales[Order Date] ) )

Similarly, one could retrieve the selected user inflation by using MIN or MAX, because when the user filters one value with the slicer, both MIN and MAX return the same value—that is, the only value selected. Nevertheless, a user might make an invalid selection by filtering multiple values or by applying no filter at all. In that case, the formula needs to behave correctly and still provide a default value.

Thus, a better option is to check with HASONEVALUE whether the user has actively filtered a single value with the slicer, and have the code behave accordingly to the HASONEVALUE result:

User Selected Inflation :=
IF (
    HASONEVALUE ( 'Inflation Rate'[Inflation] ),
    VALUES ( 'Inflation Rate'[Inflation] ),

Because this pattern is very common, DAX also offers an additional choice. The SELECTEDVALUE function provides the behavior of the previous code in a single function call:

User Selected Inflation := SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Inflation Rate'[Inflation], 0 )

SELECTEDVALUE has two arguments. The second argument is the default returned in case there is more than one element selected in the column passed as the first argument.

Once the User Selected Inflation measure is in the model, one needs to compute the multiplier for the selected year. If the last year in the model is considered the year to use for the adjustment, then the multiplier needs to iterate over all the years between the last year and the selected year performing the multiplication of 1+Inflation for each year:

Inflation Multiplier :=
VAR ReportingYear =
    YEAR ( CALCULATE ( MAX ( Sales[Order Date] ), ALL ( Sales ) ) )
VAR CurrentYear =
    SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Date'[Calendar Year Number] )
VAR Inflation = [User Selected Inflation]
VAR Years =
    FILTER (
        ALL ( 'Date'[Calendar Year Number] ),
        AND (
            'Date'[Calendar Year Number] >= CurrentYear,
            'Date'[Calendar Year Number] < ReportingYear
VAR Multiplier =
    MAX ( PRODUCTX ( Years, 1 + Inflation ), 1 )

The last step is to use the multiplier on a year-by-year basis. Here is the code of Inflation Adjusted Sales:

Inflation Adjusted Sales :=
    VALUES ( 'Date'[Calendar Year] ),
    [Sales Amount] * [Inflation Multiplier]


Sometimes the goal is not to gather a single value from the filter context; instead, the goal is to check whether a column or a table has an active filter on it. The reason one might want to check for the presence of a filter is usually to verify that all the values of a column are currently visible. In the presence of a filter, some values might be hidden and the number—at that point—might be inaccurate.

A column might be filtered because there is a filter applied to it or because some other column is being filtered, and therefore there is an indirect filter on the column. We can elaborate on this with a simple example:

RedColors :=
    [Sales Amount],
    'Product'[Color] = "Red"

During the evaluation of Sales Amount, the outer CALCULATE applies a filter on the Product[Color] column. Consequently, Product[Color] is filtered. There is a specific function in DAX that checks whether a column is filtered or not: ISFILTERED. ISFILTERED returns TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the column passed as an argument has a direct filter on it or not. When ISFILTERED receives a table as an argument, it returns TRUE if any columns of the table are being filtered directly; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

Although the filter is on Product[Color], all the columns of the Product table are indirectly filtered. For example, the Brand column only shows the brands that have at least one red product. Any brand with no red products will not be visible because of the filter on the color column. Apart from Product[Color], all the other columns of the Product table have no direct filter. Nevertheless, their visible values are limited. Indeed, all the columns of Product are cross-filtered. A column is cross-filtered if there is a filter that may reduce its set of visible values, either a direct or an indirect filter. The function to use to check whether a column is cross-filtered or not is ISCROSSFILTERED.

It is important to note that if a column is filtered, it is also cross-filtered. The opposite does not hold true: A column can be cross-filtered even though it is not filtered. Moreover, ISCROSSFILTERED works either with a column or with a table. Indeed, whenever any column of a table is cross-filtered, all the remaining columns of the table are cross-filtered too. Therefore, ISCROSSFILTERED should be used with a table rather than with a column. You might still find ISCROSSFILTERED used with a column because—originally—ISCROSSFILTERED used to only work with columns. Only later was ISCROSSFILTERED introduced for tables. Thus, some old code might still only use ISCROSSFILTERED with a column.

Because filters work over the entire data model, a filter on the Product table also affects the related tables. Thus, the filter on Product[Color] applies its effect to the Sales table too. Therefore, any column in the Sales table is cross-filtered by the filter on Product[Color].

To demonstrate the behavior of these functions, we used a slightly different model than the usual model used in the rest of the book. We removed some tables, and we upgraded the relationship between Sales and Product using bidirectional cross-filtering. You can see the resulting model in Figure 10-5.

The figure shows the data model, with a bidirectional relationship between Product and Sales.
Figure 10-5 In this model the relationship between Sales and Product is bidirectional.

