
I’ve written this book with one purpose in mind, to pass on to others ways of thinking and acting that have made a huge difference to my life and the lives of thousands of others I’ve been privileged to help and train.

My work as a therapist, coach, trainer and speaker can only reach limited numbers. It’s my hope that this book will be able to influence many more lives for the better.

The pages that follow outline ways of thinking that are very different from the ways most of us have learned to think. Some of the ideas may initially seem foreign and to some even radical. It’s my heartfelt hope that I’ve been able to convey them in a way that will dramatically improve readers’ lives.

You’ll need to play your part by keeping an open mind and a willingness to try new ways of thinking. Do this and these ideas, tools and techniques will open the door to an extraordinary life. That’s my promise to you.

I’d like to thank all who’ve spent time reviewing the book and providing valuable input to enhance the clarity of the message it contains.

Graham W Price


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