Term Index

  • Note: Page references in italics refer to figures.


  • Abbott Labs
  • abdicators
  • Aberdeen Group
  • Accenture
  • access, for customer insight and dialogue
  • accounting
    • courses in
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
    • See also financial issues; return on investment (ROI)
  • acknowledgment, for customer insight and dialogue
  • acquisition costs, of customers
  • actual value
  • See also potential value
  • adaptive customization
  • adaptive data
  • addressable
  • AdRank
  • Agency Revolution
  • Age of Transparency
    • customer centricity and
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • privacy issues of
    • social media and
    • “The Age of Transparency” (Seidman)
  • Airbnb
  • Amazon
    • customer centricity
    • customer experience
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers and
    • identifying customers
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • American Airlines
  • American Cancer Society
  • American Express
  • Ameritrade
  • analysis process
  • analytical CRM
  • analytics. See data mining
  • Android
  • Angie's List
  • Apple
  • Arizona State University
  • Arro
  • Ashley Madison
  • AT&T
  • attitude
    • attitudinal data
    • attitudinal loyalty
    • customer attitudes and lifetime value (LTV)
  • attributes
  • Authenticity (Gilmore, Pine)
  • automation
    • customer centricity and
    • customer interaction
    • customer journey mapping
    • customer needs differentiation
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • differentiating customers and
    • identifying customers with
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • for mass customization
    • privacy issues of
    • sales force automation (SFA)
  • Avis
  • awareness
    • brand awareness
    • customer interaction
    • customer journey mapping
    • customer life cycle and
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • mutual awareness of other parties
    • privacy issues
    • social media and


  • Bain
  • Barilla
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Baseline Consulting
  • BBA Accredited
  • BBC
  • beacons, for customer interaction
  • “Becoming a Customer-Strategy Organization” (Puleo)
  • behavior
    • behavioral cues
    • behavioral data
    • behavioral loyalty
    • customer loyalty as attitude versus behavior
    • leadership behavior of customer relationship managers
    • understanding customer behaviors and needs
  • below zero (BZ)
  • benefits
    • of customer interaction
    • differentiating customers and
    • mass customization and
    • privacy and feedback
  • Bentley Systems
  • Be Proactive (trustability principle)
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • Best Buy
  • Better Business Bureau
  • Big Bang Theory
  • Biogen Idec
  • BMAI-Strategy
  • BMW
  • BMW i Remote (BMW)
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
  • brand
    • brand awareness
    • brand engagement
    • brand monitoring
    • brand relationship
    • brand reputation
    • customer journey mapping and
    • empowering customers to defend brand
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • “Building Genuine Customer Connections” (Barnes)
  • Built to Last (Collins, Porras)
  • business models
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • identifying customers and
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • mass customization
    • measurement
  • business partnerships, responsibility to
  • business process reengineering (BPR)
  • business rules
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • for mass customization
  • Business Rule Solutions, LLC
  • Business Strategy
  • business-to-business (B2B) enterprises, identifying customers in
  • business-to-consumer (B2C) enterprises, identifying customers in
  • BusinessWeek
  • buzz agent


