© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
M. MorebPractical Forensic Analysis of Artifacts on iOS and Android Deviceshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8026-3_6

6. Detecting Privacy Leaks Utilizing Digital Forensics and Reverse Engineering Methodologies

Mohammed Moreb1  
Palestine Hebron Halhul, Palestine, State of

Most commercial iOS forensics and data acquisition tools will effectively do the job in general, but in cases of data leaks presented, we need to look between the lines to extract all related logs and API communication that occurred inside the mobile system. Thus, in this chapter we will investigate the most recent updated tools and use more and more tools to have better evidence about our case.

In this chapter, we investigated the possibility of detecting data leaks out of mobile applications into the Facebook platform, by using various mobile forensics tools and reverse engineering methodology. With mobile forensics tools, we were able to investigate various important Facebook and other Android applications that might have contributed to privacy leaks, especially the data of the content providers’ artifacts, and we were able to extract the Facebook Android application package (APK). And with reverse engineering methodology, we were able to decompile the Facebook (Dalvik code) into its original Java source code and identify various entry and exit points of data from and into Facebook.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
  • Legal Issues Regarding the Local Electronic Crimes Law and Mobile Forensics

  • Mobile Forensics and Reverse Engineering

  • Details of the Reporting Agency and Tools Used in the Examination

  • Description of Steps Taken During the Examination

  • Details of Findings or Issues Identified

  • Evidence Recovered During the Examination, Including Chat Messages

  • Images Captured During the Examination

  • Examination and Analysis Information

Local Electronic Crimes Law and Mobile Forensics

We are living in a world in which mobile devices and their users are proliferating, where a massive amount of personal private data is being accessed by mobile applications and with the majority to the social media applications, like phone GPS, SMS, IMEI, our phone contact list, and more. The data transmitted and residing on mobile phones becomes a potential treasure trove to the malicious technology users who can sell data to advertising companies, analytics companies, competitors’ companies, and even for political and intelligence agencies. Balancing between mobile privacy and mobile functionality has become a very hot area and emerging focus for research (Keng, Wee, Jiang, and Balan, 2013)

In alignment with the fact that smartphones’ capabilities and processing efficiencies are the same as personal computers, smartphones became exposed to the same and greater risks and vulnerabilities as personal computers. Data stored in smartphones like videos, images, documents, emails, and short messages might be remotely accessed if the mobile or smartphone device is connected to the Internet. This reality poses huge challenges for security professionals in securing mobile and smartphone devices, as well as detecting and investigating any issues over such devices. Mobile forensics is a process of collecting digital evidence where information is retrieved and acquired from the storage of mobile phones. It all depends on digital evidence extraction from mobile phone internal memory when there is the ability to access data.

Mobile phones and mobile technologies have witnessed rapid and fast development recently. There are a huge number of applications that can run on a mobile and smartphone platform, and more are developed each day. Taking into account the variety of vendors of the smartphone, mobile applications, and networking protocols, the forensic analysis tasks on mobile phones are the biggest challenge. Many software tools are available to acquire, retrieve, and analyze extracted data from smartphones. Every tool has many advantages and disadvantages. These tools are extremely important for smartphones forensics to extract and analyze digital evidence that might be used in a legal case.

The importance and sensitivity of this chapter come from the core problem that it aims to investigate in depth. The core problem is with the massive volume of data leaks from mobile devices and various artifacts into the Facebook platform for pure marketing, advertising, orientations, and other malicious purposes. The leaks themselves, especially without proper permissions of the device’s users, are considered a breach of individuals’ privacy, as well as a significant violation of many data privacy regulations and laws all over the world (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.) (Wongwiwatchai, Pongkham, and Sripanidkulchai, 2020a). This chapter will help lawmakers and law enforcement agencies to trace and investigate similar data leak issues and improve the preservation of individuals’ privacy. The purpose of this practical case study and all generated reports throughout the investigation of mobile devices is to investigate the possibility of detecting data leaks from mobile devices into third-party applications installed on the same device by using various mobile forensics tools.

