What’s the best position for me to sleep in?

We fall asleep in the position that feels best to us, then reposition ourselves in the night to maintain comfort, and some positions are better for us than others.

Starting your night’s sleep in a position that works for your specific needs could help you fall into a comfortable slumber and make a good night’s rest more likely.


As long as your head, neck, and knees are well supported, sleeping on your back reduces strain on these areas, which is good for those who suffer joint stiffness. Placing a small pillow under your knees will support the natural curve of your lower spine and lessen back strain. Elevating your head slightly can also reduce the symptoms of acid reflux, and some even swear it wards off wrinkles. However, for snorers and those with sleep apnea, sleeping on your back will worsen these conditions.


Sleeping on your front can stop you from snoring, but it causes your head to twist to one side for long periods, which places the most pressure on your neck and spine and can lead to trapped nerves. It may also cause lower back pain due to the relatively heavy middle part of your body pulling the spine downward out of its natural shape. It’s better not to sleep on your front, but if you do, try putting a firm pillow under your stomach to support your spine.


Sleeping on one side is best for most sleepers; it puts the least pressure on the spine and other joints and is best for snorers. However, the left and right sides are not created equal—studies show that left-side sleeping is best because it benefits the vital systems and organs on this side of the body. Sleeping on your left reduces the risk of acid reflux and heartburn, helps detoxify the brain and body, and improves circulation—so it can help those who suffer with nighttime cramps, numbness, or swollen ankles. Right-side sleeping, however, can worsen heartburn, because the stomach and its contents are tilted at the wrong angle for smooth digestion. When sleeping on your side, use a firm pillow under your head and neck and, if you suffer from joint pain, try slotting a small pillow between the knees to keep your spine well-aligned.

The benefits of left-side sleeping

This position is optimal for the efficiency of the digestive system, circulation, and waste elimination processes.


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Due to the effects of gravity, your heart runs more efficiently, helping blood flow around the body.


The stomach stays in its natural position, ensuring contents don’t leak back up into the esophagus.


Most waste fluids drain through systems on the left side, so toxins are eliminated more easily.

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