Chapter 2

Simple Stochastic Models

This chapter presents stochastic models that, despite their simplicity, have been important for the development of the probability theory and of random modeling.

2.1. Urn models

An urn model (or scheme) is a system formed by urns that contain balls of different colors, to which we associate an experiment of successive ball drawings, with or without replacement in the urns, following some precise rules. These rules could consist in either putting in additional balls or taking out balls from some urns, or in changing the color of some balls at different stages of the experiment. The fundamental rule for computing the probability of a certain result of an experiment is that the random drawing from an urn with s balls is uniformly distributed, i.e. the probability of drawing any of the balls is 1/s.

In fact it is possible, at least theoretically, to associate an urn model with any random experiment with finite or countable number of outcomes [PÒL 54]. This was almost the only methodology at the beginning of probability theory, although urn models are not the only concepts used for discrete probabilistic models. A book of L. Hogben, entitled Chance and Choice by Cardpack and Chessboard (two volumes, 1950 and 1955, Max Parrish, London) presents other possible modeling ideas. Nevertheless, compared to card games, dice games, or chess, urns have the advantage of not being associated with a precise number like 52, 6, or 64. One can imagine a 17-sided die, a pack of 49 playing cards, etc., but all these have nothing to do with our “day-to-day experience.”

The following examples show how the conversion into urns’ language can be done.

1. The tossing of a perfect coin can be modeled as the drawing of a ball from an urn containing two balls labeled with the letters h and t (heads and tails). Similarly, rolling a die can be modeled by the drawing of a ball from an urn containing six balls labeled with the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Finally, drawing a card from a usual pack of playing cards can be seen as the drawing of a ball from an urn with 52 balls appropriately labeled.

2. The occurrence of an event of known probability p can be modeled by the drawing of a ball, say a white one, from an urn containing white and black balls in proportion p/(1 − p). Obviously, this is possible if and only if p is a rational number and we see here the limits of the method. A classic example (with p ≅ 0.515) is the birth of a boy. The successive drawings with replacement represent a prototype of Bernoulli scheme Bi(n, p), a fundamental concept in probability theory.

3. The successive dry or wet days in a town can be modeled by a three-urn system as follows [PÒL 54]. Each urn contains the same number of balls, say 1,000. Some of the balls are white (for dry days), the others are black (for wet days). The three urns, labeled 0, 1, and 2, have different compositions. The proportion “white balls/black balls” in the urn labeled 0 is equal to the proportion “dry days/wet days” throughout an year. The proportion “white balls/black balls” in the urn labeled 1 is equal to the proportion “dry days following a dry day/wet days following a dry day” throughout a year. The proportion “white balls/black balls” in the urn labeled 2 is equal to the proportion “dry days following a wet day/wet days following a wet day” throughout a year. The balls are successively drawn, their colors are recorded, and they are replaced in the original urns. Urn labeled 0 is only used for drawing the first ball. Whether this ball is white or black, the following drawing will be done from urn labeled 1 or 2, respectively. We keep drawing following this rule.

In fact, without saying it explicitly, we have here the representation of a two-state Markov chain (“dry days” and “wet days”) by means of an urn system. We have implicitly accepted the Markovian hypothesis for the succession between dry and wet days.

In fact, it can be seen that urn models are constructions mainly developed for illustrating theoretical concepts or facilitating the resolution of some probability problems. A list of urn models can be found in [JOH 77], as well as in [FEL 66, KOL 78b].

Some urn models (such as the Ehrenfest model) are presented in the following chapters. Although they are presented in a modern manner, the main aspects of the modeled phenomena will be clear.

It is often stated that probability theory has long been applied to casino games (roulette, dice, urns, etc.), called gambling games, but these studies made it possible to solve many important problems in sociology, demography, biology, engineering, etc. Urn models are mentioned and used in the monumental posthumous work Ars Conjectandi (1713) by Jakob Bernoulli (1654-1705), as well as in the famous Théorie Analytique des Probabilités (1812) by Pierre Simon de Laplace (1749-1827). The Ehrenfest model itself is a creation of the 18th century.