Local law such as the Palestinian Cybercrime Law by Decree No. (10) 2018, (“Presidential Decree,” 2018) was issued by the President of the Palestinian Authority on 29 April 2018, through a presidential decree entitled the “Electronic Crimes Law.” The following provisions and issues posed in the Palestinian Electronic Crimes Law are important regarding any forensics case concerning digital evidence investigations:
  • Admissibility of the Digital Evidence: The summary of the Palestinian Electronic Crimes Law provisions governing legal admissibility of the evidence is:

    “Any evidence resulting from any information technology means, information system, information network, website or electronic data may not be excluded because of the nature of the evidence.” Article No. 37. (“Presidential Decree,” 2018)

  • Legal Authority to Forensic Examination Request: The summary of the Palestinian Electronic Crimes Law provisions governing legal authority of the examination request is:

    “The office of the public prosecutor or the person appointed by the judicial inspectors may inspect people, places and anything else related to information technology relevant to the crime.” Article No. 32 (1 – 5). (“Presidential Decree,” 2018)

  • Seizure and Acquisition of the Evidence: The summary of the Palestinian Electronic Crimes Law provisions governing legal seizure and acquisition of the evidence is:

“The prosecutor has the permission to seize and retain the entire information system and to make use of any IT tools that would help to uncover the truth.” Article No. 33 (1 – 6). (“Presidential Decree,” 2018)

Mobile Forensics and Reverse Engineering

In this section, we will discuss prior and related work in three major areas: private data leaks over mobile applications, Facebook as an advertising platform, and reverse engineering of Android applications. in addition, we will discuss sensitive information transmissions in mobile applications.

Android Mobile Forensics and Private Data Leaks

We have noticed many research studies investigating the causes of private data leaks over mobile working toward conducting leak-cause analysis of data. The researchers correlate the actual leaks to the user actions. The data leaking attitude of an application stays in stable status with respect to time; a similar data leaking attitude is expected to be observed repeatedly if an extra and adequate amount of application logs is analyzed (Ávila, Khoury, Khoury, and Petrillo, 2021). Thus, we are able to extract and understand log patterns and reveal the actual causes of data leaking behavior. Several researchers have carried out significant studies on mobile forensics of private data leaks; the research of Keng, J. C. J. observed a high-volume ratio of leaky applications. “Out of the 226 applications studied, 121 applications are not leaking private data (nonleaking apps). Among the 105 apps (46.5%) leaking privacy data, 64 apps (28.3%) were found to leak private data due to user actions on application widgets. We notice that an application can leak data in various ways: (1) User-Triggered Leaks (identified by association rules), (2) Start-Up or One-Time Leaks, and (3) Periodic Leaks” (Keng et al., 2013). In the first step, the researchers instrumented the mobile system to log and collect user traces with “Taint- Droid” as their tools for detecting data leaks. In the second step, the researchers conducted extensive testing of selected samples of mobile applications to collect the logs and trace the leaks. Finally, the researchers performed various analyses to produce and detect the causal relations among the user actions and data leaks. Other corresponding research on detecting and mitigating privacy leaks over iOS mobile platforms was conducted by Agarwal, Y. and Hall; the researchers observed a high volume of inappropriate application access to user data. “We observe that 48.4% of the total applications access the identifier, 13.2% access location, 6.2% access contacts and 1.6% access the music library. Next, we find that a large number of users actively make privacy decisions: 44,260 users make 10-100 decisions while 16,729 users make 100-363 decisions” (Agarwal and Hall, 2012).

Facebook as Mobile Application Advertising Platform

Commercial advertising over online platforms is the basic source of funds for mobile application developers, as well as playing a vital role in the growth of the international economy. This situation comes along with major individuals’ privacy and data protection concerns. Advertisers keep working very hard toward acquiring extensive corresponding information about their audience to have the ability to present them with advertisements appropriate for their interests. In other words, this might be called “behavioral advertising.” And due to the current technological innovations on the online world and social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, it becomes very possible to create profiles of Internet users and depend on such profiles for designing powerful tools to control preferences to commercial companies that offer online behavioral advertising services.

