The Social Aspects of Engineering Project Management

It is a cute cliché that engineers lack social and interpersonal skills. In actual fact, being a good engineering project manager is a highly social activity, and you will find that exercising effective interpersonal skills is an important part of your success as an engineering project manager. In this chapter, I teach you what you need to know: aligning and building an effective team, motivating and inspiring people, managing conflict, and other topics. The good news is that we engineers can actually learn to do this aspect of the job just fine … despite the clichés.

I will then discuss how you can get ahead in your career. I conclude with a couple of special topics: how to deal with the special problems presented by those projects whose work is geographically distributed across more than one work site, and those projects that include teams located in multiple countries.

You will spend most of your time as the manager of an engineering project dealing with people: employees, subcontractors, vendors, buying customers, paying customers, supervisors, other stakeholders, your corporate law department, your corporate human relations department, and so forth.

Since you will be spending so much of your time dealing with people, the social aspects of engineering project management – motivating people, aligning your team, resolving conflict, managing expectations, and so forth – are hugely important to your success, and to the success of your project.

If I had written this book so that the page count dealing with these social and people‐oriented aspects of managing engineering projects reflected their importance to your success, this topic would have made up more than half of the book. But I will instead content myself with this one chapter (which, at least, will be a long chapter). Of course, I have already discussed many individual topics within these social aspects of project management; in this chapter, we deal with this topic systematically.

It is my view that this chapter and Chapter 2 – about requirements and design – are likely to be the most important and most useful chapters of the book for aspiring managers of engineering projects.

I also hope that you will find the material in this chapter useful to you outside of work; we deal with people in almost every aspect of our life. This is a chapter about life.

13.1 Dealing With People, Becoming a Leader

As an engineer, you certainly expect to deal with technical issues: requirements, design, implementation, testing, and so forth. But when we become a manager – most likely, starting as the manager of a small segment within a larger project, and working our way over time up to more responsible positions – we also deal with management issues. This includes items such as the following:

  • Cost estimation
  • Change control
  • Scheduling
  • Management and direction of resources
  • Contract negotiations
  • Customer understanding and satisfaction
  • Selecting and motivating people
  • Listening to all of the stakeholders
  • Conflict resolution
  • Balancing the need for good decisions against the need for prompt decisions.

But in our role as an engineer, and most especially in our role as a manager, we will also spend a lot of our time dealing with people. That is, there are important social aspects to the role of an engineering project manager. This chapter, therefore, is about these social aspects, and how to deal with people.

When you are the manager of an engineering project, you lead and integrate all aspects of the project: technical, financial, contractual, safety, quality, and everything else that we have discussed so far in this book.

You also lead the interaction with all of the stakeholders:

  • Your team
  • Your corporation's management
  • Your corporation's stockholders or owners,1 and the investment community
  • Your corporate specialist staff functions (e.g. human relations, finance, law, contracts, quality, etc.)
  • Your buying customer
  • Your users
  • Other interested and affected parties (including, perhaps, the general public).

We will talk about how to do this in multiple stages, starting with what I call alignment.

13.2 Alignment

As the project manager, it is part of your job to synchronize and align all of these people. By this, we mean that you take responsibility for bringing all of the project's stakeholders to agreement about the items listed in Figure 13.1.

Chart listing out the actual criteria of successful alignment within an engineering project, which should be strictly followed by the project's stakeholders.

Figure 13.1 The definition of alignment within an engineering project.

Back in Chapter 1, I introduced in graphic form the concept of alignment (Figures 1.10 and 1.11). Figure 13.1 defines the actual criteria of successful alignment. As you can see by looking at the figure, this can be a complex and difficult task. How do you go about accomplishing it?

All of the items on this list interact. I usually start with motivation: Why should someone want to pay for this project? Why should someone want to work on this project? Positive answers to questions like these will likely derive from your ability to explain the purposes of the project (e.g. “to improve the safety and decrease the cost of air travel, through the creation of a new and improved air traffic control system”), and to create a sense that you have a feasible approach to achieve that purpose, and that there are aspects of that approach which are better than competing approaches (this last item is a part of that positive competitive differentiation that we discussed in Chapter 5). We have already (Chapter 4) discussed the need for you to understand your customers and other stakeholders, and how they determine value; this knowledge will allow you to express the above in their coordinate system of value, so that they will react positively.

You must similarly provide motivation to your employees. I find that the best and most enduring motivation usually comes from engaging the employees in the value proposition of the system: Why is this system going to benefit society? If you are building a military system, your employees are participating in the defense of your country and its allies. If you are building a health‐care system, your employees are participating in improving the health and lives of many fellow citizens. Additional motivation comes from pride in good work; you can make it clear that you and the company expect – and will reward – employees who do good work. Further motivation comes from participation in the team, the sense that they are a part of something larger than themselves. Usually, this sense of being part of something larger than themselves is stronger for the tangible engineering project on which they are working every day than for the less specific role of the company as a whole; that is, the people working on a good project actually self‐identify as a member of the project team more strongly than they self‐identify as an employee of the company.

No approach to a complicated engineering system is perfect in the value system of all the stakeholders, however, so you must go further: you must engage their interest enough so that they will at times be willing to compromise, so that you can in fact create a consensus among all of the stakeholders. This particular stakeholder will pay a bit more than they wanted to, this particular stakeholder will wait a bit longer than they wanted to, this other stakeholder will accept slightly less technical capability than they wanted to, and so forth. This allows you to balance all of the differing wants and needs of the stakeholders with an approach that is feasible. People will in general only be willing to compromise in this fashion if their interest is truly engaged; that is, if they really want what you have proposed, if they really believe that your approach is better than all of the others, if they perceive you as an effective and fair leader, and so forth. You must go out and create this consensus. You must also keep re‐creating it every day; as things change, so will the perspective of your stakeholders, employees, supervisors, and the others involved, and your consensus will slip away if you are not constantly working to rebuild it.

You must also remember that there is always competition for your project, even after you have won the competition and signed the contract:

  • Person 1 will come along after you have started and propose to replace your contract with a new contract, using their new‐fangled design.
  • Person 2 will come along and propose to replace your contract with a new contract that does the work in the district of some particular Congressman.
  • Person 3 will come along and propose to replace your contract with a new contract that does the work using only small, disadvantaged businesses.
  • Person 4 will come along and propose to stop your contract because they (perhaps incorrectly) see some safety or environmental or equity issue in your approach. Even if they are completely wrong, they might be able to stop your contract.
  • Person 5 will come along and propose to replace your contract with nothing, because they prefer that the money be allocated to some completely different purpose.

You must, therefore, be on the lookout every day for these types of threats to your contract, and continuously be reselling your contract, your project, its benefits, and the feasibility and benefits of your particular approach. You may discover that there are additional stakeholders out there too, that must be added to your list.

Some of these threats to your contract may come from your own stakeholders; just because they are a stakeholder does not imply that they are a supporter!

Note that the process described above for getting your team aligned is in some ways similar to what we discussed in Chapter 4, about how we would go about trying to understand our customers. In Chapter 4, we said that you must strive to understand the value system of your customers, so that you can marshal the right approach and the right arguments as you try to win the competition, and as you operate the project through to a conclusion. Similarly, you must strive to understand the value system of your employees: what do they value? Then you must use that insight to create consensus around the value of the project (this creates motivation), and around the approach (this creates alignment). And later in this chapter we will show that you do the same thing with your supervisory chain.

Also notice that you need to take the time to work out how – in the context of your specific project – you want to go about obtaining this alignment. This is why you need a team‐building plan on your project start‐up list (Figure 12.1).

Achieving alignment clearly involves getting people to listen to us, to give our opinions a fair hearing, and, at times, to actually follow our suggestions. So, next, we will talk about how you can accomplish this.

13.3 The Sine Qua Non of Leadership

Sine qua non is a Latin phrase that means something akin to “essential condition.” Therefore, the phrase “the sine qua non of leadership” means “the condition essential to being an effective leader.” My concept of the sine qua non of leadership is presented in Figure 13.2.

Illustration depicting Siegel's concept of the sine qua non of leadership, the key word of which is “persuade”.

Figure 13.2 Siegel's sine qua non of leadership.

The key word in Figure 13.2 is persuade. Even if you are in a position of authority, you will be more effective, more often, if you operate by persuasion than just by giving orders.

I believe that this applies in all settings. As a defense contractor, I frequently had the opportunity to see senior military leaders in action. The good ones use persuasion too, even though they are operating within a structure that technically requires blind obedience. But these leaders know that they do not get the best efforts from their people when they operate by requiring blind obedience; they know that they get more out of their team when those people have been persuaded to do the desired task.

I am not the first person to notice this, of course. Here's a quote along these lines that predates my birth by more than 125 years:

I like to convince people, rather than to stand on mere authority.

Arthur Wellesley, The 1st Duke of Wellington


Think about the setting for this quote. The 1st Duke of Wellington probably qualifies as the outstanding military leader of documented history. He enjoyed enormous prestige due to his military successes, including the defeat of Napoleon. He was a nobleman of the highest rank within a society that placed great prestige and respect in such positions. He had a huge popular following. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain for many years. We could easily imagine that, in such a position, he might feel that he could just give orders. But he didn't; he preferred to persuade people instead.

If the 1st Duke of Wellington believed that it was more effective to work through persuasion than merely to give orders, how much more so for the rest of us!

In the United States today, I believe that in fact we can really only get people to do what we want through persuasion. In our culture, just giving orders is not very effective, at least after the first time. People have options; they are not serfs or slaves, bound to a job or to an owner. They can go to work for someone else. This is especially true for engineers, who are often in short supply and high demand.

