Does the position of my bed affect how well I sleep?

Environmental factors such as light, noise, and temperature all have an impact on our sleep quality—but what about the position of the bed?

There’s little research exploring the preferences of bed positions in humans, but it’s a fact that we share the same survival instincts as animals in preferring to sleep in a place that feels secure—away from danger, but with good visibility to spot any new threats. For most people, this means we tend to position our bed away from doors and windows, but still within sight of these access points.

Creating a sense of calm and safety is bound to help you relax—a great first step toward a good night’s sleep—so it’s worth checking whether your bed is set up to encourage this sense of security.


The idea that safe and relaxing places are best for sleep is echoed in the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui, which focuses on promoting a positive flow of energy known as “chi” by creating “balance.” According to contemporary feng shui, the bed should be in what is called a “command position”—diagonally across from the door, not in line with it, but so the door can still be seen. The head of the bed should be against a wall, both for stability and so you can be sure there’s nothing lurking behind you as you sleep—again meeting our primal need to stay safe from predators.


There is a widespread belief that your sleeping position in relation to the earth’s magnetic field can also affect sleep. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, holds that sleeping with your head pointing northward creates a clash of positively charged energy that disrupts sleep. However, there’s little scientific evidence to back this up—in fact, some studies have shown that sleeping in a north-south position, aligned with the earth’s magnetic field, leads to better and deeper slumber than the east-west position that Ayurveda recommends.

If you struggle with poor sleep, it’s unlikely that the position of your bed is the main cause. In addition to moving your bed, ensuring that your bedroom is a calm, inviting place that you find relaxing is likely to be a more effective way of guaranteeing a good night’s rest.

Optimum position?

Placing the bed in a north-south alignment, away from windows and doors but angled so that you still have sight of them, may help your primal brain feel safe enough to drift into slumber.


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