Chapter 17. Optimizing Model and Binary Size

Whatever platform you choose, it’s likely that flash storage and RAM will be very limited. Most embedded systems have less than 1 MB of read-only storage in flash, and many have only tens of kilobytes. The same is true for memory: there’s seldom more than 512 KB of static RAM (SRAM) available, and on low-end devices that figure could be in the low single digits. The good news is that TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers is designed to work with as little as 20 KB of flash and 4 KB of SRAM, but you will need to design your application carefully and make engineering trade-offs to keep the footprint low. This chapter covers some of the approaches that you can use to monitor and control your memory and storage requirements.

Understanding Your System’s Limits

Most embedded systems have an architecture in which programs and other read-only data are stored in flash memory, which is written to only when new executables are uploaded. There’s usually also modifiable memory available, often using SRAM technology. This is the same technology used for caches on larger CPUs, and it gives fast access for low power consumption, but it’s limited in size. More advanced microcontrollers can offer a second tier of modifiable memory, using a more power-hungry but scalable technology like dynamic RAM (DRAM).

You’ll need to understand what potential platforms offer and what the trade-offs are. For example, a chip that has a lot of secondary DRAM might be attractive for its flexibility, but if enabling that extra memory blows past your power budget, it might not be worth it. If you’re operating in the 1 mW-and-below power range that this book focuses on it’s usually not possible to use anything beyond SRAM, because larger memory approaches will consume too much energy. That means that the two key metrics you’ll need to consider are how much flash read-only storage is available and how much SRAM is available. These numbers should be listed in the description of any chip you’re looking at. Hopefully you won’t even need to dig as deeply as the datasheet “Hardware Choice”.

Estimating Memory Usage

When you have an idea of what your hardware options are, you need to develop an understanding of what resources your software will need and what trade offs you can make to control those requirements.

Flash Usage

You can usually determine exactly how much room you’ll need in flash by compiling a complete executable, and then looking at the size of the resulting image. This can be confusing, because the first artifact that the linker produces is often an annotated version of the executable with debug symbols and section information, in a format like ELF (which we discuss in more detail in “Measuring Code Size”. The file you want to look at is the actual one that’s flashed to the device, often produced by a tool like objcopy. The simplest equation for gauging the amount of flash memory you need is the sum of the following factors:

Operating system size

If you’re using any kind of real-time operating system (RTOS), you’ll need space in your executable to hold its code. This will usually be configurable depending on which features you’re using, and the simplest way to estimate the footprint is to build a sample “hello world” program with the features you need enabled. If you look at the image file size, this will give you a baseline for how large the OS program code is. Typical modules that can take up a lot of program space include USB, WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular radio stacks, so ensure that these are enabled if you intend to use them.

TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers code size

The ML framework needs space for the program logic to load and execute a neural network model, including the operator implementations that run the core arithmetic. Later in this chapter we discuss how to configure the framework to reduce the size for particular applications, but to get started just compile one of the standard unit tests (like the micro_speech test) that includes the framework and look at the resulting image size for an estimate.

Model data size

If you don’t yet have a model trained, you can get a good estimate of the amount of flash storage space it will need by counting its weights. For example, a fully connected layer will have a number of weights equal to the size of its input vector multiplied by the size of its output vector. For convolutional layers, it’s a bit more complex; you’ll need to multiply the width and height of the filter box by the number of input channels, and multiply this by the number of filters. You also need to add on storage space for any bias vectors associated with each layer. This can quickly become complex to calculate, so it can be easier just to create a candidate model in TensorFlow and then export it to a TensorFlow Lite file. This file will be directly mapped into flash, so its size will give you an exact figure for how much space it will take up. You can also look at the number of weights listed by Keras’s model.summary() method.