Several researchers have carried out significant studies on the fact that Facebook is using personal private data for advertising and marketing purposes. Special research conducted by Marcello M. Mariani investigated how the Italian regional destination management organizations (DMOs) strategically employed the Facebook platform to promote and market their destinations, as well as improving the current metrics for capturing user engagement. The investigations were carried out based on a big data analysis approach through extracting the data from the regional DMOs’ Facebook pages, in addition to semistructured face-to-face interviews conducted with DMO regional managers. The findings of the study indicated that “the way Facebook is tactically and strategically employed varies significantly across Italian regional DMOs. Visual content (namely photos) and moderately long posts have a statistically significant positive impact on DMOs’ Facebook engagement, whereas high post frequency, and early daily timing (in the morning) of posts have a negative impact on engagement. Last but not least, the study shows that most of the regional DMOs (except for Trentino, Tuscany, and Sicily) deploy Facebook with a top-down approach, allowing for little spontaneous user generated content (UGC)” (Mariani, Di Felice, and Mura, 2016).

Reverse Engineering of Android Applications

The main goal for analyzing source code and reverse engineering for Android applications is to provide inclusive understanding of the inner functionality of applications running over mobile Android platform (Wongwiwatchai, Pongkham, and Sripanidkulchai, 2020b), and to reveal additional information on how data are being transferred and moved through application components and objects into and out of applications (Tiwari, 2020). The investigations on different methodologies and tools for reverse engineering of Android applications carried out by Zhang, Baggili, and Breitinger concluded that there are several methods that can be used to decompile the precompiled Java code (Dalvik bytecode) into Java source code readable by application reviewers and developers, due to the fact that all applications running over the Android platform are programmed in Java language. One of the most well-known tools is dex2jar, that tool can convert Dalvik bytecode into Java source code (.jar, .class) (Zhang, Baggili, and Breitinger, 2017).

Sensitive Information Transmissions in Mobile Applications

While mobile apps often need to transmit sensitive information out to support various functionalities, they may also abuse the privilege by leaking the data to unauthorized third parties. This makes us question if the given transmission is required to fulfill the app functionality (Fu et al., 2020). “To date, various methods have been proposed to detect and isolate the third-party libraries that may incur privacy threats. However, they either rely on the namespace or the program structure. thus, suffering from the evasion attacks such as obfuscation and call graph manipulation, or counting on the deep cooperation of developers, which ignores a great deal of intentional data leakage driven by under-the-table income. More importantly, all of them are designed to handle the misbehavior from isolated ad libraries, and they do not apply to malicious transmissions embedded in the core app logic” (Fu et al., 2020).

The investigator team was able to “automatically detect privacy-sharing transmissions and determine their purposes by utilizing the fact that mobile users rely on a visible app interface to perceive the functionality of the app in a certain context. The characterizations of nonfunctional network traffic are then summarized to provide network-level protection. Researchers were not only reducing the false alarms caused by traditional taint analysis but also captured the sensitive transmissions missed by the widely used taint analysis system Taint Droid. Evaluation using 2125 sharing flows collected from more than a thousand running instances, shows that our approach achieves about 94% accuracy in detecting nonfunctional transmissions” (Fu et al., 2020).

Data Acquisition Comparison: iOS Devices Image and iOS Backups

Acquire Data from an iOS Device

Logical acquisition captures a part of the data that is accessible to the mobile user; in other words, what is available in an iTunes backup. This implies that we are not able to retrieve any of the deleted files, but this can be done instead using SQLite databases that can navigate the unallocated space so that we will be able to recover the majority of the deleted records, including but not limited to SMS, chats, Internet history, and so on. Logical acquisition is considered the simplest way to acquire data for the unlocked devices, since this method uses the built-in backup mechanism. The majority of tools and data acquisition methods designed for logical acquisition of iOS devices will not succeed and will fail if the device screen is locked. Even if a physical image were captured, there is little to no need for conducting a logical acquisition. Indeed, not all data can be parsed in a physical image, which is why we have access to a logical image, which generates readable data; this will assist you effectively in mining deep into the physical image looking for artifacts that are able to support your forensic investigation. Logical acquisition is considered the fastest, the easiest, and the cheapest way to get access to the data stored over the iOS device. There are a variety of tools, ranging from commercial paid to free, that can capture mobile devices’ logical images. Most of such tools require that acquiring devices are unlocked, or should have the ability to access the plist files through the host investigation’s machine.