In some other cultures3 one might argue that things work differently, and just giving orders can be effective. There is a factor that the sociologists call the power distance, which reflects the relative variation in social standing and authority between layers of a hierarchy. This might be between a worker and a supervisor, between a student and a teacher, or between a child and a parent. What the sociologists say is that the power distance in most cultures outside of the United States is greater – often far greater – than it is in the United States. That is, the difference in social standing between adjacent layers of a hierarchy is often far greater than it would be in a similar situation in the United States. This leads some people to conclude that they can be effective in these cultures just by giving orders. I believe this to be wrong. First of all, in many of these cultures, the power distance is decreasing rapidly, and approaches to managing people that worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. Furthermore, even in cultures where the power distance remains significant in the general culture, within the special subset of those cultures that encompasses their engineers and scientists, my observation is that the power distance between adjacent layers of a hierarchy is likely to be much smaller than the same difference in the general portion of that same culture. And even in those cases where the culture retains the traditional power distance, operating by persuasion still works, and is in my opinion more effective.

The essence of the desirability of persuasion (in addition to its being politer, which is not a trivial consideration) is that persuasion helps to create motivation, and all of the data indicates that motivated employees accomplish more work than unmotivated ones. This difference is not small either: studies in the field of software development indicate that motivated employees are likely to perform three times as much work per unit of time as unmotivated ones. Three times as much work! As a manager, enabling that increase in work efficiency is very much worth doing. If persuading your employees is part of what it takes to capture that increase in work, you should do so. Now let's talk more about motivating your team.

13.4 Motivating Your Team

We all respond to multiple, different motivations, all at the same time. We have the most basic needs: food, water, shelter. Striving to satisfy these forms a first layer of motivation. Interestingly, once we are in a situation where these needs are met, obtaining more of them is only a minor additional motivation; once we have eaten a big meal, we are not strongly motivated by opportunities for food for at least a few hours.

Many motivations share that characteristic: once they are met, they cease to be major motivations. If we want to motivate our employees every single day, we therefore need a different type of motivation, one that is enduring and not readily satiated. Fortunately, there are many of these types of motivation: the quest for things such as respect, honor, the opportunity for accomplishments, recognition, and a sense of purpose do not appear to plateau in the same way that the quest for basic needs does. We can use this insight to design our approach to motivating our employees. Every employee will respond to these items a little differently, but by using a set of such motivators, we can reach most of our employees.

Interestingly, compensation appears to form a middle example; it does not plateau quite as rapidly as the quest for the basic needs of food, water, and shelter, but the beneficial effects of more compensation become diluted quite markedly once compensation passes some adequate level. My conclusion, therefore, is that you cannot buy motivation from your employees; instead, the items cited above – respect, honor, the opportunity for accomplishments, recognition, and a sense of purpose – are better ways to motivate your employees.

Let's talk now about how you can use these techniques.

  • Be an inspiration. Create a compelling vision: why this project is important, how (once it is complete) it will improve the world, and how each person can specifically contribute to that success.
  • Remove obstacles. Make sure that conditions exist that allow each person to succeed within their role, and to feel that they can and are succeeding. This usually involves a combination of tangible items (e.g. facilities, information, equipment, the mini‐contract that we discussed in Chapter 6, etc.) and intangible support (acting in front of others in a fashion that displays confidence in this person to do their assigned tasks, helping them privately to find ways to solve problems – but don't jump in to solve the problems for them, it is disempowering to do their job for them – and providing emotional support).
  • Align the team. Drive the team to a real consensus about how we will perform and complete the project. Do all of the items listed in Figure 13.1.
  • Recognize the problems. Recognize and articulate what aspects of your engineering project remain as hard and unsolved, and drive the team to a real bottom‐up consensus about how to solve those problems, or at least how to approach creating a solution.
  • Provide the opportunity for personal growth. Assign each person with work that is challenging, but not impossible or unreasonable. Create mechanisms for many types of personal growth for all team members: special assignments, opportunities to present in front of customers and corporate leadership, in‐house training, mentoring, continuing education, and so forth.
  • Be a role model. Always be polite, display good work habits, be calm and rational, listen before talking and before deciding, accept responsibilities, make apologies, and accept blame. In other words, be what you want your team members to emulate. Act promptly to curtail unprofessional or disruptive behavior by others; make sure that an offender is aware of exactly what behavior was inappropriate, and that they understand such behavior is not to be repeated, and that apologies and/or amends are to be made.
  • Value personal growth. Encourage and reward people who acquire additional skills, especially technical people who learn how to translate their technical skills into business success.
  • Provide empowerment. Delegate actual authority, always making sure that you have provided the necessary enablers for the assigned person to succeed. Provide them with someone to teach them how to do those assigned responsibilities, if they need that. Provide a mentor, from whom they can informally obtain guidance. I also try always to let many people participate in the creation of objectives and plans; feeling that they have had a chance to influence these items is very empowering to your people.
  • Insist on responsibility. Meet your commitments, and expect other people to meet theirs.
  • Value reasoned risk‐taking. Show that you will seek out and succeed at the hard assignments, and that you will reward others who do the same.
  • Be a communicator. Become an effective communicator – especially in listening and writing. Effective communication always includes three steps, which I call “Siegel's trio for effective communication”: enumerate, stipulate, and disseminate (Figure 13.3). Effective communication to the team always includes written materials (e.g. plans, schedules, etc. – these are a part of achieving alignment), but also includes you spending time with your team, face‐to‐face, both in structured settings (e.g. all‐hands meetings, staff meetings, the meetings involved in the periodic management rhythm, etc.) and in unstructured settings (walking the hallways, engaging in informal conversations, encouraging unsolicited one‐on‐one conversations through what a former colleague called the open‐door philosophy4 – e.g. any person on my staff could, if my door was open, just walk in and talk, or alternatively, could get onto my calendar by talking to my secretary).
  • Model and enforce ethics. Talk about and be seen always considering the ethics of each decision, and always stay far from the boundary of questionable behavior, even if the company risks losing business as a result. Ask for advice from your experts: the law department, your contract manager, your business manager, your human relations manager. Take prompt action if ethical violations occur. If serious violations occur, you need to be seen making serious responses. We will say more about ethics in engineering in Chapter 15.
  • Deal with the important aspects of diversity. Every person has differing norms, differing values, differing styles, and so forth. Differences that are neither illegal nor disruptive should not only be allowed, but should actually be cultivated. This is because diversity of opinion and diversity of thought process is important to successful engineering projects and successful engineering: we need people with a range of skills, experience, points of view, opinions, and so forth. This variety of ideas and thought processes is important in order for us to solve the complex problems that our project will face. We cannot, however, look inside the heads of our employees and measure these things directly. We have to use the attributes that we can see – sex,5 ethnicity, educational background, and so forth – as surrogates for those attributes in which we really do want diversity. We make the assumption that people who vary in these attributes that we can see potentially have the variation in experience, point of view, and so on that we need and want, and use these surrogates as a way to build the necessary diversity into our team. In those instances where we have actually worked with people in the past, and thereby know something about their work styles, their strengths and weaknesses, we should use that knowledge too in order to create the right kind of diversity in our teams. It is also, of course, the case that we aspire to our work places and ourselves being better than was the norm in the “bad old days,” when women and minorities in the United States routinely suffered overt discrimination in our field, and in society in general.6 My mother (Figure 1.16) became an engineer in 1952, and she personally lived through years of overt discrimination against women in the field of engineering. My father told me of seeing signs in storefronts in Brooklyn, New York, where he grew up, saying “Help wanted. No Jews or Irish need apply.”
  • Create the right reward system. Establish and operate rewards that encourage people to see success in terms of the accomplishments of the team, rather than in terms of their own personal accomplishments. Act in a fashion that causes them to believe that the team's success is truly a viable path to their own individual success.
  • Tell your employees how to get promoted. Everyone is interested in promotion. My recommendation is that you be transparent about what will get your employees recognized and promoted. Figure 13.4 presents the list that I used with my employees.
Chart summarizing the three steps for effective communication called as Siegel's “trio for effective communication”: enumerate, stipulate, and disseminate.

Figure 13.3 Siegel's trio for effective communication.

Chart presenting the list of qualities that employees should possess that will get them recognized and promoted.

Figure 13.4 Tell your employees what will get them recognized and promoted. This is the list that I used with my employees.

It is my experience that the quest for motivation through items such as these does not get satiated, in contrast to the quest for motivation through the basic needs for food, water, shelter, and even compensation. These items are tools for motivation that never run out.

One last thought about motivation: there are many actions that can be demotivators for your team. Doing the opposite of the items on the above list is certainly likely to become a demotivator for your team members. There are others; I will mention only one:

A leader never complains, but always sympathizes with those who do.

paraphrased from William F. Buckley, Saving the Queen (Doubleday, 1976)

We all have a tendency, at times, to want to complain. I recommend that you always suppress this tendency while you are at work. No one really wants to be led by a constant complainer; it is not inspiring behavior. Furthermore, complaining does not create confidence that you have the ability to figure out how to solve problems!

At the same time, showing empathy for your employees when there are matters which are causing them discomfort is a motivating characteristic. Sympathizing with the complainers can be done without committing that you agree with their position, or that you are agreeing to fix the causes. You can just be a good listener and a soft shoulder.

13.5 Recognizing and Resolving Conflict

People are a problem.

from The Hitch‐Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams

There is an old joke: “Two people, three opinions.” When more than one person is involved in an activity, there will be conflict. As the manager of the project, we must learn how to recognize and resolve conflict.

There are valid and productive reasons for conflict (Figure 13.5); the mere existence of conflict is actually not a sure sign that “people are a problem.” The conflict only signifies that there are multiple opinions, multiple candidate approaches. Remember that when we talked about systems engineering trade studies (Chapter 2), we went so far as to state that creating multiple candidate approaches was a virtue, and even a necessity. The problem is not the existence of multiple opinions – that is, the problem is not the conflict itself. Instead, the problem is the poor methods that many people – and, unfortunately, many project managers – use to recognize and resolve conflict. Let's talk about how to recognize and resolve conflict appropriately, so that we can gain benefit from the diversity of opinions, without letting things get personal and/or disruptive.

