
Abstract transitive closure, 174–175, 216–220

Active vertex, 411

Acyclic graph. see Digraph; Directed acyclic graph (DAG)

Acyclic network, 313–321, 334–335

maxflow, 427–429

Adjacency-lists representation, 31–35

DFS, 90, 95, 102

digraphs, 36–37, 153, 155, 179

edge connectivity, 115–116

find/remove edge, 40

flow networks, 379

performance, 33–35, 37–40, 145–146

removing vertices, 41

standard adjacency-lists DFS, 97, 161

transitive closure, 174

weighted graphs/networks, 37, 230, 235–238, 278

Adjacency-matrix representation, 25–30

DFS, 90, 95, 101

digraphs, 36–37, 153, 154–155, 169–172, 176, 179

flow networks, 379

linear-time algorithm, 59

performance, 29–30, 37–40, 144–146

removing vertices, 41

standard adjacency-matrix DFS, 97, 161

weighted graphs/networks, 37, 230, 233–238, 278

Adjacent vertices, 9

ADT, graph. see Graph ADT

Airline route, 283

All-pairs shortest path, 281, 304–311

acyclic networks, 318–320

BFS, 127–129

negative weights, 356–360

path relaxation, 288–290

and transitive closure, 175, 328–329

Arbitrage, 348–349

Arbitrary weight, 229

Arc, 8, 14

Articulation point, 117–118

Assignment problem, 74, 476–477

A* algorithm, 325

Augmenting-path method, 382–407

cycle canceling, 451

longest augmenting path, 396

maximum-capacity, 394, 399–401, 405–406

network simplex algorithm, 460–461

performance, 393, 395–406, 434–436

and preflow-push, 411

random flow networks, 402–404

randomized, 402

shortest augmenting path, 393–394, 398–399, 405–407

stack-based, 400

Back edge, 99, 113–115, 161–165, 202–203

Back link, 99–100

Bellman-Ford algorithm, 350–356, 358–360, 447

BFS tree, 124–129

Binary DAG, 188–190

Binary decision diagram (BDD), 189

Binary tree, 188–190

Bioconnectivity, 117–119

Bipartite graph, 13, 110–111

Bipartite matching, 73–74, 433–436, 476, 482

Boolean matrix multiplication, 169–172, 176–177

Boruvka’s algorithm, 244, 263–267

Breadth-first search (BFS), 81–82, 121–130

and DFS, 127–134

forest, 125

fringe size, 137–138

PFS, 253, 302

Bridge, 113–117

Bridges of Königsberg problem, 62–64

Call, program, 5

Capacity, flow, 372, 375

st-cut, 385

vertex-capacity constraints, 426

change priority operation, 253

Circuit, 4

Circulation, flow network, 377–378, 429


augmenting-paths, 391

cycle canceling, 449

DFS, 96

flow networks, 379, 432

network simplex algorithm, 466–467

weighted graphs, 233–236

see also Graph ADT

Clique, 12, 75

Colorability problem, 75

two-coloring, 110–111

Communications network, 367–369

Complement, 12

Complete graph, 12

Computer science, 365

Connection, 3

Connectivity, 11–12

bioconnectivity, 117–119

digraphs, 158

edge, 438–439

equivalence relations, 184

general connectivity, 74, 119

k-connected graph, 119

maxflow, 437–438

random, 141–144

simple connectivity, 72, 106–109

st-connectivity, 119

strong connectivity, 72, 156–158, 205

vertex connectivity, 119, 438

Construct operation, 262

Constraint, 186

Cost, 227, 372, 443

convex/nonlinear, 483

edge, 474

flow, 443

negative, 446–447

reduced, 454–457

see also Performance; Weighted graph

Critical edge, 398–399

Cross edge, 161–162, 202, 204

Crossing edge, 241, 385

Cut, 241

mincut, 386–387

property, 240–241, 245

set, 385

st-cut, 427–428, 385–387

vertex, 117–118

Cut problem, 369–370, 385–386

Cycle, 10–11

DFS, 105–106

directed, 14, 155, 162–165

even, 74, 224

flow networks, 377–378, 427

MSTs, 240–244

negative, 279–280, 348–350, 446–454

odd, 110

property, 242–243

Cycle-canceling algorithm, 372, 447–452

see also Network simplex algorithm

Cyclic path, 10, 156, 477–478

DAG. see Directed acyclic graph (DAG)