  • Cabela
  • cable and media entertainment companies, identifying customers and. See also individual company names
  • campaign marketing
  • Canada Post
  • “Canada Post Customer Value Management Program” (LeBlanc)
  • Canon
  • capabilities managers
  • Capital One Bank/Financial Corp.
  • Cargill
  • Carlson Companies
  • carmakers, identifying customers and. See also individual company names
  • Carphone Warehouse (CPW)
  • Center for Exhibition Industry Research
  • Chanel No. 5
  • Change.org
  • Charter of Fundamental Rights (EU)
  • Chevrolet
  • chief privacy officers
  • churn rate
  • Citigroup
  • “citizen-customers” scenario
  • cloud, CRM in
  • Club Med
  • CNN
  • Coach
  • Coffee for Less
  • collaboration strategy. See interacting with customers
  • collaborative customization
  • collaborative filtering
  • Columbia Business School
  • Comcast
  • commoditization
  • community knowledge
    • customer needs differentiation
    • for differentiating customers, by needs
  • complaint discovery
  • computer equipment companies, identifying customers and. See also individual company names
  • configuration
  • connectors
  • Constellation Research
  • Consumer Connect
  • consumer packaged goods companies
  • identifying customers and
  • See also individual company names
  • Consumer Reports
  • “Contact Centers Take a New Approach to Customer Interactions” (Glagowski)
  • cookies
    • defined
    • deleting
    • Supercookies
    • use of
  • core product
  • cosmetic customization
  • cost efficiency, customer interaction and
  • cost per thousand (CPM)
  • CoveyLink Worldwide
  • credit card hacking. See also privacy and customer feedback
  • critical data elements (CDEs)
  • cross-selling, data mining and
  • crowd service
    • “Crowd Service” (Petouhoff)
    • defined
    • IDIC, overview
  • cultural rules
    • customer centricity and corporate culture importance
    • customer-strategy enterprise for
    • of mass customization
  • customer analytics, defined. See also data mining
  • customer care
    • customer care leaders
    • customer-strategy enterprise
  • customer centricity
    • corporate culture importance to
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer relationships leading to good experience
    • customer-strategy enterprise transition to
    • data mining and
    • IDIC, overview
    • leadership behavior of customer relationship managers
    • overview
    • transformation from product centricity to
    • trust of customers, examples
    • trust of customers, maintaining and increasing
  • customer churn
  • customer contact centers
  • customer context
  • customer dashboard
  • customer data
    • identifying data already available
    • integration of
    • measuring return on customer (ROC) for analysis and utilization
    • one-to-one marketing
    • privacy of (See also privacy and customer feedback)
    • revolution of
    • selection of
  • customer equity (CE)
    • customer experience and
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • data mining and
    • IDIC and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
  • customer experience
    • “Building Genuine Customer Connections” (Barnes)
    • customer-centric companies
    • “Customer Experience” (Pennington)
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • “Customer Experience Capabilities and Competencies Compared to Financial Performance” (Gilleland)
    • customer experience journey mapping
    • customer experience management (CEM)
    • customer loyalty and
    • customer relationships leading to good experience, overview
    • “Customers, Customer Service, and the Customer Experience” (Zane)
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • data mining and
    • defined
    • principles of (See customer experience and relationship principles)
    • relationship characteristics
    • user experience
    • user experience versus
    • See also customer journey mapping; customer-strategy enterprise
  • “Customer Experience” (Pennington)
  • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer experience compared to customer relationship
    • customer experience management (CEM)
    • customer focus as new to business strategy
    • identifying customers
    • increasing value of customer base
    • Learning Relationships for
    • managing, to be competitive
    • market-share and share-of-customer strategies, compared
    • overview
    • return on customer and
    • roots of
    • Royal Bank of Canada example
    • technology revolution and customer revolution
    • technology versus building customer value
    • traditional marketing and
    • See also customer experience; customer relationship management (CRM)
  • “Customer Experience Capabilities and Competencies Compared to Financial Performance” (Gilleland)
  • Customer Experience Maturity Monitor (CEMM)
  • customer focus
  • customer insight. See social media
  • “Customer Intelligence in the Era of Data-Driven Marketing” (Goodnight)
  • customer interaction
    • customer journey mapping versus
    • experience touchmap and
    • interaction centers
  • customer journey mapping
    • as brand-driven versus emotional
    • competitive advantage and profitability
    • creating maps
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer experience journey mapping (See also customer experience)
    • customer experience versus user experience
    • customer interactions versus
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • effectiveness of
    • frequency for
    • governance of
    • journey, defined
    • JumpStartMD (case study)
    • objectives of
    • outcomes
    • overview
    • personas in
    • pitfalls and barriers of
    • types of maps
    • Xanterra (case study)
  • customer life cycle
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • See also lifetime value (LTV)
  • customer loyalty
    • as attitude versus behavior
    • customer equity and
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • defined
    • differentiating customers and
    • identifying customers
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • loyalty programs
    • LTV change and
    • mass customization
    • privacy issues and
  • customer managers
  • customer monitoring
  • customer orientation
  • customer portfolio
  • customer portfolio management
  • customer relationship management (CRM)
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer needs differentiation
    • customer relationships leading to good experience (See customer experience)
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • enterprise CRM
    • identifying customers
    • mass customization
    • open cloud CRM
    • operational CRM
    • privacy issues and (See also privacy and customer feedback)
    • relationship as basic building blocks
    • social media and
    • trust in unison with
    • See also customer experience and relationship principles; IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize); trust
  • customers
    • customer sacrifice
    • customer segment
    • point of view of
    • retention of
    • “using up”
  • “Customers, Customer Service, and the Customer Experience” (Zane)
  • customer satisfaction
    • measuring
    • satisfaction gap
    • See also attitude
  • customer service
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer interaction
    • “Customers, Customer Service, and the Customer Experience” (Zane)
    • customer service representatives (CSR)
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • differentiating customers and
    • “How Do We Fix Service?” (Price, Jaffe)
    • identifying customers and
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • improvement of
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives (See also lifetime value (LTV))
    • privacy issues and
    • social media for
  • Customers Rock!
  • customer-strategy enterprise
    • “Becoming a Customer-Strategy Organization” (Puleo)
    • customer centricity transition from
    • “Customer Experience” (Pennington)
    • customer experience and
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • “Customer Experience Capabilities and Competencies Compared to Financial Performance” (Gilleland)
    • customer interaction
    • customer needs differentiation
    • customer portfolio management
    • “Customers, Customer Service, and the Customer Experience” (Zane)
    • customer service improvement
    • customer strategy, defined
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers and
    • employee management and
    • “How Do We Fix Service?” (Price, Jaffe)
    • IDIC and
    • mass customization
    • overview
    • picket fence strategy
    • pilot projects and incremental change
    • privacy issues and
    • relationship governance for
    • segment management
    • “The Everyday Leader” (Nelson)
    • transformation from product centricity to customer centricity
    • transition across enterprise
    • transition process for key enterprise areas
    • “Understanding Customer Experience through Customer Journey Mapping” (Peck) (See also customer journey mapping)
    • See also customer centricity
  • customer value management
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers and
    • using needs differentiation to build customer value
  • customization
    • customer interaction
    • customer needs differentiation
    • “Customizing Online Communication” (Spitale)
    • defined
    • differentiating customers and
    • identifying customers
    • overview
    • See also mass customization
  • “Customizing Online Communication” (Spitale)
  • CVS Pharmacy