File system acquisition: We are not able to extract the encryption keys needed to decrypt the device’s physical image, so conducting the physical acquisition is useless. However, there is file system acquisition to rescue us. Unfortunately, in most cases, it requires the iOS device to be jailbroken.

Acquire Data from an iOS Backup

The physical acquisitions and extraction of the iOS devices offer the majority of the data in an investigation process; it will be found as a rich area of information within iOS backups has been extracted. iOS mobile device holders have many alternatives to backing up the data available on their devices. Mobile holders choose to back up data to the PCs, using iTunes applications, or over the Apple cloud storage SaaS known as iCloud.

Every time an iPhone is synced with a PC or to iCloud, it generates a backup file by copying the user-selected files to extract from the device. Users can choose and select what they need to include in the backup files, although some backup files may be more significant and related to the case than others. Besides, the user of mobile can do backup to be extracted on both PC and iCloud; this implies that the data extracted from each area may not be similar to the other one. This case most likely happens due to the size constraints of iClouds.

The mobile users might simply back up contacts and images to iCloud; another user might conduct a complete backup of the entire device data to their PC. As mentioned previously, the physical acquisition of mobile data offers the best access to all the data located over the iOS device; thus, backups may be the only available source of digital evidence in many cases. Table 6-1 provides a comprehensive comparison between the iOS device image and iOS backup data extraction methods.
Table 6-1

Comparison between the iOS Device Image and Backup Image Data Extraction Methods

Comparison Criteria

Acquire from an iOS Device

Acquire data From iOS Backups

Acquisition types

Physical acquisition (full)

Logical acquisition (user data)

File system acquisition (+ Stru.)

Acquisition via jailbreaking

iTunes backups

iCloud backups

Acquisition tools

Magnet AXIOM



Belkasoft acquisition tool

iTunes backups

iBackup Viewer


UFED physical analyzer

Capture capabilities

Recovers deleted files using SQLite databases and tools

Recovers deleted files using extracted backup

Acquiring device status

Will not work for the newest locked device

Will work for locked devices


Fast, easy, cheap (logical)

Fast, easy, cheap


New devices need to be jailbroken (file system acq.)

No prior work needed

No need to be jailbroken

Works on newest devices

Previously synced with the device

Mobile user role

Cannot control what is contained in a logical image

Determines what contained in the backup

Data location

Mobile device

iCloud backups


Volume of information

Full device information

User information stored in backup

Data Acquisition Comparison: Android Devices Image and ADB Backups

Understanding Android Data Extraction Techniques

Data reset on an Android MD might be an important part of the civil, criminal, or organizational internal investigations conducted as part of corporate internal issues. During the process of dealing with digital investigations for Android MD, the forensic examiners need to be aware of the issues critically and need due diligence and special attention during conducting the forensic process; this might include, but is not limited to, what type of data might be extracted through the investigation process. It is recommended and considered the best choice to extract all possible data from MD immediately once the investigator can do so. As we explained in Chapter 3, the data extraction techniques for Android MD might be classified into three main categories:

The Manual Data Extraction: This method of data extraction required the investigators to utilize a normal MD interface to access the content presented in the device memory. The investigator will walk through the device manually by accessing different applications’ menus to view and observe any information details like the call logs, the text messages, and the instant message chats. The contents of every interested screen needs to be captured by taking a snapshot of pictures, and then it might be presented as legal digital evidence. The main obstacle to utilizing this examination type is that we are only able to investigate files that are accessible through the Android system (in User Interface mode).