We introduced quantization in Chapter 4 and discussed it further in Chapter 15, but it’s worth a quick refresher in the context of model size. During training, weights are usually stored as floating-point values, taking up 4-bytes each in memory. Because space is such a constraint for mobile and embedded devices, TensorFlow Lite supports compressing those values down to a single byte in a process called quantization. It works by keeping track of the minimum and maximum values stored in a float array, and then converting all the values linearly to the closest of 256 values equally spaced within that range. These codes are each stored in a byte, and arithmetic operations can be performed on them with a minimal loss of accuracy.

Application code size

You’ll need code to access sensor data, preprocess it to prepare it for the neural network, and respond to the results. You might also need some other kinds of user interface and business logic outside of the machine learning module. This can be difficult to estimate, but you should at least try to understand whether you’ll need any external libraries (for example, for fast Fourier transforms) and calculate what their code space requirements will be.

RAM Usage

Determining the amount of modifiable memory you’ll need can be more of a challenge than understanding the storage requirements, because the amount of RAM used varies over the life of your program. In a similar way to the process of estimating flash requirements, you’ll need to look at the different layers of your software to estimate the overall usage requirements:

Operating system size

Most RTOSs (like FreeRTOS) document how much RAM their different configuration options need, and you should be able to use this information to plan the required size. You will need to watch for modules that might require buffers—especially communication stacks like TCP/IP, WiFi, or Bluetooth. These will need to be added to any core OS requirements.

TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers RAM size

The ML framework doesn’t have large memory needs for its core runtime and shouldn’t require more than a few kilobytes of space in SRAM for its data structures. These are allocated as part of the classes used for the interpreter, so whether your application code creates these as global or local objects will determine whether they’re on the stack or in general memory. We generally recommend creating them as global or static objects, because the lack of space will usually cause an error at linker time, whereas stack-allocated locals can cause a runtime crash that’s more difficult to understand.

Model memory size

When a neural network is executed, the results of one layer are fed into subsequent operations and so must be kept around for some time. The lifetimes of these activation layers vary depending on their position in the graph, and the memory size needed for each is controlled by the shape of the array that a layer writes out. These variations mean that it’s necessary to calculate a plan over time to fit all these temporary buffers into as small an area of memory as possible. Currently this is done when the model is first loaded by the interpreter, so if the arena is not big enough, you’ll see an error on the console. If you see the difference between the available memory and what’s required in the error message and increase the arena by that amount, you should be able to run past that error.

Application memory size

Like the program size, memory usage for your application logic can be difficult to calculate before it’s written. You can make some guesses about larger users of memory, though, such as buffers that you’ll need for storing incoming sample data, or areas of memory that libraries will need for preprocessing.

Ballpark Figures for Model Accuracy and Size on Different Problems

It’s helpful to understand what the current state of the art is for different kinds of problems in order to help you plan for what you might be able to achieve for your application. Machine learning isn’t magic, and having a sense of its limitations will help you make smart trade-offs as you’re building your product. Chapter 14, which examines the design process, is a good place to begin developing your intuition, but you’ll also need to think about how accuracy degrades as models are forced into tight resource constraints. To help with that, here are a few examples of architectures designed for embedded systems. If one of them is close to what you need to do, it might help you to envision what you could achieve at the end of your model creation process. Obviously your actual results it will depend a lot on your specific product and environment, so use these as guidelines for planning and don’t rely on being able to achieve exactly the same performance.

Speech Wake-Word Model

The small (18 KB) model using 400,000 arithmetic operations that we covered earlier as a code sample is able to achieve 85% top-one accuracy (see “Establish a Metric”) when distinguishing between four classes of sound: silence, unknown words, “yes,” and “no.” This is the training evaluation metric, which means it’s the result of presenting one-second clips and asking the model to do a one-shot classification of its input. In practice, you’d usually use the model on streaming audio, repeatedly predicting a result based on a one-second window that’s incrementally moving forward in time, so the actual accuracy in practical applications is lower than that figure might suggest. You should generally think about an audio model this size as a first-stage gatekeeper in a larger cascade of processing, so that its errors can be tolerated and dealt with by more complex models.