de Bruijn graph, 53

Decrease key operation, 255, 268–269, 297

Degrees-of-separation graph, 53

Delauney triangulation, 274

Dense graph, 13, 29–30

Depth-first search (DFS), 81–82, 87–91

and BFS, 127–134

classes, 96

cycle detection, 105–106

digraphs, 160–168

fringe size, 137–138

PFS, 253

running time, 95–96

simple connectivity, 106–109

simple path, 57–59, 106

spanning forest, 93, 110

standard adjacency representations, 97, 161

strong components algorithms, 207–214

topological sorting, 193–195, 201–204

transitive closure, 177–179

tree links, 99–100

and Trémaux exploration, 87–90

two-colorability, 110–111

two-way Euler tour, 66, 109

and union-find, 108–109

vertex search, 109–110

see also DFS tree

Destination vertex, 14

DFS forest, 98–103, 124–125

DAGs, 194

digraphs, 161–162, 164

spanning forest, 110

DFS tree, 90, 98–103

bridges, 113–117

diagraphs, 161–162

d-heap, 269, 271–272

Diameter, network, 304

Difference constraints, 332–336, 338, 347

Digraph, 14–15, 149–224

adjacency-lists representation, 36–37, 153, 155, 179

adjacency-matrix representation, 36–37, 153, 154–155, 169–172, 176, 179

connectivity, 158, 438

decomposing, 166

defined, 152

DFS in, 160–168

directed cycle detection, 162–166, 187

directed path, 152, 155

edge direction, 149–150

even cycles, 74

grid, 152

isomorphism, 150

map, 154

random, 220

and relations, 182–183

reverse, 154–155

running time, 221–222

single-source reachability, 166–167

strong components, 157–158, 205–214

strongly connected, 72, 156–158, 205

transitive closure, 169–180, 216–220

and undirected graphs, 153, 155–162, 165–167, 179–180

uniconnected, 224

weighted, 277–278

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 256, 293–302

acyclic networks, 320

all-pairs shortest paths, 305–307

Euclidean networks, 323–326

negative weights, 349, 354–360

and Prim’s algorithm, 294–296

Directed acyclic graph (DAG), 14, 150, 186–204

binary, 188–190

defined, 155

detection, 162–165, 187

dominators, 223

kernel, 157, 216–220

longest path, 199

partial orders, 184–185

scheduling problem, 186–187

sink/source, 195–199

strong components, 157

topological sorting, 187, 191–199

transitive closure, 201–204

weighted, 313–321

Directed cycle, 14, 155, 162–165, 187

Directed graph. see Digraph; Directed acyclic graph (DAG)

