Accenture Public Sector Value Model

Achievement-oriented leadership style

Action research (Lewin)

Active management by exception

Administrative authority and leadership practices, public organizations

Administrative Behavior (Simon)

Administrative changes

Administrative management, designing in government

Administrative management school; principles of

Administrative Procedures Act

Administrative survivors

Affective motives

Affiliation commitment

Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare)

Agency power

Agency scorecards, issued by U.S. Office of Management and Budget

Agenda-setting process, difficulty in predicting and understanding

Anticipatory government

Arbiter communities

Attentive publics, defined

Attribution theories

Authority-obedience management


Balanced Scorecard; issues raised by; model for assessing federal procurement system; and organizational development of goals/measurements/initiatives; public sector applications of

Behavior modification; for applying principles of operant conditioning; defined; and organizational behavior modification approach; outcomes reinforcement, emphasizing; success of; techniques for changing behavior

Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Cyert/March)

Benchmarks scales

Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid approach

BNL, See Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)

Bonus and award systems

Boston Consulting Group, portfolio model

Bounded rationality

Broadbanding and paybanding systems

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL); administrative structure, change in; Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider facility; scientific research priorities, controls/influences relative to; tritium leak; Web-based training programs in laboratory procedures

Brookings Institution conference

Brownlow Committee

Bureau of Apprenticeship and Trades (BAT)

Bureaucratic organizations; mechanistic organizations as

Bush, G.W., administration; and aide to secretary of HUD; Freedom to Manage legislation; management improvement efforts; President’s Management Agenda

Business managers, and organizational rules


Calculative commitment

Caretaker communities

Carter administration: proposed zero-based budgeting techniques of; and reform of the U.S. civil service system

Catalytic government

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and human subjects’ review of proposals

Charismatic leadership; attributional theory of; effect on followers; internalization of leaders’ values and beliefs in; leader’s behaviors and skills; nature and appropriateness of; self-concept theory of

Chief executive; appointments; budgeting authority; executive staff offices; formal power; policy initiatives and executive orders; and political authority

Chief human capital officer, appointment of

Chief information officers (CIOs), and development and maintenance of IT and information systems

Citizens, individual, and political authority

City councils, committee structure of

City managers, professionalization of

Civil Service Reform Act (1978)

Classic theories of organization

Classical diffusion model

Clinton administration. See National Performance Review: federal employment reductions of

Coercive isomorphism

Coercive power

Cognitive resource utilization theory: conditions for directive leaders’ performance on; defined; as extension of Fiedler’s contingency theory; and leader behavior impact on group performance

Collaboration: and conflict; defined; forms of; in public management; in public policy process, and networks

Collaborative networks

Committees, congressional

Communication in organizations; assessments and audits; culture; managing; problems; roles; subformal


Community-owned government

Competing values framework, to organizational goals

Competitive analysis

Competitive government

Conflict; aftermath; bases of; collaboration; compromise; escalation; felt; in for-profit (FP) and not-for-profit (NFP) organizations; latent; managing; manifest; organizational; outcomes; perceived; stages/modes; suppression; types of

Confrontation meeting

Congressional oversight

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Constituent groups

Consumption communities

Content theories of motivation; need for equity; needs for achievement/power/affiliation; needs hierarchy; Theory X and Theory Y; two-factor theory

Context, effect on performance/behavior

Contingency theory; concentrated on environmental uncertainty; criticisms and controversies of; driving logic for; environmental dimensions for; extensions of; of leadership (Fiedler); and open-systems approaches; primary contingencies affecting organizational structure in

Contingent reward

Contracting out, See also Privatization: conditions for

Controlling groups, incentives for



Country club management

Court system, and political authority

Courts and legislative process: authority of; and bureaucratic power; and compromise among diverse interests; influence on agency operations; influences of laws and regulations on; new partnership between judges and public managers

Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government (Bozeman)

Cultural conditions, organizational environments

Cultural development, leadership in

Cultural roots framework, for analysis of public organizations (Khademian)

Culture(s): assessing; communication of; conceptions and dimensions of; language; leadership in cultural development; narratives; practices/special events; symbols, use of; variations among

Customer-driven government


Decentralized government

Decision making in organizations; garbage can model of; incremental processes; participative (PDM); political influences on; in public organizations; rational models; and strategic planning

