A Final Word


To Trainers:

There are two reasons why this book will be of benefit to you. First, it gives practical help for running instructor-led training courses. Second, it provides practical ideas for teaching a workshop for managers on how to conduct productive meetings. And I advise you to do it. When you read how much time is wasted in meetings and the costs of nonproductive meetings, you will see the need. Be sure to include a section on problem-solving meetings. And use case studies and role playing to make it interesting and enjoyable. If you wish to develop a lesson plan and check with me on content and approach, I will be happy to answer an email sent to [email protected]. I have conducted many such meetings and found them to be helpful to managers who conduct departmental and staff meetings.

To Managers:

You will find some practical ideas for conducting productive departmental and staff meetings. Chapter 11 was written especially for you. It is a practical approach to help you make quality decisions and get acceptance from those who must implement the solutions to your problems. Other chapters will also be helpful.

Let me urge you to ask your training professionals to conduct for you a workshop on how to conduct productive meetings. This will help you improve your departmental and staff meetings. In the typical departmental meeting, almost half of the time is considered wasted by the subordinates. And they go away from the meeting with bad attitudes toward the meeting and perhaps even toward the manager for conducting a nonproductive meeting. Don't let this happen to you!

Don Kirkpatrick

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