2.2. Random walks

The random walk is one of the simple stochastic models that is most useful. This type of model is used in physics, chemistry, biology, informatics, physiology of plants, technical studies, etc. There is a huge number of works on random walks, and we will mention here only some of them [GUT 88, HUG 96, RÉV 94, SPI76].

In an intuitive presentation of the random walk model, the state of the system is the position of a particle moving on the real line, in the plane or space, etc. So, the simplest random walk (called Bernoulli random walk) can be described as follows: a particle moves on the real line with one unit step, either one step to the right, with probability p, or one step to the left with probability q = 1 − p, where 0 < p < 1. Each step is supposed to be done in one time unit, such that the nth step occurs at time n. Moreover, it is supposed that the set of possible positions of the particle is the set of integers image (the lattice of integers of image). The mathematical formulation is straightforward. Let image be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables, with common distribution


so the r.v. (ξn + l)/2, n = 1,2,…, are Be(p), i.e. Bernoulli of parameter p. The position X(n) of the particle at time n is

[2.1] image

where X(0) is its initial position. We find that the random walk model taken into account here is nothing but the sequence of partial sums of a sequence of i.i.d. r.v. Consequently, the random walk is a Markov chain (see below).

The problems related to the model defined in [2.1] arise from concrete situations. For instance: (a) what is the probability that the particle arrives in a given point? (b) if this probability is 1, how many steps (on average) are necessary to reach this point? (c) what is the probability that the particle returns to the starting point? (d) how long (on average) does the particle remain in a given state set?

We will take a closer look at the famous problem of gambler’s ruin: let a, b ∈ N+, c = a + b; what is the probability that, starting from X(0) = a, the particle will reach 0 before reaching c? The problem got its name from the following context: two players A and B are involved in a series of plays of a game, with initial capitals a and b, respectively. At each play of the game, the probability that the players A and B win 1 unit is p and q, p + q = 1, respectively. The successive plays of the games are assumed to be independent. If X(n) denotes the fortune of the player A after n plays, then (X(n), n ≥ 1) is a random walk as described before. Each step of the particle to the right (left) means that the player A won (lost) a play. If the particle reaches the point 0 before reaching c, then A lost his capital, so he went bankrupt. Similarly, if the particle reaches the point c before reaching 0, then B went bankrupt.

This problem was stated for the first time by Christianus Huygens (1629-1695) in his work De Ratiociniis in Aleae Ludo published in 1657. He considered the particular case of a = b = 12, p = 5/12, and gave, without proof, the (correct) value of (5/7)12 for the ratio of ruin probabilities of the two players. The first proof was given by Jakob Bernoulli, who reproduced the work of Huygens, accompanied by his commentaries, as the first part of his famous Ars Conjectandi. Using modern notation, Bernoulli’s solution is as follows. Let u(x) be the ruin probability of the player A, given that his initial capital is x. From the total probability formula we obtain the equations

[2.2] image

with the limit conditions u(0) = 1, u(c) = 0. For solving the system [2.2] we write u(x) = (p + q)u(x), obtaining


and, by induction,




and adding the relations obtained for u(x) we obtain




which yields


and we finally obtain


In the same way we obtain that the probability v(x) that the particle, starting from x, reaches c before reaching 0 (so the probability that B is ruined) is 1 − u(x), x = 0, 1,…, c. (An easier way to obtain v(x) is to exchange p with q and x with c − x in the previous expression of u(x)).