  • Daimler-Chrysler
  • dashboard
  • data. See customer data; data mining
  • data mining
    • customer analytics, defined
    • “Customer Intelligence in the Era of Data-Driven Marketing” (Goodnight)
    • customer relationship management (CRM) in the cloud
    • data collection and
    • data produced from
    • defined
    • financial characteristics applied to
    • mortgage loan sale example
    • overview
    • real estate development example
    • Verizon Wireless example
  • data warehousing
  • Dell Computer
  • Delta Airlines
  • demand chain
    • defined
    • demand chain management
    • for mass customization
  • demographic data
    • customer needs versus demographics
    • data mining and (See also data mining)
    • for identifying customers
    • lifestyle change
    • measurement and
    • See also customer data
  • DesignJet
  • dialogue
    • customer dialogue as unique and valuable asset
    • customer interaction and requirements for
    • social media for (See social media)
  • differentiating customers
    • assessing customer's potential value
    • “Canada Post Customer Value Management Program” (LeBlanc)
    • customer interaction and
    • customer lifetime value
    • customer referral value
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • customer value as future-oriented variable
    • customer value categories
    • dealing with tough customers
    • different values of different customers
    • “firing” unprofitable customers
    • growing share of customer
    • identifying customers and
    • managing mix of customers
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • overview
    • Pareto principle and power-law distributions
    • recognizing hidden potential value in customers
  • differentiating customers, by needs
    • categorizing customers by needs
    • community knowledge for
    • customers, defined
    • demographics versus needs
    • differentiate, defined
    • difficulty of
    • example of
    • financial services scenario
    • needs, defined
    • overview
    • pharmaceutical industry example
    • Predictably Irrational (Ariely)
    • understanding customer behaviors and needs
    • understanding needs
    • universities' differentiation of students' needs scenario
    • using needs differentiation to build customer value
  • Digital Insight
  • digital video recorders (DVR)
  • discrete (transactional) customer strategies
  • disintermediation
  • Disney World
  • disruptive innovation
  • Distillery
  • Domino's Pizza
  • Do the Right Thing (trustability principle)
  • Do Things Right (trustability principle)
  • Doubletree Hotel
  • drip irrigation dialogue
  • Driva Solutions
  • Dunn Humby