Chart listing out the valid reasons for conflict divided into two parts - both productive and unproductive.

Figure 13.5 Reasons for conflict: both productive and unproductive.

Notice that in Figure 13.5, I have divided the list into two parts. The first I have called reasons for conflict that may be productive; the second reasons for conflict that are unproductive. In the previous paragraph, I described situations where there might be valid productive reasons for conflict: differences in goals; different concepts about methods; and different preferences for technical decisions. Of course, now that you have read the section above about achieving alignment, you know that some of this should have been talked out and decided early in the project, captured in plans and specifications. By thereby being a part of the project's baseline, we have already discussed and reached agreement on these matters.

Of course, on something as complicated as an engineering project, you cannot realistically hope to sort out everything in advance. Each day, you will discover new matters that either require a rethinking of previous decisions, or are items that have not been previously decided. That is to say, achieving alignment is a continuous process that gets worked on every day until the project is completed.

Figure 13.5 also contains examples of unproductive reasons for conflict. These are the stereotypical “bad behaviors” to which we often attribute all conflict. Try to remember that this is not true; some conflict is valid and productive! Furthermore, just because some of the behaviors that I have called unproductive are present does not mean that there are not valid and productive issues that are masked underneath that unproductive behavior. We ought not to decide an issue solely on the basis of bad behavior, tempting though that may be. The person behaving badly might be right, even if they are expressing it inappropriately.

This distinction between productive and unproductive conflict makes clear another motivation for striving to achieve the alignment that we discussed above: if the team is aligned, they share a sense of the value of the mission; they have enthusiasm for the project; they share a definition of what the project is to produce; they largely agree on methods, tools, and sequencing; they have a shared definition of what constitutes success; they understand how they can contribute (and the role to be played by others); they understand how the project's success may translate into success for them personally; and they have some sense of a shared destiny – we all succeed or fail together.

With all of that, the team members can develop some level of trust in one another. And the presence of that trust – in combination with some guidance, and some methodology, both of which I will talk about in a moment – ought to allow them to avoid or minimize unproductive conflict.

We can say this in a negative form too. Here are some reasons that teams fail:

  • Poorly developed or unclear goals
  • Poorly defined project team roles and interdependencies
  • Lack of project team motivation
  • Poor communication
  • Poor leadership
  • Perception of unfairness, unequal treatment, and inconsistency in how people are treated
  • Bad news is perceived as unwelcome
  • Turnover among project team members
  • Dysfunctional behavior.

The perception of unfair or unequal treatment can raise hackles among your team very quickly. To avoid this takes effort. I find that it helps if I think in advance about how I will respond to various situations. I essentially have practice conversations and scenarios in my head. This allows me to develop model responses in advance, and I find that this helps me a lot in being consistent and fair.

The ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles, in his play Antigone,7 wrote “στέργει γάρ ούδει`ς ’α&c.acute;γγελον κακω~ν έπω~ν,” which can be translated as “no one loves the messenger who brings bad news.” No one likes to receive bad news, but you must not respond by being rude or disrespectful to the person who brings you that news. In fact, you should thank them!

In the book The Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, by Plutarch,8 he writes that an arriving messenger who gave a particular commanding general (Tigranes) bad news (in this case, the pending arrival of an opposing army) had his head cut off. Plutarch goes on to say that, naturally enough, no one else would thereafter dare to provide this commander with any further information, and that he suffered on the battlefield from this lack of intelligence. If you act in a fashion that discourages people from bringing you bad news (even if your reaction is less extreme than that cited by Plutarch), people will stop bringing information to you, and your ability to be effective as a project manager will suffer.

Here are some examples of the last item on the list, what I call dysfunctional behavior:

  • Rudeness. A few immature and/or disruptive people really can set you back; this can be infectious behavior!
  • Not meeting commitments
  • Selfishness. “Me first” rather than “team first”
  • Weak ethics
  • Dishonesty.

In my experience, there is not a lot of overt dishonesty in engineering. But engineers are people, and all of the other dysfunctional behavior occurs amongst our engineering teams as frequently as it occurs in any other group of people … unless we achieve alignment, set expectations for behavior, and use problem‐solving techniques that inherently lessen the personal confrontation aspect of the situation.

One item on this list warrants some extra discussion: the question of “me first” rather than “team first” behavior. We engineers spend 16 to 20 years in school, where the value system is “we do our own work, and we are judged almost entirely on our own work.” At times, we do work on team projects in school, but the overwhelming majority of our grades derive from our own work. We are even taught in school that it is generally improper and unethical to collaborate! This value system is embedded very strongly in most of us, because we experienced it for such a long period of time.

Then we graduate from college and arrive at work. In the next section, I will describe what an engineer actually does at work. But I will preview one key aspect of that now: at work, everything worthwhile is accomplished by a team, rather than by individuals. Often these are large teams. Therefore, suddenly, usually with no preparation, we find ourselves in a social setting where the value system that we used for 20 years is no longer valid! Often, no one even tells us about the necessity to make this transition.

In fact, we must transition:


The school value system of “I must do my own work, be evaluated almost exclusively on my own work, and derive my satisfaction only from my own accomplishments


The workplace value system of “Everything worthwhile is accomplished through the combined efforts of a team, often a large team, and I must learn that I will be evaluated on the basis of my contribution to the team (rather than exclusively on the basis on my own work), and I must learn to derive my satisfaction from the accomplishments of the team (rather than exclusively from my own accomplishments).”

For many of us, this is a difficult transition, especially the fact that we must derive our satisfaction from the accomplishments of the team. In fact, usually no one tells us that we need to make this transition! But now I have told you. You need to tell your employees. Then you need to be seen taking actions that reward the team, not just individuals.

So, how do we resolve interpersonal conflict in our engineering projects? I use the following approach:

  • Focus on the problem, not on the people. I make a decision by analyzing the problem causing the conflict, not by considering the characteristics or position of the people involved.
  • Understand what each party wants and needs, and why. What do they have at stake? Why do they care about this outcome?
  • Before starting the decision‐making process, create a wide range of candidate solutions. This is akin to the large trade space that we discussed in Chapter 2.
  • Before starting the decision‐making process, create decision criteria. Insist on criteria that are both objective and reasonable.
  • Be prepared. Do not “make it up as you go along”; getting facts wrong decreases your credibility and negotiation effectiveness. It is better to stop a meeting and request additional facts and analysis than to proceed in correctable ignorance. Task specific people in advance of meetings with the job of preparing analyses of the problem. What are the premises? What are the limitations and constraints? What are the available analysis methods? What are the data? What are the results of the analysis? What are the magnitudes of the uncertainties? What methods, if any, might be available in order to lessen those uncertainties?
  • Make the purpose of the discussion clear: are we just gathering facts, creating options, assessing analyses, or have we arrived at the decision‐making stage? If the latter, make it clear who has the authority to make the decision.
  • During the decision‐making process, keep the discussion about premises and analysis methods; do not discuss positions or the desired answers.
  • During the decision‐making process, use a structure to moderate the discussion that allows everyone to have a chance to express their views, and to respond to the views of others.
  • Create rules that will allow an orderly and calm discussion. Cut off inappropriate discussions (e.g. those that make use of ad hominem9 techniques, those that insist on jumping to a discussion of the desired answer, those that interrupt someone who is already speaking, and so forth). Make it clear that a rule violation has occurred and identify the nature of that violation. Restart the discussion. Do not prevent the offender from participating again, as long as they participate appropriately. Have a person designated as moderator in any meeting, charged with the responsibility to enforce this approach. It need not be you.
  • If you have delegated the decision‐making authority to someone else, do not take any action that appears to pre‐empt that authority.
  • As the project manager, you are likely to be the senior person present. You must not pre‐empt other viewpoints by speaking strongly in favor, or against, any particular approach too early in the discussion. Because of your senior position, once you make your views known, many people will be reluctant to bring forth opposing views. Try to speak last.
  • Remain calm and polite. Insist that everyone else does too. Interestingly, you will likely find that remaining calm and polite is an effective negotiating tool, and not just at work, but in all life situations.
  • Thank all participants. Make it clear that everyone contributed, even those who did not obtain the decision they desired.
  • Keep notes about everything. Archive all artifacts; you may need to recreate the analysis later, and will want the data, the spreadsheets, and so forth. I assign a note‐taker role in every meeting; I cannot do it myself and still provide the attention that each participant deserves. Allow the note‐taker to stop the discussion and ask for clarifications, so that the notes can be accurate.

The most important and most subtle item on the above list is the one about “keeping the discussion about premises and analysis methods; do not discuss positions and the desired answers.” Let's say that you support political candidate X for the US Senate, and I support candidate Y. If we just talk about our desired outcomes (the election of X for you, and the election of Y for me), nothing can be solved, and no new insights gained. You just keep saying that you prefer X, and I keep saying that I prefer Y. We might even be tempted to slip into ad hominem arguments, or worse. There is actually nothing being discussed.

If, on the contrary, we each discuss our premises and analysis methods (that is, our lines of reasoning that we use to go from our premises to our conclusion), we can have an actual discussion, have the potential to learn something, and might discover an approach that we can both agree on. Your premises might include that social security must be protected at all costs; mine might include that the government should stop running at a financial deficit. We can each explain why we think these are valid premises, and how we reason from those premises to preferred legislative programs, and eventually to our selection of a candidate. One or both of us might learn something, change our mind, or even determine that the election of neither X nor Y is likely to advance our desires. We might decide that we should both vote for Z instead.

That is, a sensible discussion proceeds forward from the premises and analysis methods to reach the conclusions; it does not start with the conclusions. This is a paraphrase of Aristotle, and 2300 years later, it is still good advice.

