Single Handle Every Task

Single handling means that once you have started a task, you keep working on it until it is complete. Each time you get off task, the task takes longer to complete—as much as 500 percent longer. The more you discipline yourself to work nonstop on a single task, the more and better quality work you get done in less and less time.


1. In the end, success requires large amounts of self-discipline. By focusing on your more valuable tasks until completion, you build good habits—you become a better person.

Use the space below to pledge to yourself that once you start your most important task, you’ll work until you finish it, without distraction or diversion.



Shane kept finding herself losing steam at the end of the day. “Ah, I’ll finish it tomorrow,” she’d say, instead of powering through the last little bit of her schoolwork. This meant that she had to start at the same place the next day, wasting valuable time she could have been devoting to the next important task. Instead, she decided never to end a day midtask. She hung up a big “Do it now!” sign over her desk and a “Back to work!” tag on her TV, each nudging her in the right direction when the temptation to call it quits early was strong.

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