

acquisition cycle, 20–22

acquisition package, 13

acquisition process

agency vision/need, 14

award or order, 16

chains of command, 16

funding, 15

market research, 14–15

overview, 13–14

postaward, 16

requirements definition, 15

solicitation released, 15

source selection, 15

ADA. See Antideficiency Act

adjusted gross income (AGI), 224

agency web sites, searching, 45

allowable costs, 77

Anti-Kickback Act, 137

Antideficiency Act (ADA), 59, 261

APL. See Approved Products List

approaching government officials, 19–20

appropriations committees, 254–255

Approved Products List (APL), 55

authorized negotiators, 193–194


BA. See basic agreement

BAA. See Buy American Act

BAFO. See best and final offer

basic agreement (BA), 86

basic ordering agreement (BOA), 86

basis of award (BOA), 188

best and final offer (BAFO), 65

BOA. See basic ordering agreement; basis of award

bona fide needs rule, 263

brand name or equal, 21

bribes, 122–124

budget cycle, 261–264

budget process, 255–260

budget request, 253–254

business lines activity, 3

Buy American Act (BAA), 161–162


CAGE code. See Commercial and Government Entity code

CAS. See cost accounting standards

CBP. See Customs and Border Protection

CFIUS. See Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States

chains of command, 16

channels program, 206

chief information officer (CIO), 4, 8–12

CICA. See Competition in Contracting Act

CLIN. See contract line item

Clinger-Cohen Act, 180

COFC. See Court of Federal Claims

commercial items, 38–39

commercial products, 204–205

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), 174–175

Competition in Contracting Act (CICA), 147

competitive range, 65

consultants, 22–23

continuing resolution (CR), 260–261

contract changes, 86–89

contract flow-down to indirect schedule holders, 206–207

contract line item (CLIN), 48, 64

contract types

cost accounting, 77–78

cost-reimbursement, 75–77

fixed price, 73–75

labor-hour, 81–82

letter, 82

time and materials, 78–81

contract vehicles

agreements, 85

basic agreements, 86

basic ordering agreement, 86

definite-quantity contracts, 83–84

indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity contracts, 84–85

overview, 82–83

schedule blanket purchase agreements, 86

contracting methods

other than full and open competition, 68–69

overview, 61–62

request for proposals, 63–65

reverse auctions, 62–63

sealed bidding, 62

simplified acquisition, 66–68

statement of objectives, 65–66

statement of work, 65–66

contracting officer representative (COR), 37

contracting officers, 8, 36–38

contracting shops, 16

cooperative purchasing, 180

COR. See contracting officer representative

cost accounting standards (CAS), 77

cost contracts, 75

cost plus award fee (CPAF), 75

cost plus fixed fee (CPFF), 75

cost plus incentive fee (CPIF), 75

cost sharing contracts, 75

country of origin, determining, 167–170

Court of Federal Claims (COFC), 89, 148, 156–158

CPAF. See cost plus award fee

CPFF. See cost plus fixed fee

CPIF. See cost plus incentive fee

CR. See continuing resolution

CSP-1 form, 195–200

Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 168–169


Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, 54

Federal Information Processing Standards, 52–54

Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, 51–52

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, 54–55


Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, 31

DDA. See difficult development area

debarment, 121

debriefs, 145–146

Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), 36

Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), 48

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), 55

Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS), 31

Defense Security Service (DSS), 172

DFARS. See Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement

DFAS. See Defense Finance and Accounting Service

difficult development area (DDA), 228

DISA. See Defense Information Systems Agency

disciplined strategy, 23–24

DLIS. See Defense Logistics Information Service

domestic preference, 166–167, 171

Drug Free Workplace Act, 120

DSS. See Defense Security Service

DUNS number. See Data Universal Numbering System number


EAL. See Evaluation Assurance Level

EAR. See Export Administration Regulations

economic dimension of federal IT market, 17

economically disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB), 226

email lists, 26

employee interactions

affirmative action, 134

equal opportunity, 129–131

minorities, 131–132

people with disabilities, 133–134

Service Contract Act, 134–136

veterans, 133

women, 131–132

eOffer, 190

equitable adjustment, 86–89

ethics, 121–122

Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL), 54

evaluation criteria, 69–70

Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 173


fair and reasonable pricing, 70–73

False Claims Act, 110–112, 189

False Statement Act, 110

FAPIIS. See Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System

FAR. See Federal Acquisition Regulation

FBO. See Federal Business Opportunities

FCPRPR. See fixed-ceiling-price with retroactive price redetermination

FedBizOpps. See Federal Business Opportunities

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 35–36

Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity

Information System (FAPIIS), 40–42, 67

Federal Business Opportunities (FBO)

accounts, 43

overview, 18–19

presolicitations, 45

record types, 44

searching, 42–43

System for Award Management, 29

Federal CIO, 4

federal IT spending categories, 3

federal market size, 1–2

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FEDRAMP), 54–55

federal spending categories, 254

Federal Supply Classification (FSC) code, 33–34, 181

Federal Supply Schedule, 179

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 170

federally funded research and development center (FFRDC), 239

FEDRAMP. See Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program

FFP. See firm fixed price

FFP-LOE. See firm fixed price, level of effort

FFRDC. See federally funded research and development center

final proposal revision (FPR), 65, 195

finance and accounting, 16

firm fixed price (FFP), 74

firm fixed price, level of effort (FFP-LOE), 74

fixed price incentives (FPI), 74

fixed price with prospective price redetermination (FPPPR), 74

fixed-ceiling-price with retroactive price redetermination (FCPRPR), 74

fixed-price with economic price adjustment (FP-EPA), 73–74

Fly America Act, 76

FOB. See freight on board

FOIA. See Freedom of Information Act

foreign ownership, control, or influence (FOCI)