In the world of engineering projects, this method works well. You may prefer that we use the C++ programming language for our project, and I prefer that we use Java. If we start our discussion with our desired conclusions, we have nothing to discuss, and are likely to annoy each other, and our colleagues too. If, on the other hand, we each start by identifying our premises, we can have an actual discussion. For example, you may say that the use of strong typing and inheritance is, in your opinion, the key aspect of the programming for our system, and that language features A, B, and C in C++ are the best‐in‐class mechanisms for those purposes. I may then say that we have 1400 user forms to create, and finding a way to make that affordable and maintainable is the key aspect for the software on our system that we ought to optimize through the selection of the programming language, and that the X, Y, and Z features of Java are just the right things to achieve this purpose.

In engineering, we usually have more flexibility and opportunity for nuance in the final answer than we do in the voting booth. For example, the software for our system will probably consist of hundreds of modules, and they need not all be in the same programming language; perhaps we will decide to build the user forms in Java, and the rest of the software in C++. We might even come to believe that this is a better approach than using either language for all of the software. Or, having identified the premises, our analysis might lead us both to realize that we both would actually prefer to use some other programming language in lieu of C++ and Java for all of the software. That is, we can create better answers through the discussion than either of us entered with at the beginning of the discussion. This is a true win–win situation, but we can get there only if we start with premises, work our way through analysis methods, and only then arrive at conclusions.

Doing this takes practice. I can only urge upon you that it is worth the effort. Not only does it often lead to better decisions, but it can also be very empowering to people, and a great team‐building activity. People really feel that they are working together and creating something better through that collaboration than any of them could have created by themselves. As the project manager, that is what we want! Also, just having your employees experience this process, and thereby believing that they were allowed to participate, makes it easier for them to accept the decision, even on those occasions when that decision is not the one that they advocated.

Conflict ends with someone – often you, since you are the project manager – making a decision. People hate ambiguity, and so the tendency for most people is to make decisions too quickly and on too little data; to throw out alternatives too soon; to close the trade space too quickly. Do not be afraid to ask for more analysis, more options, more time. But you cannot be seen as dithering either, and of course decisions need to be made in order to allow the work to progress. Life is tough as a project manager.

Only judgement and experience can help you determine when it is the right time to make a decision. In a few pages, we will introduce the concept of a mentor; he or she can help you with this type of problem.

Good management can lessen the opportunities for conflict. Notice, however, that I did not say “eliminate conflict.” Basically, through management actions, we get issues and potential issues identified, premises and analysis methods identified, people assigned to gather data and perform analysis, and then (likely through a series of face‐to‐face meetings), we actually reach a point where we are ready to make a decision. That decision then gets documented (including the rationale for the decision), and all of the supporting materials archived.

Many decisions have “natural” homes for the documented decision. For example, if a decision determines a portion of the design, the decision will be reflected in the corresponding design documents. But it is not always appropriate to capture all of the rationale in the “natural home,” so I also follow a practice of capturing all decisions in a project decision log.10 That decision log ought to include all of the data, analysis, models and tools, the various positions advocated (including those not selected), the rationale for each, and the final decision.

Documenting agreements is a vital aspect of project communication. Therefore, the project communication plan (Chapter 12) should include your plans for establishing both the project decision‐making process, the decision log for capturing decisions, and the methods that your project will use for communicating decisions (and their rationale).

Not all conflict is about technical matters. Often, it is about people: who is responsible for what pieces of work, who gets to make what decisions, who gets priority access to people or facilities, who gets promoted to an open position, and so forth. Clear statements of scope in the mini‐contracts (Chapter 6) and other project documents are the resources you use to lessen these occurrences. When such issues do arise, you must address them promptly; they do not go away by themselves and can get worse over time if left unaddressed. You use the same “Aristotle‐based method” to solve these interpersonal conflicts as we described for solving the technical conflicts. Be aware that these types of conflicts have more potential for hurt feelings than do the technical conflicts. All the more reason to be calm, polite, and fact‐based, as we described above.

Summary for resolving conflict:

  • Discuss premises and lines of reasoning rather than discussing candidate answers! (Aristotle)
  • Bring issues into discussion (openness; don't bury the problem or shoot the messenger)
  • Be willing to listen (“We have 2 ears, but only 1 mouth …”)
  • Understand your and other parties' needs/wants (their value system)
  • Get the facts (premises) agreed upon before starting the process of trying to reach a decision
  • Don't speak for others; that is disempowering. If you state an opinion, use “I.” Ask that others do the same
  • Ask questions (the “5 Why's” from Chapter 9) to get to the bottom of an issue, paraphrase and restate what others say, so as to make sure that you understand what they actually meant
  • Be willing to expand the candidate solution set – this is often a path to resolution of conflict.

13.6 Siegel's Mechanics of Project Management

I have found that certain process steps aid in my mastering the social aspects of project management. These mechanics of project management are shown in Figure 13.6.

Chart listing out Siegel's “mechanics of project management” presenting certain process steps that aid in mastering the social aspects of project management.

Figure 13.6 Siegel's mechanics of project management.

Let's discuss each of these in turn.

  • Take decisions only in writing:
    • I recommend that you create a written project policy that nothing said verbally carries any force, and is not to be acted upon. Actual decisions that are to be acted upon will be committed to writing with an appropriate level of approval; only then are they to be acted upon, not before.
    • Create a formal record of all written decisions (as noted above, I generally called this the design notebook, but it might better be called the decision log). It should include both the actual decisions (with approval by the appropriately authorized person), but also opinions, analyses, and other non‐binding but potentially informative items.
  • Implement Siegel's trio for effective communication:
    • This was introduced and discussed in Section 13.4 above.
  • Always capture the rationale and methodology used – including the premises, the actual data, software tools, spreadsheets, databases, decision criteria, and anything else used to inform the decision, in addition to a description of the decision‐making process – for reaching decisions, not just the decisions themselves:
    • This can be vital later on, when new information arises, and the analyses have to be redone.
    • The rationale and methodology used to reach a decision can be documented in separate papers from the decision memorandum, if desired.
    • Both should be right next to each other in the decision log, and the decision memorandum should reference the paper providing the methodology.
  • Do not use face‐to‐face meetings simply to convey information:
    • That is done more effectively in writing, and
    • It also makes for boring meetings.
  • Do not use electronic mail or any similar electronic forum (e.g. social media) for discussion:
    • Electronic mail and similar electronic forums are fantastic for conveying small pieces of information, such as a phone number, or the location and time for a meeting.
    • But electronic forums are weak, and even counterproductive, as a mechanism for discussion. Psychologists and sociologists tell us that something like 70% of all information conveyed between people in a face‐to‐face meeting is through mechanisms other than the words spoken by the participants. You lose all of that 70% in electronic forums. Furthermore, I find that the use of electronic forums tends to allow people to disconnect from the forms of behavior (described above) that I believe are essential for effective teams.
    • Therefore, discussion is done better at face‐to‐face meetings.
    • I recognize that in our private lives, lots of people do use electronic forums for discussion. I believe that electronic forums do not work well for discussion in our private lives either, but I cannot control what people do in their private lives. I can control what they do at work, and need to control them enough to ensure that they conform to what I believe are constructive forms of interpersonal behavior.
  • Organize meeting agendas around discussion (not around just conveying information), and (most importantly) discussions of those items about which there is not yet a consensus:
    • There is a natural tendency for a group to want to spend their time talking mostly about the things about which they are all already in agreement; that is, after all, comfortable.
    • The tendency is also to avoid spending time talking about things on which they have not reached a consensus … yet those are exactly the things that need to be talked about.
    • Spending most of your face‐to‐face meetings talking about the items which you already agree on does not make for very productive meetings; nor does it move us forward toward solving the unsolved problems. I always tried to build meeting agendas to spend most of our time discussing the matters on which we had not yet reached a consensus. That is at times uncomfortable, but productive.
  • You must have some meetings with all of your direct reports as a group – you cannot decide most things just by meeting with the relevant people one‐on‐one:
    • Most of the matters that you will be called upon to decide will involve interactions (and sometimes these interactions are subtle and easy to miss) between different aspects of the project, and therefore between the areas of responsibility of multiple people. If you decide such matters solely via discussions with the people involved one at a time, you will miss out on the opportunity for these people to react to, and comment upon, the opinions and points of view of the others. My experience is that such multi‐participant discussion leads to deeper insights and better decisions.
    • Such team discussions – assuming that you keep everything polite and respectful – are very important team‐building and consensus‐building opportunities. You need not just to reach a decision, you need to reach a decision that all of your direct‐report managers are willing to support. Giving them a visible opportunity to participate in the decision process through group discussions is an essential step in forming such a consensus.
  • Work with, and take advice from, only those people who either have skin in the game, or are bound to you by genuine affection:
    • By the phrase skin in the game, I mean that they will be materially affected by the outcome of your project, or of a decision on which they are advising. You and your employees may lose their jobs if the project fails, and/or suffer reputational damage. Your using customer will lose capability (or at least, the improved capability will be significantly delayed) if the project fails. These people have real skin in the game; they care about the outcome of your project, and their own personal outcome will vary in both a positive and a negative sense with the outcome of your project. Consultants – even the most distinguished experts – famously do not have skin in the game; their outcome (whether they are billing you for their time or serving gratis) will not change depending on the outcome of your project. For this reason, I suggest that you never use consultants, contract labor, job‐shops, or the like; they have no skin in the game, and their advice may therefore not be aligned with the needs of you, your customer, and your team. I therefore prefer to hire employees (who always have skin in the game), or another company as a subcontractor – this subcontractor (if you write the subcontract to have real responsibilities and real deliverables, not providing bodies) will have skin in the game, both financially and reputationally, just like your own employees. Retirees – even when hired on a consulting basis – may be different. They may be bound to the company or to you by genuine affection, and therefore have emotional skin in the game, even if they do not have material financial skin in the game. Retirees also always have a concern about the long‐term financial health of their former employer; their pension may be reduced (or at least, interrupted) if the company goes bankrupt; this provides retirees (but not pure consultants) with skin in the game.

