
agreements, 66–72

circle practices, 72–76

principles, 76–80

Agenda builder for circle session, 62f

Agreements, 23–24, 67–69, 151

center of circle, 114–115

for confidentiality, 56, 59, 68

consensus for, 31

flexibility with, 175

generic, 24

intention and, 25–26, 28, 69

Wisdom Circle, 69–70

Alcoholics Anonymous, 13

Alia (Authentic Leadership in Action). See Shambhala Summer Leadership Institute

American Organization of Nurse Executives, 8

Appreciative Inquiry, 13

Archetypes. See also circle; triangle

center and, 48

defined/described, 6, 199

emergent conversations and, 13

of group process, 7–11, 109

partnership of, 13

reactivation of center and, 48

wholeness and, 27

Arrien, Angeles, xvii, 146

Art of Hosting networks, xviii, 13, 60, 91–92, 170

Attending to the well-being of the group, 28, 74–75

Attentive listening, 27–28, 72–73, 83, 152

Barnett, Kerry, 171–172

Bells in group process, 23, 29, 118–119, 137, 139, 168, 193

Berkana Institute/Learning Centers, xviii, 92, 97

Berry, Thomas, 195

“The Biology of Love” (Maturana), ix

Bohm, David, 95–96

Bolen, Jean Shinoda, xvii

Bonsen, Matthias zur, 52–54

Brain language patterns, 5

Braslow, Jamie, 102–103

Brown, Juanita, xviii, 85

Cady, Steven, xviii

Cahill, Sedonia, xvii

Calling the Circle: The First and Future Culture (Baldwin), xv, 8, 14, 43, 174

Catherine Place women’s center, 96–98

Center for Nursing Leadership (CNL), 8, 90

Center of circle, xvi, 5, 22–23, 46, 87, 113–117

The Change Handbook (Cady, Devane, Holman), xviii

Chase, Terry, 86

Check-in, 8–10

defined/described, 24–25, 83–87, 199

host use of, 61, 63, 109, 138–139

intention and, 86

opening with, 19, 46, 81–82, 89, 151

personal hoop and, 110–111

questions during, 47, 56–58, 67

with self, 111

storyline woven into, 127

taking piece council during, 30, 55, 119

True North process, 177–178

on wilderness quests, 104–105

Check-out, 25

at circle conclusion, 30, 39, 185

by couples, 185

defined/described, 32–33, 87–88, 199

host use of, 61

Chimes in group process, 23, 29, 118–119, 137, 139, 168

Chronologies (of story), 98

Circle, 11, 12, 56, 61. See also PeerSpirit Circle processes

as an organizational methodology, 88–89

archetypal energy of, 6, 116

closing of (full circle), 33–34

components, 16–33, 18f

cultural shifts from, 164–165

defined, xv, xvi, xvii

dialogue/relationship formation, 5–6

direction given by, 11–12

as group process archetype, 7–10

hierarchy collaboration with, 101, 178–179

holding the space of, 63–64

integration with other methodologies, 90–92

origin of, 4–7

principles of, 26–27

rotation of leadership, 49–60

shadow and, 127–142

support for collective healing, 143–160

on the telephone, 62–63

The Circle Way

community and, 190–194

couples and, 184–186

families and, 187–188

future and, 195–196

neighbors and, 188–190

Collaborative circle, 12, 56

Collective unconscious (Jung), 6

Communication. See also core communication

circle connectors and, 180

circle enhancement of, 66

face-to-face, xvii

open communication circles, 171

in partnership circles, 184

telephone/computer-based, 62–63

Western culture focus on, 107

Community and the circle way, 190–194

Components of Circle illustration, 17, 18f

Conference calls, 62–63


hosting in, 52–54

resolution of, role of center, 114–116

Consensus and voting, 31–32


as aspect of group process, 109–110

definition, 113

holding of, in a storm, 120–126

preparation of, 112–113

social, of circle, 117

social space and, 108–109

Context, 102–103


about confidentiality, 68, 71

check-in leading to, 86

check-out as, 87

cognitive, 9

