© Sanjib Sinha 2018
Sanjib SinhaBeginning Ethical Hacking with Kali Linuxhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3891-2_3

3. Elementary Linux Commands

Sanjib Sinha1 
Howrah, West Bengal, India

Everything you have done so far in this book has been related to Linux. Maybe you’re a seasoned Windows user and you have never used any Linux distribution, but it really doesn’t matter. You can learn common Linux commands in no time. The same is true for the Python programming language and elementary algebra.

You might be asking, “Why should I take the trouble to learn Linux commands? Can I not practice my ethical hacking skills with any tool?”

My answer is, “No, you cannot move in the right direction if you don’t know elementary Linux commands.” In fact, after a certain stage, you will have to master Linux programming because without mastering Linux programming, you cannot master ethical hacking or penetration testing as a whole. In the coming chapters, you will find many examples where you have to open the Kali Linux terminal and type commands. For example, when you work with hacking tools and frameworks such as Nmap or Metasploit, you have to use the terminal. So, it is good to get acquainted with some elementary Linux commands now.

Let me give you a real-life example. You have installed Kali on your VirtualBox. Now you need to configure it to its full potential so that you can use it. Specifically, when you need to update and upgrade your Kali distribution, you have to open the sources.list file and uncomment a few lines. If you know a few elementary Linux commands, this will take not take more than a few minutes. Either you can do it on a terminal using vim or nano or you can use the built-in Leafpad text editor. Either way, it’s a must. But it’s good to know that Linux programming is easy to learn.

In this chapter, you’ll learn some common Linux commands. These commands will tell you about the computer itself. They will tell you the location of the file system, or where you are on your computer. You’ll also learn how to change the permission of a file system, copy a file, or permanently remove a file. You will also learn how to add a new user to your system and get a list of files that are currently in the directory where you are, including the hidden files.

In a nutshell, you will learn to do basic operations through your keyboard without using your mouse pointer. If you are already a seasoned Linux programmer, you can skip this chapter.

Finding the Kali Terminal

To begin, let’s first start your newly installed Kali Linux. On the top left of the screen, you will find the Applications link. Click it, and it will open a list of applications, as shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1

Kali Linux applications

On the top of the list is Iceweasel, the default browser of Kali. It’s an extension of the normal Mozilla Firefox, so don’t expect it will keep you anonymous. The logo has changed recently, so when you install Kali Linux, you will be greeted by the new logo, but basically, it is Firefox.

Next follows the command-line tool, in other words, the terminal. You will need this tool often in the coming lessons. The command-line tool basically deals with all types of keyboard inputs. Good programmers hardly use a mouse pointer. They are more comfortable using this terminal and typing in the necessary commands. The Files folder is next, and after that, you can clearly see the important hacking tools such as Metasploit, Armitage, Burp Suite, Maltega, and so on. You’ll take a close look at those tools in the coming chapters.

Let’s start with the command tool by opening it. You can make it look bigger by pressing Ctrl+Shift and pressing the + key. To make it smaller, press Ctrl+Shift and the - sign.

Navigating the File System

Your first command will be pwd (print working directory). It will show your current position in the file system.

The pwd command generates output that looks like this:

This means you are in the root directory. That’s quite natural since you have logged in as the superuser, or root.

Let’s type ls to show the list of what’s in this directory. What does that ls command mean? It stands for “listing.” You tell Kali to show the listing of files and folders that you have in the root directory, and in a fraction of a second, it shows you all it has.

Next, try the cd command , which stands for “change directory.” You can use this command to change the directory to any of the listings that are showing up on the terminal. If you want to go to the Downloads directory , you’d type the following:
cd Downloads

You have not downloaded anything, so the directory is empty.

The next big task is to learn to create another user. Let’s create another user called sanjib.

Remember that you are logged in as root or superuser. The commands and the output are shown here:
root@kali:~# adduser sanjib
Adding user `sanjib' ...
Adding new group `sanjib' (1001) ...
Adding new user `sanjib' (1000) with group `sanjib' ...
Creating home directory `/home/sanjib' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for sanjib
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
 Full Name []: sanjib sinha
 Room Number []: 123
 Work Phone []: 321
 Home Phone []: 213
 Other []: he is a nice guy
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y

Congratulations! You have just successfully created a new user called sanjib. You notice that you were asked for the password and had to retype the UNIX password.

Figure 3-2 shows what it looks like in the virtual machine.
Figure 3-2

Adding a user in Kali Linux through commands

Now change the directory to home and issue the ls command again. This directory has one folder called sanjib and a file. The folder sanjib means the system itself has a user called sanjib. You have created that user as the root or administrator, so you can log in as sanjib if you want.