board resolution, 172–173

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, 174–175

Defense Security Service, 172

overview, 171–172

possible mitigation measures against, 172

security control agreement, 173

special security agreement, 173–174

supply chain management, 175–176

voting trust, 174

foreign products and services

Buy American Act, 161–162

country of origin, determining, 167–170

domestic preference, DoD, 166–167

domestic preference, small business, 171

foreign ownership, control, or influence, 171–176

Trade Agreements Act, 162–166

former federal employees, hiring, 125–127

FP-EPA. See fixed-price with economic price adjustment

FPI. See fixed price incentives

FPPPR. See fixed price with prospective price redetermination

FPR. See final proposal revision

free trade agreements, 164

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 98–99

freight on board (FOB), 185

FSC. See Federal Supply Classification code

FTC. See Federal Trade Commission

fund certifying official, 16


GAO. See Government Accountability Office

General Services Administration (GSA), 117, 146. See also GSA Schedule

gifts, 122–124

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

debarment, 121

Federal Acquisition Regulation, 36

protests, 145, 147–149, 151–156

reverse auctions, 63

role, 5

government interactions, 128

government, defining, 1

governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC), 84–85

gratuities, 122–124

growing from the inside, 22

GSA. See General Services Administration

GSA Acquisition Regulation (GSAR), 36

GSA Advantage, 188–189

GSA schedule

acceptance, warranty, and damages, 186

administration, 207–208

authorized negotiators, 193–194

commercial products, 204–205

contract flow-down to indirect schedule holders, 206–207

contracts, 46–47

CSP-1 form, 195–200

Federal Supply Schedule, 179

freight on board, 185

industrial funding fee, 186–187

labor rate matrix, 200–201

most favored customer, 187–190

multiple-award schedule, 179

negotiations, 194–195

Open Ratings, 191

overview, 46–47, 179–183

price adjustment, 204

price reduction clause, 187–190, 202–204

prompt payment, 185–186

pros and cons, 183–184

responsibility determination, 193

schedule proposal, 190–191

services, 205–206

shortcuts to approval, 191–192

small business subcontracting plan, 193

Trade Agreement Act, 193

GSAR. See GSA Acquisition Regulation

GWAC. See governmentwide acquisition contract


historically underutilized business zone (HUBZone), 213, 227–229

HUBZone. See historically underutilized business zone


IaaS. See infrastructure-as-a-service

IDIQ. See indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contracts

IFB. See invitation for bid

IFF. See industrial funding fee

incumbents, displacing, 23–24

indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts, 150–151, 179

industrial funding fee (IFF), 186–187

infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), 55

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 173

investment review board (IRB), 255–256

invitation for bid (IFB), 15, 62

IRB. See investment review board

IRS Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, 4

IT Dashboard, 19

ITAR. See International Traffic in Arms Regulations


job offers, 125


labor category matrix, 200–201

labor rate matrix, 200–201

lowest priced, technically acceptable (LPTA), 69


MAC. See multi-agency contract

Made in USA, 119, 170


email lists, 26

identifying stakeholders, 27

importance of, 24

mix, 26–27

prepping the message, 24–25

target account profile, 25–26

MAS. See multiple-award schedule

maximum order threshold (MOT), 188

micro-purchase threshold, 36

mission, 3

most favored customer, 187–190

