Factor analysis of multivariate time series

Similar to principle component analysis, factor analysis is one of the commonly used dimension reduction methods. It is a statistical technique widely used to explain a m‐dimensional vector with a few underlying factors. After introducing different methods to derive factors, we will illustrate the method with empirical examples. We will also discuss its use in forecasting.

5.1 Introduction

Just like principle component analysis, the purpose of factor analysis is to approximate the covariance relationships among a set of variables. Specifically, it is used to describe the covariance relationships for many variables in terms of a relatively few underlying factors, which are unobservable random quantities. The concept was developed by the researchers in the field of psychometrics in the early twentieth century. It has become a commonly used statistical method in many areas.

5.2 The orthogonal factor model

Given a weakly stationary m‐dimensional random vector at time t, Zt = [Z1,t, Z2,t, …, Zm,t]′ with mean μ = (μ1, μ2, …, μm), and covariance matrix Γ, the factor model assumes that Zt is dependent on a small number of k unobservable factors, Fj,t, j = 1, 2, …, k, known as common factors, and m additional noises εi,t, i = 1, 2, …, m, also known as specific factors, that is


More compactly, we can write the system in following matrix form,

where images is a (k × 1) vector of factors at time t, L = [ℓi,j] is a (m × k) loading matrix, with ℓi,j is the loading of the ith variable on the jth factor, i = 1, 2, …, m, j = 1, 2, …, k, and εt = (ε1,t, ε2,t, …, εm,t)′ is a (m × 1) vector of noises, with E(εt) = 0, and images

The factor model in Eq. (5.2) is an orthogonal factor model if it satisfies the following assumptions:

  1. E(Ft) = 0, and Cov(Ft) = Ik, the (k × k) identity matrix,
  2. E(εt) = 0, and images a (m × m) diagonal matrix, and
  3. Ft and εt are independent and so images a (k × m) zero matrix.

It follows from Eq. (5.2) that the covariance structure of Zt is


The model in Eq. (5.2) shows that the m‐dimensional process Zt is linear related to the k common factors. More specifically,


which implies that




So the variance of the ith variable Zi,t is the sum images due to the k common factors, which is known as the ith communality, and images due to the ith specific factor, which is known as the ith specific variance.

5.3 Estimation of the factor model

5.3.1 The principal component method

Given observations Zt = (Z1,t, Z2,t, …, Zm,t), for t = 1, 2, …, n, and its m × m sample covariance matrix images a natural method of estimation is simply to use the principle component analysis introduced in Chapter 4 and choose k, which is much less than m, common factors from the first k largest eigenvalue‐eigenvector pairs in images with images Let images be the estimate of L. Then,


and the estimated specific variances are obtained by


with the ith specific variance estimate being


where the sum of squares is the estimate of the ith communality


The contribution to the first common factor to the total sample variance is given by


where we note that the eigenvectors in the principle component analysis are standardized to the unit length. More general, if we let P be the proportion of the jth common factor to the total sample variance, we have


and it can be used to determine the desired number of common factors.

In practice, it is important to check carefully whether the units used in the component variables Zi,t, i = 1, 2, …, m, are comparable. If not, to avoid improperly influence of the units, we can standardize these variables, that is


where D is the diagonal matrix in which the ith diagonal element is the sample variance of Zi,t, that is


Then, we will perform the principle component estimation method to the sample covariance matrix images of the standardized observations Ut, t = 1,2, …, n, which is actually the sample correlation matrix of the original variables in Zt, t = 1,2, …, n.

Again, the results from the sample covariance matrix and sample correlation matrix may not be the same, and the choice depends on applications.