Directed path, 72, 152, 155, 224

Disjoint paths, 11, 117

Distances matrix, 289, 306, 360

Distribution network, 444–445

Distribution problem, 368, 430, 444–445, 475

Dominator, 223

Down link, 99–100, 161–162, 202–204

Dummy edge, 447–451, 454–455, 472

Dummy vertex, 376–377

Dynamic algorithm, 21–22, 50

Dynamic reachability, 223

Edge, 7–10

back, 99, 113–115, 161–165, 202–203

backward/forward, 383–384

class, 379

connectivity, 438–439

costs, 474

critical, 398–399

cross, 161–162, 202, 204

crossing, 241, 385

directed, 14

disjoint, 11, 117, 437

down, 99–100, 161–162, 202–204

dummy, 447–451, 454–455, 472

eligible, 412, 455–457, 462–468

flows, 375

incident, 9

marking vertices, 93

parallel, 8, 18, 27, 34, 47, 237, 278

pointers, 232, 235–237, 277–278, 432

random, 47

relaxation, 286–287, 292, 323

separation, 112

tree, 99, 113–115, 161–162, 202

uncapacitated, 380

vector-of-edges, 24, 37

Edge data type, 17, 37, 231–232, 379, 390

Edge-based preflow-push algorithm, 413–414

Edge-connected graph, 113, 117, 438–439

Edge-separable graph, 112

Edmonds, J., 393

Eligible edge, 412, 455–457, 462–468

Enumeration, graph, 150–151

Equal weights, 228–229

Equivalence class, 183

Equivalence relation, 183

Equivalent problems, 328

Erdos, P., 144

Euclidean graph, 10

flow networks, 402–404

MSTs, 274–276

neighbor graphs, 49

networks, 322–326

Euclidean heuristic, 324–326

Euler path, 62–68

directed, 224

mail carrier, 477–478

two-way Euler tour, 109

Even cycle, 74, 224

Excess, vertex, 411

Existence problem, 75–76

Fat interface, 39

Feasible flow, 410, 430–432, 444

Feasible spanning tree, 453–455

Feedback vertex set, 224

Fibonacci computation, 188, 268

FIFO queue, 123–125, 132–138

PFS, 302

preflow-push, 416–420

topological sort, 197–199

Find edge operation, 40–41

Flow cost, 443

Flow network, 15, 367–486

augmenting-flow method, 382–407

backward/forward edges, 383–384

capacities, 372, 375, 385, 426

circulation, 377–378, 429

cut problems, 369–370, 385–386

defined, 375

distribution problems, 368, 430, 444–445, 475

equilibrium, 376–377

flows, 372, 375

inflow/outflow, 375–377

matching problems, 369, 433–436, 476, 482

maxflow-mincut theorem, 385–387

model, 373–374

network simplex algorithm, 372, 453–470, 479

preflow-push method, 410–423

random, 402–404

reductions, 367, 406, 425–440

representations, 379

residual, 388–391, 412, 417, 446, 453

st-network, 375–377, 429–430

value, 375–377

see also Maxflow problem; Mincost flow problem; Net-work

Floyd’s algorithm, 176, 290, 304, 307–311

negative weights, 349–351, 354

Ford, L. R., 382

Ford-Fulkerson method. see Augmenting-path method

Forest, 12

BFS, 125

Boruvka’s algorithm, 264

DFS, 98–103, 109, 124–125, 161–162, 164, 194

Kruskal’s algorithm, 258

spanning, 109

see also DFS tree; Tree

Four-color theorem, 76

Fringe, 131–138, 296

Prim’s algorithm, 251–256

priority queue, 393

Fulkerson, D. R., 382

Function call graph, 50–52

Gabow’s algorithm, 206, 211–214

General connectivity, 74, 119

Generalized queue, 416, 418

Geometric algorithm, 275–276

Goldberg, A., 410

Graph, 3–73

applications, 4–5

bipartite, 13, 110–111

complete, 12

connected, 11–12

de Bruijn, 53

defined, 7

degrees-of-separation, 53

dense/sparse, 13, 29–30

directed/undirected, 14–15

edge-connected/edge-separable, 112–113, 117

Euclidean, 10

function call, 50–52

interval, 53

isomorphic, 10, 29

multigraph, 8

neighbor, 49

planar, 9, 73

random, 47–48

simple, 8

static, 21–22

subgraph, 9

transaction, 49–50

see also Digraph; Directed acyclic graph (DAG); Undirected graph; Weighted graph

Graph ADT, 16–24, 39

adjacency-lists representation, 31–35

adjacency-matrix representation, 25–30

all-pairs shortest paths, 304–305

connectivity interface, 21–22

constructor, 18

equivalence relations, 184

graph-search functions, 91–97

iterator, 18–20

show function, 20

symbol table, 50

vertex degrees, 38

weighted graphs, 230–239

see also Class

Graph search, 81–147

ADT functions, 91–97

algorithm analysis, 140–146

bioconnectivity, 117–119

generalized, 131–138

Hamilton tour, 60

maze exploration, 82–86

priority-first search, 251–256, 296–302, 323, 392–393

randomized, 136–138

separability, 112–117

simple path, 57–59, 61, 106

see also Breadth-first search (BFS); Depth-first search (DFS)