As a rule of thumb, you might need a model with 300 to 400 KB of weights and low-tens-of-millions of arithmetic operations to be able to detect a wake word with acceptable enough accuracy to use in a voice interface. Unfortunately you’ll also need a commercial-quality dataset to train on, given that there still aren’t enough open repositories of labeled speech data available, but hopefully that restriction will ease over time.

Accelerometer Predictive Maintenance Model

There are a wide range of different predictive maintenance problems, but one of the simpler cases is detecting a bearing failure in a motor. This often appears as distinctive shaking that can be spotted as patterns in accelerometer data. A reasonable model to spot these patterns might require only a few thousand weights, making it less than 10 KB in size, and a few hundred thousand arithmetic operations. You could expect better than 95% accuracy at classifying these events with such a model, and you can imagine scaling up the complexity of your model from there to handle more difficult problems (such as detecting failures on a machine with many moving parts or that’s traveling itself). Of course, the number of parameters and operations would scale up, as well.

Person Presence Detection

Computer vision hasn’t been a common task on embedded platforms, so we’re still figuring out what applications make sense. One common request we’ve heard is the ability to detect when a person is nearby, to wake up a user interface or do other more power-hungry processing that it’s not possible to leave running all the time. We’ve tried to formally capture the requirements of this problem in the Visual Wake Word Challenge, and the results show that you can expect roughly 90% accuracy with binary classification of a small (96 × 96–pixel) monochrome image if you use a 250 KB model and around 60 million arithmetic operations. This is the baseline from using a scaled-down MobileNet v2 architecture (as described earlier in the book), so we hope to see the accuracy improve as more researchers tackle this specialized set of requirements, but it gives you a rough estimate of how well you might be able to do on visual problems within a microcontroller’s memory footprint. You might wonder how such a small model would do on the popular ImageNet–1,000 category problem—it’s hard to say exactly because the final fully connected layer for a thousand classes quickly takes up a hundred or more kilobytes (the number of parameters is the embedding input multiplied by the class count), but for a total size of around 500 KB, you could expect somewhere around 50% top-one accuracy.

Model Choice

In terms of optimizing model and binary size, we highly recommend starting with an existing model. As we discuss in Chapter 14, the most fruitful area to invest in is data gathering and improvement rather than tweaking architectures, and starting with a known model will let you focus on data improvements as early as possible. Machine learning software on embedded platforms is also still in its early stages, so using an existing model increases the chances that its ops are supported and well-optimized on the devices you care about. We’re hoping that the code samples accompanying this book will be good starting points for a lot of different applications—we chose them to cover as many different kinds of sensor input as we could—but if they don’t fit your use cases you might be able to search for some alternatives online. If you can’t find a size-optimized architecture that’s suitable, you can look into building your own from scratch in the training environment of TensorFlow, but as Chapters Chapter 13 and Chapter 19 discuss, it can be an involved process to successfully port that onto a microcontroller.

Reducing the Size of Your Executable

Your model is likely to be one of the biggest consumers of read-only memory in a microcontroller application, but you also must think about how much space your compiled code takes. This constraint on code size is the reason that we can’t just use an unmodified version of TensorFlow Lite when targeting embedded platforms: it would take up many hundreds of kilobytes of flash memory. TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers can compile down to as little as 20 KB, but this can require you to make some changes to exclude the parts of the code that you don’t need for your application.

Measuring Code Size

Before you begin optimizing the size of your code, you need to know how big it is. This can be a little tricky on embedded platforms because the output of the building process is often a file that includes debugging and other information that’s not transferred onto the embedded device and so shouldn’t count toward the total size limit. On Arm and other modern toolchains this is often known as an Executable and Linking Format (ELF) file, whether or not it has an .elf suffix. If you’re on a Linux or macOS development machine, you can run the file command to investigate the output of your toolchain; it will show you whether a file is an ELF.

