
22.133 Show that, when the network simplex algorithm is computing a maxflow, the spanning tree is the union of t-s, a tree containing s and a tree containing t.

22.134 Develop a maxflow implementation based on Exercise 22.133. Choose an eligible edge at random.

22.135 Show, in the style of Program 22.50, the process of computing a maxflow in the flow network shown in Program 22.10 using the reduction described in the text and the network simplex implementation of Program 22.14.

22.136 Show, in the style of Program 22.50, the process of finding shortest paths from 0 in the flow network shown in Program 22.10 using the reduction described in the text and the network simplex implementation of Program 22.14.

22.137 Prove that all edges in the spanning tree described in the proof of Property 22.29 are on paths directed from the source to leaves.

22.138 Prove that the spanning tree described in the proof of Property 22.29 corresponds to a shortest-paths tree in the original network.

22.139 Suppose that you use the network simplex algorithm to solve a problem created by a reduction from the single-source–shortest-paths problem as described in the proof of Property 22.29. (i) Prove that the algorithm never uses a zero-cost augmenting path. (ii) Show that the edge that leaves the cycle is always the parent of the destination vertex of the edge that is added to the cycle. (iii) As a consequence of Exercise 22.138, the network simplex algorithm does not need to maintain edge flows. Provide a full implementation that takes advantage of this observation. Choose the new tree edge at random.

22.140 Suppose that we assign a positive cost to each edge in a network. Prove that the problem of finding a single-source–shortest-paths tree of minimal cost reduces to the mincost-maxflow problem.

22.141 Suppose that we modify the job-scheduling-with-deadlines problem in Section 21.6 to stipulate that jobs can miss their deadlines, but that they incur a fixed positive cost if they do. Show that this modified problem reduces to the mincost-maxflow problem.

22.142 Implement a class that finds mincost maxflows in distribution networks with negative costs. Use your solution to Exercise 22.105 (which assumes that costs are all nonnegative).

22.143 Suppose that the costs of 0-2 and 1-3 in Program 22.40 are -1, instead of 1. Show how to find a mincost maxflow by transforming the network to a network with positive costs and finding a mincost maxflow of the new network.

22.144 Implement a class that finds mincost maxflows in networks with negative costs. Use MINCOST (which assumes that costs are all nonnegative).

22.145 Do the implementations in Sections 22.5 and 22.6 depend in a fundamental way on costs being nonnegative? If they do, explain how; if they do not, explain what fixes (if any) are required to make them work properly for networks with negative costs, or explain why no such fixes are possible.

22.146 Extend your feasible-flow ADT from Exercise 22.74 to include lower bounds on the capacities of edges. Implement a class that computes a mincost maxflow that respects these bounds (if one exists).

22.147 Give the result of using the reduction in the text to reduce the flow network described in Exercise 22.112 to the transportation problem.

22.148 Show that the mincost-maxflow problem reduces to the transportation problem with just V extra vertices and edges by using a construction similar to the one used in the proof of Property 22.16.

22.149 Implement a class for the transportation problem that is based on the simple reduction to the mincost-flow problem given in the proof of Property 22.30.

22.150 Develop a class implementation for the mincost-flow problem that is based on the reduction to the transportation problem described in the proof of Property 22.31.

22.151 Develop a class implementation for the mincost-flow problem that is based on the reduction to the transportation problem described in Exercise 22.148.

22.152 Write a program to generate random instances of the transportation problem, then use them as the basis for empirical tests on various algorithms and implementations to solve that problem.

22.153 Find a large instance of the transportation problem online.

22.154 Run empirical studies to compare the two different methods of reducing arbitrary mincost-flow problems to the transportation problem that are discussed in the proof of Property 22.31.

22.155 Write a program to generate random instances of the assignment problem, then use them as the basis for empirical tests on various algorithms and implementations to solve that problem.

22.156 Find a large instance of the assignment problem online.

22.157 The job-placement problem described in the text favors the employers (their total weights are maximized). Formulate a version of the problem such that applicants also express their wishes. Explain how to solve your version.

