
A hash is a data structure that maintains a set of objects known as keys, and associates a value with each key. Hashes are also known as maps because they map keys to values. They are sometimes called associative arrays because they associate values with each of the keys, and can be thought of as arrays in which the array index can be any object instead of an integer. An example makes this clearer:

# This hash will map the names of digits to the digits themselves
numbers = Hash.new     # Create a new, empty, hash object
numbers["one"] = 1     # Map the String "one" to the Fixnum 1
numbers["two"] = 2     # Note that we are using array notation here
numbers["three"] = 3

sum = numbers["one"] + numbers["two"]  # Retrieve values like this

This introduction to hashes documents Ruby’s hash literal syntax and explains the requirements for an object to be used as a hash key. More information on the API defined by the Hash class is provided in Hashes.

Hash Literals

A hash literal is written as a comma-separated list of key/value pairs, enclosed within curly braces. Keys and values are separated with a two-character “arrow”: =>. The Hash object created earlier could also be created with the following literal:

numbers = { "one" => 1, "two" => 2, "three" => 3 }

In general, Symbol objects work more efficiently as hash keys than strings do:

numbers = { :one => 1, :two => 2, :three => 3 }

Symbols are immutable interned strings, written as colon-prefixed identifiers; they are explained in more detail in Symbols later in this chapter.

Ruby 1.8 allows commas in place of arrows, but this deprecated syntax is no longer supported in Ruby 1.9:

numbers = { :one, 1, :two, 2, :three, 3 } # Same, but harder to read

Both Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9 allow a single trailing comma at the end of the key/value list:

numbers = { :one => 1, :two => 2, } # Extra comma ignored

Ruby 1.9 supports a very useful and succinct hash literal syntax when the keys are symbols. In this case, the colon moves to the end of the hash key and replaces the arrow:[*]

numbers = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }

Note that there may not be any space between the hash key identifier and the colon.

Hash Codes, Equality, and Mutable Keys

Ruby’s hashes are implemented, unsurprisingly, with a data structure known as a hash table. Objects used as keys in a hash must have a method named hash that returns a Fixnum hashcode for the key. If two keys are equal, they must have the same hashcode. Unequal keys may also have the same hashcode, but hash tables are most efficient when duplicate hashcodes are rare.

The Hash class compares keys for equality with the eql? method. For most Ruby classes, eql? works like the == operator (see Object Equality for details). If you define a new class that overrides the eql? method, you must also override the hash method, or else instances of your class will not work as keys in a hash. (We’ll see examples of writing a hash method in Chapter 7.)

If you define a class and do not override eql?, then instances of that class are compared for object identity when used as hash keys. Two distinct instances of your class are distinct hash keys even if they represent the same content. In this case, the default hash method is appropriate: it returns the unique object_id of the object.

Note that mutable objects are problematic as hash keys. Changing the content of an object typically changes its hashcode. If you use an object as a key and then alter that object, the internal hash table becomes corrupted, and the hash no longer works correctly.

Because strings are mutable but commonly used hash keys, Ruby treats them as a special case and makes private copies of all strings used as keys. This is the only special case, however; you must be very cautious when using any other mutable object as a hash key. Consider making a private copy or calling the freeze method. If you must use mutable hash keys, call the rehash method of the Hash every time you mutate a key.

[*] The result is a syntax much like that used by JavaScript objects.

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