Chapter 2: Takeaways

All organizations are somewhere on the Hiring Maturity Curve, which has four stages:

  • Chaotic: Recruiting is mostly reactive and focused on staying afloat.
  • Inconsistent: Successes are driven by individuals rather than by teams.
  • Systematic: talent acquisition (TA) is locking down scalable, proactive processes and engaging hiring teams.
  • Strategic: Data-driven hiring practices lead to winning candidate experiences.

These are not four sharply distinct stages but instead are on a continuum. Organizations may have areas that are ahead of other areas. The size of your organization does not dictate where you are on the curve.

There are four competencies that are the drivers of where an organization falls on the Hiring Maturity Curve:

  • Competency 1: Hiring Experience
  • Own every moment of your hiring experience.
  • Competency 2: Talent Finding
  • Identify and attract the best talent for your organization.
  • Competency 3: Decision Making
  • Make confident, informed hiring decisions.
  • Competency 4: Operational Excellence
  • Use data to drive operational excellence and improve over time.
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