Decline and death of organizations. See also Organizational death; and cutback management; environmental entropy; responses to; vulnerability and loss of legitimacy

Delphi technique

Democratic elections, and direct implications for organizations

Demographic conditions, organizational environments

Directive leadership style


Ecological conditions, organizational environments

“Economic man”

Economic markets: absence of, for outputs of public bureaucracy; and public bureaucracy


EEO Coordinating Commission

Effective public organizations. See Public organizations

Elected officials, and effective management of agencies

Elites, incentives for

Employee participation, incentives for

Encounter groups

“End run” model, of civil servants and legislators

Enterprising government

Environmental scanning

Equal employment opportunity (EEO) initiatives

Equity theory (Adams)

Exchange commitment

Executive roles


Expectancy theory; formulations for

Expert power

External incentive

Extrinsic rewards


Felt conflict

Fixed schedule of reinforcement

Forest Ranger, The (study)

Formal authority; committees; legislation; oversight; power of the purse

Functions of the Executive, The (Barnard)


Gain-sharing plans

Garbage can model; defined


General Accounting Office

General incentives

General management; functions of; and organizational concepts

General organizational goals; clarification of; sets of

General public opinion, and political authority

Generalist managers

Generic tradition

Goal ambiguity, in public agencies

Goal approach, to organizational goals

Goal-setting theory

Goals: clarification of; defined; general organizational; goal and action competencies; official; operative; organizational; of public organizations; short-term/long-term, conflict between

Government 2.0, use of term

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

Government agencies: as overseers/allies/competitors; and political authority

Government bureaus, and information leakage

Government employees, work effort/satisfaction

Government managers, and organizational rules

Government movement, reinventing

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)

Government Performance Project (GPP); conceptual framework of

Government, political rationales for

Grace Commission

Group dynamics/processes

Groups in organizations: advantages/disadvantages of; contexts; formation of; groupthink; managing; norms; outcomes; roles; structures

Growth communities


Harvard Policy and Stakeholder model of strategic planning

Hawthorne studies

High-performance organizations

High-performance work systems

Homeland Security, Department of: debate about; debate over the design of; federal agency requirements for; formation of

Homogeneity principle

Hoover Commission

Human capital, as payoff for performance

Human capital movement

Human needs and values, complexity of

Human relations school

Human resource and internal process models, for assessing organizational effectiveness

Human resource changes


Hygiene factors


Idealized influence, as transformational behavior

Identification commitment

Impoverished management

Improved performance appraisal systems

Incentives: and attitudes toward money, security and benefits, and challenging work; defined; economies of; extrinsic; general; intrinsic; material; and organizational-member needs; in organizations; in public management; purposive; solidary; specific; types of

Incremental decision-making processes; development phase; garbage can model; identification phase; logical incrementalism; mixed scanning; within organizations, model of; selection phase

Individualized consideration, as transformational behavior

Inducements-contributions equilibrium

Informal legislative influences

Information technology, See also Social media; Government 2.0, use of term; social media; Web 2.0, use of term

Innovation; attributes affecting implementation; in public and nonprofit organizations; resistance to change; types of change

Inspirational motivation, as transformational behavior

Institutional isomorphism

Instrumental motives

Intellectual stimulation, as transformational behavior

Intendedly rational managers

Interest groups: activities; and political authority

Intermittent reinforcement

Internal Revenue Service (IRS); operating divisions; shared services division

Interval schedule of reinforcement

Intrinsic rewards

Iron triangle analogy

Iron triangles, defined

Issue networks


Job involvement, and motivation

Job satisfaction; consequences of; determinants of


Latent conflict

Leader match procedure (Fiedler)

Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership

Leader-member relations

Leadership: in government; and organizational culture; paying attention to

Leadership and Administration (Selznick)

Least preferred coworker (LPC) scale

Legal conditions, organizational environments

Legislative bodies. See also Formal authority; formal authority; informal influence; limits on legislative power; and political authority

Legitimate power

Liaison roles

Life-cycle theory

Logical incrementalism

Low-ratio reinforcement schedule


“Madisonian systems”

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Program

Management; defined; and organization theory; paying attention to; stability of; use of term

Management by objectives (MBO)

Management of Innovation, The (Burns/Stalker)

