
We would like to sincerely thank the following people (in alphabetical order) who generously gave their time to us for interviews, in many cases more than once:

Michael Aamodt John Cox Kevin Kernan
Cy Alba William Cox Jack Kerrigan
Terry Albertson Stefanie Crisanto Ronald Kienlen
Ken Allen Alison Doyle Phil Kiviat
Larry Allen Jeff Ellinport Kevin Kunze
Matt Appler Kevin Frankovic Mischel Kwon
Jonathan Aronie Sid Fuchs David Lampen
Alan Balutis David Gallacher Mike Langley
Ray Bjorklund Gregory Garrett Ron Lichtinger
Michael Bonamassa Rob Guerra Skip Liesegang
Rob Burton Scott Hastings John McCarthy, Jr.
Todd Canni Gunnar Hellekson Gregory McCure
Kevin Caroll Trey Hodgkins David Marin
Sam Ceccola Richard Hopf Chip Mather
Tabetha Chandler Neil Horokoshi Dan Matthews
Alan Chotvkin Bill Jackson Pat Meagher
Joanne Connelly Tony Jimenez Robert Meunier
Ray Miles Allan Rubin Keith Szeliga
Sam Mok Charles Russell, Jr. Melissa Templeton
John Morris John Scott III Michael Tiemann
Emily Murphy Howard Seeger John Tolle
Kimberly Nelson Paul Seidman Thane Tuttle
Anne Perry Lawrence Sher Lindsey Wagner
Jim Phillips Bob Sherry Roger Waldron
Pat Pizzella Bruce Shirk Joseph West
Kevin Plexico Bill Shook Christopher Wilkinson
David Ralston Russell Smith Jim Williams
Anne Reed Ann Sullivan Bob Woods
Larry Rosenfeld Tony Summerlin Harold Youra

Others talked with us but requested anonymity; you know who you are.

Also thanks to Management Concepts Press, and especially to Myra Strauss for her patience and suggestions.

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