collaborative, 63

of community, 53

contained, 23

creation of renewed culture of, 12–14

culture of, xviii

guardian role, 29, 54, 69, 84

host role, 20, 51–52, 84

questions for stimulation of, 85

scribe role, 50, 58

skill requirement for, 72

in social settings, 7–8

structure for, 16–17

topical vs. writing reflection, 43

Conversation Cafés, 12, 13

Conversation council, 30–31, 31–32, 31–33, 70, 185

Core communication, 95–106

Corrigan, Chris, 60

Council. See also conversation council; talking piece council

forms of, 30–31

practices of, 27–28

The Council of All Beings, 164

Council of Wilderness Guides, 163–164

Couples and the circle way, 184–186

Coyle, Gigi, xvii

Creative Health Care Management (CHCM), 90–91

Cumbie, Guy, 166

Dahlborg, Tom, 178

Daughtery, Brenna, 89

Deep Water Passage: A Spiritual Journey at Midlife (Baldwin), xv

Devane, Tom, xviii

Dharma, 7

Dialogue of people, 5–6

Drewek, Alice, 47

Dvorsky, Nanci, 173, 174, 176

Edstrom, Susan, 90–91

Ehama Institute, xvii, 13

Energetic container of circle, 112–113

Families and the circle way, 187–188

Financial Planning Association (FPA), 165–171

Fleming, Pat, 164

Four gifts of story, 101–103

The Fourfold Way (Arrien), xvii

Franz, Marie-Louise von, 128

From the Four Directions (F4D) network, xviii, 16–17, 51, 92

Fund for Women and Girls (Tacoma, Washington), 96–99

Gandhi, Mahatma, 160

Gareau, Roq, 113, 118

Garfield, Charles, xvii

Germany, 6–7, 52–54

The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community (Korten), 195

Green Belt Movement, 164

Greensboro: A Requiem (Mann), 152

Grempka, Margaret, 80

Group process

check-out conversation in, 87

chimes/bells as part of, 23, 29, 118–119, 137, 139, 168

circle as archetype of, 7–10

collaborations, 13

consequence of lack of, 191

containment aspect of, 109–110

FPA Board Agreements and, 168

guardian’s role, 55, 117–118

host’s role, 50–52, 61, 117–118

insights gained in, 6

journal writing and, 135

personal intention in, 45–46

shadow and, 136

skills/norms of, 65

triangle as archetype of, 10–11, 12


agenda role of, 61

check-in role of, 56–57, 84, 134

chimes/bells used by, 118–119, 137

circle practices recitation by, 72

conversations called for by, 69

defined, 200

energetic role of, 117–120

FPA board agreements role, 168

host partnership with, 50, 51, 58, 137, 153

in-the-moment guidance by, 34

model of, 50

naming situations by, 56

partnership with host, 50, 137

pauses called by, 142

process pausing by, 34

ringing in by, 63

role (general) of, 54–55

rotation of, 27, 49, 52, 100, 123, 169, 189

scribe’s negotiation with, 59

silence signaling role, 24, 31

space holding by, 40

time-keeping role, 29

training of, 168

in triangle of leadership, 12

working agreements crafted by, 151

Guardianship in response to conflict, 55–58

Halifax, Joan, xvii

Harvest of Years: A PeerSpirit Guide for Proactive Aging Circles (Trenshaw), 188–189

Hays, Bethany, 177, 179

Hazelwood House retreat center (England), 16–17

Healing, 143–160

breakthroughs in, 141

of collective issues, 132

of community history, 150–154

creating space for, 9

of family lineage, 145–149

intergenerational, 143

as overarching subtext, 136

story quality and, 100–101

Tree of Life circles, 154–160

of unconscious material, 127

writing for, xiv

Heart Seeds: A Message from the Ancestors (RainbowHawk & WIndEagle), xvii

Heppner-Waldston, Sara, 60

Hernandez, Beatrice, 80

Herrera, Ruben Castilla, 145–149

Herrera, Ruth Marie Castilla, 145–149

Herzog, Jutta, 53–54

Hierarchy. See also Public Trust Hierarchical Chart; True North Circle Connectivity diagram