Graph-processing problem, 70–79

client, 19, 23

degree of difficulty, 71, 77–79

existence, 75–76

intractable, 75

NP-hard, 75, 77, 339–340

tractable, 72

Grid digraph, 152

Hamilton path, 59–62, 224, 339–340

Height function, 412–415

Highest-vertex preflow-push, 420

Hypertext, 4

Immediate dominator, 223

Incident edge, 9

Indegree, 14, 153–154, 197

Independent set problem, 75

Indexing function, 51

Induced subgraph, 9

Infeasible problem, 336

Inflow, 375–377

Inheritance, 39

Initial height function, 413

Integer weights, 379–380

Interface, graph ADT, 16–24, 39

Intersection, 82

Interval graph, 53

Intractable problem, 75, 342

Irreflexive relation, 183

Isomorphic graphs, 10, 29, 77, 150

Item, 3

Jarnik’s algorithm, 256

Job placement, 369, 476

Job scheduling, 4, 150, 186–187

negative cycles, 348–350

shortest paths, 332–338, 344

see also Topological sorting

Johnson, D., 268

Johnson’s algorithm, 360

Karp, R., 206, 393

k-connected graph, 119

Kernel DAG, 157, 216–220

k-neighbor graph, 49

Königsberg, bridges of, 62–64

Kosaraju’s algorithm, 206–208

Kruskal’s algorithm, 243–244, 258–263, 268

Kuratowski’s theorem, 73

Least common ancestor (LCA), 459–460

Length, path, 11

Library programming, 336, 485

LIFO stack, 132–134, 138

Linear programming (LP), 333, 342–343, 365

maxflow, 439–440

mincost flow, 425, 479

multicommodity flow, 483

network flow algorithms, 371–372

Linear quantity, 59

Link, 4, 8

back, 99

DFS tree, 99–100

down, 99–100, 161–162, 202–204

parent, 99–100, 165

Locality property, 48

Longest paths, 75, 199, 315–320

augmenting paths, 396

difference constraints, 334–335

and shortest path, 329–330

Mail carrier problem, 74, 224, 477–478

Map, 4, 154, 326

Matching, 5, 73

bipartite, 74, 433–436, 476

maximum, 482

maximum-cardinality, 433, 482

minimum-distance point matching, 369

Mathematical programming, 343

Maxflow problem, 372, 375–378, 382–440

acyclic networks, 427–429

augmenting-path method, 382–407

bipartite matching, 433–436

capacity constraints, 426

connectivity, 437–438

feasible flow, 430–432

general networks, 425–426

linear programming, 439–440

and mincost flow problem, 425, 472–473

mincost maxflow, 443–447

preflow-push method, 410–423

reductions, 370, 406, 425–440

running time, 434–436

spanning tree, 454–455

standard, 425–426

undirected networks, 429–430

Maxflow-mincut theorem, 385–387, 437

Maximal connected subgraph, 11–12

Maximum-capacity augmenting path, 394, 399–401, 405–406

Maximum-cardinality matching, 433, 482

Maze, 82–86

Menger’s theorem, 119, 437

Merchandise distribution, 368, 430, 444–445, 475

Mincost flow problem, 372, 443–479

assignment problem, 476–477

cycle-canceling algorithm, 372, 447–452

edge costs, 474

eligible edges, 455–457

feasible flow, 444–445, 472–473

flow cost, 443

LP formulation, 425, 479

mail carrier, 477–478

and maxflow problem, 425, 472–473

mincost maxflow, 443–447

reductions, 472–479

running time, 451

single-source shortest paths, 472–473

transportation, 475–476

see also Network simplex algorithm