In this model, we authored this set of measures:

Filter Gender := ISFILTERED ( Customer[Gender] )
Cross Filter Customer := ISCROSSFILTERED ( Customer )
Cross Filter Sales := ISCROSSFILTERED ( Sales )
Cross Filter Product := ISCROSSFILTERED ( 'Product' )
Cross Filter Store := ISCROSSFILTERED ( Store )

Finally, we projected all the measures in a matrix with Customer[Continent] and Customer[Gender] on the rows. You can see the result in Figure 10-6.

The report shows each of the measures, per continent and per gender. The results are either True or False.
Figure 10-6 The matrix shows the behavior of ISFILTERED and ISCROSSFILTERED.

Here are a few considerations about the results:

  • Customer[Gender] is only filtered on the rows where there is an active filter on Customer[Gender]. At the subtotal level—where the filter is only on Customer[Continent]—the column is not filtered.

  • The entire Customer table is cross-filtered when there is a filter on either Customer[Continent] or Customer[Gender].

  • The same applies to the Sales table. The presence of a filter on any column of the Customer table applies a cross-filter on the Sales table because Sales is on the many-side of a many-to-one relationship with Customer.

  • Store is not cross-filtered because the filter on Sales does not propagate to Customer. Indeed, the relationship between Sales and Store is unidirectional, so the filter does not propagate from Sales to Store.

  • Because the relationship between Sales and Product is bidirectional, then the filter on Sales propagates to Product. Therefore, Product is cross-filtered by any filter in other tables of this data model.

ISFILTERED and ISCROSSFILTERED are not frequently used in DAX expressions. They are used when performing advanced optimization by checking the set of filters on a column—to make the code follow different paths depending on the filters. Another common scenario is when working with hierarchies, as we will show in Chapter 11, “Handling hierarchies.”

Beware that one cannot rely on the presence of a filter to determine whether all the values of a column are visible. In fact, a column can be both filtered and cross-filtered but still show all the values. A simple measure demonstrates this:

Test :=
    ISFILTERED ( Customer[City] ),
    Customer[City] <> "DAX"

There is no city named DAX in the Customer table. Thus, the filter does not have any effect on the Customer table because it shows all the rows. Therefore, Customer[City] shows all the possible values of the column, even though a filter is active on the same column and the Test measure returns TRUE.

To check whether all the possible values are visible in a column or in a table, the best option is to count the rows under different contexts. In this case, there are some important details to learn, which we discuss in the following sections.

Understanding differences between VALUES and FILTERS

FILTERS is a function like VALUES, with one important difference. VALUES returns the values visible in the filter context; FILTERS returns the values that are currently being filtered by the filter context.

Although the two descriptions look the same, they are not. Indeed, one might filter four product colors with a slicer, say Black, Brown, Azure, and Blue. Imagine that because of other filters in the filter context, only two of them are visible in the data if the other two are not used in any product. In that scenario, VALUES returns two colors, whereas FILTER returns all the filtered four. An example is useful to clarify this concept.

For this example, we use an Excel file connected to a Power BI model. The reason is that—at the time of writing—FILTERS does not work as expected when used by SUMMARIZECOLUMNS, which is the function used by Power BI to query the model. Thus, the example would not work in Power BI.

Image Note

Microsoft is aware of the issue of using FILTERS in Power BI, and it is possible that this problem will be solved in the future. However, for illustrating the concept in this book, we had to use Excel as a client because Excel does not leverage SUMMARIZECOLUMNS.

In Chapter 7 we demonstrated how to use CONCATENATEX to show a label in a report indicating the colors selected through a slicer. There, we ended up with a complex formula useful to demonstrate the usage of iterators and variables. Here, we recall the simpler version of that code for your convenience:

Selected Colors :=
"Showing " &
    VALUES ( 'Product'[Color] ),
    ", ",
) & " colors."

Consider a report with two slicers: one slicer filters only one category, and the other slicer filters several colors, as shown in Figure 10-7.

In this report one slicer filters TV and Video; the other filters black, brown, azure, and blue. The figure indicates that it is only showing black and brown colors.
Figure 10-7 Although there are four colors selected, the Selected Colors measure only shows two of them.

Though there are four colors selected in the slicer, the Selected Colors measure only returns two of them. The reason is that VALUES returns the values of a column under the current filter context. There are no TV and Video products which are either blue or azure. Thus, even though the filter context is filtering four colors, VALUES only returns two of them.

If the measure is changed to use FILTERS instead of VALUES, then FILTERS returns the filtered values, regardless of whether there is any product in the current filter context representing those values:

Selected Colors :=
"Showing " &
    FILTERS ( 'Product'[Color] ),
    ", ",
) & " colors."

With this new version of Selected Colors, now the report shows all four colors as the selected ones, as you can see in Figure 10-8.

In this figure, the report indicates that it shows azure, black, blue, and brown.
Figure 10-8 Using FILTERS, the Selected Colors measure now returns all four selected colors.

