

acceptance testing, 218

activity compression, 224–226

Activity on Arrow Technique (AOA), 141–143

Activity on Node Technique (AON), 141–144

activity sequencing, 218

ADM. See Arrow Diagramming Method

administrative unit, RBS, 71

allowance, 180–181

ambiguity, avoiding, 35–36

analogous estimating

developing, 122–123

importance of, 107, 117

modified three-quarters rule, 130

Monte Carlo random number generation tool, 125

most likely time, 126

optimistic time, 126

order of magnitude, 121–122

PERT technique, 125

pessimistic time, 126

range estimating, 124–126

ratio estimating, 123–124

square-root rule, 128, 132–133

three-quarters rule, 127–131

triple point estimating, 125

two-thirds rule, 128, 133–135

analysis cost, 120

AOA. See Activity on Arrow Technique

AON. See Activity on Node Technique

appropriation cost estimate, 115

Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM), 141–143

Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, 115


baseline, 3

bids, 169, 176–178

bonus for early delivery, 173

bonus for underrun, 173

bottom-up estimate, 5, 101, 109–113, 116, 117

budget. See project budget

Budget at Completion, 202


capacity, 108

capital cost estimate, 115

cash flow constraints, 224

category, of resource, 111

change management

activity compression, 224–226

activity sequencing, 218

board, 209–210

cash flow constraints, 224

change log, 210

change request form, 211

client needs, 213–214

concurrent engineering, 219

configuration board, 210

contingency buffers, 212

cost-duration relationship, 223

cost estimate, 217

cost of errors, 221

cost-schedule management, 207–208

crash point, 218

early estimates, 207

evolution in design philosophy or technology, 213–215

fast tracking, 219

feed forward, 216–217

implementation errors, 215

midstream project change, 217

optimum duration, 224–225

project life-cycle costs, 226–228

project phases, 220

rapid application development, 219

reasons for change, 213–216

resource shortages, 224

risk, 228–230

scope decrease, 221–222

simple forecasting, 217

simple schedule network forecasting, 216

site conditions and environmental attributes, 213–214

team size increase, 224

tools, 210

triple constraints, 208–209

charge code of account, RBS, 71

clarity of requirements, 108

client liaison, 209

client needs, 213–214

client technical personnel, 209

collaboration, 243

communication, 233–234, 243

communities of practice (CoP), 238–239

comparing projects, 16

competitive advantage, 231

conceptual cost estimate, 115

concurrent engineering, 219

configuration board, 210

construction, 218

contingency, 181–182, 212, 222, 229

contracting. See external projects

contract officer, 209

contract process, 30

contracts, 168–173

corporate investment strategies, 10

cost-duration relationship, 223

cost estimate, 1, 217

cost estimating titles, 115

cost of errors, 221

cost overrun. See overruns

Cost Performance Index, 202

cost plus, 170–173

cost-schedule management, 207–208

Cost Variance, 202

CPM. See Critical Path Method

crash point, 218

creativity-based tasks, 198

credential, RBS, 71

crew size, 119

Critical Path Method (CPM), 141–143


database size, 120

data capture forms, 191

data capture projects, 194

data collection and reporting systems, 193

definitive cost estimate, 115

delivery, 218

delivery date, 9

design, errors in, 106

design cost, 119

design process, 30

desired floor space, 119

detailed design, 218

direct costs, 13, 179

duration, 1, 111, 218–219


earliest finish (EF), 146

earliest start (ES), 146

early estimates, 101–109

earned value, 102, 109, 197–202

EF. See earliest finish

employee skills, 243

environmental characteristics, 108

equipment cost, 119

equipment type, 119

error rate, 120

error types, 106

ES. See earliest start

Estimate at Completion, 202

estimates. See also analogous estimating

accuracy, 103, 106, 113–117

bottom-up, 101, 109–113, 116

changes, 105

conceptual, 102

correcting, 111

cost estimating titles, 115

cost overrun, 114

data types, 107–108

early, 101–109

earned value calculations, 102

earned value method, 109

ease in changing scope, 104

elemental, 110–111

errors, 106

expert judgment, 135–136

historical data, 102, 107, 114

knowledge of details, 103

level of effort, 105

models, 107, 117

naming conventions, 114

new requirements, 105

normalization, 136–137

optimum project plan, 112

order of magnitude, 102, 114

overruns, 108

preliminary, 106

project manager experience, 102–103, 114

techniques, 107

time, 136

total cost, 110

uncertainties and risks, 104

worker hours, 112

Estimate to Complete, 202

evolution in design philosophy or technology, 213–215

expert judgment, 135–136

exterior material, 119

external and usable size, 108

external projects

advantages and disadvantages, 163–164

allowance, 180–181

bids, 169, 176–178

contingency, 181–182

contracts, 168–173

cost plus, 170–173

direct costs, 179

fixed price, 169–171

focused design specifications, 166

functional specifications, 166

generic performance specifications, 166

importance of, 13

indirect costs, 179–180

lump sum, 169–171

modifiers, 172–173

overhead, 180

product specifications, 166

profit margin, 177

project audit, 182–184

project costs, 178–182