  • East Bay Group Consulting
  • eBay
  • Economic Value Added (EVATM)
  • Economist, The
  • Eddie Bauer
  • Edelman
  • Edelman Public Relations
  • EdgeVerve
  • EdX
  • effort, of customer interaction
  • e-mail
    • for customer interaction
    • spam
  • Emerson Electric
  • emotional dimension, of customer interaction
  • emotional loyalty
  • employee management
  • empowerment
  • engagement, social media for
  • enterprise CRM
    • data mining and
    • software as a service (SaaS) CRM
  • enterprise customer
    • enterprise trust and privacy pledges
    • identifying customers
  • enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • enterprise strategy map
  • enterprise-wide rules, minimizing
  • Ernst and Young
  • Estelar La Fontana Hotel
  • Europe, privacy issues in
  • European Commission
  • European Convention on Human Rights
  • European Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • European Union Data Protection Directive
  • event-driven marketing
  • “Everyday Leader, The” (Nelson)
  • excessive contact with customers, avoiding
  • expanded need set
  • explicit bargain
  • ExxonMobil
  • E-ZPass


  • Facebook
    • customer experience
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • identifying customers
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-­Interact-Customize) concept and
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • privacy issues and
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • Facebook Effect, The (Kirkpatrick)
  • failures, fiasco and wise
  • fake reviews
  • fax machines, for customer interaction
  • feedback
    • from customers
    • negative feedback from customers
    • See also privacy and customer feedback
  • fiasco failure
  • financial issues
    • acquisition costs of customers
    • actual value
    • cost efficiency and customer interaction
    • cost per thousand (CPM)
    • See also return on investment (ROI)
  • financial services and banking industry
    • building customer relationships in
    • customer needs differentiation scenario
    • identifying customers and
    • IDIC and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • stock market
    • See also individual company names; individual names of companies
  • Financial Times
  • “firing,” of unprofitable customers
  • first-call resolution (FCR)
  • First Direct (HSBC Bank)
  • First Lego League
  • Flickr
  • Forbes
  • Forrester Research, Inc.
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer journey mapping
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • mass customization
    • privacy issues and
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • Fortune
  • Fort Worth Star-Telegram
  • four Ps of marketing (product, place, price, promotion)
  • Franklin University
  • frequency marketing plans, for identifying customers
  • Fresh Direct
  • friction, of customer interaction
  • functional loyalty
  • Future Perfect (Davis)


  • Gallup
  • Gartner Group
  • General Electric (GE)
  • generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
  • Golden Questions
  • Google
    • customer centricity
    • customer interaction
    • customer journey mapping
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • Google+
    • Google Glass
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • GoPro
  • gross ratings points (GRP)
  • Guardian, The


  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Harley-Davidson
  • Harvard Business Review
    • customer centricity
    • customer experience
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers and
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • privacy issues and
  • Harvard Business School
  • HBO
  • Heinz
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • Hilton Hotels
  • Home Depot
  • “How Do We Fix Service?” (Price, Jaffe)
  • How We Lead Matters (Nelson)
  • HSBC Bank
  • Hubspot
  • human resources, customer-strategy enterprise for