Similar to HASONEVALUE, DAX also offers a function to check whether a column only has one active filter: HASONEFILTER. Its use and syntax are similar to that of HASONEVALUE. The only difference is that HASONEFILTER might return TRUE when there is a single filter active, and at the same time HASONEVALUE returns FALSE because the value, although filtered, is not part of the visible values.

Understanding the difference between ALLEXCEPT and ALL/VALUES

In a previous section we introduced ISFILTERED and ISCROSSFILTERED to check for the presence of a filter. The presence of a filter is not enough to verify that all the values of a column—or of a table—are visible. A better option is to count the number of rows in the current filter context and check it against the count of all the rows without any filter.

As an example, look at Figure 10-9. The Filtered Gender measure checks for ISFILTERED on the Customer[Gender] column, whereas NumOfCustomers simply counts the number of rows in the Customer table:

NumOfCustomers := COUNTROWS ( Customer )
This report shows Filtered Gender and NumOfCustomers per customer type: companies and people.
Figure 10-9 Even though Customer[Gender] is filtered, all the customers are visible.

You can observe that whenever a customer is a company, as expected the gender is always a blank value. In the second row of the matrix, the filter on Gender is active; indeed, Filtered Gender returns TRUE. At the same time, the filter does not really filter anything because there is only one possible Gender value, and it is visible.

The presence of a filter does not imply that the table is actually filtered. It only states that a filter is active. To check whether all the customers are visible or not, it is better to rely on a simple count. Checking that the number of customers with and without the filter on Gender is the same helps identify that, although active, the filter is not effective.

When performing such calculations, one should pay attention to the details of the filter context and of the behavior of CALCULATE. There are two possible ways of checking the same condition:

  • Counting the customers of ALL genders.

  • Counting the customers with the same customer type (Company or Person).

Even though in the report of Figure 10-9 the two calculations return the same value, if one changes the columns used in the matrix, they compute different results. Besides, both calculations have pros and cons; these are worth learning because they might be useful in several scenarios. We start from the first and easiest one:

All Gender :=
    ALL ( Customer[Gender] )

ALL removes the filter on the Gender column, leaving all the remaining filters in place. As a result, it computes the number of customers in the current filter, regardless of the gender. In Figure 10-10 you can see the result, along with the All customers visible measure that compares the two counts.

The report shows Filtered Gender, NumOfCustomers, All Gender, and All customers visible for each customer type.
Figure 10-10 On the second row, All customers visible returns True, even though Gender is filtered.

All Gender is a measure that works well. However, it has the disadvantage of hardcoding in the measure the fact that it only removes the filter from Gender. For example, using the same measure on a matrix that slices by Continent, the result is not the desired one. You see this in Figure 10-11 where the All customers visible measure is always TRUE.

In this report, All customers visible is always True.
Figure 10-11 Filtering by continent, All customers visible returns incorrect results.

Beware that the measure is not incorrect. It computes the value correctly, but it only works if the report is slicing by gender. To obtain a measure that is independent from the Gender, then the path to follow is the other one: removing all the filters from the Customer table except for the Customer Type column.

Removing all the filters but one looks like a simple operation. However, it hides a trap that you should be aware of. As a matter of fact, the first function that comes to a student’s mind is ALLEXCEPT. Unfortunately, ALLEXCEPT might return unexpected results in this scenario. Consider the following formula:

AllExcept Type :=
    ALLEXCEPT ( Customer, Customer[Customer Type] )

ALLEXCEPT removes all the existing filters from the Customer table except for the Customer Type column. When used in the previous report, it computes a correct result, as shown in Figure 10-12.

In this report, NumOfCustomers, AllExcept Type, and All customers visible reported per continent per customer type are all accurate.
Figure 10-12 ALLEXCEPT removes the dependency from the gender; it works with any column.

The measure does not only work with the Continent. By replacing the continent with the gender in the report, it still produces a correct result, as shown in Figure 10-13.

This time, the measures are reported per gender per customer type. The results are accurate.
Figure 10-13 ALLEXCEPT works with the gender too.

Despite the report being accurate, there is a hidden trap in the formula. The ALL* functions, when used as filter arguments in CALCULATE, act as CALCULATE modifiers. This is explained in Chapter 5, “Understanding CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE.” These modifiers do not return a table that is used as a filter. Instead, they only remove filters from the filter context.

Focus your attention on the row with a blank gender. There are 385 customers in this group: All of them are companies. If one removes the Customer Type column from the report, the only remaining column in the filter context is the gender. When the gender shows the blank row, we know that only companies are visible in the filter context. Nevertheless, Figure 10-14 is surprising because it shows the same value for all the rows in the report; this value is the total number of customers.

In this report, AllExcept Type always displays the total number of customers.
Figure 10-14 ALLEXCEPT produces unexpected values if the customer type is not part of the report.