The Logical Data Extraction: The logical data extraction method can extract data presented on the MD by directly interacting with the mobile OS to have access to the file system. This method is very significant because it provides various valuable data, works on the majority of devices, and is easy to use. Logical extraction of data does not require root access to the devices in general, but having root access to MD would significantly impact the amount and the kind of data that might be extracted even through logical techniques. Figure 6-1 illustrates an example of logical extraction used for our case using the pull ADB command, and Figure 6-2 shows the use of FINALMobile Forensics.
Figure 6-1

Facebook APK artifacts extracted with root permissions

Figure 6-2

Facebook application artifacts extracted using FINALMobile

The Physical Data Extraction: The physical extraction of data refers to the process of obtaining an exact bit-by-bit image of a device (Tamma, Skulkin, Mahalik, and Bommisetty, 2020). It is important to understand the reality that a “bit-by-bit” image file will never be the same as copying and pasting the available contents of an MD. If we try to copy and paste specific contents of an MD, this process will copy only the available and presented files, like “visible files, hidden files, and system-related files.” This technique is considered to produce a logical image; any deleted files and any other files that are inaccessible will not be copied using the copy command. While in some cases, the deleted files might be recovered based on certain circumstances and utilizing certain techniques, the physical extraction of data is typically an exact copy to the MD’s memory and will include more valuable information, like the memory slack space and the memory unallocated space. Figure 6-3 illustrates an example of physical data extraction, and a comparison of three data acquisition techniques is given in Table 6-2.
Figure 6-3

Physical extraction of the mobile data using Oxygen Forensic Detective

Table 6-2

Data Acquisition Comparison: Manual, Logical, and Physical Data Extraction

Comparison Criteria

Manual Extraction

Logical Extraction

Physical Extraction

Extracted data

Access only the content presented in the device memory for the user

Access user data and file system

Full access to data

Acquisition tools

MD interface


Magnet AXIOM

Oxygen Forensic Detective

Joint Test Action Group (JTAG)

The chip-off technique

DD command (ADB)

Various forensic tools

Capture capabilities

Only capture what can be observed by mobile users manually

Captures the user and application data and the file system

Captures every single bit in the device memory


Not accurate, and subject to human omissions

Accurate if conducted under well-prepared environment

Very accurate if conducted under well-prepared environment

Device permission

Regular Android user permission

Regular Android user permission (more data for rooted devices)

Only available for rooted devices

Deleted file recovery

Not possible

Not possible

Possible in certain circumstances

Security constraints

Need to know pass code

Need to know pass code (possible bypass)

Need to know pass code (possible bypass)

Technical level

Very high level

High level

Low level (machine level)

Time constraints

Time-consuming (slowest)

Good extraction time (the quickest)

Good extraction time

Database direct access

Not allowed



Detailed Description of Steps Taken During Examination

The following are details of the tools used during the examination to build our forensic environments for examining the data from the Android device:
  1. 1.

    Tested Device Information: Samsung Galaxy A10 (SM-A105F/DS): with Android Version 10.0 installed.

  2. 2.

    Tested Applications: Facebook application, built-in and other third-party applications installed on the device.

  3. 3.

    Testing Environment: A bit–by–bit image (physical image) for the device memory and file system has been acquired to be analyzed using various forensics platforms and appropriate tools: logical data extraction and the file system acquisition.

  4. 4.
    Digital Forensics and Data Acquisition Tools for Both Device Rooting and Data Extraction:
    • Android Studio IDE 201.7199119. Platform tools including Android Debug Bridge (ADB).

    • Odin3 v3.12.3. (Samsung’s official firmware flashing software) tool.

    • FINALMobile forensics 2020.04.20 tool.

    • Magnet AXIOM forensics tool.

    • Oxygen Forensic Detective tool.

  5. 5.
    Reverse Engineering Tools Used to Decompile Dalvik Code into Java code:
    • Dex2jar 2.0. tools (Android application decompiler).

    • GD-GUI-1.6.6. tools (Java programming language decompiler).