As a root user, you can see the newly created user sanjib with the help of the following command:
//code to move to sanjib directory
root@kali:# cd /home
root@kali:/home# ls
root@kali:/home# cd sanjib/
root@kali:/home/sanjib# pwd

When you are in the sanjib directory, you can see the current position by issuing the pwd command .

Here are more details about the ls command :
  • In the terminal, you can use ls -a to view the hidden files.

  • There is a difference between ls -r and ls -R . The ls -r command will list in reverse order, and ls -R will list the directory tree in a recursive order, showing subdirectories.

  • The ls -s and ls -S commands are not the same. The ls -s command will give you a simple listing of file sizes. If you want to sort them according to their sizes, use ls -S.

  • The ls -X command will list by extension name.

If you want to know more about the ls command , please issue the man -ls command on your terminal. This is true for any other command you want to know in detail.

You can create several users on a Linux system so that from various machines they can log into their files and folders. However, the users will never have root privileges. They can’t penetrate the administrator’s space, but the root user or administrator can always see the users’ space and watch what they are doing. Also, a root user or an administrator can always create and delete any user.

You can now see what is happening in your newly installed Kali Linux. You can change the directory and look what sanjib has in the directory Downloads . Currently, the user sanjib has nothing in that folder; it is empty.

Next you’ll learn about cp command . This command stands for “copy.” You can copy a file from one destination to the other. You have seen that in the home directory you have a file called VBoxLinuxAdditions.run . Let’s copy this file to the Documents directory of user sanjib.

You have already reached sanjib, so you have to come back to the /home directory first. Issue the command cd .., which will take you one step back.
root@kali:/home/sanjib# cd ..
root@kali:/home# cp -v VBoxLinuxAdditions.run /home/sanjib/Documents/
'VBoxLinuxAdditions.run' ->'/home/sanjib/Documents/VBoxLinuxAdditions.run'
Now go to the sanjib documents folder and see whether the file has been properly copied.
root@kali:/home# cd sanjib/Documents/
root@kali:/home/sanjib/Documents# ls

Here I have changed directory to sanjib/Documents and issued the ls command to see the listing. It shows the file. So, everything is working properly.

You can learn about any command easily. You just need to add the --help command like this:
cp --help

This spits out everything about that command, and the output is very verbose. It tells you about any command in full detail.

Another important command is mv . With this command, you can move any file from one folder to another folder. This command is more or less like a cp command, but this command completely moves the file from one place to the other. Another important command is cat . You can read any text file with the help of this command, as you’ll see in the next example.

Working with Text Files

In this section I’ll show another trick that is often used in Linux. Suppose you want to write a text file quickly. You can use nano, which comes with every Linux distribution. Just type nano in your terminal, and it will open up a text editor on the terminal.

Let’s edit the novel.txt file. In that case, you need to enter this command in your terminal:
nano novel.txt

This will tell nano to open the file. You can edit any portion by pressing Ctrl+O and saving it. Then you can exit the file by pressing Ctrl+X.

Now you can safely read the new file novel.txt with your cat command . All you need to do is issue a command on your terminal like this:
cat novel.txt

It will read your file on the terminal itself.

Usually, seasoned programmers like to work on the terminal and use a text editor like vi, vim, or nano, which are extremely popular because they are fast and easy to work with.

Searching Files

Now you’ll learn an important Linux command called grep . This command searches inside a file, and it does it in an interesting manner. Let’s first see what I have in my root directory.

For a change, I have issued a command like this on my original operating system Ubuntu terminal to show the output:
cd /etc/apt
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:/etc/apt$ ls
apt.conf.d     sources.list    sources.list.save  trusted.gpg   trusted.gpg.d
preferences.d  sources.list.d  trustdb.gpg        trusted.gpg~

As you can see, I have changed the directory to /etc/apt and am showing the listing in Ubuntu. You can issue the same command in your Kali Linux and see the difference.

You will see many files here, and for this example you are interested in the sources.list file of Ubuntu. You can use the cat command to read the file, but I have something different in mind.

Say you want to search for a particular word. The command grep along with another command | (pipe) will help you do this.

You actually tell the terminal to display the content of sources.list first and then pipe that term to your searching process. Let’s see how it works.

