Part IV

Living — and Loving — the Gluten-Free Lifestyle 24/7

tip_4c.eps Five Great Strategies for Living Gluten-Free

check.png Keep your gluten-free diet in perspective — food and eating is only one aspect of your life.

check.png Stay positive and willing to explore new tastes and recipes.

check.png Don’t be afraid to ask for gluten-free alternatives wherever you are.

check.png Carry back-up snacks whenever you’re away from home so you always have something to eat.

check.png Allow yourself gluten-free treats now and then so you don’t feel deprived or left out.

pt_webextra_4C_fmt.eps Learn more information about the ins and outs of a gluten-free lifestyle. Check out

In this part . . .

check.png Continue to enjoy the benefits of going out with family and friends, and travelling — all while maintaining your
gluten-free diet.

check.png Guide your child and family through the move to a gluten-free diet, work through your own feelings about your child’s diagnosis, and handle your child’s reactions as they arise over the following days, months and years.

check.png Recognise common struggles that may emerge over your gluten-free journey, deal with denial, sadness and depression, and practise optimism.

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