Here is a caveat: ALLEXCEPT removed all the filters from the Customer table apart from the filter on the customer type. However, there is no filter on the customer type to retain. Indeed, the only filter in the filter context is the filter on the Gender, which ALLEXCEPT removes.

Customer Type is cross-filtered, but it is not filtered. As a result, ALLEXCEPT has no filter to retain and its net effect is the same as an ALL on the customer table. The correct way of expressing this condition is by using a pair of ALL and VALUES instead of ALLEXCEPT. Look at the following formula:

All Values Type :=
    ALL ( Customer ),
    VALUES ( Customer[Customer Type] )

Though similar to the previous definition, its semantics are different. ALL removes any filter from the Customer table. VALUES evaluates the values of Customer[Customer Type] in the current filter context. There is no filter on the customer type, but customer type is cross-filtered. Therefore, VALUES only returns the values visible in the current filter context, regardless of which column is generating the filter that is cross-filtering the customer type. You can see the result in Figure 10-15.

In this report, All Values Type returns the anticipated result.
Figure 10-15 Using ALL and VALUES together produces the desired result.

The important lesson here is that there is a big difference between using ALLEXCEPT and using ALL and VALUES together as filter arguments in CALCULATE. The reason is that the semantic of an ALL* function is always that of removing filters. ALL* functions never add filters to the context; they can only remove them.

The difference between the two behaviors, adding filters or removing filters, is not relevant in many scenarios. Nevertheless, there are situations where this difference has a strong impact, like in the previous example.

This, along with many other examples in this book, shows that DAX requires you to be very precise in the definition of your code. Using a function like ALLEXCEPT without thinking carefully about all the implications might result in your code producing unexpected values. DAX hides a lot of its complexity by providing intuitive behaviors in most situations. Nevertheless, the complexity, although hidden, is still there. One should understand the behaviors of filter contexts and CALCULATE well in order to master DAX.

Using ALL to avoid context transition

By now, at this point in the book our readers have a solid understanding of context transition. It is an extremely powerful feature, and we have leveraged it many times to compute useful values. Nevertheless, sometimes it is useful to avoid it or at least to mitigate its effects. To avoid the effects of the context transition, the ALL* functions are the tools to use.

It is important to remember that when CALCULATE performs its operations, it executes each step in a precise order: The filter arguments are evaluated first, then the context transition happens if there are row contexts, then the CALCULATE modifiers are applied, and finally CALCULATE applies the result of the filter arguments to the filter context. You can leverage this order of execution noting that CALCULATE modifiers—among which we count the ALL* functions—are applied after the context transition. Because of this, a filter modifier has the option of overriding the effect of the context transition.

For example, consider the following piece of code:

        ALL ( Sales )

CALCULATE runs in the row context generated by SUMX, which is iterating over Sales. As such, it should perform a context transition. Because CALCULATE is invoked with a modifier—that is ALL ( Sales )—the DAX engine knows that any filter on the Sales table should be removed.

When we described the behavior of CALCULATE, we said that CALCULATE first performs context transition (that is, it filters all the columns in Sales) and then uses ALL to remove those filters. Nevertheless, the DAX optimizer is smarter than that. Because it knows that ALL removes any filter from Sales, it also knows that it would be totally useless to apply a filter and then remove it straight after. Thus, the net effect is that in this case CALCULATE does not perform any context transition, even though it removes all the existing row contexts.

This behavior is important in many scenarios. It becomes particularly useful in calculated columns. In a calculated column there is always a row context. Therefore, whenever the code in a calculated column invokes a measure, it is always executed in a filter context only for the current row.

For example, imagine computing the percentage of sales of the current product against all products in a calculated column. Inside a calculated column one can easily compute the value of sales of the current product by just invoking the Sales Amount measure. The context transition makes sure that the value returned only represents the sales of the current product. Nevertheless, the denominator should compute the sales of all the products, but the context transition is a problem. So, one can avoid the context transition by using ALL, like in the following code:

'Product'[GlobalPct] =
VAR SalesProduct = [Sales Amount]
VAR SalesAllProducts =
        [Sales Amount],
        ALL ( 'Product' )
VAR Result =
    DIVIDE ( SalesProduct, SalesAllProducts )

Remember: the reason why ALL is removing the effect of the context transition is because ALL—being a CALCULATE modifier—is executed after the context transition. For this reason, ALL can override the effects of the context transition.

Similarly, the percentage against all the products in the same category is a slight variation of the previous code:

'Product'[CategoryPct] =
VAR SalesProduct = [Sales Amount]
VAR SalesCategory =
        [Sales Amount],
        ALLEXCEPT ( 'Product', 'Product'[Category] )
VAR Result
    DIVIDE ( SalesProduct, SalesCategory )

You can look at the result of these two calculated columns in Figure 10-16.