Data Acquisition and Extraction

For the purpose of this research, and to be able to investigate the most important artifacts on mobile devices and Facebook applications, we first rooted the Android device (using Odin3) and then located and extracted Facebook application–generated artifacts on the Android file system under (/data/data) directory (such as app databases, app settings, app files, app images, app cache) using (ADB), as illustrated in Figure 6-4, Figure 6-5, and Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-4

Facebook database artifacts located and extracted with root permissions

Figure 6-5

Facebook files artifacts located and extracted with root permissions

Figure 6-6

Facebook application artifacts extracted FINALMobile forensics

With root permission on the Android device, we extracted the Facebook Application Package File (APK) artifacts generated on the Android file system under the (/data/app/com.facebook.katana-unIIK4MRZYqhhbj3LV0-IA==/base.apk) directory (base.apk ), as illustrated in Figure 6-7.
Figure 6-7

Facebook application package file (APK) artifacts extracted with root permissions

Facebook Information File Investigations (Account Artifacts)

In order to investigate the various activities regarding sharing of information between the exit point of data for installed applications into the Facebook platform, we requested the full Facebook information file for the test user and investigated various account activities regarding the entry point of Facebook data artifacts and potential leaks of data (i.e., location access, IP address), as illustrated in Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-8

Facebook information file request screen

Analysis of Facebook Source Code with Reverse Engineering

In order to investigate and analyze the Facebook source code and to reveal evidence on data leaks into its internal components, we deployed reverse engineering techniques to extract (Dalvik code files) located within the Facebook Application Package File (APK) into the Java source. First, we extracted the APK file of Facebook from the application directory of the mobile into a forensic workstation using (Pull Command). Second, we unzipped the file to extract the corresponding (Dalvik code files) named (classes.dex), with a total of 12 Dalvik code files. Third, we used Android applications decompile tools (Dex2jar 2.0.) to decompile the Dalvik code files into a readable Java source code. Finally, we were able to view and investigate the actual Java classes of the Facebook application using the Java programming language decompiler (GD-GUI-1.6.6.); the output of this step illustrated in Figure 6-9.
Figure 6-9

Facebook Java classes

Case Analysis and Major Findings

Next to the Android device artifact extraction, and in parallel to Facebook information file acquisition. First, we manually explored and analyzed the majority of Facebook applications and Facebook information file artifacts. We were able to investigate various important Facebook application artifacts that store or acquire personal data of mobile users. Such artifacts include Location Information, Bluetooth Connections and Call Logs, Communication Information, as well as Facebook user artifacts such as Facebook contacts, Facebook messages, Facebook posts, and Facebook news feed. Figures 6-10 to 6-13 present information stored in such artifacts.
Figure 6-10

Facebook scanning Bluetooth connections to retrieve caller information

Figure 6-11

Facebook sample location information passed from mobile device

Figure 6-12

Sample mobile device information passed into Facebook

Figure 6-13

Sample Facebook contact information artifacts

Second, we manually explored, reviewed, and analyzed the majority of Facebook application Java source code classes after decompiling the (Dalvik code files) located within the Facebook Application Package File (APK) . The analysis process focused on finding the entry points of data to the Facebook application from one side, and to the exit points of data from the other. We reviewed 12 class files and we were able to investigate various classes responsible for sharing and transferring data from and into Facebook applications. These included such points as Fileprovider.class, Phone Id, Location Information, and Bookmark Information. Figures 6-14 to 6-16 present data points of exchanges written in such Java classes.

All extracted data have been analyzed, including samples illustrated in the preceding work, considered as supporting evidence to our experimental results. Our artifact analysis process showed that the Facebook application is listening to various data sources and artifacts presented on mobile device. Such artifact include but are not limited to Location Information, Bluetooth Connections and Call Logs, Communication Information, and leaking it to commercial parties with or without explicit permissions from the user. The process of review and analysis of the majority of Facebook application Java source code classes showed that Facebook is collecting and leaking various data from mobile devices throughout programmable functions within the design of general Java classes structure (contents provider information, device ID information, etc.). Our case was investigated using both iOS and Android devices, but with more concentration on Android devices. We conclude that the security of new iOS devices is more reliable and harder to bypass, especially for new devices when compared to Android due to the complex design of iOS security measures.
Figure 6-14

Sample class (contents provider information entry point into Facebook)