13.7 Dealing With Special People

13.7.1 Your Management

The social aspects of project management include dealing with your management and your customers, not just your employees. I will talk about that aspect now.

Your management is one of your stakeholders too. Therefore, just like for your customers, you must identify their coordinate system of value. What do they need from your project, and from you? What do they want from your project, and from you?

Just as you have multiple customers, you have multiple managers too. You do have a direct supervisor, and that is likely to be one person. But that person has a supervisor too, all the way up to the president or chairman of your company, and the board of directors. There are also the heads of the specialist staff organizations (law, contracts, human relations, engineering, and so forth), who in some ways also have a supervisory role over you and your project. Therefore, the voice of your management is not a single, unified voice. You are in the same position of having to find a suitable balance between competing and conflicting goals, just like you are with your customers.

In some real sense, dealing with your management is easier than dealing with your customers. For example, there will usually be lots of written guidance about what the company (and therefore your management) expect of you and your project. These include items such as:

  • Corporate policies and procedures
  • Corporate project management handbooks
  • Corporate financial goals, and methods of calculating these
  • Management incentive goals
  • Your contract
  • Applicable laws and regulations.

You need to know all of these – get help and training from your staff specialists, such as the corporate law department! Do not be afraid (or embarrassed) to ask for help.

When things are going well, dealing with your management is not so hard. But every project worth running is complex enough that there will be problems at some point in time; this is the most important time in your relationship with your management.

My advice is do not wait until there is a problem to start building a relationship with all of the people who occupy roles in your management chain. Build a relationship now, discuss your plans, discuss risks (e.g. what might go wrong), incorporate statistical effects into your predictions – and do all these things when everything is still going great in your project.

This helps you understand how they think, and what they value. It also builds a relationship, some trust and credibility, and all of this forms some emotional “credit” that you can draw upon later, when a problem occurs.

When a problem arises, that information does not improve with age. Talk about it right away, even if you are not yet asking for help, and (this is really hard) even if you do not yet know exactly how you are going to solve the problem. You can talk about what you do know, how you will go about preventing the situation from getting worse, how you are going to go about gathering more information, and how you will go about creating a solution. Do not fudge or gloss over the problems, and do not downplay the potential significance of the problems. There is a strong desire in all of us to downplay the significance of problems. Don't do it; you will lose credibility later.

Do not, however, delegate your job to your management. Present them with options, show decision criteria, show your current thinking. They will offer advice (especially in the form of recommendations regarding who are the people that they think can help you solve the problem), but do not ask them or expect them to solve the problem for you. As the project manager, that is your job.

If you become stuck, say so.

13.7.2 Your Customers

In many ways, dealing with your customers is similar to dealing with your management. We already talked a lot about customers in Chapter 4. We must start by trying to understand what their coordinate system of value is: What do they need? What do they want?

Our customers often have lots of constraints: rules that they must adhere to which determine how they interact with you, limit how fast they can at times respond, and so forth. You need to understand those constraints, as they will in part constrain your degrees of freedom. Your staff specialists (especially contracts and law) can help you with this. So, can the customer's staff specialists; they have contracts and law staff, too, and they are usually glad to meet with contractor project managers and explain how they operate.

One final piece of advice about dealing with your management and your customers: do not say one thing to your customer, and something else to your management. You will find that they do talk to each other!

13.7.3 The Human Resources Department – An Important Partner

Your project will have a human resources specialist. This is the person who makes offers of employment, deals with the administrative aspects of pay raises and promotions, and other administrative tasks relating to employees.

It is easy to think of this person as an administrator. But in fact, this person can become an important asset to you, a partner. I recommend that you get to know your human resources specialist.

People are obviously an essential element of your success as a project manager; you cannot do the job alone. Your human resources specialist is the person who can help you find and entice the right set of people to come and work on your project.

Hiring people is complicated; the world of business has created entire vocabulary about this subject. Your human resources specialist will ask you to define your personnel requirements:

  • How many people with each skill set (e.g. software programmers, etc.) do you require, when, and for how long?
  • What level of capability? Novice, right out of college? Seasoned professional? How many of each?
  • Which of these people require special professional certifications?
  • Which of these people must be US citizens?
  • Which of these people require security clearances?

This is not sufficient though. Someone – hopefully not you – has to worry about questions like these:

  • Are these people available inside the company, or do we have to plan to hire them from outside?
  • Is it best to hire some of these people on a temporary basis (this is often called contract labor), or is it best to hire them as regular, permanent, employees?
  • What is the going market rate of compensation for each of these types of people?
  • What types of employee benefits (e.g. medical coverage, sick days, vacation, pension, educational reimbursement, etc.) are needed in order to attract the right talent to your team?

Your human resources specialist will tend to all of these matters.

In order to hire a person (whether as a regular employee, or as contract labor), someone will need to write a requisition (sometimes called a job description) defining all of the above characteristics. This job description is posted in various places where potential applicants might see it; this could be an internal company web page, a company web page that is available to the general public, or other arrangements. Specific potential applicants might even be solicited to apply for a particular position.

Then some time is allowed for the applications to come in; a deadline for applications might have been specified in the job posting. Once the deadline has passed, the applications can be reviewed.

In most companies, the process of selecting which candidates to hire or select for a position is quite structured:

  • Usually, you will need to interview prospective team members. You do not make your selection solely on the basis of the written applications.
  • There may be a selection process before the interviews; perhaps your company received so many applications that it is not feasible to interview all of the applicants. More frequently, applicants whose written qualifications appear markedly weaker or markedly less suitable are eliminated from consideration before the interviews.
  • Learn the rules of your company regarding the interview process – failing to follow those rules can land your company in court. Your human resources specialist knows these rules.
  • You should have some written selection criteria, which are prepared in advance of conducting the interviews. The questions that you ask of candidates during the interview should relate to these criteria.
  • It is a good idea to develop written interview questions that you ask each applicant:
    • Use the same questions for all candidates, and
    • Avoid questions or discussion about irrelevant subjects – ethnicity, age, marriage and children, personal matters, religious beliefs, etc.
  • For more senior positions, your company will probably require that more than one person participate in the interviews. This might be a series of individual interviews, a group interview, or a mixture of both.
    • This group of people might include the human resources specialist, the relevant functional manager (e.g. head of the law or engineering department), and some of your existing senior technical staff.
  • During the interviews, make notes that will allow you to score the applicants against the established selection criteria.
  • After the interviews are complete, the group of people who conducted the interviews will usually get together and formally score the applicants. The scoring is not necessarily the sole criteria for selection, especially if the scores are very close to each other; scoring is an imperfect process. The purpose of the scoring is to keep the discussion of the merits of the candidates to the identified characteristics advertised and needed for the position. The results of the scoring and the notes about the discussions are captured for the record.
  • The designated person, using the scoring and the discussion, makes a selection.
  • Only certain people are authorized to make actual job offers; usually, only the human resources specialist is so authorized. You, as project manager, are usually not authorized to make an actual job offer.
  • Job offers must usually be made in writing; it is fine to make a courtesy call telling an applicant that he or she has been selected and that a written offer is on the way, but the terms of the offer ought to be conveyed only in writing. You must be careful never to appear to make a verbal job offer.
  • It is good practice to obtain written acceptance of the offer from the candidate that you selected. A start date can then be selected, and the candidate processed into the company.
  • Always get back in a timely fashion to all of the applicants (i.e. all of those whom you did not select, and even those whom you elected not to interview). People who were not selected for interview can be provided with written notification that they were not selected. My practice, however, is that if we interviewed a person, they ought to receive a personal phone call to tell them that they were not selected. This is uncomfortable for many people, but it is polite, and makes a good impression on most people; who knows, you may someday want them to apply for another position on your team or at your company.

The process can be faster if all of the candidates are already employees of your company, but many of the above steps are still required, especially for positions with management responsibilities (e.g. cost‐account managers).

As you can imagine from the above description, hiring does not occur in a day. In fact, it can often take months to develop a requisition, post the job, select the interview candidates, set up interviews, conduct interviews, reach agreement on whom you will extend an offer to, make the offer, receive candidate acceptance, process the candidate into the company, notify unsuccessful candidates, and so forth. I have seen sources which state that, on average, it now takes 90 days to find, interview, and hire a single engineer; engineering is a particularly competitive job market at present, and engineers generally have lots of options. You have to allow a realistic time line for staffing your project, especially at the beginning.

13.8 Your Career as an Engineer

Some of you reading this book may already have substantial work experience. But many of you may not. I will therefore describe what an engineer actually does at work.

I spent many years working for a large aerospace company. For 18 of those years, I was a vice‐president and officer of the company. I held many different job positions over that time: working on engineering projects, managing engineering projects, running business units within the company, running proposals to win new business for the company, work assignments in other countries, and many years as the chief technology officer. I had as many as 12 000 employees. It was a big company, and it offered me big jobs and many interesting challenges.

I also at one point left my large company to participate with five other people in the formation of a start‐up company. This experience also offered me a lot of challenges, many of which were quite different from those I experienced at the large company. I stayed with that start‐up company until a year or so after we went public (and had grown to around 1 500 people). At that point, I felt that I had learned what I was going to learn from working for a smaller company and wanted to work on big engineering projects again. So, I returned to the same large company where I started my career, and stayed there until I retired.

The aerospace industry, of course, hires a large number of engineers and engineering project managers. There are many well‐known companies in this industry. I worked for Northrop Grumman,11 but other companies include Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and BAE.

Many other industries hire engineers, engineering project managers, and systems engineers, including:

  • Shipbuilding
  • Telecommunications
  • Energy
  • Medicine/health‐care
  • Government
  • Construction
  • Banking
  • Retail (especially those that do their own supply‐chain management)
  • Entertainment.