Mincut, 386–387

Minimum spanning tree (MST), 72, 227–276

Boruvka’s algorithm, 244, 263–267

cut and cycle properties, 240–244

defined, 228

equal weights, 228–229

Euclidean, 274–276

Kruskal’s algorithm, 243–244, 258–263, 268

performance, 268–273, 269

Prim’s algorithm, 243, 247–256, 263, 269

representations, 237–239

weighted-graph ADTs, 230–239

Minimum-distance point matching, 369

Modular arithmetic, 183–184

Multicommodity flow, 482–483

Multigraph, 8

Multisource paths, 314–318

Negative cost, 446–447

Negative cycle, 279–280, 348–350, 446–454

Negative weight, 345–365

arbitrage, 348–349

Bellman-Ford algorithm, 350–356, 358

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 349, 354–360

Floyd’s algorithm, 349–351, 354

Neighbor graph, 49, 144

Network, 5, 15, 277–284

acyclic, 313–321, 334–335, 427–429

adjacency representations, 37

communications, 368–369

distribution, 444–445

reliability, 370

residual, 388–391, 412, 417, 446, 453

reweighting, 324, 357–360

st-network, 375–378, 429–430

telephone, 370

undirected, 429–430

weighted diameter, 304

see also Flow network; Shortest path

Network simplex algorithm, 372, 453–470

assignment problem, 476–477

eligible edges, 455–457, 462–468

feasible spanning tree, 453–455

implementations, 466–469

initialization, 464

parent-link representation, 458–464

performance, 466–470

shortest paths, 472–473

simplex method, 479

vertex potentials, 454–456, 468

see also Mincost flow problem

Node, 8

Nonlinear cost, 483

NP-hard problem, 75, 77, 339–340

Online algorithm, 22

Operations research (OR), 343, 365

Optimization, 76

Ordered pair, 14, 182–183

Outdegree, 14, 153–154

Outflow, 375–378

Parallel edges, 8, 18, 27

adjacency-lists representation, 34

networks, 278

random graphs, 47

weighted graphs, 237

Parent-link representation

BFS tree, 127

cycle detection, 165

DFS tree, 99–100

network simplex algorithm, 458–464

Partial order, 184–185

Passage, 82

Path, 10–11, 56–58

cyclic, 10, 156, 477–478

directed, 72, 152, 155, 224

disjoint, 11, 117

Euler, 62–64, 109

Hamilton, 59–62, 224, 339–340

mail carrier, 477–478

relaxation, 286, 288–290, 292

simple, 57–59, 61, 106, 279

weight, 277

see also Longest path; Shortest path

Paths matrix, 289–290, 306, 360

Performance, 6, 77–79

abstraction, 42–43

adjacency-lists representation, 33–35, 37–40, 145–146

adjacency-matrix representation, 29–30, 37–40, 144–146

augmenting-path method, 393, 395–406, 434–436

cycle canceling, 452

dense/sparse graphs, 13

DFS forests, 103

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 297–300, 324–326

equivalent problems, 330–331

Kruskal’s algorithm, 260–262

MST algorithms, 268–273

network simplex algorithm, 466–470

path search, 61–62, 64–65

PFS, 255–256, 297–300

preflow-push, 419–423

preprocessing time, 106–108, 127, 216–217, 221–222

random graphs, 54

shortest-paths algorithms, 363–365

static graphs, 42

transitive closure, 179–180, 221–222

union-find algorithm, 145

vector-of-edges, 37–38

worst-case, 43–44

see also Running time