5.3.2 Empirical Example 1 – Model 1 on daily stock returns from the second set of 10 stocks

5.3.3 The maximum likelihood method

When the common factors Ft and the specific factors εt can be assumed to be normally distributed, then Zt, t = 1, 2, …, n, will follow a multivariate normal distribution N(μ, Γ), and we can apply the maximum likelihood method to its likelihood function,

which is actually a function of L and Γ through the relationship Γ = LL + Σ, and μ is estimated by the sample mean images However, because of Γ = LL + Σ = LΦΦL + Σ, and images for any k × k orthogonal matrix Φ, to make Eq. (5.15) well defined, we also impose the following unique condition,

The maximum likelihood estimates images and images can be accomplished with numerical methods using statistical software such as EViews, MATLAB, MINITAB, R, SAS, and SPSS. However, the useful patterns of the factor loadings from the maximum likelihood solution obtained under the imposed unique condition may not be clear until the factors are rotated, which will be discussed later.

The maximum likelihood estimate of the ith communality is


and the proportion of the contribution of the ith common factor is by


To build a k common factor model for an m‐dimensional process, under the normal assumption, we can test the adequacy of the model with the following null hypothesis,




To test the null hypothesis, we apply the likelihood ratio test


It is well known that

follows approximately the chi‐square distribution with degrees of freedom,


where we note that


is the MLE of Γ without any restriction, which has [(m2 + m)/2] free parameters, and


is the MLE of Γ under the restriction of factor model, which has (mk + m) parameters but with [(k2 − k)/2] constraints on the unique condition on images being a k × k diagonal matrix given in Eq. (5.16). In practice, the test statistic in Eq. (5.22) will be replaced by Bartlett‐Corrected Test Statistic,

which gives a better approximation to the chi‐square distribution as shown by Bartlett (1954). Hence, the null hypothesis will be rejected if


Because the degrees of freedom must be positive, we also require that


When correlation matrix ρ is used for factor analysis, the test statistic in Eq. (5.26) becomes


with exactly the same degrees of freedom, images The reason is that the elements and computation of ρ are based on the covariance matrix Γ. The number of its free parameters is exactly the same as that of Γ. In terms of the m‐dimensional case, it is (m2 + m)/2.

5.3.4 Empirical Example II – Model 2 on daily stock returns from the second set of 10 stocks

5.4 Factor rotation

It should be noted that regardless of what method is used in factor analysis, from Eq. (5.2), for any k × k orthogonal matrix Φ, we have




As a result, there are many multiple choices for L through orthogonal transformations, each of which is equivalent to rotating the common factors in the m‐dimensional space. This leads researchers to use arithmetic to find a new set of factor loadings so that the resulting common factors have easier and nicer interpretations. The methods are commonly known as factor rotations.

5.4.1 Orthogonal rotation

Let Ft* be the rotated factor and images be the rotated matrix of factor loadings. One of the most widely used orthogonal rotation methods is the varimax proposed by Kaiser (1958), which finds an orthogonal transformation to maximize the sum of the variances of the squared loadings:




are the rotated coefficients scaled by the square root of communalities. The varimax will be achieved if any given variable has a high loading on a single factor but nearly zero loadings on the remaining factors or any given factor is formed by only a few variables with very high loadings and the remaining variables have nearly zero loadings on this factor. This is a widely used method for orthogonal rotation with all factors remaining uncorrelated. After the orthogonal transformation is determined, we will multiply the loadings images by images so that the original communalities are preserved.

5.4.2 Oblique rotation

The orthogonal rotation methods like varimax assume that the factors in the analysis are independent. On the other hand, some researchers believe that the purpose of factor rotations is to achieve a simple structure with a new set of factor loadings so that the resulting common factors have simpler and nicer interpretations, and hence one should relax the independence assumption for the factors. The resulting method is often known as oblique rotation. Just like orthogonal rotations, there are many different forms of oblique rotation, see Carroll (1953, 1957), and Jennrich and Sampson (1966).

Although we introduce the rotation concept here, they are used for principal components analysis (PCA) too. There are many factor rotations available and they are implemented in statistical software like EViews, MATLAB, MINITAB, R, SAS, and SPSS. We will not spend more time on the discussion of various factor rotations. Instead, we would like to point out that the rationale of factor rotations is to simplify the factor structure with easier interpretation, and Thurstone (1947) suggested the following criteria:

  1. Each variable should produce at least one zero loading on some factor.
  2. Each factor should have at least as many nearly zero loadings as there are factors.
  3. Each pair of factors should have variables with significant loadings on one and near zero loadings on the other.
  4. Each pair of factors should have a large proportion of zero loadings on both factors.
  5. Each pair of factors should have only a small number of large loadings. For more details, we refer readers to a good multivariate analysis textbook by Johnson and Wichern (2007) and some relevant statistical software manuals.

