Appendix 4

Adding RIAA to FFT filters

The FX presets are contained in the file


in the folder

C:Documents and settings[username]Application DataAudition2.0

where [username] is your Windows log-in user name.

You can obtain XML editors but they are rather specialist in application. Fortunately, this file can be edited in a text editor like Textpad or Notepad. The file has only two lines with no line breaks. The FFT presets are at the end of a very very long line! In practice, you can add line breaks which are ignored. To add the RIAA presets becomes easy.

The following shows the end of the file with the additional data separated by line breaks:

</KeyVal><KeyVal Key=“Item8” Type=“string”>Kill The

100,3,0,200,–15,15,8192,2,1,1,0,44100 </KeyVal><KeyVal Key=“Item9” Type=“string”> Mastering – Gentle &


In a text editor like Textpad (not Wordpad) search for “Mastering – Gentle &amp; Narrow” To find your place and insert the RIAA data block at the point shown. (This data is on the CD-ROM that came with this book.)

</KeyVal><KeyVal Key=“Item22” Type=“string”> RIAA,3,30,0,97,32,97,188,96,330,95,541,91,696,87,855,83,1007,80,1128,76,1246,72,1375,68,1515,
</KeyVal><KeyVal Key=“Item23” Type=“string”> RIAA REVERSE,3,29,0,0,88,1,344,5,567,8,735,12,3724,87,3828,91,3932,95,4036,98,4096,100,30,0,878,
16,1009,20,1135,23,1259,27,1385,31,1517,35,1660,38,1826,42,2029,46,228 4,50,2537,53,2739,57,2902,61,3042,65,3169,68,3287,72,3401,76,3510,80,3618,83,0,87,0,88,1,344,5,
567,8,735,12,878,16,1009,20,1135,23,1259,27,1385,31,1517,35,1660,38,1826,42,2029,46,228 4,50,2537,53,2739,57,2902,61,3042,65,3169,68,3287,72,3401,76,3510,80,3618,83,3724,87,3828,91,
3932,95,4036,98,4096,100,2,1,4096,1,4,0,0,648,31,831,57,10 00,100,3,0,100,–20,20,16384,2,1,1,0,44100
</KeyVal></Section><Section label = “FFT Filter”><KeyVal Key=“LocalizedName” Type=“string”>FFT Filter</KeyVal><KeyVal Key=“Version” Type=“int32”>2</KeyVal></Section></Section>

Once Audition is run it will resave the file and remove line breaks. Note that the <KeyVal Key=“ItemNN”> of the added data, where NN is a number, must be increased to the next highest value in that part of the table.

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