PERT chart, 150, 345

Planar graph, 9, 73

Planarity problem, 73

Pointer, edge, 232, 235–237, 277–278, 432

Polynomial-time reduction, 439

Postorder numbering, 101, 162, 193

Potential function, 416–419, 454–456, 468

Precedence constraint, 186, 332

Preflow, 410–411

Preflow-push method, 410–423

edge-based, 413–414

highest-vertex, 420

performance, 419–423

vertex-based, 416

Preorder numbering, 98–99, 101, 162


DFS, 106–108

shortest paths, 127, 304–305

transitive closure, 216–217, 221–222

Prim’s algorithm, 243, 247–256, 263

and Dijkstra’s algorithm, 294–296

running time, 269

Priority queue, 136, 268–269

augmenting-path method, 392–393

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 296–302

Kruskal’s algorithm, 261–263

multiway heap implementation, 272

Priority-first search (PFS), 323

augmenting-path method, 392–393

Prim’s algorithm, 251–256

Program structure, 5

Pushdown stack, 123

Quicksort, 260, 262, 268

Radar tracking system, 369

Radix sort, 260, 268

Random flow network, 402–404

Random graph, 47–48, 141–144

Randomized queue, 137, 402

Reachability, 152, 158, 166–167

DAGs, 201–204

digraphs, 205

dynamic, 223

see also Transitive closure

Reduced cost, 454–457

Reduction, 177, 283, 484

difference constraints, 333–336, 338

equivalent problems, 328

flow networks, 367

implications, 341

job scheduling, 332–338

linear programming, 333, 342–343

maxflow, 370, 406, 425–440

mincost flow, 472–479

polynomial-time, 439

shortest paths, 328–343

transitive, 223

upper/lower bounds, 342

Reflexive relation, 183

Relation, 182–183

Relaxation, 285–292, 323

Remove edge operation, 34, 40–41

Remove the minimum operation, 251, 268–271

Renyi, A., 144

Residual network, 388–391, 453

mincost flow, 446

preflow-push, 412, 417

Reverse topological sorting, 193–195

Reweighting, 324, 357–360

Road map, 282–283

Running time, 141

augmenting-path method, 393, 405

Bellman-Ford algorithm, 354–356

Boruvka’s algorithm, 265

DFS, 95–96

digraphs, 221–222

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 296, 299, 311

Floyd’s algorithm, 309–311

Kruskal’s algorithm, 260–262

maxflow, 434–436

mincost flow, 451

MST algorithms, 269–270

NP-hard problems, 339

path search, 61

preflow-push, 416–419

Prim’s algorithm, 269

random graph connectivity, 144

shortest path algorithms, 301

strong components in digraphs, 205–206

transitive closure, 172–174, 177, 180, 221–222

weighted graphs, 235

see also Performance

Scheduling problem, 4, 150, 483

DAGs, 186–187

precedence-constrained, 332–338

see also Topological sorting

Search. see Graph search

Selection, 331

Self-loop, 8, 18, 28

digraphs, 152

networks, 278

relations, 183

Sentinel weight, 235, 278, 287

Separability, 112–117

Separation vertex, 117–118

Set-inclusion DAG, 184

Shortest path, 176, 277–365

acyclic networks, 313–321

augmenting paths, 393–394, 398–399, 405–407

Bellman-Ford algorithm, 350–356, 358–360

BFS, 121–123

defined, 279

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 293–302, 305–307, 349, 354–360

