Part II. Requirement Pattern Catalog

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Part II presents a total of 37 requirement patterns for topics that recur repeatedly across all kinds of commercial systems. They are divided into eight domains, as shown here. For readability, this diagram shows only the most significant relationships between patterns in different domains (rather than all of them).

image with no caption

Each of the following eight chapters deals with one of these domains and contains its requirement patterns. The domains are shown in a top-to-bottom ordering so that those domains common to the most types of systems tend to come first, with the rarer or more exotic ones last.

When you're writing a requirements specification, it's useful to have a summary list of all the requirement patterns that might be used for the kind of system you're specifying, to make it easy to find the one you want. Not all patterns are applicable to all kinds of systems, so it can be worthwhile to draw up a list containing only those relevant to your system.

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