  • IBM
  • identifying customers
    • in business-to-business (B2B) enterprises
    • in business-to-consumer (B2C) enterprises
    • customer data already available
    • customer data revolution
    • customer data selection
    • customer engagement
    • customer interaction and
    • customer recognition for information
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • data integration
    • differentiating customers and
    • identifying, defined
    • importance of
    • Internet of Things and smart products for
    • loyalty programs and frequency marketing plans for
    • overview
    • privacy issues of
    • See also privacy and customer feedback
  • identity theft. See also privacy and customer feedback
  • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • analysis and action
    • becoming more trustable to customers
    • Be Proactive for (See also proactivity)
    • “citizen-customers” scenario
    • customer relationship and trust in unison
    • customer relationship as basic building blocks of
    • customize treatment, overview
    • defined
    • differentiate customers, overview
    • Do the Right Thing
    • Do Things Right
    • identifying customers, overview
    • interacting with customers
    • interact with customers, overview
    • man with folding chair example
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives (See also measurement)
    • overview
    • “The Age of Transparency” (Seidman)
    • “The Speed of Trust” (Covey)
    • trustability principles
    • trust and information
    • trust for Learning Relationships
    • See also customization; differentiating customers; differentiating customers, by needs; identifying customers; interacting with customers; privacy and customer feedback; social media
  • IKEA
  • Implications Wheel
  • implicit bargains
  • “Importance of Listening and Social Media, The” (Carroll)
  • individualists
  • individualized experience
  • “Individual Privacy and Data Protection” (Ponemon)
  • influencing
  • information
    • customer recognition for information (See also customer data; identifying customers)
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • information age
    • Information Age
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
    • trust and
  • information technology, customer-strategy enterprise for
  • Infosys
  • innovation
    • customer interaction
    • customer journey mapping
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers and
    • disruptive innovation
    • identifying customers
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • product innovation
    • service innovation
    • social media and
    • trust and
  • Instagram
  • insurance companies, identifying customers and. See also individual company names
  • Intel
  • interacting with customers
    • avoiding excessive contact
    • complaints from customers
    • “Contact Centers Take a New Approach to Customer Interactions” (Glagowski)
    • cost efficiency and effectiveness of customer interaction
    • customer dialogue as unique and valuable asset
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • “Customizing Online Communication” (Spitale)
    • dialogue requirements for
    • feedback from customers
    • Golden Questions for
    • IDIC and
    • implicit and explicit bargains for
    • integration across entire enterprise
    • interaction, defined
    • interactive, addressable media for
    • “Managing Customer Experiences by Taking the Customer's Perspective” (Ariss)
    • mass customization
    • one-to-one marketing and
    • overview
  • interactive age
  • interactive era
  • interactive voice response (IVR)
  • International Association of Privacy Professionals
  • Internet, for customer interaction. See also social media
  • Internet Advertising Bureau
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • for customer interaction
    • identifying customers and
    • mass customization with
  • interviews, with customers
  • Intuit
  • Investopedia
  • iPhone (Apple)
  • iPod (Apple)
  • iRobot
  • ISO 9000
  • iterative
  • iTunes (Apple)


  • Jaguar Land Rover
  • JC Penney
  • JetBlue Airways
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • JumpStartMD (JSMD)


  • Kaizen
  • Kellogg
  • key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Klout
  • Kraft
  • Kroger


  • leadership
    • customer care leaders
    • of customer relationship managers
    • market leadership characteristics
    • See also customer centricity; customer-strategy enterprise
  • leading indicators
  • Learning Relationships
    • for customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer needs differentiation
    • mass customization
    • trust for
  • legacy metrics
  • Lego
  • Lenovo
  • Leo Pharma
  • lifestyle change
  • lifetime value (LTV)
    • customer centricity
    • customer needs differentiation
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers for
    • indicators
    • lifetime value drivers
    • maximizing long-term value and hitting short-term targets
    • measurement and
    • prediction of
  • Lillian Vernon
  • LimeBridge Australia
  • LinkedIn
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • privacy issues and
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • Linksys
  • Linux
  • Lisa (Apple)
  • listening
    • to customers through social media
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • “The Importance of Listening and Social Media” (Carroll)
  • Lithium Technologies
  • L.L. Bean
  • logical dimension, of customer interaction
  • low-maintenance customers
  • loyalty programs, for identifying customers