Some of these are relative newcomers to the engineering project management business. For example, it is only in the last couple of decades that the entertainment industry (movies, video games, etc.) and health‐care (electronic medical records, digitized medical diagnostic equipment, etc.) have transitioned so many of their products to digital and computer form, which naturally required them regularly to undertake engineering projects in order to create these products.

That is good news for you; there is a diverse and growing demand for engineering project managers, at all levels of seniority.

You get to choose not only an industry to work in, but also the size of the company for which you wish to work. I found that my experiences at big and small companies were quite quite different (Figure 13.7).

Tabular chart listing out the experiences of an employee who has worked in both big and small companies, depicting that the size of a company influences the experiences at work.

Figure 13.7 The size of your company influences what you experience at work.

But what do you actually do at work? In college, we spend much of our time learning technical skills: computer programming, digital logic design, mechanical stress analysis, and so forth. We do some of that at work, of course, but such tasks are always set in the context of the project, and as a result, the focus is always on that context. Here is my summary of what we engineers actually do at work:

  • Just as we discussed in Chapter 4, we strive to understand the customer for the project, and how they determine value.
  • Just as we described in Chapter 2, we create metrics for measuring the project's design that align with the customer's value system.
  • Just as we described in Chapter 2, we create an engineering and management trade space, and traverse it to create a feasible and suitable solution. We measure the effectiveness of that solution using the metrics that resonate with the customer.
  • Just as we described in Chapter 9, we use engineering techniques to reduce risk and exploit opportunities.
  • Just as we described in Chapters 2, 10, and 11, we use processes to do the job right the first time, and to help the team do it at scale.
  • All of this is quite creative; we are solving hard problems for which there is no answer already provided at the back of the book. We have to use our understanding of the customer to identify the pressure points of the design (Chapter 2).
  • We are part of a large team, and must work in collaboration and harmony with our colleagues, and derive our satisfaction largely from the accomplishments of the team, rather than our own individual accomplishments (this chapter).
  • Hard science and engineering drives our analysis, but does not create the candidates that we assess. Our imagination creates those candidates.
  • Since so many of the factors that we must consider are in tension and competition with each other (Chapter 2), we strive not for a “correct answer,” but instead for a balance. In school, we aimed for the “correct answer,” but that seldom exists at work.
  • Since the resulting system or product must be both effective and suitable (Chapter 3), we must exercise judgment, and employ a sense of fitness and artistry to make our design selections.

As you can see, I have already discussed many of these items, but here I take the opportunity to bring them all together in a single list.

As engineers, we have the opportunity to work in two principal types of roles: we can work as engineers (often called being an individual technical performer), or we can work as managers (meaning that we supervise other employees). This is not an either/or choice; in fact, if you are willing to move back‐and‐forth over your career, your company is likely to value that flexibility, and likely to reward you for that flexibility. I did so during my own career (Figure 13.8); my career started in the lower‐left‐hand corner of the figure and proceeded upwards.

Illustration depicting the various roles played by an employee both as an individual technical performer and in management roles.

Figure 13.8 The author's career included stints both as an individual technical performer and as a manager.

I found this transitioning back‐and‐forth interesting, and my willingness to do so increased my value to the company, because I could fill more roles, and serve in whatever capacity was needed at the time. It also opened up opportunities for me to serve in roles that I would not even have asked for; I will say more about this when we discuss mentors below.

I believe that what facilitated my career path upwards to senior positions was the business benefit: I developed the ability to use my technical skills to bring business into the company. Refer back to Figure 13.4.

As we discussed in Chapter 5, the key business of many companies requires the performance and successful completion of engineering projects. Therefore, much of your career as an engineer and an engineering project manager will be spent working on these types of projects.

As we have already discussed, it is a team activity.

For me, this was a great career. It was interesting work. It was important for society; this combination of interesting and important made for a great life experience. Perhaps it will for you too.

With your training as an engineer, and your eventual experience as an engineering project manager, there are roles that you can play other than engineer and project manager too, such as:

  • Testing
  • Marketing/sales
  • Business development
  • Management
  • Teaching.

I call these adjacent roles. We will say more about them in the section below about coping with career change.

13.9 Change on Your Project

Change usually makes people uncomfortable. But change is a fact of life on engineering projects; we just cannot know everything in advance.

Therefore, you must:

  • Cope with it yourself, in your role as the project manager
  • Help your team and customer cope with it
  • Manage the changes, so that you can receive the benefits of the change, and do so without causing too much disruption.

Generally, the bigger the project, the more the amount of change there is that takes place, and the harder it is to cope.

These changes come from two different sources:

  • From the customers and the other stakeholders (externally), and
  • From within the project team (internally).

Usually, change from these two different sources must be handled somewhat differently, due to the fact that if the change is sourced externally to your team, there will be additional people involved in reviewing and (eventually) approving the change.

What might change? Almost anything: a requirement, an aspect of the design, the schedule, the budget, predictions of technical performance, personnel assignments, the strategy for training, the tools for software development, the legal and regulatory environment, and on and on.

How do we manage and control change? The steps are largely the same, whether the change is sourced internally or externally:

  • Noticing that a change is called for
  • Discussion and analysis of the impact of the proposed change (see below)
  • Approval or non‐approval of the change, and of its implementation method
  • Configuration control of documents and products
  • Validation that the implementation of the change is correct.

One of the hardest aspects of change is that change causes “ripples”; a seemingly innocuous change to one item (e.g. contract, statement of work, specification, schedule, work‐breakdown structure, design, piece of software code, etc.) can impose unexpected (and often significant) changes on many other aspects of the project.

Therefore, before accepting and approving any change, you must exercise a process to look for any such derivative impact of the proposed change, and estimate its impact to technical performance, schedule, cost, risk, people, customer relations, and so forth.

Because candidate changes will occur almost every day, you likely need a standing process and capability to do this. This is often organized as a standing committee called the change‐control board. The change‐control board has access to a set of tools and people (usually in the systems engineering team within the project) that can perform the required assessments. The change‐control board is usually chaired by the project's manager of systems engineering.

Since changes can have such unpredictable and important effects, the question of who can actually authorize change is important.

In your buying customer's organization, there is usually only one single person who can authorize changes to your contract, deliverables, terms, schedule, and price … and it is usually not the customer's project manager! In fact, it is usually the customer's manager of contracts (often called a contracts officer). Do not act on requests for change until after they have been directed in writing by the authorized person!

Similarly, you need clear definition of who is empowered within your project team to authorize a change to controlled documents, designs, and products. Usually it is only the project manager, acting through the recommendations developed by the project change‐control board.

13.10 Coping With Career Change

Your career in engineering is a journey, not a destination. By this I mean that it ought not to be about achieving some single position or status, but instead ought to be about doing important and interesting work over a period of time, while continuing to develop your skills.

At age 20, when I received my bachelor's degree, I did not know what I wanted to do for a living. No one really expects that you will, either. So, embrace the possibility of mid‐career changes.

Over time, you will learn more about yourself, and you will learn more about the possibilities. Entire new fields and opportunities will likely emerge as well.

Here is my recipe for how to cope:

  1. Acquire some foundational knowledge (e.g. knowledge that does not age quickly).
  2. Understand and accept that learning is a lifelong activity.
  3. Understand and accept that a lot of what you will use to succeed in a career is acquired post‐hire, on the job. It increases your value, and it brightens each day.
  4. Over time, strive to learn more about yourself: what you enjoy, what provides enduring stimulation, and so forth.
  5. Keep investigating possibilities!

Let's discuss each of these.

13.10.1 Foundational Knowledge

My first full‐time job included programming on a computer that had real core memory, discrete transistors, a programming language called FORTRAN, and used punched cards. Imagine if my personal knowledge base was locked to the relevancy of that particular technology base … by now, I would be unemployable as an engineer.

But most of my college course of study was not about technology. Instead, I took courses in:

  • Mathematics
  • Logic
  • Astronomy
  • Physics
  • History
  • Music
  • Russian literature.

These are examples of foundational knowledge. Almost all of these courses are still in the course catalog at my university, and what I learned is still helpful in guiding my thinking and my understanding. In contrast, the computer programming courses that I took have long been obsolete.

You may not be able to fit in as many courses in foundational knowledge as I did; colleges seem to have longer lists of required courses now than they did when I was a student. But you can do some, and also keep up those types of foundational studies as a lifelong learning activity.

You should do this because of the continuous intellectual stimulation and challenge that it will provide. It will also, of course, allow you to keep up with the changes in your field.

13.10.2 Lifelong Learning

Here's a sad case study. I once heard a story about a lady who worked for a phone company for 30 years and (by her own admission) did nothing during that time to improve herself. One day, her job was declared obsolete, and she was laid off. She was devastated; she had no idea what to do. She had no marketable talents. Worse, she had no sense that she could take charge of reclaiming her life.

Don't let this happen to you! Embrace continuous learning. Taking control of your own destiny is not only effective, but empowering and good for your well‐being.

I advocate that you include subjects outside of your nominal field of expertise in your lifelong, continuous learning. I have found that such adjacent knowledge is often useful.

There are many mechanisms available to you: additional formal degrees, on‐line education, specialty schools, just doing reading on your own, side avocations (e.g. charity, public service).

13.10.3 On‐the‐Job Learning

You need to understand and accept that a lot of what you will use to succeed in a career is acquired post‐hire, on the job. Universities are great, but they are not specific enough to teach you everything you need for a specific job. Furthermore, whole fields have been invented since I graduated, and will probably be invented after you graduate too. You might want to take one of those up. On‐the‐job education is part of how you do that.

This too can take many forms: in‐house training courses offered by your company, institutionally supported job rotations, broadening assignments, mentoring programs, asking the person in the next office, seeking out the established experts and asking them to teach you, and many others.

13.10.4 Know and Grow

How can you spot new things that you might want to try? Here's one way that I did it: for some reason, by the time I was five or six years into my career, my only career ambition was to be the chief engineer on a big program. One day, a few years later, I woke up and realized that I was the chief engineer on a big program. It was a great job and a great life experience. But I recognized that someday this project would end, and that I had no idea about what I would/could/ought to do next.