Management skill topics

Management theory, major 20th-century developments in

Managerial capacity

Managerial networking

Managerial work/roles

Manifest conflict

Market-oriented government

Mass publics: defined; and public opinion

Material incentives

Media power, See also News media

Merit pay

Miles and Snow typology; analyzers; centralization studies; defenders; and government enterprises; prospectors; and public organizations; reactors; and representative bureaucracy; strategic action; strategic stance; strategy content; and workforce diversity

Mimetic isomorphism

Mission-driven government

Motivation. See also Work motivation; affective motives; classifying theories of; content theories; defined; extrinsic; human needs and values, complexity of; human values as basic components of; incentive structures and reward expectancies in public organizations; incentives, types of; instrumental motives; intrinsic; job involvement; job satisfaction; to join an organization/to work well; measuring/assessing; norm-based motives; and organizational commitment; and organizational goal clarity; patriotism of benevolence; practice/techniques; process theories; professionalism; and public management; in public management; in public organizations; in public organizations, context of; for public service; public service motivation (PSM); recent directions in motivation theory; rival influences on performance; and role ambiguity; and role conflict; role conflict and ambiguity; self-reported; stimulating; as an umbrella concept; work motivation, concept of; and work satisfaction


Motive, defined


National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration

National Organizations Survey (NOS)

National Performance Review (NPR)

National Public Management Research Conferences

National Taxpayer’s Union

National Training Laboratory

Nature of Managerial Work, The (Mintzberg)

Need, defined

Need for equity (Adams)

Needs for achievement/power/affiliation (McClelland)

Needs hierarchy (Maslow)

Negative reinforcement


Networks: collaborative; defined; governance/effectiveness; leadership networking; nature of; negative implications of; policy; prevalence of

New Public Management movement

News media: government, scrutiny of; managing relations with; media attention; and political authority; power of; unfavorable press coverage

Non-routine tasks, organizations with

Nonprofit organizations, innovation in

Norm-based motives

Normative commitment

Normative isomorphism


Obama administration: appointment of the first federal government CIO; Obamacare; Transparency and Open Government memorandum

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Official goals

Ohio Bureau of Mental Retardation, deinstitutionalization policy

Ohio State leadership studies

One master

Open-systems approaches

Operant conditioning theory; concepts/principles of

Operant extinction

Operative goals

Opinion leaders

Organization development (OD); action research model, phases of; assumptions; consultants/change agents; effects and controversies; intervention techniques; interventions and change processes; practitioner values; projects; in the public sector

Organization theory; adaptive systems and contingency theory; defined; extensions to; generic tradition in; major 20th-century developments in

Organizational analysis, conceptual framework

Organizational behavior; attribution models; charismatic leadership; cognitive resource utilization theory; contingency theory of leadership (Fiedler); defined; leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership; leadership and organizational culture; leadership theories in management and; life-cycle theory; managerial grid approach (Blake and Mouton); managerial work/roles/skills; Ohio State leadership studies; operant conditioning theory; path-goal theory of leadership; social learning theory; trait theories; transformational leadership; Vroom-Yetton normative model

Organizational behavior modification (OB Mod)

Organizational change; case reviews; conditions for change in a federal agency; decline and death; innovation; large-scale planned organizational change, success/failure in; modularization of claims processing in the Social Security Administration; “O Area” reforms in State Department; patterns of success; in public sector, determinants of success; revitalization in public agencies; stages of organizational life; transformation steps

Organizational commitment

Organizational contingencies

Organizational culture; assessing; communication of; conceptions and dimensions of; language; and leadership; leadership in cultural development; narratives; practices/special events; symbols, use of; variations among

Organizational decline and death; and cutback management; environmental entropy; responses to; vulnerability and loss of legitimacy

Organizational effectiveness; models for assessing

Organizational environments: cultural conditions; demographic conditions; descriptive and analytical dimensions of; ecological conditions; economic conditions; environmental variations, research on; general dimensions of; general environmental conditions; legal conditions; political conditions; technological conditions; trends in research on; use of term

Organizational goals; Balanced Scorecard; clarification of; competing values approach; dimensions/measures; effectiveness dimensions for educational institutions; general; goal ambiguity; goal approach; Government Performance Project (GPP); human resource and internal process models; managing goals and effectiveness; participant-satisfaction models; systems-resource approach