The better file to look at is what’s often known as the bin: the binary snapshot of the code that’s actually uploaded to the flash storage of an embedded device. This will usually be exactly the size of the read-only flash memory that will be used, so you can use it to understand what the usage actually is. You can find out its size by using a command line like ls -l or dir on the host, or even inspecting it in a GUI file viewer. Not all toolchains automatically show you this bin file, and it might not have any suffix, but it’s the file that you download and drag onto your device through USB on Mbed, and with the gcc toolchain you produce it by running something like arm-none-eabi-objcopy app.elf app.bin -O binary. It’s not helpful to look at the .o intermediates, or even the .a libraries that the build process produces, because they contain a lot of metadata that doesn’t make it into the final code footprint, and a lot of the code might be pruned as unused.

Because we expect you to compile your model into your executable as a C data array (since you can’t rely on a filesystem being present to load it from), the binary size you see for any program including the model will contain the model data. To understand how much space your actual code is taking, you’ll need to subtract this model size from the binary file length. The model size should usually be defined in the file that contains the C data array (like at the end of, so you can subtract that from the binary file size to understand the real code footprint.

How Much Space Is Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers Taking?

When you know your entire application’s code footprint size, you might want to investigate how much space is being taken up by TensorFlow Lite. The simplest way to test this is by commenting out all your calls to the framework (including the creation of objects like OpResolvers and interpreters) and seeing how much smaller the binary becomes. You should expect at least a 20 to 30 KB decrease, so if you don’t see anything like that, you should double-check that you’ve caught all the references. This should work because the linker will strip out any code that you’re never calling, removing it from the footprint. This can be extended to other modules of your code, too—as long as you ensure there are no references—to help create a better understanding of where the space is going.


TensorFlow Lite supports over a hundred operations, but it’s unlikely that you’ll need all of them within a single model. The individual implementations of each operation might take up only a few kilobytes, but the total quickly adds up with so many available. Luckily, there is a built-in mechanism to remove the code footprint of operations you don’t need.

When TensorFlow Lite loads a model, it searches for implementations of each included op using the OpResolver interface. This is a class you pass into the interpreter to load a model, and it contains the logic to find the function pointers to an op’s implementation given the op definition. The reason this exists is so that you can control which implementations are actually linked in. For most of the sample code, you’ll see that we’re creating and passing in an instance of the AllOpsResolver class. As we discussed in Chapter 5, this implements the OpResolver interface, and as the name implies, it has an entry for every operation that’s supported in TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers. This is convenient for getting started, because it means that you can load any supported model without worrying about what operations it contains.

When you get to the point of worrying about code size, however, you’ll want to revisit this class. Instead of passing in an instance of AllOpsResolver in your application’s main loop, copy the and .h files into your application and rename them to and .h, with the class renamed to MyAppResolver. Inside the constructor of your class, remove all the AddBuiltin() calls that apply to ops that you don’t use within your model. Unfortunately we know of an easy automatic way to create the list of operations a model uses, but the Netron model viewer is a nice tool that can help with the process.

Make sure that you replace the AllOpsResolver instance you were passing into your interpreter with MyAppResolver. Now, as soon as you compile your app, you should see the size noticeably shrink. The reason behind this change is that most linkers automatically try to remove code that can’t be called (or dead code). By removing the references that were in AllOpsResolver, you allow the linker to determine that it can exclude all the op implementations that are no longer listed.

If you use only a few ops, you don’t need to wrap registration in a new class, like we do with the large AllOpsResolver. Instead, you can create an instance of the MicroMutableOpResolver class and directly add the op registrations you need. MicroMutableOpResolver implements the OpResolver interface, but has additional methods that let you add ops to the list (which is why it’s named Mutable). This is the class that’s used to implement AllOpsResolver, and it’s a good base for any of your own resolver classes, too, but it can be simpler to call it directly. We use this approach in some of the examples, and you can see how it works in this snippet from the micro_speech example:

  static tflite::MicroMutableOpResolver micro_mutable_op_resolver;

You might notice that we’re declaring the resolver object as static. This is because the interpreter can call into it at any time, so its lifetime needs to be at least as long as the object we created for the interpreter.