My solution was to find a mentor.12 A mentor is someone who advises you, who helps you mature and grow.

Why do they do it? They want to return something to the institution which has done well for them. Perhaps they see something they like in you; often they see something that makes them think of themselves in you. Or perhaps they are just nice; this happens much more often than you might think.

What my mentor did for me was to see career path possibilities that I never would have considered on my own; I never would even have aspired to do some of those roles. He also had ideas about what experiences would help prepare me for those roles, and he saw that improvement in my people skills would help me. Finally, he saw that all of the above would not only help me, but would increase my value to the company.

Mentors are usually not your direct boss; they are often at least one level up from your boss in the organization. They actually need not even be in your company or in your institution.

Mentoring is not about technical skills, but instead is about everything else: people, relationships, trust, accepting criticism, courage in your convictions, “when to challenge, when to support.” These are often called “soft” skills, but they are important, and not just for work. These are life skills.

If you are an engineer, you may also be mentored in the business aspects of your company: how accounting is accomplished, what financial measures the company uses to measure its progress, and so forth.

The combination of technical and social skills needed to get ahead is complex enough that most of us need mentors. We will talk about “getting ahead” later in this chapter.

In summary, do not expect that you need to get your career choice right the first time and forever. Don't worry about the potential for mid‐career change; it might be wonderful.

Think of change as an opportunity and/or a sign of more knowledge and maturation, rather than as a sign of some sort of “failure.”

13.10.5 Summary: How to Cope With Career Change

  • Acquire some foundational knowledge
  • Understand and accept that learning is a lifelong activity
  • Understand and accept that a lot of what you will use to succeed in a career is acquired post‐hire, on the job
  • Mentors!

13.10.6 Examples of Mid‐career Changes I Have Known

Mid‐career change can take many forms. Below, I list some examples, so that you can grasp the range of possibilities:

  • Technical to management
    • The classic career change – a change to facilitation, rather than doing.
    • For some people, at some times, this is very satisfying.
  • Technical to an adjacency
    • Such as marketing or teaching.
    • A great case study: my friend who realized that he wanted to talk about astronomy, rather than to be an astronomer. He became a teacher.
  • From one technical field to another
    • My own (so far): music to mathematics to software to systems engineering to teaching.
    • My friend Carol: PhD in biology; couldn't find something she liked in biology, so she went to law school and became an intellectual property attorney for the biotech industry.
  • The long‐term dream
    • Method 1. Save up money and learn by being an employee in the field that you want to be in, and then start one's own business (in the same field). We used to call this “apprenticeship.”
    • Method 2. Do something that pays the bills for a while, and then jump over to pursue your “dream career.”
  • The new field
    • Jump to something that became available only after you started working (e.g. a new field, like cyber security or biotech).
    • Via going back to school, on‐the‐job training, or some mixture.
  • From management to technical
    • My friend Dave realized that he derived more satisfaction from doing, rather than facilitating, and therefore transitioned back to engineering from management.
  • Recover from a disappointment
    • My friend Louise who became a dentist, only to discover that she hated it.
  • Recover from an obsolescence
    • What the phone‐company lady could have done.

13.11 Getting Ahead

13.11.1 Preparing Yourself for Leadership

Every day is a new set of challenges. They come on you fast; you must be prepared largely in advance. How to do that?

As I said in Chapter 8, I always recommend that managers of engineering projects, and systems engineers, do vast amounts of eclectic reading; you never know what bit of remembered reading will trigger a thought or an insight during a crisis on an engineering project. I have certainly benefited many times by making such connections from my reading in many technical fields.

Furthermore, since the people and social aspects of project management are very important – taking up more than half of your time as the project manager, if the project is of any size or complexity – this reading ought not to be confined just to technical readings. I myself read vast amounts of history, old novels, and the classics of Greece, Rome, and Persia. I firmly believe that Rumi, Austen, Bulgakov,13 and Aristotle have taught me more about how to deal effectively with people, and to identify and manage interpersonal conflict, than all of the many modern management books that I have read.

These books are old, I can hear you say. But my view is that if a book is still available hundreds of years after it was written, it is more likely to have content of value than a randomly chosen new book. It has stood the test of time. I urge you to read old books!

The person who wants to think will have to practice patience and master fear.

Alan Jacobs, How to Think

As a project manager, you must think, not just react. You can do some of this in advance. As I described above, you can have practice conversations and play out scenarios in your head. But you must also consider the actual circumstances of a situation, which may not conform to the scenarios you expected. Hence the advice I received from one of my mentors: do not be afraid every now and then to say “Let me think about this for a day or two.”14

13.11.2 Getting Ahead: Understanding Your Boss

The definition for what it means to get ahead is not the same for everybody; “getting ahead” means different things to different people. Actually, it is likely that “getting ahead” will mean different things to you at different times in your life and career; what you value highly will change over time.15

But here are the most likely possibilities of what it means to get ahead:

  • Moving up to higher levels in the organization
  • Having subordinates
  • Increased immediate financial compensation
  • Increased long‐term financial compensation
  • Increased retirement compensation
  • More generous medical insurance
  • Increased prestige
  • A more impressive job title
  • Getting to spend more of your time doing what you want to do
  • Not having to spend a lot of time doing things that you don't want to do
  • Having work that you find more interesting
  • Having work that you find more important.

How do you get there? It starts by delivering value to your organization. Some of the ways that you deliver value to the organization are obvious: technical competence, good work habits, honesty, ethical work behavior, collaboration with your colleagues, and so forth (and the items listed in Figure 13.4). If these are all obvious, how do you find things that you can do which will distinguish you from your colleagues, so as to mark you as someone who is ready for advancement within the organization? One way to accomplish this starts by understanding your boss. Let's role‐play for a moment: a day in the life of a senior executive.

OK, you have made it. You are the vice‐president and general manager of a large operating unit within a great company. Profit and loss responsibility. Multiple facilities. 3000 employees. Corner office, car, and so forth.

Here's your typical day:

  • Your calendar is booked solid from 8 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m., including lunch. 30‐ and 60‐minute chunks.
  • One person has 30 minutes on your calendar to tell you about a great success.
  • 5 teams have 30‐minute chunks to seek your advice/approval for an element of future strategy (proposals, expansions, etc.).
  • 10 people /teams have 30‐minute chunks on your calendar each to describe a problem, and seek your advice/approval for a corrective action.

Actually, on a typical day, you have to do all of this while on the road.

That is, most of each day is spent dealing with problems. There is too little time devoted to each topic to really learn the issue, reflect, discuss, and reach a sensible decision. In general, they will have waited so long to get to you that decisions are needed fairly quickly.

So, what do you need? You need people who have proven they can go and solve problems, so that you can assign one of them to go and work on each of today's problems. And you will need another set of such problem‐solvers tomorrow.

Usually, the executive's only degree of freedom is whom he/she selects to go and work out the problem.

One proven path to get ahead, therefore, is to become one of those people: a proven problem‐solver.

How do you do that?

  • Be willing to take on the hard assignments … that is, the assignments that the boss needs accomplished; be the one who will go and fix the @#$%$^ problem!
  • Be reliable; always do what you say you will do. If circumstances change what you can feasibly do, always say so promptly.
  • Be success‐oriented, while always being ethical.
  • Focus on success for the institution and for the team, and trust that that will eventually translate into success for you.

A word about these fix‐it assignments: many people think that these assignments are “risky” and stressful, and therefore shun them. What I learned was different: these programs are already “at the bottom”; they can only go “up.”16 It is possible to arrange things so that you can get the credit if you pull it off, but not get the blame if it fails. After all, the project was already in trouble before you got engaged. Yes, it is stressful. Be engaged and focused, but keep a sense of proportion.

What am I saying is this: Understanding how to get ahead starts by understanding what is valued by your institution, and your boss is a proxy for that institution. Take the time to learn what the boss and the organization need and want.

Understanding the boss also involves understanding the institution. Big and small companies, for example, are likely to be different in some important ways, and therefore what constitutes effective behavior and success will differ (Figure 13.9).

Tabular chart presenting the differences of effective behavior and success at both big and small companies that varies with the context.

Figure 13.9 What constitutes effective behavior and success will vary with the context.

13.11.3 Enablers

I already told you about the key enablers who will help you get ahead back in Figure 13.4. I repeat these here:

  • Technical excellence
  • Deep understanding of a customer domain
  • Leadership (inspiring, motivating, consensus‐forming, challenging, team‐building, accepting responsibilities, meeting commitments, etc.)
  • Ability to work in a team – seeing team success as the path to individual success; multiply your effectiveness
  • Ability to translate technical skills into business success.

These are the principal attributes that will get you noticed, appreciated, and, over time, rewarded and promoted. Remember what I said about the boss: your boss needs a lot of effective, reliable, and skilled people to go and solve all of those problems. If you show the potential to be one of those people, your boss will be motivated to give you a chance.

The above is not a comprehensive list, of course. Here are a few other good attributes to demonstrate:

  • Constantly looking for opportunities to learn, grow, and share
  • Seeking out hard assignments
  • Becoming an effective communicator – especially in listening and writing
  • Modeling a positive attitude.

13.11.4 Leadership vs. Management

Management – the act of supervising other employees – may not be to everyone's taste. You can get ahead in your career without taking on management roles. But everyone can be a leader, and everyone can derive satisfaction from providing some form of leadership. By leadership, I mean inspiring, providing motivation, driving consensus, and so forth. You can provide leadership every day, or whenever you are so motivated; your position in the hierarchy is not relevant.

Participation in management is optional – many people have success and satisfaction without it. And as I said before, you can go in and out of management over the course of your career – it is not a one‐way journey. If you are willing to do management roles at times, it increases your value to the company.