MOT. See maximum order threshold

multi-agency contract (MAC), 84–85

multiple-award schedule (MAS), 179

myInvoice, 48


NAICS. See North American Industry Classification System

NAPCS. See North American Product Classification System

national interest determination (NID), 173–174

national item identification number (NIIN), 43

national stock number (NSN), 43

NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) code, 31

national stock number, 43

NID. See national interest determination

NIIN. See national item identification number

nonmanufacturer rule, 220

Nonprocurement Common Rule, 118

nonseverable services, 263–264

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 31–33, 215

North American Product Classification System (NAPCS), 33

NSN. See national stock number


OCI. See organizational conflict of interest

OEM. See original equipment manufacturer

Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA), 240

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 2, 253

Open Ratings, 191

open source software, 58–59

operational dimension of federal IT market, 17

organizational conflict of interest (OCI), 20, 139–141

original equipment manufacturer (OEM), 175


payment, 47–49

performance work statement (PWS), 65

POET (political, operational, economic, and technical), 17–18

political appointees, 10

political dimension of federal IT market, 17

postaward audits, 190

preaward audits, 190

price adjustment, 204

price reduction clause, 187–190, 202–204

pricing, fair and reasonable, 70–73

Procurement Integrity Act, 154

Product Service Code (PSC), 33–34

program office, 16

prompt payment, 185–186

proprietary information

blended workforce, 97–98

copyright, 104–105

Freedom of Information Act, 98–99

government rights in technical data, 99–101

inadvertent disclosures, 96–97

proposals containing, 95–96

segregability, 101–102

software licenses, 102–104


agency-level, 154

canceled solicitations, 154

Competition in Contracting Act, 147

Court of Federal Claims, 148, 156–158

deadlines, 153–154

effectiveness rate, 152

elimination of competitive range, 155

Government Accountability Office, 147–149, 151–156

GSA schedule orders, 156

impact on filing, 147

indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract, 150–151

multiple-award IDIQ orders, 156

negotiated procurement awards, 155

new evidence, 156

pre-bid, 149–150

prejudicial solicitations, 154

Procurement Integrity Act violations, 154–155

purpose, 146–147

relief, 152

set-asides, 154

simplified acquisition awards, 155–156

small businesses, 151–151, 239–244

types, 146

provisional authorization, 54

proxy agreement. See voting trust

PSC. See Product Service Code

PWS. See performance work statement


quality assurance plan (QASP), 66


reprogramming requests, 259

request for information (RFI), 14, 44, 64

request for proposals (RFP), 15, 44, 63–65

request for quotation (RFQ), 15, 44, 67

requirements, contributing to, 21

research firms, 22–23

responsibility determinations, 39–42, 193

RFI. See request for information

RFP. See request for proposals

RFQ. See request for quotation


acceptance, 106–107

acceptance of services, 107

damages, 108

importance, 105–106

warranty, 107–108

Robinson-Patman Act, 207


SaaS. See software-as-a-service

SAFETY. See Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002

sales, effect of budget cycle on, 261–264

SAM. See System for Award Management

SBA. See Small Business Administration

SBIR. See Small Business Innovation Research

SCA. See security control agreement

schedule proposal, 190–191

SDB. See small disadvantaged business

SDVOSB. See service-disabled veteran-owned small business

Section 508, 55–56