  • Macintosh (Apple)
  • MagicBands
  • Magna International
  • Make Change Positive
  • “Managing Customer Experiences by Taking the Customer's Perspective” (Ariss)
  • man with folding chair (example)
  • marketing messages, daily circulation of
  • marketing resources management (MRM)
  • market leadership, characteristics of
  • Market & Opinion Research International
  • market segment
  • market-share strategy, share-of-customer strategy versus
  • Marriott
  • mass customization
    • “A Quick Primer on Business Rules” (Kasanoff)
    • cultural rules of
    • customization and (See also customization)
    • customization as unequal
    • customization of standardized products and services
    • defined
    • demand chain and supply chain for
    • identifying customers and
    • overview
    • for profitability
    • technology for
    • value streams
  • massive open online courses (MOOCs)
  • mass marketing
  • Mattel
  • McAfee
  • MCI
  • McKinsey Quarterly
  • McLane Distribution
  • measurement
    • customer-based initiatives and, overview
    • customer equity and
    • customer equity and customer loyalty
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • of efficiency
    • lifetime value (LTV), leading indicators
    • lifetime value (LTV) and
    • maximizing long-term value and hitting short-term targets
    • for maximizing long-term value and hitting short-term targets
    • overview
    • return on customer (ROC)
    • return on customer (ROC), analyzing and utilizing
    • return on customer (ROC), overview
    • of social media for customer insight and dialogue
    • statistical analysis on customers
    • value of potential customers
    • See also customer-strategy enterprise; data mining
  • Mechanical Turk
  • Medimetrix/Unison Marketing
  • Mega Bloks
  • Mercedes
  • Microsoft
  • Minerva
  • mix of customer values
  • modularization
  • moment of truth (MoT)
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • mass customization
  • Monster
  • Moody's
  • mortgage loan sale (data mining example)
  • most growable customers (MGCs)
  • most valuable customers (MVCs)
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers and
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • privacy issues and
    • social media and
  • Motorola
  • Mozilla
  • Mulino Bianco
  • multiple channel marketing
  • mutuality
  • MyChevrolet (Chevrolet)
  • myfico.com
  • MySpace


  • National Cyber Security Alliance
  • Navistar
  • Navy Federal Credit Union
  • needs
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • defined (See also differentiating customers, by needs)
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • privacy issues and
    • research on
    • social media and
  • net present value (NPV)
  • net promoter score (NPS)
    • customer-strategy enterprise and
    • differentiating customers and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
  • Neustar
  • New Yorker, The
  • New York Times
  • New York Transit Authority
  • NikeID
  • Nintendo
  • Nissan
  • Nissan Leaf (Nissan)
  • Nobel Prize
  • nonaddressable
  • nonprofit organizations, customer needs differentiation for
  • Nordstrom
  • Norton
  • NPR


  • omnichannel marketing
  • omnichannel real-time customer dialogues
  • 1-9-90 rule
  • 1to1 Media
  • one-to-one marketing
  • open cloud CRM
  • open source software
  • operational CRM
  • opinion spam
  • optimized customer campaigns
  • opt in
  • opt out
  • Orbitz
  • organizational culture
    • customer centricity and corporate culture importance
    • customer-strategy enterprise for
    • mass customization and
  • Orica
  • Original Stitch
  • Origin of Wealth, The (Beinhocker)
  • Orlando Magic
  • outcomes, customer versus company
  • overdelivering


  • Pareto principle
  • Patagonia
  • Peapod
  • Peppers & Rogers Group
  • Periscope
  • permission marketing
  • personalization
  • personas, in customer journey mapping
  • Pew Research Center
  • pharmaceutical industry, differentiating customers by needs
  • physical dimension, of customer interaction
  • picket fence strategy
  • Pinterest
  • pledges, of privacy
  • point of view, of customers
  • Ponemon Institute
  • potential value
    • customer interaction and
    • customer-strategy enterprise and differentiating customers (See also lifetime value (LTV))
    • differentiating customers
  • See also actual value
  • power-law distributions
  • Predictably Irrational (Ariely)
  • predictive analytics
    • differentiating customers and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • See also customer data; data mining
  • Princeton University
  • privacy and customer feedback
    • “Individual Privacy and Data Protection” (Ponemon)
    • online data submission and
    • privacy concerns, overview
    • privacy concerns about shopping transactions
    • privacy issues in Europe compared to U.S.
    • privacy pledges to build enterprise trust
    • privacy policy
    • “The Trust Advantage of Robert Data Stewardship” (Rose)
    • trust issues of
    • Universal ID cards
  • proactivity
    • Be Proactive
    • customer centricity and
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • identifying customers
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • privacy issues and
    • proactive trustworthiness
    • social media and
  • procedural fairness
  • Procter & Gamble (P&G)
  • product, place, price, promotion (four Ps of marketing)
  • product centricity, transformation to customer centricity
  • profitability
    • customer journey mapping
    • mass customization for
    • measurement of
    • profit growth factors
  • Prudential Insurance