A similar argument can be used in order to obtain the mean value m(x) of the number of steps necessary for the particle to reach one of the points 0 or c, starting from the initial position x (i.e. the mean duration of the game). Note that m(x) satisfies the system of equations


with the limit conditions m(0) = m(c) = 0. The solution is


A modern probabilistic study of these problems uses the Markov chain theory [CHU 74, CHU 67, FEL 66, IOS 80, KAR75, KEM 60, RES 92, REV 75]. For instance, question (c) above can be expressed in terms of the recurrence or non-recurrence of the Markov chain (X(n), nimage) with state space image and transition probabilities Pi,i+1 = p, pi,i−1 = q, Pi,j = 0 if |i − j| > 1 or i = j, i, jimage. It is interesting to note that this chain is recurrent (so, the probability of interest is 1, and, in fact, the chain returns an infinity of times to an arbitrary state i with probability 1) if and only if p′ = q′ = r′ = s′ = image. An analogous result can be obtained if we generalize the model [2.1] by letting the possible positions of the particle be the points of the real plane with integer coordinates. In this case, starting from any point image the particle can reach in one step one of the points (i + 1, j), (i − 1, j), (i, j + 1), or (i, j − 1), with probabilities p′, q′, r′, and s′, respectively, where p′ + q′ + r′ + s′ = 1. We can prove that the probability that the particle returns to its initial position is equal to 1 if and only if image One can think that this property is true for any number of dimensions. But G. Pólya proved in 1921 that this was not the case: the Markov chain associated with the random walk in image with m ≥ 3 is not recurrent. In the particular case of m = 3, considering that the probabilities that the particle reaches in one step one of the six neighboring points of the integer lattice of image are all equal to 1/6, the probability that the particle returns to its initial position is equal to 0.340537, 330 … [SPI 76].

The term “random walk” was introduced in 1905 when Karl Pearson, in a paper entitled The problem of random walk, states the following problem: a person starts from a point O and walks image yards in a straight line; then he turns through an arbitrary angle (i.e. the rotation angle follows a uniform distribution) and walks n yards in a second straight line. This procedure is repeated n times. We are looking for the probability that the person is at a distance between r and r + dr from his initial point O. Pearson states that he obtained the result for n = 2 and that a general solution can be obtained in the form of a power series of 1/n, when n is large. In fact, this result had already been obtained by Lord Rayleigh in 1880. He considered “the composition of n isoperiodic vibrations of unit amplitude and phases distributed at random,” a problem equivalent to Pearson’s problem. The asymptotic solution obtained by Rayleigh is image (where image is the amplitude of a vibration). Due to the difficulty of the problem, Rayleigh only considered the case where the phases have the exact values 0, π/2, π, and 3π/2, each of them with probability 1/4, so a bidimensional random walk. This is the first study of a random walk on a multidimensional lattice. For three dimensions, Rayleigh introduced the term random flight which did not survive, though very suggestive. In his subsequent works, Rayleigh discovered an important analogy between random walks and gas diffusion. In the end, this is to say that, starting from a random walk whose length of a step δ tends to 0, we can arrive at the Brownian motion process (or Wiener process, see the next section) and at other diffusion processes [FEL 66]. This method, exploited (even if in a heuristic manner) by Louis Bachelier1 (1870–1946), was historically very rich: inspired by Bachelier, A. N. Kolmogorov developed the foundations of Markov processes.

We end these remarks on the use of random walks by presenting some generalizations and modifications of the model.

On the one hand, in the context of random walk and of its multidimensional generalizations, many applications require restrictions on the movement possibilities of the particle. This is done by modifying the transition probabilities of the associated Markov chain for the positions belonging to a given set. We have already seen such an example in gambler’s ruin problem, where the positions 0 and c are absorbing barriers.

On the other hand, we can get rid of the restriction on the movement of the particle by a unit step, keeping only the hypothesis of stochastic independence of the successive steps. More precisely, let (ξn, n > 1) be a sequence of i.i.d. r.v., with values in the Euclidean space image. Then, relations [2.1], with X(0) an arbitrarily fixed point of image, define a generalized random walk. From the various application fields of this model we can cite: insurance theory, system reliability, storage theory, queueing systems, etc.

Finally, coming back to the 1D case, if we suppose that each time the particle is in position iimage, it makes one step to the right or to the left with probabilities pi, respectively qi, or it remains in the same position with probability ri, pi + qi + ri, = 1, we obtain a non-homogenous random walk. Denoting by X(n) the particle’s position at time nimage, the chain (X(n), nimage) is still Markovian, but the increments X(n + 1)X(n), nimage, are no longer independent of n [KAR75, IOS 73, IOS 80]. The Ehrenfest model (see the next chapter) is a random walk of this type.

