About the Authors

Margaret Clough has lived gluten-free for over 30 years and was a co-founder of the ACT Contact Group of Coeliac Australia in 1981. She was very active in Coeliac Australia for over 20 years, serving at various times as National President, Public Officer and Travel Editor for The Australian Coeliac magazine. Margaret has never let her gluten-free diet stand in the way of adventure and claims to hold the high altitude record for consuming gluten-free bread (with yak cheese) at 5,545 metres, just above Mount Everest base camp.

Margaret has had an extensive career in education, as teacher, early literacy specialist and school principal. She has published several children’s stories and a school history, and co-authored a resource book for schools called Easter Bilby: an Australian Easter. She has three children and five exquisite grandchildren. One of her passions in life, along with frogs, bilbies and bushland regeneration, is improving the availability of gluten-free food and educating the wider community about coeliac disease.

Danna Korn is also the author of Wheat-Free, Worry-Free: The Art of Happy, Healthy, Gluten-Free Living and Kids with Celiac Disease: A Family Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Gluten-Free Children. Respected as one of the leading authorities on the gluten-free diet and the medical conditions that benefit from it, she speaks frequently to health-care professionals, coeliacs, parents of coeliacs, parents of autistic kids involved in a gluten-free/casein-free dietary intervention program, and others on or considering a gluten-free diet. She has been invited twice to be a presenter at the International Symposium on Celiac Disease.

Danna has been researching coeliac disease since her son, Tyler, was diagnosed with the condition in 1991. That same year, she founded R.O.C.K. (Raising Our Celiac Kids), a support group for families of children on a gluten-free diet. Today, Danna leads more than 100 chapters of R.O.C.K. worldwide. She is a consultant to retailers, manufacturers, testing companies, dietitians, nutritionists, and people newly diagnosed with gluten intolerance and coeliac disease. She also coordinates the International Walk/Run for Celiac Disease each May in San Diego.


Margaret says . . .

This book is dedicated to the wonderful staff and enthusiastic volunteers within Coeliac Australia who work so hard in so many ways to support people with coeliac disease. Royalties from Living Gluten-Free For Dummies, 2nd Australian Edition, will be shared equally between Coeliac Australia and the author.

Danna says . . .

This book is dedicated to the people who have patiently supported my sometimes-over-zealous-and-usually-over-the-top efforts as The Glutenator, singing the praises of a gluten-free lifestyle throughout the land. Most importantly, to my family and friends, who encourage, inspire and energise me. Your support means more to me than you could ever know and I couldn’t have written a word without you. And to those of you who embrace or are planning to embrace the gluten-free lifestyle, I hope I can make a difference, if only a small one, in your lives by inspiring you to love the gluten-free way of life.

Authors’ Acknowledgements

Margaret says . . .

Sincere thanks to Danna Korn, author of the US edition of Living Gluten-Free For Dummies. Danna forged the way, creating the bones of the book and drawing on her extensive knowledge and experience. Much of her material and quirky humour have been retained in this edition.

A very big thank you to the highly professional team at Wiley Publishing, especially Charlotte Duff, inspired copy editor, Dani Karvess, project manager, and Clare Dowdell, acquisitions editor. I stand in awe of you young mothers in the workforce, especially in positions with such tight deadlines! Thanks for tolerating my cavalier approach to those deadlines. You may have been sticking pins into a loaf of gluten-free bread in frustration, but I received only the gentlest of prodding and wonderful support and advice.

A huge thank you to the ever cheery, ever helpful Sue Black, Diane Coleman, and Annabel Mackenzie from Coeliac Australia, who together possess an enormous wealth of knowledge which they have generously shared, and to Graham and Cheryl Price and Penny Dellsperger whose assistance with the first edition was invaluable. Thank you for your meticulous checking of material and your inspired suggestions.

Sincere thanks to Dr Jason Tye-Din (MBBS FRACP PhD) for providing insights into recent developments in research and for valuable feedback; Diabetes Australia; GESA (Gastroenterological Society of Australia); and the Victorian, Queensland and Tasmanian state branches of Coeliac Australia for permission to use material from their resources.

A big thank you to Victoria Throp — adviser for the recipe chapters — who generously shared some of her own delicious recipes as well as cooking tips and other culinary expertise. Thanks also to Lola Workman, cooking writer, and Lenore, Pamela, Sharon, Rosalie, Sheila and Mabel for great recipes. Grateful thanks to Lois, Kathy, Annalena and Jenny, brave recipe tasters, who cheerfully sampled the failures along with the successes and made some inspired suggestions along the way.

Thank you to Leonie Johns and Michael Stenning, teachers of the Alexander Technique. Without your skilled teaching, I might have been struggling to write Living with Chronic Pain For Dummies instead. Thanks also to Andrey and Natasha (will you marry me?) Miroshnichenko for rescuing me time and time again when my computer and I declared war.

Lastly, to my wonderful family and friends for your understanding and support and for never complaining when I was preoccupied with the writing of this book. Thank you for everything!

Danna says . . .

A huge thank you to the hard-working team at Wiley Publishing. First, thank you to Mikal Belicove, the acquisitions editor who came up with and promoted the idea of doing a For Dummies book about the gluten-free lifestyle, and then held my hand as I learned the ropes of writing in the For Dummies format. To senior project editor Tim Gallan, thank you for keeping me on track and for your attention to organisation and detail. To both Tim and copy editor Danielle Voirol, thank you for tolerating my sometimes quirky sense of humour and my many made-up words. It must have driven your spell-checker crazy. Danielle, your speedy grasp of the subject, in-depth research and clever questions were amazing. Can’t get anything by you, that’s for sure!

I’d like to thank Emily Nolan for testing all of the recipes, and for her tactful and humorous comments when the dishes I had invented were outrageous flops (don’t worry, we fixed ’em!). And thank you to Patty Santelli for nutritional analysis of the recipes.

I’m extremely grateful to my friends and colleagues, Michelle Pietzak, MD, and Cynthia Kupper, RD, for their careful technical review of the book. Both of you go far and above the ‘call of duty’ in helping the gluten-free community each and every day.

A huge thank you to my friend and hero, Alessio Fasano, MD, who is one of the biggest fish in the coeliac sea. I’m grateful for your phenomenal work in the coeliac world.

To the entire gluten-free community, thank you for your steadfast encouragement. You motivate me to be passionate.

And last, but by no means least, I’m incredibly grateful to my family and friends. After I finished the book before this one, I asked you to slip cyanide in my coffee if I ever thought about writing another book. Thanks for not doing that. Seriously, without your patience, encouragement, support, optimism, love and inspiration, I couldn’t have written a word.

Publisher’s Acknowledgements

We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our online registration form located at dummies.custhelp.com.

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Acquisitions, Editorial and Media Development


Project Editor: Charlotte Duff

Graphics: diacriTech

Acquisitions Editor: Clare Dowdell

Technical Reviewer: Annabel Mackenzie

Editorial Manager: Dani Karvess

Nutritional Analyst: Nutritionist Rachelle LaCroix Mallik


Proofreader: Jenny Scepanovic


Indexer: Don Jordan, Antipodes Indexing

The authors and publisher would like to thank Dr Lily Stojanovska, Dr Andrew McAinch and Ms Katie
Benton for providing dietary analysis of the new recipes included in the first Australian Edition.

The author and publisher would like to thank the following copyright holders, organisations and
individuals for their permission to reproduce copyright material in this book:

Every effort has been made to trace the ownership of copyright material. Information that enables the publisher to rectify any error or omission in subsequent editions is welcome. In such cases, please
contact the Legal Services section of John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

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