Using the CD-ROM

17.1 Adobe Audition

Most of the CD-ROM is taken up with the install files for Adobe Audition 2.0. This is a 30-day time-limited version which can be upgraded to the full-working version and is identical to the ‘tryout’ version found on the Adobe web site www.adobe.com.

Installation notes

1 Double-click the Adobe_Audition_2.0_Tryout.exe file, and click Unzip when prompted.

2 Navigate to the folder where you unzipped the files and double-click the file called Audition 2.0 Setup.exe.

3 The set-up will guide you through the rest of the installation process.

17.2 Bonus material

Additionally, exclusive to this book there is additional material for you to work with.

Low Bit-rate demo

This contains three folders: Compressed Music, Compressed Story and Story. Within each of these folders are two folders called Dither and No-Dither. These contain files of the form 10000000.wav, 11000000.wav, 11100000.wav, 11110000.wav, 11111000.wav, 11111100.wav, 11111110.wav, 11111111.wav (the story folder does not have 10000000.wav files). These correspond to simulations of 1-8-bit recordings with and without dither applied (random noise). Further explanation can be found in the ‘Notes’ text file in the ‘Low Bit-rate demo’ folder.

Music mix exercise

The ‘Stems’ folder contains 15 tracks which are the constituent parts of a song especially recorded for this book in a professional studio. You are left to produce your own mix. If you wish, you can re-record tracks or add others. At very least you will probably want to produce a stereo mix (the demo is mono).

RNID:Tinnitus demo

This is the demonstration of what Tinnitus sounds like on the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) web site mentioned in Chapter 2. There is a brief account of how the material was obtained at the start of the file. My thanks go to the institute for their permission to reproduce the file.

Contact information: RNID Information line, 18-23 Featherstone Street, London, EC1Y 8SL, UK.

Telephone: 0808-808-0125, Textphone: 0808-808-9000, Fax: 020-7296-8199.

Email: [email protected], Web site: www.rnid.org.uk

Story Edit

This a short ghost story recorded especially for this book. Alec Reid, the author and reader of the story deliberately did not prepare before recording the story so that it is particularly rich in fluffs and ‘overlaps’. It is included to give you practice in this basic form of speech editing. Additionally, the script is included for you to print out for reference if you wish. I have also included JPG files of the script with the edits marked up. The convention used is one of many that are used and is chosen only because it is the one I personally use.

Vox pop

This is some raw ‘Vox pop’ interviews recorded by Torben Horler for this book, to provide you with some speech material practice editing.

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