Organizational life cycles

Organizational networks, effectiveness in

Organizational psychology

Organizational sociology

Organizational structure: characteristics; development of research on; dimensions/influences; organizational design; in public organizations

Organization(s); administrative management school; bureaucracy, as an ideal construct; bureaucratic form of; classic theories of; decision making in; defined; Hawthorne studies; historical developments; inducements-contributions equilibrium; power and politics inside; scientific management; systems metaphor; Theory X and Theory Y

Organizations, groups in; organizational life cycles

Organizations in Action (Thompson)

Organizations (March/Simon)

O’Toole-Meier formal theory of public management



Participant-satisfaction models, for assessing organizational effectiveness

Participative decision making (PDM)

Participative leadership style

Participative management and decision making

Partnership for Public Service

Passive management by exception

Path-goal theory of leadership

Patriotism of benevolence


Pay-for-performance systems

Paybanding systems

Perceived conflict

Performance management and PART

Performance Management and Recognition System (PMRS)

Performance measurement, systems and procedures for

Policy communities, and political authority

Policy networks

Policy subsystems; and political authority

Political and institutional environments of public organizations; competence values; constitutional provisions; general institutions and values of the political economy; major components and dimensions; responsiveness values

Political authority; formal powers/bases of influence

Political conditions, organizational environments

Political economy: competence values; Constitutional provisions; general institutions and values of; responsiveness values

Political environment, public managers’ perceptions of

Political science

Polyarchy, defined

Porter Needs Satisfaction Questionnaire

POSDCORB (acronym)

Position power of the leader

Positive reinforcement

Power and politics, inside organizations

Power, in public organizations

President’s Management Agenda

Privatization; environment; goals/values; leadership/strategy/culture; managing; performance and effectiveness; pitfalls/ironies; in policy areas; process; structure

Process strategies

Process theories of motivation; behavior modification; expectancy theory; goal-setting theory; operant conditioning theory; social learning theory

Product and service changes



Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)

Program loyalists

Program zealots

Project ACORD (Action for Organizational Development)

Public administration

Public agencies; goal ambiguity in; management procedures

Public bureaucracies, efforts to control

Public management: collaboration in; common assertions about; distinctive characteristics of; education and research issues; effective; effective, advancing; effective, examples of; and employee motivation; “end run” model; environmental factors; and general management; incentives in; ineffective; influence of; managerial capacity; measuring/modeling; and motivation; motivation in; networking; networks and collaboration in; organization-environment transactions; organizational roles and structures/processes; practical lessons for public managers; values in

Public opinion: and agencies/policies/officials; ambivalence and paradoxes in; and mass publics; and political authority

Public organizations. See Information technology; Motivation/motivation theory; Organizational environments: administrative authority and leadership practices; advancing effective management in; agencies/enterprises as points on a continuum; agencies, enterprises, and hybrid organizations; collaboration in; common assertions and research findings; contracting out; corporate excellence profiles; defining; distinctive characteristics of; distinctive nature of; economic authority; effective, examples of; effectiveness of; environment of, analyzing; environmental factors; general characteristics of; general managerial roles; goals of; government movement, reinventing; incentive structures and reward expectancies in; incentives; influence of administrative officials; and information technology; innovation in; leadership/management in; management of; and management researchers/consultants; meaning and nature of; meaning/nature of; motivation-related variables in; National Performance Review (NPR); organization-environment transactions; and organization theory; organizational and individual performance; organizational roles/structures/processes; organizational structure; ownership/funding; performance management and PART; performance measurement; performance of; political and institutional environment of; political and institutional environments of; political authority; political influences on decision making; political rationales for government.; politics and markets; power in; President’s Management Agenda; private organizations vs.; privatization; Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART); and public; public and private ownership and funding; public authority; public values; publicness; purpose of; Reinventing Government movement; relative power of; research on; sectors, blurring of; sequestration of federal funds; special considerations for; strategic decision making, conditions for; strategic decision-making processes; structural characteristics; Total Quality Management (TQM); understanding; work-related attitudes/behaviors

Public policy process; agenda-setting process/agenda garbage can; functions/policy domains of government activity; networking; networks and collaboration in; policy subsystems

Public-private comparisons; common assertions about; problems/approaches in

Public service; motivation for

Public service motivation (PSM); affective motives; communitarians; humanitarians; instrumental motives; and “mission valence”; motivation crowding hypothesis; patriotism of benevolence; patriots; public service conceptions; samaritans