  • QuickBooks
  • Quicken
  • “Quick Primer on Business Rules, A” (Kasanoff)


  • Rabobank
  • RadioShack
  • real estate development (data mining example)
  • reality television shows, privacy and
  • real-time analytics
  • recognition
    • customer needs differentiation
    • of customer personas
    • of customers (See also identifying customers)
    • of potential value in customers
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • relational (collaborative) customer strategies
  • relationship equity
  • relationship governance
  • relationship managers
  • relationship value
  • reputation
    • brand reputation
    • online technology and
  • research and development, customer-strategy enterprise for
  • Retail Industry Leaders Association
  • Retail Systems Research
  • retention, of customers
  • return on customer (ROC)
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • overview
  • return on investment (ROI)
    • building customer relationships in financial services
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • measuring efficiency which customers create value
  • return on marketing investment (ROMI)
  • return on marketing resources (RMR)
  • Ritz-Carlton
  • Roche
  • Rocket Chemical Company
  • Roper Starch Worldwide
  • Ross Controls
  • Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
  • RSS feeds
  • Running Room
  • RyanAir


  • Safe Harbor standards, privacy and
  • Sainsbury
  • sales force automation (SFA)
  • sales force compensation
  • SalesForce Marketing Cloud
  • Samsung Galaxy
  • SAS Institute
  • satisfaction gap
  • Satmetrix
  • Scottrade
  • search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Sears
  • segment management
  • SELECT (Bentley Systems)
  • self-orientation
  • Sephora
  • Shapeway
  • share of customer (SOC)
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer interaction
    • customer needs differentiation
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • differentiating customers and
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
  • Shell
  • S&H Green Stamps
  • Shop.org
  • short message service (SMS)
  • Siemens AG
  • Six Flags
  • Six Sigma
  • Skoda
  • SK Telecom
  • smart products, for identifying customers
  • Smart Shopper
  • Snapchat
  • social filtering
  • social media
    • in Age of Transparency
    • “Crowd Service” (Petouhoff)
    • for customer insight and dialogue, overview
    • for customer interaction
    • customers helping other customers, advantages of
    • customers helping other customers, enlisting
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • defined
    • empowering customers to defend brand
    • engaging supporters with social media
    • influencing the influencers for insight
    • listening to customers through
    • privacy issues of
    • reputation and online technology
    • social media costs and goals
    • “The Importance of Listening and Social Media” (Carroll)
    • trust for interacting with
    • See also individual names of social media companies
  • social networking
  • Society of Friends
  • sockpuppet
  • software as a service (SaaS) CRM
  • Sony
  • Southern Connecticut State University
  • Southwest Airlines
  • spam
  • SPAR
  • SpectrumCX
  • “Speed of Trust, The” (Covey)
  • Sprint
  • stable data
  • Staples
  • Starbucks
  • Starwood Hotels
  • State Farm
  • statistical analysis, return on customer (ROC) and
  • stock market
  • SuiteCX
  • Sunset Direct
  • Supercookies
  • super-growth customers
  • super-users (1-percenters)
  • supply chain
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • defined
    • for mass customization
    • supply chain management
  • Supreme Performance Metric
  • Swiss Bank Coop
  • switching cost
  • Symantec
  • Synovate Mail Monitor