The report shows the results of GlobalPct and CategoryPct, per product name.
Figure 10-16 GlocalPct and CategoryPct use ALL and ALLEXCEPT to avoid the effect of the context transition.


ISEMPTY is a function used to test whether a table is empty, meaning that it has no values visible in the current filter context. Without ISEMPTY, the following expression would test that a table expression returns zero rows:

COUNTROWS ( VALUES ( 'Product'[Color] ) ) = 0

Using ISEMPTY makes the code easier:

ISEMPTY ( VALUES ( 'Product'[Color] ) )

From a performance point of view, using ISEMPTY is always a better choice because it informs the engine exactly what to check. COUNTROWS requires DAX to count the number of rows in the table, whereas ISEMPTY is more efficient and usually does not require a complete scan of the visible values of the target table.

For example, imagine computing the number of customers who never bought certain products. A solution to this requirement is the following measure, NonBuyingCustomers:

NonBuyingCustomers :=
VAR SelectedCustomers =
        DISTINCT ( Sales[CustomerKey] ),
        ALLSELECTED ()
VAR CustomersWithoutSales =
    FILTER (
        ISEMPTY ( RELATEDTABLE ( Sales ) )
VAR Result =
    COUNTROWS ( CustomersWithoutSales )

You can see in Figure 10-17 a report showing the number of customers and the number of nonbuying customers side-by-side.

The report shows buying and nonbuying customers for each brand.
Figure 10-17 NonBuyingCustomers counts the customers who never bought any of the selected products.

ISEMPTY is a simple function. Here we use it as an example to point the reader’s attention to one detail. The previous code saved a list of customer keys in a variable, and later it iterated this list with FILTER to check whether the RELATEDTABLE result was empty or not.

If the content of the table in the SelectedCustomer variable were the list of customer keys, how could DAX know that those values have a relationship with Sales? A customer key, as a value, is not different from a product quantity. A number is a number. The difference is in the meaning of the number. As a customer key, 120 represents the customer with key 120, whereas as a quantity, it indicates the number of products sold.

Thus, a list of numbers has no clear meaning as a filter, unless one knows where these numbers come from. DAX maintains the knowledge about the source of column values through data lineage, which we explain in the next section.

Introducing data lineage and TREATAS

As we anticipated in the previous section, “Using ISEMPTY,” a list of values is meaningless unless one knows what those values represent. For example, imagine a table of strings containing “Red” and “Blue” like the following anonymous table:

{ "Red", "Blue" }

As humans, we know these are colors. More likely, at this point in the book all our readers know that we are referencing product colors. But to DAX, this only represents a table containing two strings. Therefore, the following measure always produces the grand total of sales because the table containing two values cannot filter anything:

Test :=
    [Sales Amount],
    { "Red", "Blue" }

Image Note

The previous measure does not raise any error. The filter argument is applied to an anonymous table, without any effect on physical tables of the data model.

In Figure 10-18 you can see that the result is the same as Sales Amount because CALCULATE does not apply any further filtering.

The report shows that Test and Sales Amount return the exact same numbers.
Figure 10-18 Filtering with an anonymous table does not produce any filter.

For a value to filter the model, DAX needs to know the data lineage of the value itself. A value that represents a column in the data model holds the data lineage of that column. On the other hand, a value that is not linked to any column in the data model is an anonymous value. In the previous example, the Test measure used an anonymous table to filter the model and, as such, it did not filter any column of the data model.

The following is a correct way of applying a filter. Be mindful that we use the full syntax of the CALCULATE filter argument for educational purposes; a predicate to filter Product[Color] would be enough:

Test :=
    [Sales Amount],
    FILTER (
        ALL ( 'Product'[Color] ),
        'Product'[Color] IN { "Red", "Blue" }

Data lineage flows this way: ALL returns a table that contains all product colors. The result contains the values from the original column, so DAX knows the meaning of each value. FILTER scans the table containing all the colors and checks whether each color is included in the anonymous table containing Red and Blue. As a result, FILTER returns a table containing the values of Product[Color], so CALCULATE knows that the filter is applied to the Product[Color] column.

One can imagine data lineage as a special tag added to each column, identifying its position in the data model.

You typically do not have to worry about data lineage because DAX handles the complexity of data lineage by itself in a natural and intuitive way. For example, when a table value is assigned to a variable, the table contains data lineage information that is maintained through the whole DAX evaluation process using that variable.

The reason why it is important to learn data lineage is because one has the option of either maintaining or changing data lineage at will. In some scenarios it is important to keep the data lineage, whereas in other scenarios one might want to change the lineage of a column.

