Author’s acknowledgements

The Yes/No Book began as two separate ideas: one when I developed my first time and workload management training programme in 2003, and another whilst on holiday with my wife (then, my wife to be), in 2007. Felicity has had to live with the Gopher since then! Indeed, she even had to humour my need, whilst in France, to look for, buy, and carry around a stuffed Gopher (un gaufre en peluche).

Thank you too, to Rachael Stock, my editor at Pearson, for helping me to shape this book, and to anyone who has attended one of my time management seminars – particularly those who took the trouble to ask me questions afterwards, and thereby helped me to clarify my thinking. I also want to thank the Alzheimer’s Society for their support.


Finally, thank you, gaufre en peluche, for being the model for my Gopher sketches that helped indicate the drawings this book would need, and artist and friend, Toni Goffe for turning those sketches into artwork.

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