5.4.3 Empirical Example III – Model 3 on daily stock returns from the second set of 10 stocks

5.5 Factor scores

5.5.1 Introduction

Once factor analysis is completed and parameters are estimated, we have images and images By treating these images and images as known and their elements like the common factor loadings images and the variances images of specific factors as if they were the true values, we can estimate the values images of the unobserved random factor vector Ft, known as factor scores, from the Eq. (5.2), which repeats as follows:

where we regard the specific factors images as errors. Because the variances images of εi, t for i = 1, 2, …, m, can be unequal, Bartlett (1937) has suggested using the weighted least squares to estimate the common factor values, that is choosing the estimate images to minimize the following weighted sum of squares of the errors,


The solution from Chapter 3 can be easily seen to be


Thus, treating images and images as the true values, the factor scores for time t is obtained as


When the factor model is obtained through the standardized variables, images that is through the correlation matrix, it becomes


When images and images are determined by the MLE, we have


where images from Eq. (5.16). If the factor model is obtained through the standardized variables, then


5.5.2 Empirical Example IV – Model 4 on daily stock returns from the second set of 10 stocks

5.6 Factor models with observable factors

In many applications, we can consider a factor model, where the factors Ft are observable with factor scores. For example, in some economic and financial studies, a commonly used factor model is the one where some macroeconomic variables and market indices such as inflation rate, industrial production index, employment and unemployment rates, interest rate, S&P 500 Index, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), and Consumer Price Index (CPI) can be used as factors, and they are observable.

When factors are observable, the factor loadings can be estimated using both Zt and Ft. Specifically, let images we can rewrite the model in Eqs. (5.2) or (5.38) as


Thus, for t = 1, 2, …, n, the whole system of the factor model can be expressed as the multivariate multiple time series regression,





Each ξ(i) follows a n‐dimensional multivariate normal distribution images i = 1, …, m, and ξ(i) and ξ(j) are uncorrelated if i ≠ j.

Equation (5.47) implies that


which is the standard matrix form of the multiple regression model, and the least squares estimate of β(i) is given by




The residuals of Eq. (5.47) are


Under the assumption given in Eq. (5.2), the estimate of the covariance matrix of εt is


where diag(A) represents the diagonal matrix consisting of the diagonal elements of the matrix A.

In time series applications, given a m‐dimensional time series, images it is natural to build a factor model with lag operator and a time series model on the factors as shown in the following,


or equivalently,


where all time series are assumed to be stationary, ut is a k‐dimensional zero mean white noise process independent of εt. The model is known as the dynamic factor model. It was first introduced by Geweke (1977) and has been widely used in practice. Once values of factors are obtained, we can combine the lagged values of Zt or other observed variables in the model and build a model for the h‐step ahead forecast for Zt + h,, that is


where Xt is a m × 1 vector of lagged values of Zt and/or other observed variables.

5.7 Another empirical example – Yearly U.S. sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

We will now consider a data set that contains yearly STD morbidity rates reported to National Center for HIV/AIDS, viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP), Center for HIV, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 1984 to 2013. The dataset was retrieved from CDC's website and includes 50 states plus D.C. The rates per 100000 persons are calculated as the incidence of STD reports, divided by the population, and multiple by 100000.

For the analysis, we remove data from following states, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming, Alaska, and Hawaii, due to missing data. Hence, the dimension of series Xt is m = 44 and n = 30. The data set is known as WW8c in the Data Appendix, and its plot is shown in Figure 5.3.

Graph of morbidity rates vs. time displaying intersecting curves, illustrating the US yearly STD of 43 states and DC.

Figure 5.3 U.S. yearly STD of 43 states and D.C.