2.3. Brownian motion

2.3.1. Introduction

Let ξi, i > 1 be a sequence of i.i.d. r.v. with values in {−1, +1}, uniformly distributed. Let us consider the random walk image called the simple random walk on image, and the random walk image, on image. It is clear that Sn ~ Bi(n, 1/2). Let us also consider the simple random walk on the lattice Rh = {nh : nimage}, h > 0, of a particle starting from 0, whose movements are made at times t = nδ, nimage, δ > 0.

If X(t) denotes the position of the particle at time t = nδ, then


with X(0) = 0.

For t = nδ and s = mδ, with n > m, the r.v. X(t) and X(t + s)X(s) are independent and identically distributed. Thus we have


Consequently, image is a linear function of t. Let us set

[2.3] image

where σ2 is a constant.

We also have



[2.4] image

Note that

[2.5] image

and we obtain

[2.6] image

Using the de Moivace theorere-Laplm, as δ → 0, we obtain

[2.7] image

and finally

[2.8] image

The process X(t), t > 0, is called Wiener process or Brownian motion. The constant σ2 is called diffusion coefficient.

For all 0 ≤ s < t we also have

[2.9] image

A definition of the Brownian motion can be given as follows.

A process (X(t), t ≥ 0) is called a Brownian motion or a Wiener process starting at 0 if the following conditions are fulfilled:

1. X(0) = 0 a.s.;

2. The sample paths image are continuous a.s.;

3. (X(t), t ≥ 0) is aprocess with independent increments, i.e. ther.v. X(t+s)X(t) is independent of Xu, u ≤ t for all image;

4. X(t + s)X(t) is N(0, σ2s) distributed, for all image.

This is equivalent to saying that for all 0 ≤ t0 < t1 << tn, the r.v.


have a joint normal distribution with image, and covariance matrix Γ, whose elements are


In fact, for tl > tk, we have


We can write


for all 0 ≤ t1<< tn and image, with


called transition density.

If σ2 = 1 and μ = 0 the process is called standard. Any Brownian motion X(t) can be converted to the standard process through the transformation


A Brownian motion has continuous sample paths a.s., and almost all sample paths have infinite variation on any finite interval.

2.3.2. Basic properties

Some properties have already been mentioned in the previous paragraph. We will give further details here and will also present additional properties.

All through this section we will assume that σ = 1, i.e. we will be concerned only with standard Brownian motion. For a standard Brownian motion X(t), t > 0, the following properties are straightforward.


1) image

2) image

3) image

4) image


1) For a fixed time s > 0, the process X(t+s)X(s), t ≥ 0, is a Brownian motion.

2) The process — X(t), t ≥ 0, is a Brownian motion.

3) The process cX(t/c2), t ≥ 0, with c ≠ 0, is a Brownian motion.

4) The process image, defined by image and image tX(1/t) t > 0, is a Brownian motion.

The Brownian motion is a martingale with respect to its natural filtration and many other functions of this process are also martingales.


1) The Brownian motion X(t),t ≥ 0, is a martingale.

2) The process |X(t)|2t, t ≥ 0, is a martingale.

3) The process eX(t)t/2, t ≥ 0, is a martingale, called the exponential martingale.

The following properties play an important role in the theory of stochastic integrals.

THEOREM 2.4.– (Doob’s maximal inequality in L2). For all t > 0,


The following two properties concern the sample paths of Brownian motion.

THEOREM 2.5.– The variations of the sample paths of the Brownian motion are infinite a.s.

THEOREM 2.6.– The sample paths of the Brownian motion are not differentiable a.s. for all t ≥ 0.

THEOREM 2.7.– We have


Reflection principle

Let X(t), t ≥ 0, be a Brownian motion in image, with the diffusion coefficient σ2. Let us denote by T the exit time from the open interval (a, b), with a < 0 and b > 0,

[2.10] image

THEOREM 2.8.– We have

1) T < + ∞, a.s.;

2) image

3) image

For aimage, let Ta denote the first-passage time to a, i.e.