security control agreement (SCA), 173

Service Contract Act, 134–136

service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB), 213, 229–230

services, 205–206

services contracts, 6–8

SETA. See systems engineering or technical assistance

severable services, 263–264

SIN. See special item number

Small Business Administration (SBA), 33, 151, 171

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), 237–239

Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), 237–239

small businesses

8(a) business development program, 213, 230–233

affiliation, 215–216

annual recertification, 220

economic eligibility, 233–234

eligibility requirements, 235

family ownership, 234

government goals, 211–214

growing, 246–247

HUBZone, 213, 227–229

IT-relevant class waivers, 221

joint ventures, 216–217, 235

mentor-protégé, 217–218, 236–237

mergers and acquisitions, 219

organic growth, 219

presumptions of loss, 219–220

protests, 239–244

reseller size rules, 220–222

service-disabled veteran-owned small business, 229–230

set-asides, 171, 211

size determination, 215

Small Business Innovation Research, 237–239

Small Business Technology Transfer, 237–239

small disadvantaged businesses, 223–226

socioeconomically defined, 222–223

subcontracting, 245–246

subcontracting as prime, 218–219

subcontracting plan, 193

women-owned, 213, 226–227

small contracting opportunities, 45–46

small disadvantaged business (SDB), 213, 223–226

SmartBuy, 57

software-as-a-service (SaaS), 55

SOO. See statement of objectives

sources sought notice (SSN), 14, 44

SOW. See statement of work

special item number (SIN), 181

special security agreement (SSA), 173

SSN. See sources sought notice

statement of objectives (SOO), 64

statement of work (SOW), 64

STTR. See Small Business Technology Transfer

supply chain management, 175–176

Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective

Technologies (SAFETY) Act of 2002, 108–109

suspension, 121

System for Award Management (SAM)

Commercial and Government Entity code, 31

Data Universal Numbering System number, 31

Federal Supply Classification code, 33–34

NATO Commercial and Government Entity code, 31

North American Industry Classification System, 31–32

online registration record, 30

overview, 29

registering your business, 30

representations and certifications, 34–35

suspension and debarment, 117

systems engineering or technical assistance (SETA), 140


TAA. See Trade Agreements Act

TAP. See target account profile

target account profile (TAP), 25–26

taxes, delinquent, 119

taxpayer dollars, 20

technical dimension of federal IT market, 17–18

technology, federal attitudes toward, 5–6

temporary price reduction (TPR), 202–204

terminations, 112–114

third parties

anticompetitive behavior, 136–137

contingency fees, 139

kickbacks, 137–139

organizational conflicts of interest, 139–141

third-party assessment organization, 54–55

TINA. See Truth in Negotiations Act

TPR. See temporary price reduction

Trade Agreements Act (TAA)

Caribbean Basin countries, 163

exceptions, 162

free trade agreements, 164

GSA schedule, 164–166, 193, 207

IDIQ contracts, 164–166

least developed countries, 163

overview, 162

WTO GPA member countries, 163

Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA), 70, 109–110


unallowable costs, 77

Unfair Trade Practices, 119


VetBiz Vendor Information Pages Verification Program (VetBiz VIP), 230

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), 56

voting trust, 174


Wide Area Workflow (WAWF), 48

women-owned small business (WOSB), 213, 226–227

World Trade Organization Agreement on

Government Procurement (WTO GPA), 162–164

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