

What Do You Know About Productive Meetings?

Please complete the pretest before reading the book. Review each statement about meetings, and mark whether you agree or disagree.


Agree Disagree  
images images 1.  A meeting is the best way to communicate information to a group of people.
images images 2. A meeting is the best way to get information from several people.
images images 3. A meeting is necessary when there is a problem to solve.
images images 4. A meeting is the best way to train and develop people.
images images 5. A meeting is productive if the leader's objectives are accomplished.
images images 6. A meeting is productive if the leader's objectives are accomplished in a minimum amount of time.
images images 7. A meeting is productive if the leader's objectives are accomplished in a minimum amount of time with satisfied participants.
images images 8. The cost of a meeting can usually be accurately determined.
images images 9. The benefits of a meeting can usually be accurately determined.
images images 10. One of the most costly aspects of nonproductive meetings can be the negative attitudes on the part of those attending.
images images 11. Most of the causes of nonproductive meetings are under the control of the leader.
images images 12. Bad scheduling can result in nonproductive meetings.
images images 13. Poor facilities can contribute to nonproductive meetings.
images images 14. A meeting leader is more effective as a catalyst than a strong leader.
images images 15. To have a productive meeting, all or nearly all of the participants must take an active part.
images images 16. Time scheduling is important to a meeting's success.
images images 17. Physical facilities are important to the success of the meeting.
images images 18. An important part of preparation is to be sure that the right people are attending.
images images 19. A flipchart, overhead projector, Microsoft PowerPoint, or other audiovisual aid should be standard equipment for every meeting.
images images 20. If the leader has properly planned for physical facilities and audiovisual aids, there is no reason to check on them prior to the meeting.
images images 21. Proper advance notice to participants is important for productive meetings.
images images 22. Microsoft PowerPoint is more effective than using aids such as the flipchart and overhead projector.
images images 23. The shorter a presentation, the more effective it is.
images images 24. Humor always improves the effectiveness of a presentation.
images images 25. The Kirkpatrick PIE (practical, interactive, and enjoyable) approach should be used by all meeting leaders.
images images 26. If a participant asks a question, it should be answered in the meeting.
images images 27. Overhead questions should be used more frequently than direct questions.
images images 28. A question-and-answer period is a good way to end a meeting.
images images 29. The amount of enthusiasm by participants is directly related to their participation.
images images 30. Fear of being embarrassed or ridiculed by the leader is a frequent cause of nonparticipation and lack of enthusiasm.
images images 31. Enthusiasm on the part of the leader begets enthusiasm.
images images 32. Participants should leave the meeting thinking, “I'm glad I came!”
images images 33. A leader should start the meeting on time even if some of the participants aren't there.
images images 34. The introductory part of a meeting should get the attention of the participants and clarify meeting objectives.
images images 35. It is easier to get participation than to control a meeting.
images images 36. The best way to control a meeting is to prevent it from getting out of control.
images images 37. If a participant is causing problems, the leader should handle the situation without embarrassing or ridiculing the participant.
images images 38. A leader should always maintain self-control in a meeting.
images images 39. When introducing a speaker, the chairperson should remember that the shorter the introduction the better.
images images 40. When making a presentation, the presenter is more effective when using Microsoft PowerPoint than overhead transparencies.
images images 41. It's the responsibility of the chairperson, not the speaker, to be sure the meeting runs on schedule.
images images 42. A leader can always tell whether the meeting has been productive.
images images 43. Participants can always tell whether the meeting has been productive.
images images 44. A trained observer can always tell whether the meeting has been productive.
images images 45. An instructor should use the leader, participants, and trained observer to determine whether the meeting has been productive.
images images 46. The objective of instructor-led meetings is to increase knowledge, increase skills, and/or change attitudes.
images images 47. The most important factor in instructor-led meetings is the effectiveness of the leader.
images images 48. Trainers from within the organization are more effective than outside consultants.
images images 49. In instructor-led meetings, the more participation the better.
images images 50. The words trainer and facilitator have the same meaning.
images images 51. In-house training programs are more effective than e-learning training programs.
images images 52. Instructor-led programs are more effective than e-learning training programs.
images images 53. The best approach to training participants is blended learning, which combines e-learning with instructor-led programs.
images images 54. Trainers should conduct a workshop for managers on how to conduct productive meetings.
images images 55. If trainers don't initiate it, managers should ask trainers to conduct a workshop on how to conduct productive meetings.
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