THEOREM 2.9.– (Reflection principle) Let aimage be a fixed number. Then the process image, defined by


is a Brownian motion.

Markov property

The Brownian motion, just like any process with independent increments, is a Markov process.

Let Pt, t ≥ 0, be the associated transition semi-group. For any real Borel function f we have


and P0 f(x) = f(x).

It is easy to prove the semi-group property (or Chapman-Kolmogorov identity)


Its (infinitesimal) generator L, defined by


gives, for image, the set of bounded real functions defined on image, two times continuously differentiable,


Consequently, the backward Kolmogorov equation can be written as

[2.11] image

Similarly, the forward Kolmogorov equation can be written as

[2.12] image

In physics, this equation is known under the name of heat or diffusion equation.

2.4. Poisson processes

The Poisson process is a mathematical model for a large variety of fields like physics (study of radioactive decay), biology (model for genetic mutations due to noxious radiation), telecommunication (especially in telephony), trade, insurance, road traffic, industry (reliability and quality statistical control) [HAI 67]. The name of the Poisson process comes from the great French mathematician and physicist Siméon Denis Poisson (1781-1840) who, during the last years of his life, became interested in applications of probability theory into administration and justice. His famous work Recherches sur la probabilité des jugements en matière criminelle et en matière civile, précédées des régles générales du calcul des probabilités (Bachelier, Paris, 1837) could be considered as a textbook of probability with applications to judicial practice. In this work, Poisson defines what we call today the “Poisson distribution.” The r.v. X(t) from a Poisson process image represents the number of times that a specific event appeared during the time interval [0, t), t > 0 and X(0) = 0.

From this definition we see that every possible sample path of a Poisson process is a non-decreasing step function with unit steps (see Figure 2.1). The axioms satisfied by a Poisson process are the following:

Figure 2.1. A sample path of a Poisson process


(a) If 0 < t1 << tn, then the increments X(ti)X(ti−1), 1 ≤ image, are independent, i.e. the number of times the event occurs in disjoint time intervals are independent r.v. In this case, the process is said to have independent increments;

(b) The distribution of the r.v. X(t + h)X(t) depends only on h2;

(c) There exists a constant λ > 0 such that


(d) image

Using these postulates, one can compute the distribution of the r.v. X(t).3

Let image. From (d) we obtain




Postulates (a) and (b) yield




Thus p0(t) satisfies the differential equation image = −λp0(t), which has the solution p0(t) = ceλt. The constant c is computed from condition p0(0) = 1 and we obtain


In order to compute image, note that p1(t + h) = p1(t)p0(h) + P0(t)p1(h) and


for m ≥ 2. From postulates (c) and (d) we obtain




for m ≥ 2. Thus, letting t → 0, we obtain the system of differential equations


with initial conditions pm(0) = 0, m ≥ 1. The easiest way of solving this system is to introduce the functions image. In this way we obtain the much easier system]


with q0 (t) = 1 and initial conditions qm (0) = 0, m ≥ 1. From here, we obtain by induction that image, and eventually


So, for all timage+, the r.v. X(t) has a Poisson distribution of parameter λt. This implies that the expectation and the variance of X(t) are both equal to λt. Consequently, the parameter A is nothing but the mean number of occurrences per time unit of the specific event.

We have to mention that the usual definition of a Poisson process is based on the property of independent increments (postulate (a)) and on the fact that X(t) is Poisson distributed with parameter λt, image. Obviously, this definition is equivalent to the one we have given above (postulates (a)-(d)), which is actually more intuitive.

Before continuing the presentation of the Poisson process, let us describe two generalizations of this process.

If λ( · ) is a non-decreasing real function on image, we define the non-homogenous Poisson process as a process image with independent increments (postulate (a)) such that X(t)X(s), s < t, are Poisson distributed r.v. of parameter image. The case that we have already studied, called homogenous, corresponds to the function λ(t) = λt. For the properties of non-homogenous Poisson processes (basically, the same as those of homogenous Poisson processes) we can see [IOS 73, RES 92].