  • Taco Bell
  • TaskRabbit
  • Technical Assistance Research Program (TARP)
  • technology
    • building customer value compared to
    • customer experience as result of
    • for customer interaction
    • for customer interaction, and enterprise-wide integration
    • customer-strategy enterprise for
    • identifying customers with
    • interactive, addressable media for customer interaction
    • “Managing Customer Experiences by Taking the Customer's Perspective” (Ariss)
    • for mass customization
    • reputation and online technology
    • technology revolution and customer revolution
    • See also social media
  • telecommunications companies, identifying customers and. See also individual company names
  • TeleTech
  • Temkin Group
  • Tesco
  • texting
  • 3-D printing
  • 3M
  • 360-degree experience maps
  • Tibco Software
  • TiVo
  • T-Mobile
  • Top Value
  • Total Quality Management
  • total shareholder return (TSR)
  • touchmaps
  • touch-point analysis
  • Toyota
  • Toys “R” Us
  • trajectory
    • customer interaction
    • differentiating customers and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
  • transparency
    • Age of Transparency
    • cost transparency
    • customer centricity
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • mass customization
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • privacy issues and
    • radical transparency
    • social media and
    • transparent customization
  • TripAdvisor
  • trust
    • becoming more trustable to customers
    • customer centricity, examples
    • customer interaction and
    • information and
    • innovation and
    • for Learning Relationships
    • maintaining and increasing
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • privacy and (See also privacy and customer feedback)
    • reputation and online technology
    • for social media interaction
    • trustability, importance
    • trustability, principles of (See trustability principles)
    • trustability, traditional versus strategic
    • trustability versus trustworthiness
    • “Trust Advantage of Robert Data Stewardship, The” (Rose)
    • trust seal
    • See also privacy and customer feedback
  • trustability principles
    • Be Proactive
    • Do the Right Thing
    • Do Things Right
  • “Trust Advantage of Robert Data Stewardship, The” (Rose)
  • Trust Barometer (Edelman)
  • TRUSTe
  • Trusted Advisor Associates
  • trusted agent
  • trust platform
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize)
    • See also transparency
  • Tumblr
  • TurboTax
  • turnover
  • Twitter
    • customer experience
    • customer experience and relationship principles
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • differentiating customers and
    • identifying customers
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • mass customization
    • privacy issues and
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue


  • Uber
  • “Understanding Customer Experience through Customer Journey Mapping” (Peck)
  • United Airlines
  • United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
  • Universal ID cards
  • universities, differentiation of students' needs by
  • University of Notre Dame
  • unrealized potential value
  • up-selling, data mining and
  • USAA Insurance
  • U.S. Cellular
  • user experience
  • U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


  • value
    • customer needs differentiation
    • customers as value-creating assets
    • increasing value of customer base
    • measuring efficiency which customers create value
    • relationship value
    • value creators
    • value destroyers
    • value harvesters
    • value of the customer base
    • value skew
    • value streams
    • See also lifetime value (LTV)
  • values, hierarchy of
  • VeraHeart
  • Veritas
  • Verizon Wireless
    • data mining and
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • Victoria's Secret
  • Vine
  • Vodafone Turkey
  • voice of customer (VOC) tools
  • voice of employee (VOE)


  • Walgreens
  • Wallet Allocation Rule
  • Wall Street. See financial services and banking industry
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Walmart
    • customer centricity
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • differentiating customers and
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • measurement and customer-based initiatives
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue
  • Walt Disney
  • Washington Post, The
  • Wealth of Networks, The (Benkler)
  • wearable technology
  • Wells Fargo
  • Westpac New Zealand Bank
  • White Mill
  • Whole New Mind, A (Pink)
  • WikiLeaks
  • Wikipedia
    • customer experience
    • customer interaction
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining
    • identifying customers
    • IDIC (Identify-Differentiate-Interact-Customize) concept and
    • privacy issues and
  • Winfrey, Oprah
  • Wired
  • wireless technology
  • Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki)
  • wise failure
  • word of mouth (WOM)


  • Xanterra


  • Yelp
  • YouTube
    • customer interaction
    • customer needs differentiation
    • customer-strategy enterprise
    • data mining and
    • differentiating customers and
    • privacy issues and
    • social media for customer insight and dialogue


  • Zane's Cycles
  • Zappos
  • zero latency
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