Bibliography and Recommended Reading

Bernstein, Peter L. Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk. [E-book] New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1996. Retrieved from 3 January 2011.

Budd, Charles I, and Charlene S. Budd. A Practical Guide to Earned Value Project Management. Vienna, Virginia: Management Concepts; 2005.

Chapman, Chris, and Stephen Ward. Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques, and Insights. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 1997.

Chiles, James R. Inviting Disaster: Lessons From the Edge of Technology. New York: HarperCollins; 2001.

Declaration of the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy. Retrieved from 13 April 2011.

Dobson, Michael S. Project Management for the Technical Professional. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute; 2001.

Dobson, Michael S., Random Jottings 6: The Cognitive Biases Issue. Bethesda, Maryland: The Sidewise Institute; 2011. (Available free at

Dobson, Michael S. Streetwise Project Management: How to Manage People, Processes, and Time to Achieve the Results You Need. Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media Corporation; 2003.

Dobson, Michael S. and Heidi Feickert. The Six Dimensions of Project Management: Turning Constraints Into Resources. Vienna, Virginia: Management Concepts; 2007.

Dobson, Michael S., and Ted Leemann. Creative Project Management: Innovative Project Options to Solve Problems On Time and Under Budget. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill; 2010.

Drucker, Peter F. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices. New York: Harper & Row; 1973.

Episcopal Church (ed.). The Book of Common Prayer (1979 U.S. version). New York: The Church Hymnal Corporation; 1979.

Fleming, Quentin W, and Joel M. Koppelman. Earned Value Project Management (Second Edition). Newtown Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute; 2000.

Garvey, Paul R. “Cost Risk Analysis Without Statistics!!” The MITRE Corporation. MITRE Paper MP 050000001, presented to the DoD Cost Analysis Symposium, February 14-18, 2005. Downloaded 3 January 2011 from <>

Hulett, David T., Ph.D. “Project Cost Risk Analysis.” Hulett & Associates website. <> Retrieved 3 January 2011.

Kerzner, Harold. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (9th Edition). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons; 2006.

Kuehn, Ursula, PMP. Integrated Cost and Schedule Control in Project Management. Vienna, Virginia: Management Concepts; 2006.

Kwak, Young Hoon and Lisa Ingall, “Exploring Monte Carlo Simulation Applications for Project Management,” Risk Management (2007) 9, 44–57. doi:10.1057/palgrave.rm.8250017

Leach, Lawrence P. Critical Chain Project Management. Norwood, Massachusetts: Artech House, Inc.; 2000.

Levine, Harvey A. Project Portfolio Management: A Practical Guide to Selecting Projects, Managing Portfolios, and Maximizing Benefits. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass; 2005.

Mooz, Hal, PMP; Kevin Forsberg, Ph.D.; and Howard Cotterman. Communicating Project Management: The Integrated Vocabulary of Project Management and Systems Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2003.

Project Management Institute. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 4th Edition [E-book]. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute; 2008. Retrieved from 18 October 2010.

Royer, Paul S. Project Risk Management: A Proactive Approach (Project Management Essential Library). Vienna, Virginia: Management Concepts; 2002.

Schuyler, John. Risk and Decision Analysis in Projects (Second Edition). Newtown Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management Institute; 2001.

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (Second Edition) [E-book]. New York: Random House; 2010.


In addition to the many fine books (some listed in the bibliography) and seminars available from a variety of sources, the web is a rich source of information on project risk management.

The list below is not intended to be comprehensive, and new resources appear on the web all the time.

American Management Association

Self-study programs:

Sidewise Insights (Michael Dobson, PMP)

Risk Management Information

Department of Defense Acquisitions Community:


Hulett & Associates:

Risk Management Policy and Planning Templates

Ethics and compliance risks:


Information security risks:

Public safety/environmental health and safety/disaster preparedness:

Sport and recreation:’s-Risk-Management-Tookit

Hazardous materials:

Project Management information

Project Management Institute (PMI)

Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification

Network Diagramming Methods

Arrow diagramming:

Precedence diagramming:

Monte Carlo Simulation Software for Microsoft Project

@RISK for Project from Palisade Corporation (

RiskyProject from Intaver Institute (

Pertmaster software from Pertmaster Limited (

Risk+ from S/C Solutions Inc. (

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