Part I

Going Gluten-Free: Who, What, Why and How


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In this part …

check.png Get a handle on the basics of coeliac disease, and gluten and wheat intolerance so you can be off and running on the gluten-free lifestyle.

check.png Understand the many medical and psychological benefits of a gluten-free diet for those who need it.

check.png Learn more detailed information about coeliac disease, including likely causes, effects on the body and possible future treatments.

check.png Work your way through the foundations of the gluten-free diet, getting to know foods you may never have even heard of before, and become an expert on reading and understanding food labels.

check.png Access good information, advice and support, and ensure the resources you use are reliable.

check.png Appreciate your food and enjoy the benefits of a gluten-free diet that’s balanced, nutritious and delicious.

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