We first take difference of the series by Zt = (1 − B)Xt, and the differenced data are plotted in Figure 5.4. The analysis will be based on differenced data. We used the first 24 data points for model fitting, and the rest of observations for evaluating the forecasting performance.

Graph of morbidity rates vs. time displaying intersecting curves, illustrating the differenced yearly STD of 43 states and DC.

Figure 5.4 The differenced yearly STD of 43 states and D.C.

5.7.1 Principal components analysis (PCA)

As discussed in Chapter 4, PCA can be based on a covariance matrix or a correlation matrix. For a high dimensional case, the print out of a covariance or correlation matrix is tedious. Since the correlation matrix is simply the covariance matrix of standardized variables, instead of saying that PCA is based on a covariance matrix or a correlation matrix, we will simply specify whether PCA is based on unstandardized variables or standardized variables. PCA for standardized Zt

We first do PCA for Zt where the data set is standardized. The screeplot in Figure 5.5 shows that first six principal components can explain most of the variance so that first six components will be enough.

Screeplot for standardized variables, displaying a descending curve with 20 circle markers lying on it.

Figure 5.5 The screeplot for standardized variables.

The first six components from sample PCA for the standardized variables is given in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6 Sample PCA result for standardized variables.

Comp. 1
Comp. 2
Comp. 3
Comp. 4
Comp. 5
Comp. 6
CT −0.127 −0.215 0.200 −0.046 −0.193 0.191
ME 0.008 0.051 −0.048 −0.188 −0.123 0.213
MA −0.196 −0.176 −0.071 −0.144 0.063 −0.064
NH −0.082 0.023 −0.058 0.095 −0.329 −0.223
RI −0.141 0.055 0.212 0.138 0.081 0.230
NJ −0.214 −0.155 0.026 −0.216 0.020 0.089
NY −0.233 −0.168 −0.033 0.074 −0.076 −0.015
DE −0.137 −0.031 0.217 0.067 −0.336 −0.070
DC −0.250 −0.131 −0.007 0.014 0.039 −0.155
MD −0.170 −0.168 −0.011 −0.068 0.208 −0.134
PA −0.223 −0.127 0.075 −0.138 −0.201 0.004
VA −0.213 0.021 0.009 0.113 0.204 0.254
WV −0.099 0.086 0.229 0.234 0.013 0.315
AL −0.237 −0.042 0.060 −0.083 0.204 −0.025
FL 0 −0.283 −0.077 0.152 −0.251 0.134
GA −0.208 −0.183 0.122 −0.027 −0.101 0.044
KY −0.049 0.124 −0.264 −0.106 −0.081 0.229
MS −0.096 0.179 −0.174 −0.128 −0.061 0.101
NC −0.170 0.135 −0.049 0.076 −0.166 −0.196
SC −0.203 0.113 0.043 0.228 0.162 −0.006
TN −0.223 −0.096 −0.022 −0.255 0.012 0.004
IL −0.212 0.178 0.007 0.105 0.003 −0.149
IN −0.031 0.206 −0.171 −0.090 −0.208 0.021
MI −0.245 0.010 0.054 0.115 0.141 −0.075
MN −0.119 0.070 −0.110 0.008 −0.213 0.063
OH −0.111 0.217 −0.217 −0.115 −0.058 0.143
WI −0.199 0.160 −0.089 0.025 0.089 0.045
AR −0.199 0.164 −0.003 0.144 0.006 −0.194
LA −0.227 0.142 −0.121 −0.053 0.015 0.040
NM 0.029 −0.127 −0.292 0.110 0.160 −0.001
OK −0.101 0.071 −0.178 −0.009 −0.179 −0.331
TX −0.232 −0.031 −0.072 −0.063 0.190 0.069
IA −0.098 0.056 −0.176 0.006 0.074 0.222
KS −0.129 0.175 0.087 0.308 −0.054 −0.125
MO −0.061 0.236 −0.227 −0.009 −0.198 0.064
NE −0.053 0.070 0.154 0.242 −0.100 0.178
CO 0.017 0.034 −0.289 0.070 0.111 0.212
UT 0.007 −0.063 −0.185 0.283 0.067 0.086
AZ −0.073 −0.227 −0.174 −0.187 0.089 −0.165
CA −0.003 −0.245 −0.219 0.178 −0.162 0.043
NV 0.001 −0.190 −0.225 0.099 0.047 0.025
ID 0.018 −0.129 −0.17 0.276 0.153 −0.168
OR 0.045 −0.202 −0.203 0.327 −0.079 0.009
WA −0.053 −0.256 −0.043 0.041 −0.221 0.226
Variance images 12.128 7.218 5.228 3.478 3.192 2.561
Cumulative Percentage 27.56 43.97 55.85 63.76 71.01 76.83