The function that can change the lineage of a column is TREATAS. TREATAS accepts a table as its first argument and then a set of column references. TREATAS updates the data lineage of the table tagging each column with the appropriate target column. For example, the previous Test measure can be rewritten this way:

Test :=
    [Sales Amount],
    TREATAS ( { "Red", "Blue" }, 'Product'[Color] )

TREATAS returns a table containing values tagged with the Product[Color] column. As such, this new version of the Test measure only filters the red and blue colors, as shown in Figure 10-19.

In the report, Test returns the sum of Blue and Red all the way through.
Figure 10-19 TREATAS updates the lineage of the anonymous table, so that filtering now works as expected.

The rules for data lineage are simple. A simple column reference maintains its data lineage, whereas an expression is always anonymous. Indeed, an expression generates a reference to an anonymous column. For example, the following expression returns a table with two columns that have the same content. The difference between the two columns is that the first one retains the data lineage information, whereas the second one does not because it is a new column:

    VALUES ( 'Product'[Color] ),
    "Color without lineage", 'Product'[Color] & ""

TREATAS is useful to update the data lineage of one or more columns in a table expression. The example shown so far was only for educational purposes. Now we show a better example related to time intelligence calculations. In Chapter 8, “Time intelligence calculations,” we showed the following formula to compute the LASTNONBLANK date for semi-additive calculations:

LastBalanceIndividualCustomer :=
    VALUES ( Balances[Name] ),
        SUM ( Balances[Balance] ),
            COUNTROWS ( RELATEDTABLE ( Balances ) )

This code works, but it suffers from a major drawback: It contains two iterations, and the optimizer is likely to use a suboptimal execution plan for the measure. It would be better to create a table containing the customer name and the date of the last balance, and then use that table as a filter argument in CALCULATE to filter the last date available for each customer. It turns out that this is possible by using TREATAS:

LastBalanceIndividualCustomer Optimized :=
VAR LastCustomerDate =
        VALUES ( Balances[Name] ),
        "LastDate", CALCULATE (
            MAX ( Balances[Date] ),
            DATESBETWEEN ( 'Date'[Date], BLANK(), MAX ( Balances[Date] ) )
VAR FilterCustomerDate =
VAR SumLastBalance =
        SUM ( Balances[Balance] ),

The measure performs the following operations:

  • LastCustomerDate contains the last date for which there is data for each customer. The result is a table that contains two columns: the first is the Balances[Name] column, whereas the second is an anonymous column because it is the result of an expression.

  • FilterCustomerDate has the same content as LastCustomerDate. By using TREATAS, both columns are now tagged with the desired data lineage. The first column targets Balances[Name], whereas the second column targets Date[Date].

  • The last step is to use FilterCustomerDate as a filter argument of CALCULATE. Because the table is now correctly tagged with the data lineage, CALCULATE filters the model in such a way that only one date is selected for every customer. This date is the last date with data in the Balances table for the given customer.

Most of the time, TREATAS is applied to change the data lineage of a table with a single column. The previous example shows a more complex scenario where the data lineage is modified on a table containing two columns. The data lineage of a table resulting from a DAX expression can include columns of different tables. When this table is applied to the filter context, it often generates an arbitrarily shaped filter, discussed in the next section.

Understanding arbitrarily shaped filters

Filters in the filter context can have two different shapes: simple filters and arbitrarily shaped filters. All the filters we have used so far are simple filters. In this section, we describe arbitrarily shaped filters, and we briefly discuss the implications of using them in your code. Arbitrarily shaped filters can be created by using a PivotTable in Excel or by writing DAX code in a measure, whereas the Power BI user interface currently requires a custom visual to create arbitrarily shaped filters. This section describes what these filters are and how to manage them in DAX.

We can start by describing the difference between a simple filter and an arbitrarily shaped filter in the filter context.

  • A column filter is a list of values for one column only. A list of three colors, like red, blue, and green, is a column filter. For example, the following CALCULATE generates a column filter in the filter context that only affects the Product[Color] column:

        [Sales Amount],
        'Product'[Color] IN { "Red", "Blue", "Green" }
  • A simple filter is a filter over one or more columns that corresponds to a set of simple column filters. Almost all the filters used in this book so far are column filters. Column filters are created quite simply, by using multiple filter arguments in CALCULATE:

        [Sales Amount],
        'Product'[Color] IN { "Red", "Blue" },
        'Date'[Calendar Year Number] IN { 2007, 2008, 2009 }

    The previous code could be written using a simple filter with two columns:

        [Sales Amount],
        TREATAS (
                ( "Red", 2007 ),
                ( "Red", 2008 ),
                ( "Red", 2009 ),
                ( "Blue", 2007 ),
                ( "Blue", 2008 ),
                ( "Blue", 2009 )
            'Date'[Calendar Year Number]

    Because a simple filter contains all the possible combinations of two columns, it is simpler to express it using two column filters.