If you simply enter a command like cat sources.list, it will display a long listing of the sources of this Linux system. You can write and see them. But if you are interested in searching for the word src and want to see how many times that word has been used in the sources.list, you would use the following command:
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:/etc/apt$ cat sources.list | grep src
The output looks like this:
deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted
deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates main restricted
deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty universe
deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates universe
deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty multiverse
deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates multiverse
deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main restricted
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security universe
deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security multiverse
# deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu trusty partner
deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main
# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty universe
If you issue a command like this, the long output will show all the statements that have src in them:
cat sources.list | grep src
You can even filter the source file more distinctly. For example, you can narrow down your search and tell the terminal to find the word src only in lowercase by writing this command:
cat sources.list | grep –i src

In the future, you will need to use this grep command extensively to scan a network for a particular word.

Writing to the Terminal

Another important command is echo . This command literally “echoes” everything you write on your terminal. You can also do something more with this command. You can change a text file with this command.

Previously, you wrote a text file called novel.txt and saved it in the home directory. Now you’ll overwrite that file with this echo command :
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:~$ echo "I DON'T LIKE THIS NOVEL ANYMORE SO I CHANGE IT" > novel.txt
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:~$ cat novel.txt
Here is the output:

You first echoed some text on the terminal and then used the redirect command (>) to put that text into the file novel.txt. Then, you used the cat command to read the file novel.txt and find out that the file has been changed.

Working with Directories

Now you will learn how to make directories in Linux. The useful command mkdir stands for “make directory.” Let’s make a directory named after this project: Ethical Hacking. You may have guessed that the command is extremely simple, as shown here:
mkdir Ethical Hacking

No, it is not. In this case, if you write that way, the Linux terminal understands something else. It comprehends that you want to create two separate directories. One is Ethical, and the other is Hacking. It creates two directories in that way. So, let’s remove them first, and next you will create a meaningful directory.

To remove a directory, you must have root privileges. This means you need to be an administrator or superuser of the system. On Ubuntu, if you want to be a root or superuser, you issue the command sudo first. In Kali Linux, it is su. Nevertheless, in both cases, once you write that command, the system will ask for the password through the terminal.

Let’s see how it works.

First issue the command, and in the next step, you check with the ls command to see whether those directories exist anymore. Suppose you log in as user sanjib and have a folder called Ethical Hacking that was created by the root user in the /home/sanjib folder. If sanjib wants to delete it, he needs to know the root password first. Next he has to issue this command:
sanjib@kali# su
The su command asks for the password. Now sanjib has to type the root password to gain control as the superuser. After that, he can issue the rm (remove) command.
root@kali:/home/sanjib# rm -rf Ethical/ Hacking/

It worked; two directories have been removed successfully. Let’s try to understand this more. You already know that the rm command stands for the word remove. But what about the -rf command that follows it? The command -rf means “do it recursively with force.” Generally, this -rf command is used to remove directories. You have to be careful about using this command. In Linux, once you have used this command, the file or directory is deleted permanently. It is next to impossible to retrieve them. It is wise to be careful about using it.

Let’s again make the directory properly and this time name it Ethical-Hacking so that the system will no longer interpret it as two separate directories.
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:~$ mkdir Ethical-Hacking
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:~$ cd Ethical-Hacking/
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:~/Ethical-Hacking$ ls
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:~/Ethical-Hacking$ touch file1 file2
hagudu@hagudu-H81M-S1:~/Ethical-Hacking$ ls
file1  file2

First, you made the directory Ethical-Hacking. Then, you used cd to go inside it, and with the help of ls you checked that the directory is empty. Afterward, you issued the touch command to create two files: file1 and file2. Again, you issue the ls command to check that two files have been created successfully.

Setting File Permissions

In ethical hacking, anonymity is a big deal. In the coming chapter of building Kali Linux server, you’ll learn about it in great detail. Here, you need to understand that in the process of being anonymous, it is good to be a regular user rather than the root user. As the root or superuser, you have learned to add a user in your virtual Kali Linux. Basically, you set a password, shut down Kali Linux, reboot, and log in as the new user. It is a good practice.

As the root or superuser, you can add as many users as you want. You can delete them any time. You can restrict their activities from any angle. As an administrator, you can add a user who will not be able to log in after six months. You can create groups and set a rule so that entry is restricted. Some users can enter into that group. Some can’t.

A user is not permitted to access or tamper any file of the root or superuser. However, as a superuser, you can always change the file permissions. It is an important concept from every angle. On the Internet, the concept of file permissions is extremely important.

Any file has three types of permissions related to it.
  • Read: The file can be read.

  • Write: The file can be written to.

  • Execute : If a file is executable, you can perform an action by running it. Suppose you’ve written a simple Python program. This program will take inputs from users and give outputs. After writing a Python file, you can make it executable.

