Figures, Tables, and Exhibits


1.1 A Framework for Organizational Analysis
1.2 A Framework for Organizational Analysis (Elaboration of Figure 1.1)
3.1 Agencies, Enterprises, and Hybrid Organizations
3.2 Public and Private Ownership and Funding
3.3 “Publicness”: Political and Economic Authority
6.1 Conceptual Framework of the Government Performance Project
6.2 The Competing Values Framework
9.1 Formulations of Expectancy Theory


3.1 Typology of Organizations Created by Cross-Classifying Ownership, Funding, and Mode of Social Control
6.1 Effectiveness Dimensions for Educational Institutions
10.1 The Complexity of Human Needs and Values
10.2 Types of Incentives
10.3 Perry’s Dimensions and Questionnaire Measures of Public Service Motivation
13.1 Organizational Decline and Cutback Management: Tactics for Responding to Decline and Funding Cuts
14.1 Characteristics of High-Performance Government Organizations


2.1 Major Developments in Organization and Management Theory in the Twentieth Century
3.1 Distinctive Characteristics of Public Management and Public Organizations: A Summary of Common Assertions and Research Findings
4.1 General Environmental Conditions
4.2 Descriptive and Analytical Dimensions of Organizational Environments
4.3 Major Environmental Components for Public Organizations
5.1 Sources of Political Authority and Influence of Institutions, Entities, and Actors in the Political System
5.2 Guidelines for Managing Relations with the News Media
6.1 Organizational Effectiveness: Dimensions and Measures
9.1 Questionnaire Items Used to Measure Work Motivation
9.2 Categories of Needs and Values Employed in Selected Content Theories
9.3 Concepts and Principles of Operant Conditioning
9.4 Methods Commonly Used to Enhance Work Motivation in Organizations
11.1 Managerial Roles and Skills
11.2 Conceptions and Dimensions of Culture
11.3 Background References for Assessing Organizational Culture
12.1 Communication Problems and Distortions
13.1 Attributes of Innovations That Affect Their Implementation
13.2 Phases of an Action Research Model for Organizational Development
13.3 Patterns of Successful Organizational Change
13.4 Steps for Successful Organizational Transformation
13.5 Determinants of Successful Implementation of Organizational Change in the Public Sector
13.6 Conditions for a Successful Change in a Federal Agency
14.1 Propositions About Effective Public Organizations
14.2 Osborne and Gaebler’s Strategies for Reinventing Government
14.3 The National Performance Review: Major Priorities and Initiatives
14.4 Conditions for Successful Privatization and Contracting Out
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