
DRI directly Riemann integrable
a.s. almost surely
i.i.d. independent identically distributed
r.v. random variable/random variables
d.f. distribution function
B-G-W Bienaymé-Galton-Watson
MRP Markov renewal process
SMP semi-Markov process
image set of non-negative integers, i.e. {0, 1, 2, …}
image set of positive integers, i.e. {1, 2, …}
image set of integers, i.e. {… −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, …}
image set of rational numbers
image set of real numbers
image set of non-negative real numbers [0, ∞)
image set of complex numbers
log natural logarithm
image set [−00, 00]
o(x) small 0 of x in 0, i.e. lim o(x)/x = 0
O(x) big O of x in 0, i.e. O(x)/x is bounded in a neighborhood of 0
ld d-dimensional vector whose components are all 1
Id identity matrix of order d
diag(ai) diagonal matrix whose ith diagonal entry is ai,
image(E) set of all subsets of E
image σ-algebra
σ(C) σ-algebra generated by C
image(E) σ-algebra of Borel sets of a topological space E
image probability measure
image probability space
image expected value (mean)
imagear variance
imageov covariance
δω Dirac measure in ω, i.e. δω(A) = image
image indicator function of a set A, i.e. image
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