Let us look at the plot for the first and second components of these time series in Figure 5.6.

Graph of component 2 vs. component 1 for standardized variables displaying scattered texts such as LA, SC, VA, DE, UT, ME, CO, NE KY, IN, MO, OH, NC, KS, CA, OR, WA, AZ, CT, MD, NY, TN, PA, NJ, MI, VA, TX, VA, etc.

Figure 5.6 The first and second components for standardized variables.

It appears that states that are spatially close are also tending to be close to each other in the component plot. For examples: (i) NJ, NY, PA, DC; (ii) OH, KS, MS, MO; and (iii) CA, OR, NV, WA. PCA for unstandardized Zt

Now, let us look at what the result is when we apply PCA on unstandardized Zt, which is equivalent to the construction of the PCA model based on the covariance matrix of Zt. The screeplot in Figure 5.7 shows that first three principal components can explain most of the variance, so we will choose a three‐component PCA model.

Screeplot for unstandardized variables, displaying a descending curve with 10 circle markers lying on it.

Figure 5.7 The screeplot for unstandardized variables.

The first three components from a sample PCA for the unstandardized variables are given in Table 5.7.

Table 5.7 Sample PCA result for unstandardized variables.

Comp. 1
Comp. 2
Comp. 3
CT 0.064 0.115 −0.016
ME −0.002 −0.004 −0.001
MA 0.042 0.018 0.001
NH 0.005 −0.001 −0.004
RI 0.018 −0.026 0.054
NJ 0.067 0.007 −0.018
NY 0.138 0.028 −0.133
DE 0.073 0.025 0.079
DC 0.900 0.098 0.098
MD 0.097 0.058 0.059
PA 0.093 0.011 −0.024
VA 0.040 −0.043 −0.003
WV 0.007 −0.013 0.051
AL 0.117 −0.061 0.115
FL 0.054 0.396 −0.482
GA 0.188 0.115 −0.038
KY 0 −0.029 −0.045
MS 0.034 −0.597 −0.560
NC 0.057 −0.116 −0.029
SC 0.081 −0.131 0.110
TN 0.113 −0.041 −0.052
IL 0.058 −0.137 0.056
IN −0.004 −0.047 −0.030
MI 0.059 −0.035 0.053
MN 0.006 −0.013 −0.012
OH 0.007 −0.091 −0.057
WI 0.024 −0.062 0.011
AR 0.091 −0.206 0.050
LA 0.182 −0.451 −0.094
NM 0.003 0.045 −0.135
OK 0.017 −0.038 −0.026
TX 0.079 −0.057 −0.030
IA 0.003 −0.017 −0.025
KS 0.012 −0.027 0.047
MO −0.001 −0.146 −0.120
NE 0 −0.001 0.006
CO −0.004 −0.010 −0.042
UT 0.001 0.010 −0.019
AZ 0.040 0.055 −0.069
CA 0.025 0.137 −0.239
NV 0.046 0.254 −0.487
ID 0.004 0.019 −0.015
OR 0.003 0.090 −0.124
WA 0.011 0.039 −0.052
Variance images 3472.528 717.536 332.014
Cumulative Percentage 65.55 79.10 85.37

As shown in Figure 5.8, the plot of the first and second components for the unstandardized variables is very different from the one for standardized variables. It suggests that the unstandardized data does not produce similar or good separation as the standardized data does. It also shows that PCA for standardized variables is much more robust. So, we will use standardized variables for our PCA model.