  • An arbitrarily shaped filter is any filter that cannot be expressed as a simple filter. For example, look at the following expression:

        [Sales Amount],
        TREATAS (
                ( "CY 2007", "December" ),
                ( "CY 2008", "January" )
            'Date'[Calendar Year],

    The filter on year and month is not a column filter because it involves two columns. Moreover, the filter does not include all the combinations of the two columns existing in the data model. In fact, one cannot filter year and month separately. Indeed, there are two year and two month references, and there are four existing combinations in the Date table for the values provided, whereas the filter only includes two of these combinations. In other words, using two column filters, the resulting filter context would also include January 2007 and December 2008, which are not included in the filter described by the previous code. Therefore, this is an arbitrarily shaped filter.

An arbitrarily shaped filter is not just a filter with multiple columns. Certainly, a filter with multiple columns could be an arbitrarily shaped filter, but one can build a filter with multiple columns retaining the shape of a simple filter. The following example is a simple filter, despite it involving multiple columns:

    [Sales Amount],
            ( "CY 2007", "December" ),
            ( "CY 2008", "December" )
        'Date'[Calendar Year],

The previous expression can be rewritten as the combination of two column filters this way:

    [Sales Amount],
    'Date'[Calendar Year] IN { "CY 2007",  "CY 2008" },
    'Date'[Month] = "December"

Although they seem complex to author, arbitrarily shaped filters can easily be defined through the user interface of Excel and Power BI. At the time of writing, Power BI can only generate an arbitrarily shaped filter by using the Hierarchy Slicer custom visual, which defines filters based on a hierarchy with multiple columns. For example, in Figure 10-20 you can see the Hierarchy Slicer filtering different months in 2007 and 2008.

The figure shows Sales Amount specifically for a set of months selected in a slicer.
Figure 10-20 Filtering a hierarchy makes it possible to build an arbitrarily shaped filter.

In Microsoft Excel you find a native feature to build arbitrarily shaped sets out of hierarchies, as shown in Figure 10-21.

The figure shows the equivalent feature in Excel.
Figure 10-21 Microsoft Excel builds arbitrarily shaped filters using the native hierarchy filter.

Arbitrarily shaped filters are complex to use in DAX because of the way CALCULATE might change them in the filter context. In fact, when CALCULATE applies a filter on a column, it removes previous filters on that column only, replacing any previous filter with the new filter. The result is that typically, the original shape of the arbitrarily shaped filter is lost. This behavior leads to formulas that produce inaccurate results and that are hard to debug. Thus, to demonstrate the problem, we will increase the complexity of the code step-by-step, until the problem arises.

Imagine you define a simple measure that overwrites the year, forcing it to be 2007:

Sales Amount 2007 :=
    [Sales Amount],
    'Date'[Calendar Year] = "CY 2007"

CALCULATE overwrites the filter on the year but it does not change the filter on the month. When it is used in a report, the results of the measure might seem unusual, as shown in Figure 10-22.

Sales Amount 2007 and Sales Amount only show the same numbers for months in 2007.
Figure 10-22 The year 2007 replaces the previous filter on the year.

When 2007 is selected, the results of the two measures are the same. However, when the year selected is 2008, it gets replaced with 2007, whereas months are left untouched. The result is that the value shown for January 2008 is the sales amount of January 2007. The same happens for February and March. The main thing to note is that the original filter did not contain the first three months of 2007, and by replacing the filter on the year, our formula shows their value. As anticipated, so far there is nothing special.

Things suddenly become much more intricate if one wants to compute the average monthly sales. A possible solution to this calculation is to iterate over the months and average the partial results using AVERAGEX:

Monthly Avg :=
    VALUES ( 'Date'[Month] ),
    [Sales Amount]

You can see the result in Figure 10-23. This time, the grand total is surprisingly large.

Sales Amount and Monthly Avg return numbers for a set of months from the slicer. The monthly average for the grand total is obviously incorrect.
Figure 10-23 The grand total is definitely not the average of months; it is too large.

Understanding the problem is much harder than fixing it. Focus your attention on the cell that computes the wrong value—the grand total of Monthly Avg. The filter context of the Total row of the report is the following:

        ( "CY 2007", "September" ),
        ( "CY 2007", "October" ),
        ( "CY 2007", "November" ),
        ( "CY 2007", "December" ),
        ( "CY 2008", "January" ),
        ( "CY 2008", "February" ),
        ( "CY 2008", "March" )
    'Date'[Calendar Year],

In order to follow the execution of the DAX code, we expand the full calculation in that cell by defining the corresponding filter context in a CALCULATE statement that evaluates the Monthly Avg measure. Moreover, we expand the code of Monthly Avg to build a single formula that simulates the execution:

        VALUES ( 'Date'[Month] ),
        CALCULATE (
            SUMX (
                 Sales[Quantity] * Sales[Net Price]
            ( "CY 2007", "September" ),
            ( "CY 2007", "October" ),
            ( "CY 2007", "November" ),
            ( "CY 2007", "December" ),
            ( "CY 2008", "January" ),
            ( "CY 2008", "February" ),
            ( "CY 2008", "March" )
        'Date'[Calendar Year],

The key to fixing the problem is to understand what happens when the highlighted CALCULATE is executed. That CALCULATE is executed in a row context that is iterating over the Date[Month] column. Consequently, context transition takes place and the current value of the month is added to the filter context. On a given month, say January, CALCULATE adds January to the filter context, replacing the current filter on the month but leaving all the other filters untouched.