Let us now define a more general class of stochastic processes, the point processes. Such a process is a finite or countable family of points randomly placed in an arbitrary space, for instance the gravels on a road, the stars in a region of the sky, the failure instants of a given system, etc. From a mathematical point of view, we admit that a point can be multiple.

Although the space where the points are considered can be an arbitrary topological space, we usually consider the case of the spaces image, d ≥ 1.

Let (Xn, nimage) be a sequence of random points in image. Then, for any image (the Borel σ-algebra of image),


is the random number of points in A. The family of r.v. (N(A), image is called a point process if N(K) < ∞ for any compact set K of image The r.v. N(A): image are called counting variables of the point process (N(A), Aimage.

The measure m defined on image by


is called the mean measure of the process.

The process image is called Poisson with mean measure m or Poisson random measure m if:

(a) for image


(b) for disjoint sets A1 ,…, Ak of B(image), the r.v. N(A1), … N(Ak) are independent.

If the mean measure is a multiple of the Lebesgue measure, i.e. if a constant λ > 0 exists such that m(A) = λμ(A), with μ the Lebesgue measure, then the process is said to be homogenous.

Let us come back to the ordinary homogenous Poisson process P(λ) of parameter (or intensity) λ. We are interested in the distribution of the interval length between two successive occurrences of the event, i.e. between two successive jumps of its sample path.

Let τn, n ≥ 1, be the nth jump time (see Figure 2.1), i.e.


Thus τ1 is the sojourn time in state 0, τ2τ1 is the sojourn time in state 1, etc.

THEOREM 2.10.– For the process P(λ) the sequence (τn − τn−1), n ≥ 1, with τ0 = 0, is a sequence of i.i.d. r.v., with common exponential distribution of parameter λ.

PROOF.– Let us consider t1, image, and the events An = (τ1 > t1, τ2τ1 > t2)(X(t) = n), nimage. We consider a partition t1 + t2 = u0 + t2 < u1 + t1 << um + t2 = t of the interval [t1 + t2, t] and we set δ = max0≤im(ui+1ui). We have


or, using postulates (a) and (b),

[2.13] image

From [2.13] we obtain


that implies


and the result is proved for τ1τ0 and τ2τ1. A similar calculation can be done for a finite number of r.v. τi+1τi,.

COROLLARY 2.11.– For all the values t and ti, 1 ≤ in, such that 0 ≤ t1 ≤ … ≤ tn ≤ t, we have


which is the common distribution function of the order statistics of a sample of size n from the uniform distribution on [0, t].

PROOF.– From Theorem 2.10 we get


Using the change of variables xi = u1 + … + ui, 1≤ i ≤ n, we obtain


REMARK 2.12.–

1. From Theorem 2.10 we infer that the process P(λ) can be constructed as follows. Let (ξn, n ≥ 1) be a sequence of independent identically distributed r.v., of common distribution Exp(λ), i.e. exponential of parameter A. Then


is a Poisson process.

Generalizing this construction, we can define the compound Poisson process. Let F be a distribution function and (σn, n ≥ 1) a sequence of i.i.d. r.v. with common distribution function F. We consider that the sequences (σn, n ≥ 1) and (ξn, n ≥ 1) are independent. The process image defined by the relations


is called compound Poisson process and is denoted by P(λ, F). The process P(λ) can be seen as a compound Poisson process, with image. Note that the process P(λ, F) has independent increments. If F is continuous at the origin, then almost all the trajectories of the process P(λ, F) are step functions with jumps of amplitude σ1, σ2,…, separated by intervals of lengths ξ1, ξ2,….