Graph of component 2 vs. component 1 for unstandardized variables displaying MS, LA, AR, MO, GA, CA, CT, OR, TN, NV, FL, etc. found at the left side and DC at the right side of the graph.

Figure 5.8 The first and second components for unstandardized variables.

5.7.2 Factor analysis

To build a factor model, we can either use the principle components method or maximum likelihood estimation method. However, for our data set, we have a vector series with a dimension m = 44 and n = 30. Its maximum likelihood equation cannot be properly solved. So, we can only use the principle component method. Thus, we will use PCA to estimate factors. In this analysis, we will follow Bai and Ng (2002), and select six factors, which is supported by the screeplot shown in Figure 5.5.

From the PCA analysis in Section 5.7.1, we will choose a factor model with six common factors,


based on the standardized variables. The corresponding factor loadings, communalities, and specific variables are given in Table 5.8. The six estimated factor scores are plotted in Figure 5.9.

Table 5.8 The principal component estimation for the factor model from the STD data set.

images images images images images images images images
CT −0.442 −0.577 0.456 −0.086 −0.344 0.306 0.956 0.044
ME 0.029 0.136 −0.110 −0.350 −0.219 0.341 0.319 0.681
MA −0.683 −0.473 −0.163 −0.269 0.113 −0.102 0.812 0.188
NH −0.285 0.063 −0.133 0.178 −0.588 −0.357 0.607 0.393
RI −0.492 0.149 0.485 0.257 0.145 0.368 0.722 0.278
NJ −0.747 −0.417 0.059 −0.403 0.036 0.143 0.919 0.081
NY −0.813 −0.451 −0.075 0.137 −0.136 −0.024 0.907 0.093
DE −0.479 −0.082 0.495 0.124 −0.601 −0.113 0.870 0.130
DC −0.869 −0.352 −0.015 0.026 0.070 −0.248 0.948 0.052
MD −0.592 −0.452 −0.025 −0.128 0.372 −0.214 0.756 0.244
PA −0.778 −0.342 0.172 −0.258 −0.359 0.007 0.947 0.053
VA −0.743 0.055 0.021 0.211 0.365 0.407 0.900 0.100
WV −0.345 0.231 0.525 0.436 0.022 0.503 0.892 0.108
AL −0.825 −0.112 0.137 −0.155 0.364 −0.039 0.870 0.130
FL −0.002 −0.761 −0.176 0.284 −0.449 0.215 0.938 0.062
GA −0.723 −0.491 0.279 −0.050 −0.180 0.070 0.883 0.117
KY −0.172 0.332 −0.602 −0.197 −0.144 0.366 0.697 0.303
MS −0.336 0.482 −0.398 −0.239 −0.110 0.161 0.599 0.401
NC −0.591 0.363 −0.111 0.142 −0.297 −0.314 0.701 0.299
SC −0.709 0.304 0.098 0.425 0.289 −0.010 0.868 0.132
TN −0.778 −0.258 −0.050 −0.475 0.022 0.006 0.900 0.100
IL −0.737 0.479 0.017 0.196 0.006 −0.238 0.869 0.131
IN −0.108 0.553 −0.391 −0.168 −0.372 0.033 0.637 0.363
MI −0.852 0.026 0.124 0.214 0.252 −0.120 0.866 0.134
MN −0.415 0.187 −0.253 0.016 −0.381 0.101 0.426 0.574
OH −0.385 0.584 −0.495 −0.215 −0.104 0.230 0.844 0.156
WI −0.694 0.429 −0.202 0.046 0.159 0.072 0.739 0.261
AR −0.693 0.441 −0.006 0.268 0.011 −0.311 0.843 0.157
LA −0.791 0.380 −0.276 −0.099 0.027 0.065 0.862 0.138
NM 0.100 −0.342 −0.669 0.204 0.286 −0.002 0.697 0.303
OK −0.350 0.190 −0.408 −0.017 −0.320 −0.530 0.709 0.291
TX −0.808 −0.083 −0.164 −0.118 0.340 0.110 0.829 0.171
IA −0.343 0.150 −0.402 0.012 0.132 0.356 0.446 0.554
KS −0.451 0.470 0.199 0.574 −0.096 −0.200 0.843 0.157
MO −0.212 0.635 −0.520 −0.017 −0.354 0.102 0.855 0.145
NE −0.186 0.187 0.352 0.451 −0.179 0.285 0.510 0.490
CO 0.058 0.090 −0.661 0.131 0.198 0.339 0.620 0.380
UT 0.026 −0.170 −0.424 0.528 0.119 0.137 0.521 0.479
AZ −0.253 −0.609 −0.397 −0.349 0.158 −0.264 0.810 0.190
CA −0.010 −0.658 −0.501 0.331 −0.289 0.069 0.882 0.118
NV 0.003 −0.511 −0.514 0.184 0.085 0.040 0.568 0.432
ID 0.064 −0.347 −0.389 0.514 0.274 −0.269 0.687 0.313
OR 0.157 −0.543 −0.464 0.609 −0.140 0.014 0.926 0.074
WA −0.186 −0.687 −0.097 0.076 −0.396 0.362 0.809 0.191
6 Graphs, each displaying a fluctuating curve, illustrating the estimated six common factor scores for the STD data set.