Euclidean networks, 322–326

Floyd’s algorithm, 304, 307–311, 349–351, 354–356

and longest path, 329–330

multisource, 314–318

negative weights, 345–361

network simplex algorithm, 472–473

NP-hard problems, 339–340

performance, 301, 363–365

reduction, 328–343

relaxation, 285–292

shortest paths tree (SPT), 279, 287–288, 294

source-sink, 281, 294, 322–326

terminology, 286, 313

see also All-pairs shortest path; Network; Single-source shortest path

Simple connectivity, 72, 106–109

Simple graph, 8

Simple path, 10, 57–59, 61

DFS, 106

networks, 279

Simplex method, 479

Single-source longest paths, 334–335

Single-source shortest paths, 72, 127, 281

acyclic networks, 314–315

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 293–294

and mincost flow problem, 472–473

negative weights, 350–354

reachability, 166–167

Sink, 154, 195–197, 281, 375–378

Software library, 485

Sollin, G., 267

Sorting, 331

Source vertex, 14, 154, 195–197, 281, 375–378

Source-sink shortest path, 281, 294, 322–326

Spanning forest, 12, 93, 110

Spanning tree, 12, 72

feasible, 453–455

maxflow, 454–455

network simplex algorithm, 457–464

see also Minimum spanning tree

Sparse graph, 13, 29

st-connectivity, 119

st-cut, 385–387, 427–428

st-network, 375–378, 429–430

Stack, LIFO, 132–134, 138

Stack-based augmenting-path method, 400, 402

Static graph, 18–19, 42, 50

STL list, 31–33

Strong components, 157–158, 205–214

transitive closure, 217–219

Strong connectivity, 72, 156–158, 205

Subgraph, 9

forbidden, 73

maximal connected, 11–12

Subset inclusion, 184

Supply lines problem, 370, 386–387

Symbol table

find edge, 41

graph-building function, 50–52

indexing function, 51

Symmetric relation, 183

Tarjan, R. E., 410

Tarjan’s algorithm, 73, 206, 210–213

Telephone network, 370

Topological sorting, 150, 187, 191–199

DFS, 193–195, 201–204

multisource shortest-paths, 314–318

relabeling/rearrangement, 191–192

reverse, 193–195

Total order, 185

Tour, 10

Euler, 62–64, 109

Hamilton, 59–62

mail carrier problem, 74

traveling salesperson problem, 76

Tractable problem, 72

Traffic flow, 369

Transaction, 5

Transaction graph, 49–50

Transitive closure, 72, 169–180

abstract, 174–175, 216–220

and all-pairs shortest paths, 175, 328–329

Boolean matrix multiplication, 169–172, 176–177

DAGs, 201–204

DFS-based, 177–179

performance, 172–174, 177, 179–180, 221–222

of a relation, 183

Warshall’s algorithm, 172–175

Transitive reduction, 223

Transitive relation, 183

Transportation problem, 368, 475–476

Traveling salesperson problem, 76

Tree, 12, 72

BFS, 124–129

binary, 188–190

and DAGs, 188–190

DFS, 90, 98–103, 113–117, 161–162

edge, 99, 113–115, 161–162, 202

preorder tree traversal, 101

shortest-path tree (SPT), 279, 287–288, 294

spanning, 453–455, 457–464

see also Minimum spanning tree (MST)

Tree link, 99–100

Trémaux exploration, 83–86, 87–90, 109

Two-coloring, 110–111

Two-way Euler tour, 66, 109

Uncapacitated edge, 381

Undirected graph, 14–15, 36

and digraphs, 153, 155–162, 165–167, 179–180

networks, 429–430

reachability, 205

underlying, 15

Uniconnected digraph, 224

Union, 12

Union-find algorithm, 22, 43

Boruvka’s algorithm, 264–265

and DFS, 108–109

Kruskal’s algorithm, 263

performance, 145

Vector, vertex-indexed, 37, 96

Vector-of-edges representation, 24, 37

Vertex, 7–10

active, 411

adjacent, 9

connectivity, 119, 438

cut, 117–118

degree of, 9

destination, 14

disjoint, 11

dummy, 376–377

excess, 411

fringe, 253

height, 412–415

indegree/outdegree, 14

inflow/outflow, 375–378

marking, 92–93

ordered pair, 14

potentials, 416–419, 454–456, 468

printing, 19–20

reachable, 152, 158

removing, 41

search, 109–110

separation, 117–118

sink/source, 14, 154, 195–197, 281, 375–378

Vertex-based preflow-push algorithm, 416

Vertex-indexed vector, 37, 96

V-vertex graph, 7

Warshall’s algorithm, 172–175, 289–290, 307–309

Weighted diameter, 304

Weighted graph, 15, 227–229

adjacency-matrix representation, 37

ADTs, 230–239

arbitrary weights, 228

bipartite matching, 74

digraphs, 277–278

edge weights, 234–235

equal weights, 228–229

integer weights, 379–380

negative weights, 345–365

path weight, 277

reweighting, 324, 357–360

sentinel weight, 235, 278

see also Minimum spanning tree (MST); Shortest path

Whitney’s theorem, 119

World Wide Web, 4

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