22.158 Do empirical studies to compare the performance of the two network simplex implementations in Section 22.6 for solving random instances of the assignment problem (see Exercise 22.155) with V vertices and E edges, for a reasonable set of values for V and E.

22.159 The mail carrier’s problem clearly has no solution for networks that are not strongly connected (the mail carrier can visit only those vertices that are in the strong component where she starts), but that fact is not mentioned in the reduction of Property 22.33. What happens when we use the reduction on a network that is not strongly connected?

22.160 Run empirical studies for various weighted graphs (see Exercises 21.4– 8) to determine average length of the mail carrier’s path.

22.161 Give a direct proof that the single-source–shortest-paths problem reduces to the assignment problem.

22.162 Describe how to formulate an arbitrary assignment problem as an LP problem.

22.163 Do Exercise 22.18 for the case where the cost value associated with each edge is -1 (so you minimize unused space in the trucks).

22.164 Devise a cost model for Exercise 22.18 such that the solution is a maxflow that takes a minimal number of days.

22.8 Perspective

Our study of graph algorithms appropriately culminates in the study of network-flow algorithms for four reasons. First, the network-flow model validates the practical utility of the graph abstraction in countless applications. Second, the maxflow and mincost-flow algorithms that we have examined are natural extensions of graph algorithms that we studied for simpler problems. Third, the implementations exemplify the important role of fundamental algorithms and data structures in achieving good performance. Fourth, the maxflow and mincost-flow models illustrate the utility of the approach of developing increasingly general problem-solving models and using them to solve broad classes of problems. Our ability to develop efficient algorithms that solve these problems leaves the door open for us to develop more general models and to seek algorithms that solve those problems.

Before considering these issues in further detail, we develop further context by listing important problems that we have not covered in this chapter, even though they are closely related to familiar problems.

Maximum matching In a graph with edge weights, find a subset of edges in which no vertex appears more than once and whose total weight is such that no other such set of edges has a higher total weight. We can reduce the maximum-cardinality matching problem in unweighted graphs immediately to this problem, by setting all edge weights to 1.

The assignment problem and maximum-cardinality bipartite-matching problems reduce to maximum matching for general graphs. On the other hand, maximum matching does not reduce to mincost flow, so the algorithms that we have considered do not apply. The problem is tractable, although the computational burden of solving it for huge graphs remains significant. Treating the many techniques that have been tried for matching on general graphs would fill an entire volume: The problem is one of those studied most extensively in graph theory. We have drawn the line in this book at mincost flow, but we revisit maximum matching in Part 8.

Multicommodity flow Suppose that we need to compute a second flow such that the sum of an edge’s two flows is limited by that edge’s capacity, both flows are in equilibrium, and the total cost is minimized. This change models the presence of two different types of material in the merchandise-distribution problem; for example, should we put more hamburger or more potatoes in the truck bound for the fast-food restaurant? This change also makes the problem much more difficult and requires more advanced algorithms than those considered here; for example, no analogue to the maxflow–mincut theorem is known to hold for the general case. Formulating the problem as an LP problem is a straightforward extension of the example shown in Program 22.53, so the problem is tractable (because LP is tractable).

Convex and nonlinear costs The simple cost functions that we have been considering are linear combinations of variables, and our algorithms for solving them depend in an essential way on the simple mathematical structure underlying these functions. Many applications call for more complicated functions. For example, when we minimize distances, we are led to sums of squares of costs. Such problems cannot be formulated as LP problems, so they require problem-solving models that are even more powerful. Many such problems are not tractable.

Scheduling We have presented a few scheduling problems as examples. They are barely representative of the hundreds of different scheduling problems that have been posed. The research literature is replete with the study of relationships among these problems and the development of algorithms and implementations to solve the problems (see reference section). Indeed, we might have chosen to use scheduling rather than network-flow algorithms to develop the idea for defining general problem-solving models and implementing reductions to solve particular problems (the same might be said of matching). Many scheduling problems reduce to the mincost-flow model.

The scope of combinatorial computing is vast indeed, and the study of problems of this sort is certain to occupy researchers for many years to come. We revisit many of these problems in Part 8, in the context of coping with intractability.