Public values: Accenture Public Sector Value Model; concept of; creating; identifying; and public interest (Bozeman)

Public Values and Public Interest (Bozeman)

Publicness of an organization


Purpose: formulating/achieving; formulating and achieving

Purposive incentives


Quality Circles (QCs)

Quality of Work Life (QWL) programs

Quasi-stationary equilibrium


Ratio schedule of reinforcement

Rational decision-making models; bounded rationality; contingency perspectives on decision making; intendedly rational managers; limits of rationality; in public organizations; rationality assumptions and the behaviors of public managers and officials

Referent power

Reinforcement; schedules of; types of

Reinventing Government (Osborne/Gaebler)

Reinventing Government (REGO): movement; strategies for

Representative bureaucracy, and Miles and Snow typology

Resistance to change

Results-oriented government

Reward power

Role ambiguity; defined

Role conflict; defined

Routine tasks, organizations with




Scalar principle (Mooney)

Scientific management

Sectors in public organizations: blurring of; complex interrelations; functional analogies; mixed/intermediate/hybrid forms; oversimplification, avoiding; social role and context analogies


Self-reported motivation, among public employees

Senior Executive Service (SES)

Sensitivity groups

Sequestration of federal funds; Congressional dispute over

Social learning theory

Social media; and citizen unrest and protest; constructive chaos stage; control of contributions to; and crime prevention/responses to crimes; e-government; framework for government use of; government use of; and grievance/protest; institutionalization stage; intrapreneurship and experimentation stage; limitations/pitfalls of; and program- and policy-related initiatives; trolls; Turkey’s efforts to expand e-government and use of IT; use, initiating/implementing

Social psychology

Social Psychology of Organizations, The (Katz/Kahn)

Social Security Administration (SSA); performance plan

Solidary incentives

Span of control; conflict with unity of command

Special-interest politics


Specific incentives

Stakeholder analysis

Strategic issues management

Strategic management; competitive analysis; logical incrementalism; managerial strategies in the public sector, analytical research on; military strategy; political influences on decision making; prescriptive frameworks for; process strategies; public sector applications; stakeholder management; strategic negotiation; strategic planning systems

Strategic management group (SMG)

Strategic negotiation

Strategic planning systems

Strong tradition. See Generic tradition

Subformal communication

Supportive leadership style

Sustained attention and analysis, challenge of

SWOT analysis

Systems-resource approach, to organizational goals



Tavistock Institute

Teams. See also Communication; Conflict; examples of; team-based organization; team management

Technical efficiency

Technological conditions, organizational environments

Technology changes

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Act (1996)

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Theory X and Theory Y (McGregor)

Total Quality Management programs

Transactional behaviors

Transformational behaviors

Transformational leadership; transactional leadership compared to

TVA and the Grass Roots (Selznick)

Two-factor theory (Herzberg)

Typology of existence, relatedness, and growth needs (Alderfer)

Typology of human needs (Murray)


U.S. Constitution: equal protection and due process implications in; lack of provisions for free-enterprise system in; limits on government and guarantees of citizen rights in; requirement for legal due process in

U.S. Bureau of Prisons

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Labor

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

U.S. Forest Service

U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO)

U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Internal Revenue Restructuring and Reform Act (RRA98)

U.S. Internal Revenue Service

U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board; periodic federal employee surveys

U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity

U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

U.S. Postal Service

U.S. Social Security Administration

U.S. State Department



Values, in public management

Variable schedule of reinforcement

Volcker Commission

Vroom-Yetton normative model


Web 2.0, use of term

Whistle-blowing; harsh treatment received by whistle-blowers

Work enhancement

Work motivation; attempts to specify needs, values, and incentives in; enhancement methods; attitudes toward money, security and challenging work in; concepts of values, motives, and incentives in; distinction between higher- and lower-order motives in; extrinsic and intrinsic incentives in; general public service motive and; human values as basic components of; incentives in organizations; and job satisfaction; lists and typologies of needs, motives, values, and incentives; “most important” incentives; observations about their coworkers’ motivation; proxy measures in; superior benefits in public sector; theories of; types of incentives in; typologies in; as umbrella concept

Work satisfaction, and motivation

Workforce diversity, studies focused on

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