Let’s see how it happens. Let’s open the Kali Linux terminal, and with the help of the ls command , you can see what you have there.
sanjib@kali:~$ cd Documents/
sanjib@kali:~/Documents$ ls
sanjib@kali:~/Documents$ ls -la
total 7048
drwxr-xr-x  2 sanjib sanjib    4096 May 29 10:30 .
drwxr-xr-x 18 sanjib sanjib    4096 Jun  3 09:59 ..
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root   root   7208397 May 29 10:30 VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
First, you go to the Documents folder and issue the ls command. That shows only one file: VBoxLinuxAdditions.run. The next command is ls -la . It means you want a listing of all files with all details. You can see the difference in the previous example. It shows two hidden files with the previously shown file. It also shows the owners of files, as well as the permissions. Let’s consider this line in more detail:
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root   root   7208397 May 29 10:30 VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
This tells you that the owner of this file is root and the group name is root. The starting line is important. It handles file permissions.
What does this mean? It has three distinct parts consisting of three characters each. Each part in the previous code is r-x . Here, r stands for “read,” and x stands for the “execute” permission. The is a blank where the write permission is not set.
  • The first part (the first three characters) is for the owner of the file.

  • The second part is for group permissions.

  • The third part is for the superuser.

I have already created another user called sanjib and have logged in as sanjib. So, the permissions you see here are for this user.

Now to make this concept clearer, you will create a user named xman, and you will log in as xman to see what you have in the Documents folder. Here are the commands:
xman@kali:~$ cd Documents/
xman@kali:~/Documents$ ls
xman@kali:~/Documents$ ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 xman xman 4096 Jun  3 10:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 xman xman 4096 Jun  3 10:33 ..
Now I’ll create a file using the nano text editor. Here is the executable file in Python:
print("TYpe your name.")
inputs = input(">>>>>>")
outputs = inputs
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
I’ve saved the file as pyfile.py and then exit nano. Now let’s issue ls -la to see what it shows:
xman@kali:~/Documents$ ls -la
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  2 xman xman 4096 Jun  3 10:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 15 xman xman 4096 Jun  3 10:42 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 xman xman   86 Jun  3 10:44 pyfile.py
As you see, the command output tells you everything about the file. It says that now the Documents folder has one new file called pyfile.py, and it was created at 10:44. The owner is xman, and it has file permissions like this:
Now, what does this mean? It means the user xman can read and write this file, because it is prefixed by rw; here w stands for write permission. However, the user xman can’t execute this file. Can you make it executable? You can with the following code:
xman@kali:~/Documents$ chmod +x pyfile.py
xman@kali:~/Documents$ ls -la
total 12
drwxr-xr-x  2 xman xman 4096 Jun  3 10:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 15 xman xman 4096 Jun  3 10:42 ..
-rwxr-xr-x  1 xman xman   86 Jun  3 10:44 pyfile.py

Look how you use the chmod command to change the file permission to executable. Once you have changed the file permission to executable, it changes the color to green. You can also change the file permission by using numbers such as 775; you will find tons of free reading materials on this topic. I encourage you to do more research on this topic because file permission is an integral part of Linux security programming.

Also, look at this file permission:
The first part of the permission says x has been added since you used this:
xman@kali:~/Documents$ chmod +x pyfile.py
Let’s execute the file and see how it takes the input and give the output.
xman@kali:~/Documents$ ./pyfile.py
TYpe your name.

When you run the file, it asks you to type your name, and it gently spits back the output.

Another important command is chown . Since Linux is a multiuser OS, as a system administrator you must keep an eye on everything. You need to be careful about who is allowed to access a file and how they can access it. If you feel a file should not belong to a certain user, you can change the owner of the file.

Look at the next commands:
ls -l myfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 sanjib group1 0 2018-05-22 20:03 myfile
chown root myfile
ls -l myfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root group1 0 2018-05-22 20:03 myfile

By issuing chown root myfile, you have changed the owner of the file. Likewise, you can change the group by changing group1 to group2.

Issue this command:
chown sanjib:group2 myfile

This will change the owner and the group at the same go. Now again sanjib is the owner of this file; however, the group has been changed.

In this chapter, you learned a few basic Linux commands. You have an idea of how a Linux system works and how you can use your terminal or command line to operate your system.

In the learning process of ethical hacking, you will find learning Linux programming extremely useful. In the future, you will need to learn a few more Linux commands. Your knowledge of Linux or any other operating system must be commendable if you want to be an expert ethical hacker.

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