We have presented only a fraction of the studied algorithms that solve maxflow and mincost-flow problems. As indicated in the exercises throughout this chapter, combining the many options available for different parts of various generic algorithms leads to a large number of different algorithms. Algorithms and data structures for basic computational tasks play a significant role in the efficacy of many of these approaches; indeed, some of the important general-purpose algorithms that we have studied were developed in the quest for efficient implementations of network-flow algorithms. This topic is still being studied by many researchers. The development of better algorithms for network-flow problems certainly depends on intelligent use of basic algorithms and data structures.

The broad reach of network-flow algorithms and our extensive use of reductions to extend this reach makes this section an appropriate place to consider some implications of the concept of reduction. For a large class of combinatorial algorithms, these problems represent a watershed in our studies of algorithms, where we stand between the study of efficient algorithms for particular problems and the study of general problem-solving models. There are important forces pulling in both directions.

We are drawn to develop as general a model as possible, because the more general the model, the more problems it encompasses, thereby increasing the usefulness of an efficient algorithm that can solve any problem that reduces to the model. Developing such an algorithm may be a significant, if not impossible, challenge. Even if we do not have an algorithm that is guaranteed to be reasonably efficient, we typically have good algorithms that perform well for specific classes of problems that are of interest. Specific analytic results are often elusive, but we often have persuasive empirical evidence. Indeed, practitioners typically will try the most general model available (or one that has a well-developed solution package) and will look no further if the model works in reasonable time. However, we certainly should strive to avoid using overly general models that lead us to spend excessive amounts of time solving problems for which more specialized models can be effective.

We are also drawn to seek better algorithms for important specific problems, particularly for huge problems or huge numbers of instances of smaller problems where computational resources are a critical bottleneck. As we have seen for numerous examples throughout this book and in Parts 1 through 4, we often can find a clever algorithm that can reduce resource costs by factors of hundreds or thousands or more, which is extremely significant if we are measuring costs in hours or dollars. The general outlook described in Chapter 2, which we have used successfully in so many domains, remains extremely valuable in such situations, and we can look forward to the development of clever algorithms throughout the spectrum of graph algorithms and combinatorial algorithms. Perhaps the most important drawback to depending too heavily on a specialized algorithm is that often a small change to the model will invalidate the algorithm. When we use an overly general model and an algorithm that gets our problem solved, we are less vulnerable to this defect.

Software libraries that encompass many of the algorithms that we have addressed may be found in many programming environments. Such libraries certainly are important resources to consider for specific problems. However, libraries may be difficult to use, obsolete, or poorly matched to the problem at hand. Experienced programmers know the importance of considering the trade-off between taking advantage of a library resource and becoming overly dependent on that resource (if not subject to premature obsolescence). Some of the implementations that we have considered are efficient, simple to develop, and broad in scope. Adapting and tuning such implementations to address problems at hand can be the proper approach in many situations.

The tension between theoretical studies that are restricted to what we can prove and empirical studies that are relevant to only the problems at hand becomes ever more pronounced as the difficulty of the problems that we address increases. The theory provides the guidance that we need to gain a foothold on the problem, and practical experience provides the guidance that we need to develop implementations. Moreover, experience with practical problems suggests new directions for the theory, perpetuating the cycle that expands the class of practical problems that we can solve.

Ultimately, whichever approach we pursue, the goal is the same: We want a broad spectrum of problem-solving models, effective algorithms for solving problems within those models, and efficient implementations of those algorithms that can handle practical problems. The development of increasingly general problem-solving models (such as the shortest paths, maxflow, and mincost-flow problems), the increasingly powerful generic algorithms (such as the Bellman–Ford algorithm for the shortest-paths problem, the augmenting-path algorithm for the maxflow problem, and the network simplex algorithm for the mincost-maxflow problem) brought us a long way towards the goal. Much of this work was done in the 1950s and 1960s. The subsequent emergence of fundamental data structures (Parts 1 through 4) and of algorithms that provide effective implementations of these generic methods (this book) has been an essential force leading to our current ability to solve such a large class of huge problems.

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