project termination types, 184

response to specifications, 173–176

schedule termination, 184

scope creep, 168

specifications, 164–168

time and material, 170–172

unit price, 171–172


failed projects, 4

fast tracking, 219

feasibility cost estimate, 115

feed forward, 28, 216–217

final cost estimate, 115

financial characteristics, quantitative organizational indices, 14

finish-finish relationship (FF), 144

fixed price contract, 169–171

focused design specifications, 166

frame material, 119

functional specifications, 166

function points, 120

functions, 233


generic performance specifications, 166

goals, 233

ground conditions, 119

guaranteed maximum, 173


hardware, 31

hardware specifications, 5–6

historical data, 102, 107, 114


implementation, 218

implementation cost, 120

implementation errors, 106, 215

indirect costs, 13, 179–180

industry type, 108

information versus knowledge, 232

integration, 30, 218

intensity, of resource, 111

intermediate milestones, 9


knowledge, 234–235

knowledge management (KM)

change, 235

communication, 233–234

communities of practice, 238–239

competitive advantage, 231

functions, 233

goals, 233

importance of, 231

information versus knowledge, 232

knowledge, 234–235

learning, 236–237

practice, 237–238

process, 235

project management and, 232–233, 239–243

structure, 234

technology, 234


labor cost, 119, 120

labor skills, 120

latest finish (LF), 146–147

latest start (LS), 146–147

learning curve, 205

level of effort, 105

LF. See latest finish

life-cycle cost analysis, 226–228

LS. See latest start

lump sum, 169–171


manpower skill, 108

metrics, 12

midstream project change, 217

models, 12, 107, 117

modified three-quarters rule, 130

modifiers, 172–173

modular estimating, 107, 117–119

Monte Carlo random number generation tool, 125

most likely time, 126


naming conventions, 114

new requirements, 105

new technologies, 108

no fee after estimated date and cost, 173

non-measurable activities, 199

normalization, 136–137

novel materials, 108

number of queries, 120


OBS. See organizational breakdown structure

operating system features, 108

optimistic time, 126

optimum duration, 224–225

optimum project plan, 112

order of magnitude, 102, 114, 121–122

order of magnitude cost estimate, 115

organizational breakdown structure (OBS), 20

organizational priorities, 13

outsourcing. See external projects

overall weight, 108

overhead, 180

overruns, 108, 114, 173, 228

overtime, 222


parametric estimating, 107, 117–121

penalty for late delivery, 173

penalty for overrun, 173

PERT. See Program Evaluation and Review Technique

pessimistic time, 126

phase duration, 119, 120

physical defects in deliverables, 228–229

physical location, RBS, 71

plan, monitoring progressri, 191–195

planning boards, 3

PMO. See project management office

position title, RBS, 72

practice, 237–238

Precedence Diagramming Method, 141–144

preliminary cost estimate, 115

preliminary design, 218

process, 235

productivity, 202–205, 243

product specifications, 166

profit margin, 177

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), 125, 141–144

progress meetings, 191

progress monitoring

baseline, 3

creativity-based tasks, 198

data capture projects, 194

data collection and reporting systems, 193

earned value, 197–202

importance of, 3, 187–188

indices, 195–196

learning curve, 205

non-measurable activities, 199

plan, 191–195

productivity, 202–205

project management consistent procedures, 190

project management operational tools, 191

project management principles, 190

project plans, 192

project stakeholders, 192

ratios, 202

raw data, 196

report distribution list, 195

reporting, 188–189, 196

system, 188–189

tools, 191

vision, 192

project attributes, 13

project audit, 182–184

project budget, 2–3, 30

project business case, 10–11

project charter, 5–7, 10

project closeout, 30

project complexity, 120

project costs, 178–182

project duration, 119, 120

project evaluation process, 12

project initiation, 11–16

project life-cycle costs, 226–228

project location, 108

project management, 9, 190, 232–233, 239–243

Project Management Institute, 115

project management office (PMO), 182, 189

project management operational tools, 191

project management principles, 190

project manager, 209

project manager experience, 102–103, 114

project monitoring, 30

project objectives, 5

project personnel, 209

project phases, 220

project planning, definition, 1

project scope statement, 5

project selection model, 15

project selection process, 12–14

project specifications, 5, 6

project stakeholders, 192

project team, 9

project termination types, 184

project type, 119

prototype development, 218

purchasing, 30


quality, 8

quantitative organizational indices, 14


range estimating, 107, 124–126

rapid application development, 219

ratio estimating, 107, 123–124

ratios, 202

raw data, 196

RBS. See resource breakdown structure

reduced fee for being late or over budget, 173

reliability, 120

report distribution list, 195

reporting, 30, 188–189, 196

requirement analysis, 218

requirements, 5

requirements document, 6

requirement statement, 218

resource availability, 108

resource breakdown structure (RBS)