Figure 5.9 The estimated six common factor scores for the STD data set.

So, we have our factor model for the STD data set,


where the element and specification of L, Ft, and εt are given in Table 5.8. As described in Section 5.6, once values or scores of factors are estimated, we can combine the lagged values of Zt or other observed variables in the model and build a forecast equation for the h‐step ahead forecast for Zt + h,, that is

where Vt are lagged values of Zt and/or other observed variables, and images and images are the parameter estimates based on Vt given in Eq. (5.57).

In this example, we will simply choose Vt to be the first lagged value of Zt. Specifically, our forecasting equations will be


where images is the ith row of images and images is the ith element of images For i = 1, we have


and for h = 1, it becomes


From the estimation results, we have


and the factor scores, images for t = 1, 2, …, 24, and Z1, t are given in Table 5.9.

Table 5.9 The estimated factor scores and standardized Z1,t.

t Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6 t Z1,t
1 0.754 0.729 0.745 0.872 −1.280 0.629 1 0.147
2 1 0.745 0.338 −0.181 1.160 −0.686 2 0.010
3 −1.165 6.198 −2.948 −2.638 3.382 0.107 3 1.067
4 −4.217 3.103 −0.599 −0.511 1.237 −2.825 4 2.033
5 −7.161 −1.663 7.076 3.145 0.621 −1.730 5 3.342
6 −9.685 −0.185 −4.299 1.901 −3.252 3.630 6 −0.734
7 −2.813 −7.658 0.829 −6.294 −0.704 0.553 7 −2.073
8 3.543 −6.566 −1.992 2.611 4.981 1.335 8 −1.996
9 4.445 −2.224 −4.613 2.797 −2.742 −2.706 9 −1.102
10 5.751 −0.298 1.360 −0.786 −3.816 −1.423 10 −0.866
11 3.709 1.050 1.099 0.630 0.403 3.209 11 −0.221
12 3.850 3.066 3.592 −0.027 −1.059 2.854 12 0.310
13 1.635 1.396 1.014 −0.166 −0.407 0.536 13 0.013
14 2.646 0.108 0.792 −0.176 0.169 0.647 14 −0.545
15 0.848 −0.276 −0.209 0.475 0.757 0.074 15 −0.153
16 0.976 0.642 0.110 −0.044 −0.578 −0.014 16 0.151
17 −0.379 0.595 0.538 0.131 −0.044 −0.359 17 0.105
18 0.043 0.731 −0.428 −1.389 −0.046 −0.573 18 0.140
19 −0.511 0.428 −0.605 −0.078 0.908 −0.134 19 0.124
20 0.371 0.566 −0.164 −1.795 −0.571 −0.642 20 −0.096
21 −0.046 −0.380 0.455 0.857 0.764 −0.215 21 0.043
22 −1.106 −0.071 −0.497 0.511 −0.117 −1.552 22 0.175
23 −1.171 0.221 0.035 0.340 0.145 0.600 23 −0.133
24 −1.317 −0.255 −1.629 −0.185 0.089 −1.316 24 0.151

Based on Z1,24 = 0.151 and images the one‐step‐ahead forecasting of the first time series is


which is shown as the forecast for Connecticut in Table 5.10.