13.11.5 Disablers and Pitfalls: How to Fail at Getting Ahead

Here is a list of attributes that will slow down or prevent you from getting ahead. The list is self‐explanatory:

  • Not being able to do the work
  • Poor work ethic
  • Excessive focus on yourself
  • Rudeness
  • Temper
  • Not being able to derive satisfaction from the success of the team (e.g. only viewing success in terms of yourself)
  • Failing to meet your commitments
  • Any sort of ethical lapse, including sexual affairs with other employees
  • Failing to ask for help when you need it
  • Failing to bring forward problems that you see, hiding bad news
  • Continuous complaining
  • Lack of engagement with other members of the team, and with the customer's mission
  • Not trying continually to improve yourself
  • Conflicts of interest – for example, taking on consulting work outside of the company without obtaining the company's permission in writing first. This would include even activities that you might believe are acceptable, such as acting as an expert witness.

Employers like employees to show some reasonable level of ambition, but not a consuming level of ambition. That is likely to prevent you from being an effective team player.

Employers also like employees to have a reasonable work–life balance – we are all in this for the long run. The company wants you to take vacation. The company wants you to have a home life.

When I first started my career, employers were sometimes wary of people who had held a lot of different jobs. I believe that this is an evolving area; some employers are now more tolerant of people who change jobs every two or three years than they were when I started my career.

13.11.6 Summary: Getting Ahead

Your working career will consume a lot of your life. Therefore, satisfaction is at least as important as success. Just as in systems engineering and project management, you must strive to achieve balance between satisfaction and success.

To me, such balance derives from having work that is important and interesting, in combination with never acting in a fashion that can cause you to have ethical regrets. Then you can evolve other factors (such as success and compensation) to suit your character.

The definition of “getting ahead” is not static. Your definition will be different from that of your colleagues, and your own definition will evolve over your lifetime.

Understanding how to get ahead starts by understanding what is valued by your institution; and your boss is a proxy for that institution. The key enablers and disablers are all discoverable.

“Getting ahead” varies with context. For example, it will be different for large companies than for small companies.

Strive to display leadership, which is separate from being a part of management. Not everyone needs to be a manager in order to be a success.

You must find your own path. Mentors can help you understand the possibilities. Be prepared to learn, discover, and adapt along the way.

13.12 Two Special Topics

13.12.1 Special Topic 1: Projects Whose Work is Geographically Distributed Across More Than One Work Site

Much of this chapter is about how to get along with the other people with whom you work. I now address two special aspects of such “getting along”: geographic distribution of work and collaboration across countries and cultures.

It is common practice today for engineering project development to be split across multiple geographically distributed work locations, often in multiple times zones and/or countries.

This is driven by many factors: wanting to make use of particular company facilities, needing to make use of other companies that possess specialized skills, a requirement from the customer that some of the work be performed at specific customer locations, and so forth.

What you need to know as a project manager is that the geographic distribution of work creates additional costs and additional risks.

Some of these additional costs result because people must travel, and at times, certain facilities need to be replicated at multiple sites. More subtly, and in my view the main issue resulting from geographically‐distributed work teams is the fact that having the team geographically separated always decreases the efficiency of the team; coordination is harder and less effective; so are communications. Creating options, analyzing them, and reaching consensus are all harder too. These effects usually cause the schedule to require significantly more time than if all of the work was being performed in a single work location. This, of course, also increases the cost of that work.

Because of the decreased efficiency of the team, the risks that might arise from poor coordination and communication are increased.

You must plan your geographic distribution so that it will be feasible; you do this by determining which tasks require only relatively weak coordination and which require extensive coordination. Then, locate tasks that require extensive coordination with each other at the same site.

You must account for the additional schedule, cost, and risk in your proposal and project baseline. Your company probably has performed geographically distributed work in the past; be sure that the past projects you use for calibrating your schedule and cost predictions are those with similar geographic distribution.

People will tell you that you do not need to worry about this, that modern information technology infrastructure and tools (email, speaker phones, video conferencing, shared file repositories, and so forth) are so good that the geographic distribution does not matter. Do not believe this! There is a body of research on this subject,17 and all of the careful, reputable studies show that there is a significant degradation of team efficiency with geographic distribution of the participants. My own research indicates that, whereas modern information technology infrastructure and tools are almost adequate to perform geographically distributed review of project and engineering artifacts, they are grossly inadequate to support the geographically distributed creation of these artifacts. Be warned!

You will need to have significant travel budget to allow team members to meet face‐to‐face, and at times be co‐located for extended periods. But even this is less than perfect; research has shown that many people do not like to be away from home for long periods of time on business travel, and that what you therefore get are a set of people who are willing to travel, but who may or may not be the people who the ones who are the best qualified to do the work.

Geographically distributed projects, therefore, always incur inefficiencies. Your job as project manager is to: (i) be aware; (ii) partition the work in a feasible fashion; (iii) get some appropriate compensating means and resources into the proposal and the baseline; (iv) work hard to get the right people actually to travel; and (v) constantly monitor this as a gigantic risk to your project. It needs to be on your risk register.

13.12.2 Special Topic 2: Projects That Include Teams Located in Multiple Countries

Many projects are not only geographically distributed, but some of those geographic sites are located in multiple countries. Obviously, all of the issues that we just talked about pertain to these projects, but there are some additional factors that apply to these projects which are distributed across multiple countries. These additional factors pertain to law and culture.

The factors of law are items such as these:

  • What law and regulations are applicable under what circumstances, and in what locations?
  • There are almost always restrictions about moving information, equipment, and people to and from certain countries.
  • How are disputes that might involve parties in multiple countries to be resolved?
  • What expenses are to be paid in what currencies? There are risks involved in the fluctuation of currency exchange rates too.
  • Are there limits or procedures that must be followed to move funds from one country to another?
  • Are there risks created by the particular employment law and regulations in particular countries? For example, in some countries, your company may have an obligation to pay employees for quite a while after a project completes. Such costs must be accounted for in your proposal.

The factors of culture are items such as these:

  • Work ethics and work habits vary significantly from culture to culture. For example, in some countries, everyone goes home exactly at 5:00 p.m.; in others, if there is a vital task that needs doing, they will stay and get the task done. Do you have data which allows you to calibrate for this in your proposal? Have you trained your team to know these differences? Do you have a strategy for how you will operate in the presence of these differences?
  • Skill levels vary significantly from culture to culture; people with nominally the same job title in different countries will know very different things, and have far different levels of skills. Do you have data which allows you to calibrate for this in your proposal? The same thing applies to education; a bachelor's degree in computer science may mean very different things in different countries.
  • We already alluded to power distance. This varies hugely from culture to culture. Other factors of culture will also vary, and therefore the methods that are effective in dealing with your team members will vary from culture to culture. Do you and your management team have the requisite understanding of each culture that will participate in your team?
  • Cultures vary significantly in their willingness to bring forward bad news; in some cultures, this is just not done. Do you know the culture of every country participating in your team? Do you have mechanisms in place to compensate for these cultural variations?

Your responsibility as project manager is to get these issues out on the table and considered; you may not be the expert on all of them, so you will need assistance. You must allow time and budget for training, team‐building sessions, and many other things. Having your project split across multiple countries will always significantly increase the schedule, the cost, and the risk for your project; you must account for that in your proposal and in your management reserve.

13.13 Summary: Social Aspects of Engineering Project Management

  • The project manager is the leader of a set of people, and the interface to an additional set of people. You interact with all of those people, and facilitate their interaction with each other. People are at the center of the project manager's universe. Therefore, there are important social aspects to the role of a project manager.
  • You must persuade people to want to follow you; I provided a set of specific actions and attributes that will help you.
  • Since people are involved, there will be conflict. You must learn to handle and manage that conflict, and to channel it to productive discussion. Discuss premises and lines of reasoning, rather than discussing candidate answers.
  • Management and customers are people too, and you must deal with them. Build credibility in advance of a problem.
  • There are useful and important “mechanics of management.” “Take decisions only in writing” is number 1. Work with, and take advice from, only those people who either have skin in the game, or are bound to you by genuine affection.
  • Your working career will consume a lot of your life. Therefore, satisfaction is at least as important as success. Just as in systems engineering and project management, you must strive to achieve balance between satisfaction and success.
  • To me, such balance derives from having work that is important and interesting, in combination with never acting in a fashion that can cause you to have ethical regrets. Then you can evolve other factors (such as success and compensation) so as to suit your character.
  • The definition of “getting ahead” is not static. Your definition will be different from that of your colleagues, and your own definition will evolve over your lifetime.
  • Understanding how to get ahead starts by understanding what is valued by your institution; and your boss is a proxy for that institution. The key enablers and disablers are all discoverable.

13.14 Next

Many management books tell you that you need to focus your management efforts on schedule, cost, and technical capability. In the real world, that is insufficient. Factors such as reliability, safety, low defect rates, and environmental friendliness increasingly play a role in product and company success. We can group all of these types of factors under the title quality.

13.15 This Week's Facilitated Lab Session

Today, you will continue working in your teams.

Today's topic is team exercises about the social aspects of the role.


  • Refer back to the project that your team selected previously.
  • As a team:
    • Boss exercises. List and describe your boss's coordinate system of value. Create measures that reflect his/her value system.
    • Staffing profile. Create a staffing profile for your project. Discuss where the profile is easy to achieve, and where it is difficult to achieve. Discuss what you might have to do to the activity network and other project artifacts to make the staffing profile feasible (e.g. will you have to slow down the beginning of the project and extend the schedule a bit, to reflect the reality of how fast you can bring people onto your project?)
    • People exercises. Assign everyone on your team to a project role (e.g. project manager, software development manager, test manager, human relations manager, and so forth). Using the materials on charts 7 and following from lecture 12, discuss how you will build effective interpersonal interactions within your team, and with your customer(s), boss, and other stakeholders.
  • The above will be turned in as a section in your team project report.


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