It can be proven that


where F*n, n ≥ 1, is the convolution of order n of F and image

2. The nth jump time τn, n ≥ 1, is a sum of independent r.v. of distribution Exp(λ), which implies that its probability density is


An important property of the process P(λ) is its lack of memory or memoryless property. If the time is measured starting from a fixed moment t0 and if we denote by τ1(0), τ2(0),… the jump times subsequent to t0, then, through a direct computation4 we can prove that the sequence (τn+1(0))τn(0), n ≥ 1) and τ0(0) has the properties stated in Theorem 2.10. This property can be used to prove that the process P(λ) is a homogenous Markov process with state space image. Indeed, if 0 ≤ t1<< tn+1 and image, then


The last probability is equal to


which proves the homogenity of the process.

The infinitesimal generator of the process P(λ) is given by


We end this section by mentioning that the Poisson process is not only a mathematical model for various natural and society phenomena but also has an outstanding theoretical importance (for instance, for the study of the general process with independent increments or for sums of independent r.v.), and it is often used for the construction of complex mathematical models.

2.5. Birth and death processes

The birth and death process is a mathematical model for describing phenomena where the variation of a random characteristic occurs by discrete jumps of one more unit (birth) or one less unit (death). Obviously, the Poisson process P(λ) is a particular case of the birth and death process.

Formally, the birth and death process is defined as a homogenous Markov process with state space E = {a, a + 1,… } ⊂ image and generator

[2.14] image

for i, jE, where μa = 0, λb = 0, with b = sup E (if E is finite), μi > 0, i − 1 ∈ E, λi, > 0, i + 1 ∈ E are given numbers.5 If E is an infinite set, it is possible that, for a given set of such numbers, there will be not only one birth and death process with generator [2.14], but several such processes. Anyway, there exists at least one process, called minimal, that we construct as follows. Let X(0) = i. The process stays in i a sojourn time ξ1 of distribution Exp(λi + μi), then it jumps either to state i + 1 with probability image or to i − 1 with probability image. In this new state j (which is i − 1 or i + 1) the process stays a random time ξ2 of distribution Exp(λj + μj), etc. The successive sojourn times ξ1, ξ2, … of the process X(0), X(ξ1), X(ξ1 + ξ2), … are no longer independent r.v. They are only conditionally independent, given the states X(0), X(ξ1), X(ξ1 + ξ2),….6 The dynamics of the process is analogous to that of the non-homogenous random walk, with the difference that the jump times are random and not fixed. A sufficient condition for the minimal process to be the unique Markov process with the generator [2.14] is (we suppose, without loss of generality, that image)




More details on birth and death processes can be found in [IOS 73, KAR 75, MIH 78, WAN 92].

If μn = 0, nE, we obtain the pure birth process that is uniquely determined if and only if image (with the convention image); similarly, if λn = 0, nE, the process is said pure death process that is uniquely determined by the values of μn, nE.

Another important case is the linear birth and death process obtained for image.

1. Bachelier is the first author who described in detail many results of the mathematical theory of Brownian motion.

2. This postulate implies that the Poisson process is homogenous.

3. This distribution can also be directly obtained by way of a heuristic reasoning. Indeed, let us partition the time interval [0, t) in subintervals of length h small enough that the probability that an event occurs more than once in such a subinterval is zero (postulate (d)). From postulate (c) we obtain that in each subinterval the specific event either occurs once with probability λh or does not occur at all with probability 1 − λh. Taking into account the fact that the number of times the event occurs in disjoint time intervals are i.i.d. r.v. (postulates (a) and (b)), we can consider a binomial distribution Bi(n, p) with n = t/h and p = λh. As n(λh) = λt (constant), we obtain that X(t) has a Poisson distribution of parameter λt.

4. We use the memoryless property of the exponential distribution: ξ is an r.v. with Exp(λ) distribution if and only if image for all image. Intuitively, if a waiting time with an exponential distribution is cut into two parts, then the second part has the same exponential distribution, no matter which is the length of the first part. More generally, if η is an r.v. independent of ξ, then image.

5. The birth and death process was first introduced by McKendrick in 1925 [MCK 26]. Feller in 1940 [FEL 39], without any knowledge of this work, basically defined the same process.

6. If X(0) = 1 and we set image, then the r.v. σn+1σn, n ≥ 1, are independent (without conditioning).

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