Table 5.10 The one‐step forecast result for the standardized STD series.

State Forecast Actual Error State Forecast Actual Error
CT 0.299 0.075 0.224 IN 0.08 −0.194 0.274
ME −0.488 −0.922 0.434 MI 0.06 0.194 −0.134
MA −0.313 −0.088 −0.225 MN 0.042 −0.875 0.917
NH 0.375 −0.465 0.84 OH 0.392 0.042 0.35
RI 0.8 0.297 0.503 WI 0.333 −0.143 0.476
NJ 0.198 −0.168 0.366 AR 0.38 0.14 0.24
NY 0.281 −0.456 0.737 LA 0.162 −0.077 0.239
DE 0.233 0.283 −0.05 NM 0.256 0.227 0.029
DC 0.08 0.213 −0.133 OK −0.285 0.352 −0.637
MD −0.254 −0.217 −0.037 TX 0.25 0.574 −0.324
PA 0.198 0.127 0.071 IA 0.689 −0.435 1.124
VA 0.587 −0.067 0.654 KS −0.059 0.382 −0.441
WV 0.339 −0.046 0.385 MO −0.382 −0.074 −0.308
AL 0.067 −0.066 0.133 NE 0.33 0.369 −0.039
FL −0.03 −0.161 0.131 CO −0.789 −1.05 0.261
GA 0.332 −0.047 0.379 UT −0.313 0.279 −0.592
KY 0.046 0.219 −0.173 AZ −0.381 −0.952 0.571
MS 0.995 0.073 0.922 CA −0.525 −0.276 −0.249
NC 0.549 0.888 −0.339 NV 0.771 −0.053 0.824
SC 0.241 0.367 −0.126 ID −0.095 0.225 −0.32
TN 0.11 0.07 0.04 OR −0.058 0.173 −0.231
IL 0.23 0.46 −0.23 WA 0.052 −0.893 0.945

The mean squared forecast error (MSFE) is 0.222. It should be noted that the series we have used in model fitting and forecasting are standardized differenced series of the original data set.

5.8 Concluding remarks

In time series applications, it is natural to consider the observable factors in terms of some time series structures and use time lag operator and time series models on the factors. As a result, many different forms of factor models have been developed. The use of time series models such as vector autoregressive models on factors has also been extended to vector time series modeling in both time domain and frequency domain approaches. Some good examples are the various dynamic factor models.

For further information on factor models and applications, we recommend to readers Sharpe (1970), Geweke (1977), Engle and Watson (1981), Geweke and Sinleton (1981), Harvey (1989), Bai and Ng (2002, 2007), Garcia‐Ferrer and Poncela 2002, Bai (2003), Peña and Poncela (2004), Deistler and Zinner (2007), Hallin and Liska (2007), Doz et al. (2011), Jungbacker et al. (2011), Stock and Watson (2009, 2011, 2016), Lam and Yao (2012), Fan et al. (2016), Rockova and George (2016), Chan et al. (2017), and Gonçalves et al. (2017), among others.


  1. Find a multivariate analysis book and carefully read its chapter on factor analysis.
  2. Find a m‐dimensional social science related time series data set with m ≥ 10, construct your best factor models based on both principle component and likelihood ratio test methods, and compare your results with a written report and analysis software code. Email your data set and software code to your course instructor.
  3. Let Zt be the m‐dimensional vector in Project 1. Build a forecast equation to compute three‐step ahead forecasts for images
  4. Find a m‐dimensional natural science related time series data set with m ≥ 20, construct your best factor models based on both principle component and likelihood ratio test methods and compare your results with a written report and analysis software code. Email your data set and software code to your course instructor.
  5. Let Zt be the m‐dimensional vector in Project 4. Build a forecast equation to compute five‐step ahead forecasts for images


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