Understanding the Size of Individual Functions

If you’re using the GCC toolchain, you can use tools like nm to get information on the size of functions and objects in object (.o) intermediate files. Here’s an example of building a binary and then inspecting the size of items in the compiled object file:

nm -S tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/gen/ 

You should see results that look something like this:

00000140 t $d
00000258 t $d
00000088 t $d
00000008 t $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 b $d
00000000 r $d
00000000 r $d
00000000 t $t
00000000 t $t
00000000 t $t
00000000 t $t
00000001 00000178 T am_adc_isr
         U am_hal_adc_configure
         U am_hal_adc_configure_dma
         U am_hal_adc_configure_slot
         U am_hal_adc_enable
         U am_hal_adc_initialize
         U am_hal_adc_interrupt_clear
         U am_hal_adc_interrupt_enable
         U am_hal_adc_interrupt_status
         U am_hal_adc_power_control
         U am_hal_adc_sw_trigger
         U am_hal_burst_mode_enable
         U am_hal_burst_mode_initialize
         U am_hal_cachectrl_config
         U am_hal_cachectrl_defaults
         U am_hal_cachectrl_enable
         U am_hal_clkgen_control
         U am_hal_ctimer_adc_trigger_enable
         U am_hal_ctimer_config_single
         U am_hal_ctimer_int_enable
         U am_hal_ctimer_period_set
         U am_hal_ctimer_start
         U am_hal_gpio_pinconfig
         U am_hal_interrupt_master_enable
         U g_AM_HAL_GPIO_OUTPUT_12
00000001 0000009c T _Z15GetAudioSamplesPN6tflite13ErrorReporterEiiPiPPs
00000001 000002c4 T _Z18InitAudioRecordingPN6tflite13ErrorReporterE
00000001 0000000c T _Z20LatestAudioTimestampv
00000000 00000001 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_115g_adc_dma_errorE
00000000 00000400 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_121g_audio_output_bufferE
00000000 00007d00 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_122g_audio_capture_bufferE
00000000 00000001 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_122g_is_audio_initializedE
00000000 00002000 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_122g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer0E
00000000 00002000 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_122g_ui32ADCSampleBuffer1E
00000000 00000004 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_123g_dma_destination_indexE
00000000 00000004 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_124g_adc_dma_error_reporterE
00000000 00000004 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_124g_latest_audio_timestampE
00000000 00000008 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_124g_total_samples_capturedE
00000000 00000004 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_128g_audio_capture_buffer_startE
00000000 00000004 b _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_1L12g_adc_handleE
         U _ZN6tflite13ErrorReporter6ReportEPKcz

Many of these symbols are internal details or irrelevant, but the last few are recognizable as functions we define in, with their names mangled to match C++ linker conventions. The second column shows what their size is in hexadecimal. You can see here that the InitAudioRecording() function is 0x2c4 or 708 bytes, which could be quite significant on a small microcontroller, so if space were tight it would be worth investigating where the size inside the function is coming from.

The best way we’ve found to do this is to disassemble the functions with the source code intermingled. Luckily, the objdump tool lets us do this by using the -S flag—but unlike with nm, you can’t use the standard version that’s installed on your Linux or macOS desktop. Instead, you need to use one that came with your toolchain. This will usually be downloaded automatically if you’re using the TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers Makefile to build. It will exist somewhere like tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/downloads/gcc_embedded/bin. Here’s a command to run to see more about the functions inside

  arm-none-eabi-objdump -S tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/gen/ 

We won’t show all of the output, because it’s so long; instead, we present an abridged version showing only the function we were curious about:

Disassembly of section .text._Z18InitAudioRecordingPN6tflite13ErrorReporterE:

00000000 <_Z18InitAudioRecordingPN6tflite13ErrorReporterE>:

