Part II

Planning and Preparing: The Preludes to Cooking

tip_4c.eps Five Ways to Make Preparing for Gluten-Free Cooking Easier

check.png Develop the habit of reading labels and ingredient panels, and remember that products don't stay the same forever — continue to periodically check even your most favourite products.

check.png Store gluten-free foods separately from foods that contain gluten to minimise confusion and mistakes.

check.png Keep your eyes open for new gluten-free products or recipes to avoid monotony in your diet.

check.png Experiment with different breads, flours and recipes until you find the ones you really like.

check.png Write shopping lists and stock up on gluten-free supplies so you always have a few choices on hand when cooking or snacking.

pt_webextra_4C.tif Discover more tips and information about planning for your gluten-free lifestyle at

In this part …

check.png Organise and maintain a gluten-free kitchen, and get some help with safely sharing the kitchen with gluten.

check.png Find out where and how to buy gluten-free foods without breaking the bank, and choose from a range of shopping options — from health food shops and farmers’ markets to supermarkets and online.

check.png Get a handle on gluten-free cooking (even if your idea of cooking is warming a frozen dinner — yes, frozen gluten-free meals are available!) and learn how you can make just about anything gluten-free, even without a recipe.

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