bank data conversion software project example, 90–92

bottom-up estimating, 109–113

branch network restructuring project example, 95–97

compared to WBS, 20

credential-discipline basis, 72

developing, 66–67

division bases, 67–71

effort, 77, 110

equipment cost example, 78

estimates, 77–78

fees and licenses, 70

hardware design project example, 85–86

health services project example, 87–89

home building project example, 83–84

human resources, 68, 71–73

industrial construction project example, 98–99

industrial system development example, 74

installed equipment, 69

levels, 66

materials, 69

position title basis, 72

purpose, 2, 63–66

rate, 76–77

resource, 73–76

resource-constrained basis, 73

resource leveling, 77

software system development example, 75

stack project example, 69

time-related elements, 76

tools, 69

wireless communications project example, 93–94

worker cost example, 78

work function basis, 72

resource shortages, 224

response to specifications, 173–176

risk, 228–230

roof type, 119



adjustments, 157

backward pass, 144–147

calculation examples, 148–153

compression, 158–159

critical path, 140, 144, 147–148

Critical Path Method, 141–143

earliest finish, 146–147

earliest start, 146–147

errors in, 106

finish-finish relationship, 144

finish to start mode, 144

float, 147

float management, 151

forward pass, 144–147

free float, 151

GANTT charts, 159–161

importance of, 139

latest finish, 146

latest start, 146

logic diagram, 140

management, 153–159

milestone chart, 160

negative float, 156

precedence relationships, 148

Program Evaluation and

Review Technique, 141–144

resource histogram, 153, 157

slack, 147

start-finish relationship, 144

start-start relationship, 144

time-phased chart, 160

total float, 151

updates, 155

work calendar, 153–154

zero float, 147

schedule delay, 228

Schedule Performance Index, 202

schedule termination, 184

Schedule Variance, 202

scope, 5

scope creep, 168

scope decrease, 221–222

scoring system, project selection process, 15–16

SF. See start-finish relationship

shortcoming in deliverables, 229

simple forecasting, 217

simple schedule network forecasting, 216

site conditions and environmental attributes, 213–214

skill level, RBS, 72

software, 31

specifications, 5, 164–168

specificity of project objectives, 108

square-root rule, 128, 132–133

stakeholders, 11

start-finish relationship (SF), 144

start-start relationship (SS), 144

strategic characteristics, quantitative organizational indices, 14

structure cost, 119

subcontractors, 13

system, 188–189

system complexity, 108

system design, 218

system development example, 32–33

system development projects, 120

system documents, 31

systems engineering, 30

system size, 108

system testing, 218


team size increase, 224

technology, 234

testing cost, 120

tests, 8

three-quarters rule, 127–131

time, 136

time and material, 170–172

time management structure, 4

tools, 191, 210

total cost, 110

transition cost, 120

triple constraints, 208–209

triple point estimating, 125

turnover, 218

two-thirds rule, 128, 133–135


uncertainties and risks, 104

underrun profit sharing, 173

unit price, 171–172

unit testing, 218

user support, 30


value analysis, 226–228

value engineering, 30, 222

vision, 192


work breakdown structure (WBS)

administrative bases, 26–27

bank data conversion software project example, 54–55

bottom-up estimating, 109–113

branch network restructuring project example, 58–61

compared to RBS, 20

comparing bases, 25–28

deliverable-oriented, 23–24, 26–28, 36–37, 39–43, 109

deliverables, 22

development steps, 21–23

division bases, 23–25

hardware design project example, 49–51

health service project example, 52–53

home building project example, 47–48

industrial construction project example, 62

Level One, 21

Level Three, 22

Level Two, 22

organizational priorities, 30–34

paradigm, changing, 35

process-oriented projects, 28–30

product-oriented projects, 28–29

purpose, 2, 19

resources-oriented, 25

roadmap for planning, 21

schedule-oriented, 25–27, 37–39

semantics, 34–35

wireless communications project example, 56–57

worker hours, 112

work function, RBS, 71

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