Figure 6-15

Sample class (device location information entry point into Facebook)

Figure 6-16

Sample class (bookmark information entry point into Facebook)

Evaluating iOS Forensic Tools (Mobile Devices and Data Acquisition)

The forensic tools deployed for mobile device investigations are considered very different from those available to investigate personal computers in terms of availability. While PCs are extremely different from mobile devices in terms of software and hardware, their functionalities are increasingly similar in general. On the one hand, most mobile device OS are open source (like Android), but on the other hand, features of the phone’s OS are typically private. Closed OS makes interpreting their associated file system and structure very complex. Several mobile devices with the same OS may also differ widely in their implementation. These differences in the OS and file system structures create difficult challenges for whole mobile forensic tool developers and investigators. Commercial and open source forensic tools are available for mobile device investigations. Mobile device investigators employ collections of both commercial and open source tools for their toolkit. Very tight and short product release cycles are the natural norms for mobile device investigations; this requires the continuous updating of the tools the manufacturer provides to investigators seeking a forensic solution. Older mobile models might be out of date but nevertheless might stay in use for several years after the initial release. Mobile device models that are introduced into one national market might also be used in different areas by exchanging the mobile cellular carrier with that one from another carrier area. In our case, we use two tools, Magnet AXIOM and FINALMobile Forensics, to compare the results in acquisition. Table 6-3 provides a comprehensive comparison between iOS and Android forensic tools.
Table 6-3

Evaluating iOS and Android Forensic Tools


Magnet AXIOM

FINALMobile Forensics





Logical imaging

Supported (no, root)

Supported (no, root)

Supported (no, root)

Supported (no, root)

Physical image

Need jailbreak

Need root

Need jailbreak

Need root

SQLite support






Retrieves deleted files

Included through SQLite databases

Included through SQLite databases


Included (acquirer)

Mounting of container files

Not included

Not included

File system support

Email analysis

Not included

Not included

Internet traces (browser, messenger)

Included (limited)

Included (limited)

Viewing of pictures

Included (thumbnails)

Included (full view)

Included (full view)

Included (full view)

Native view of file contents



Support for investigator analysis



As a result, we conclude that most commercial iOS and Android forensic and data acquisition tools will effectively do the job in general, since the majority of mobile forensics tools can work on both types of devices and extract the data. But in cases of data leaks like those presented in this research, we need to look between the lines to extract all related logs and API communication that occurred inside the Android system. Thus, we need to investigate the most recently updated tools and use more and more tools to have better evidence about our case. The final result of the research will be presented in later chapters.


In this chapter, we deployed two methods inherited from prior related research with significant tuning for each one. First, we employed digital forensics tools as log and monitoring tools to trace applications activities, in addition to the reverse engineering methodologies to trace and reveal information flow through Android applications. Second, we critically analyzed the user information data acquired from Facebook records. Our method is based on a practical experiment conducted on testing mobile devices and forensics workstations. The experiment will test all possible logs and trace the user’s activity using mobile forensics tools to look for any data leak instances, as well as analysis for Facebook records. To test our methodology and research approach, as well as to verify the data leaks into the Facebook platform, our experiment was divided into four phases: data acquisition and extraction, Facebook information and log file investigations, analysis of Facebook source code with reverse engineering, and case analysis.

As shown from our experiment results, we conclude that Facebook is collecting, storing, and processing various types of mobile user private information with or without the prior and explicit permission of users. We support such conclusions through critical analysis of various Facebook and mobile device artifacts, as well as analyzing Facebook application Java source code classes. Future researchers should look in more detail at the process of reverse engineering for detecting data leaks to reveal more pieces of Java code responsible for collecting and leaking mobile users’ private data into Facebook applications.

We recommend adopting an enforcing mechanism for detecting data leaks over mobile applications that allows users to easily be able to detect the leaking applications over their devices as well as allowing law enforcement agencies and legal entities to be able to monitor any privacy violations. A mechanism should be based on the developments of mobile applications that look into the most important artifacts presented on mobile applications as well as checking all data traffic for the application’s exit and entry point of data.


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