When AVERAGEX is iterating January, the resulting filter context is January in both 2007 and 2008; this is because the original filter context filters two years for the year column. Therefore, on each iteration DAX computes the sales amount of one month in two distinct years. This is the reason why the value is much higher than any monthly sales.

The original shape of the arbitrarily shaped filter is lost because CALCULATE overrides one of the columns involved in the arbitrarily shaped filter. The net result is that the calculation produces an incorrect result.

Fixing the problem is much easier than expected. Indeed, it is enough to iterate over a column that is guaranteed to have a unique value on every month. If, instead of iterating over the month name, which is not unique over different years, the formula iterates over the Calendar Year Month column, then the code produces the correct result:

Monthly Avg :=
    VALUES ( 'Date'[Calendar Year Month] ),
    [Sales Amount]

Using this version of Monthly Avg, on each iteration the context transition overrides the filter on Calendar Year Month, which represents both year and month values in the same column. As a result, it is guaranteed to always return the sales of an individual month, producing the correct outcome shown in Figure 10-24.

In this report, the grand total returns the accurate average.
Figure 10-24 Iterating over a unique column makes the code compute the correct result.

If a unique column for the cardinality of the iterator is not available, another viable solution is to use KEEPFILTERS. The following alternative version of the code works correctly, because instead of replacing the previous filter, it adds the month filter to the previously existing arbitrarily shaped set; this maintains the format of the original filter:

Monthly Avg KeepFilters :=
    KEEPFILTERS ( VALUES ( 'Date'[Month] ) ),
    [Sales Amount]

As anticipated, arbitrarily shaped sets are not commonly observed in real-world reports. Nevertheless, users have multiple and legitimate ways of generating them. In order to guarantee that a measure works correctly even in the presence of arbitrarily shaped sets, it is important to follow some best practices:

  • When iterating over a column, make sure that the column has unique values at the granularity where the calculation is being performed. For example, if a Date table has more than 12 months, a YearMonth column should be used for monthly calculations.

  • If the previous best practice cannot be applied, then protect the code using KEEPFILTERS to guarantee that the arbitrarily shaped filter is maintained in the filter context. Be mindful that KEEPFILTERS might change the semantics of the calculations. Indeed, it is important to double-check that KEEPFILTERS does not introduce errors in the measure.

Following these simple rules, your code will be safe even in the presence of arbitrarily shaped filters.


In this chapter we described several functions that are useful to inspect the content of the filter context and/or to modify the behavior of a measure depending on the context. We also introduced important techniques to manipulate the filter context with the increased knowledge of the possible states of the filter context. Here is a recap of the important concepts you learned in this chapter:

  • A column can be either filtered or cross-filtered. It is filtered if there is a direct filter; it is cross-filtered if the filter is coming from a direct filter on another column or table. You can verify whether a column is filtered or not by using ISFILTERED and ISCROSSFILTERED.

  • HASONEVALUE checks whether a column only has one value visible in the filter context. This is useful before retrieving that value using VALUES. The SELECTEDVALUE function simplifies the HASONEVALUE/VALUES pattern.

  • Using ALLEXCEPT is not the same as using the pair ALL and VALUES. In the presence of cross-filtering, ALL/VALUES is safer because it also considers cross-filtering as part of its evaluation.

  • ALL and all the ALL* functions are useful to avoid the effect of context transition. Indeed, using ALL in a calculated column, or in general in a row context, informs DAX that the context transition is not needed.

  • Each column in a table is tagged with data lineage. Data lineage lets DAX apply filters and relationships. Data lineage is maintained whenever one references a column, whereas it is lost when using expressions.

  • Data lineage can be assigned to one or more columns by using TREATAS.

  • Not all filters are simple filters. A user can build more complex filters either through the user interface or by code. The most complex kind of filter is the arbitrarily shaped filter, which could be complex to use because of its interaction with the CALCULATE function and the context transition.

You will likely not remember all the concepts and functions described in this chapter immediately after having read them. Regardless, it is crucial that you be exposed to these concepts in your learning of DAX. You will for sure run into one of the issues described here as you gain DAX experience. At that point, it will be useful to come back to this chapter and refresh your memory about the specific problem you are dealing with.

In the next chapter, we use many of the functions described here to apply calculations over hierarchies. As you will learn, working with hierarchies is mainly a matter of understanding the shape of the current filter context.

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