Develop a Sense of Urgency

Highly productive people are action oriented—they take the time to think, plan, and set goals, but they also take immediate action. Working on important tasks quickly and continually can trigger “flow”—an amazing mental state where you feel clear, elated, calm, and effective. Instead of continually talking about what you’re going to do, take immediate action, and you’ll be more likely to trigger flow in yourself.


1. In areas where you have a tendency to procrastinate, what is it that keeps you from getting started?

1. _____________________________________

What is the one area where you find yourself having the strongest tendency to procrastinate?

1. _____________________________________

2. One of the simplest and most effective ways to get started on unpleasant tasks—or just tasks that seem easy to put off—is to repeat the words “Do it now!” to yourself. When you catch yourself getting off task, it can help to repeat the words “Back to work!” to yourself.

Cut out the reminders below and tack them up in places where you will see them all the time—or wherever you go to procrastinate.


3. You know what to do with these: cut them out, hang them up, then get back to work.


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