TfLiteStatus InitAudioRecording(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter) {
   0:	b570      	push	{r4, r5, r6, lr}
  // Set the clock frequency.
      am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0)) {
   2:	2100      	movs	r1, #0
TfLiteStatus InitAudioRecording(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter) {
   4:	b088      	sub	sp, #32
   6:	4604      	mov	r4, r0
      am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0)) {
   8:	4608      	mov	r0, r1
   a:	f7ff fffe 	bl	0 <am_hal_clkgen_control>
   e:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
  10:	f040 80e1 	bne.w	1d6 <_Z18InitAudioRecordingPN6tflite13ErrorReporterE+0x1d6>
    return kTfLiteError;

  // Set the default cache configuration and enable it.
      am_hal_cachectrl_config(&am_hal_cachectrl_defaults)) {
  14:	4890      	ldr	r0, [pc, #576]	; (244 <am_hal_cachectrl_config+0x244>)
  16:	f7ff fffe 	bl	0 <am_hal_cachectrl_config>
  1a:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
  1c:	f040 80d4 	bne.w	1c8 <_Z18InitAudioRecordingPN6tflite13ErrorReporterE+0x1c8>
    error_reporter->Report("Error - configuring the system cache failed.");
    return kTfLiteError;
  if (AM_HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != am_hal_cachectrl_enable()) {
  20:	f7ff fffe 	bl	0 <am_hal_cachectrl_enable>
  24:	2800      	cmp	r0, #0
  26:	f040 80dd 	bne.w	1e4 <_Z18InitAudioRecordingPN6tflite13Error

You don’t need to understand what the assembly is doing, but hopefully you can see where the space is going by seeing how the function size (the number on the far left of the disassembled lines; for example, hexadecimal 10 at the end of InitAudioRecording()) increases for each of the C++ source lines. What is revealed if you look at the entire function is that all of the hardware initialization code has been inlined within the InitAudioRecording() implementation, which explains why it’s so large.

Framework Constants

There are a few places in the library code where we use hardcoded sizes for arrays to avoid dynamic memory allocation. If RAM space becomes very tight, it’s worth experimenting to see whether you can reduce them for your application (or, for very complex use cases, you might even need to increase them). One of these arrays is TFLITE_REGISTRATIONS_MAX, which controls how many different operations can be registered. The default is 128, which is probably far too many for most applications—especially given that it creates an array of 128 TfLiteRegistration structs, which are at least 32 bytes each, requiring 4 KB of RAM. You can also look at lesser offenders like kStackDataAllocatorSize in MicroInterpreter, or try shrinking the size of the arena you pass into the constructor of your interpreter.

Truly Tiny Models

A lot of the advice in this chapter is related to embedded systems that can afford to use 20 KB of code footprint on framework code to run machine learning, and aren’t trying to scrape by with less than 10 KB of RAM. If you have a device with extremely tight resource constraints—for example, just a couple of kilobytes of RAM or flash—you aren’t going to be able to use the same approach. For those environments, you will need to write custom code and hand-tune everything extremely carefully to reduce the size.

We hope that TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers can still be useful in these situations, though. We recommend that you still train a model in TensorFlow, even if it’s tiny, and then use the export workflow to create a TensorFlow Lite model file from it. This can be a good starting point for extracting the weights, and you can use the existing framework code to verify the results of your custom version. The reference implementations of the ops you’re using should be good starting points for your own op code, too; they should be portable, understandable, and memory efficient, even if they’re not optimal for latency.

Wrapping Up

In this chapter, we looked at some of the best techniques to shrink the amount of storage you need for your embedded machine learning project. This is likely to be one of the toughest constraints you’ll need to overcome, but when you have an application that’s small enough, fast enough, and doesn’t use too much energy, you’ve got a clear path to shipping your product. What remains is rooting out all of the inevitable gremlins that will cause your device to behave in unexpected ways. Debugging can be a frustrating process (we’ve heard it described as a murder mystery where you’re the detective, the victim, and the murderer), but it’s an essential skill to learn to get products out the door. Chapter 18 covers the basic techniques that can help you understand what’s happening in a machine learning system.

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