battles faced in, 174–175

circle collaboration with, 101, 178–179

cultures of, x

defined, 200

functioning of, 14

of needs (Maslow), 10

role of host and, 52

of Roman Catholicism, 80

usefulness of, 10–11

Hispanic women, 97

Hollyhock Retreat Centre (Canada), xvi

Holman, Peggy, xviii

Hosting, 20–21

in conflict, 52–54

of energy, 117–118

at the level or presence, 147


check-in role of, 24–25, 58, 72, 84, 86, 109

check-out role, 32

circle rim location of, 18, 18f

clarification of roles, 168

closing circle role, 56

defined/described, 50–52, 200

energetic role of, 117–120

guardian partnership with, 50, 51, 58, 137, 153

in-the-moment guidance by, 34

intention and, 51, 62–63, 118

invitation considerations, 26, 40–42, 41, 62–63, 100, 146

model of, 50

preparation of, 19, 20–21, 38–40

rotation of, 27, 49, 189

scribe’s negotiation with, 59

silence signaling role, 31

time-keeping role, 29, 84, 119

working agreements crafted by, 151

World Café gatherings, 166–167

Hurston, Zora Neale, 102

“I” statements, 134

Insights (from story), 99


agreements and, 151

calling of circle and, 38

check-in and, 86

circle gathering around, 24

community circles and, 152

couple retreats and, 184–185

defined/described, 25–26, 40–42, 48

evolution for ongoing circles, 42–45

guardian and, 29

host and, 51, 62–63, 118

ideology of, 26

personal, in group process, 45–46

reading of, 23

reliance on wholeness and, 77

shadow issues and, 137

story and, 99–101

symbolic representation of, 22

Wisdom Circle clarification, 71

Intentional speaking, 28, 72, 73–74, 83, 152

Interior shadow, 130

International Association for Financial Planners, 165

Interpersonal space, 114

Invitation, 18

check-in and, 24

check-out and, 87

crafting/issuing of, 21

described, 19–20, 26

host issuing of, 26, 40–42, 62–63, 100, 146

power of, 26, 48

as preparation facet, 38

samples of, 42

Isaacs, David, xviii, 85

Jetton, Elizabeth, 165–166

Johnson, Nelson, 153

Journey Toward Mastery program, 8

Jung, Carl Gustav, 6–7, 128, 139

Kaballah, 7

Keller, Helen, xv

Korten, David, 195

Korten, Fran, 163

Kyle, David, xvi

Landon-Malone, Kathryn, 177, 178–179

The Language Instinct (Pinker), 5

Life’s Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest (Baldwin), xiv

Luke Center for Leadership (Oregon), 101

Maathai, Wangari (Tree Lady of Kenya), 164

MacDougall, Sarah, 171, 174–175

Macy, Joanna, 164, 195

Madejczyk, Jane, 80

Mankind Project, 163

Mann, Emily, 152

Marden, Chris Bicknell, 178–179

Marsh, Bonnie, 43–44

Maslow, Abraham, 10

Maturana, Humberto, ix

McCallen, Janet, 166

McNulty, Dave, 172

McNulty, Rowena, 173

Mead, Margaret, 154

Meadowlark Institute, 89

Medicine wheel, 7

Michaels, Cathy, 9–10

Millionth Circle, 13

The Millionth Circle (Bolen), xvii

Mitsos, Barbara, 72–73

Mladineo, Judy, 98

Möbus strip, 117

Møller, Toke Paludan, 84–85

Mythic symbols, 6

Nagel, Jerry, 89

Native American traditions, 111

Neale, Jim, 190–194

Neighbors and the circle way, 188–190

Nissen, Monica, 60

Norling, Rick, 43

North Dakota Humanities Council, 89

Norton, Pat, 47

Ojai Foundation, xvii, 164

Oliver, Mary, 63

On Dialogue (Bohm), 95–96

One to One: Self-Understanding Through Journal Writing (Baldwin), xiv

Open Space Technology, xviii, 13, 53, 90, 92, 108–109, 170–171

Open Space Technology: A User’s Guide (Owen), xviii

Owen, Harris, xviii

Paludan, Marsha, 152

Pannullo, Traci, 172–173

Peace and Social Justice Issues conference, 163

Peacemaking Circles, 13

Peacemaking Circles: From Crime to Community (Pranis, Stuart, Wedge), xviii

Peddigrew, Brenda, 77, 79

PeerSpirit Circle processes, 8

agreements of, 67–69, 167

attending to the well-being of the group, 74–76

attentive listening, 72–73

attraction to, 6

check-in and, 8

conscious placement/use of center, 46

conversational structure of, 15

forms of council of, 30–31

guardian’s contribution to, 54–55

heritage of, 12–13

intentional speaking, 73–74

introduction to Germany, 53

modified consensus building in, 50

origin of, xiii–xviii, 7, 135

personal intention in, 45–46

principles (three) of, 26–27, 76–80

rotation of roles, 34

Sandford’s request for, 150–154

talking piece and, 25

True North application/adaptation of, 177

Person, Colleen, 90–91

Personal hoop and check-in, 110–111

Personal preparation, 18–19, 40

Physical container of circle, 112–113

Pinker, Stephen, 5

Pint, Rose Mary, 80

Place, Catherine, 98–100

Polish Solidarity movement, 164

Practicing, 33–34, 83, 96, 130, 145, 182, 192

Pranis, Kay, xviii


levels of, 38–40

personal, 18–19

power of, 48

for Story Council, 99, 167

Projected shadow, 131

Public Trust Hierarchical Chart, 180, 181f

Race and Gender Institute (UNCG), 150–154

RainbowHawk, xvii

Reeler, Bev, 154–160. See also Tree of Life circles

Reigniting the Spirit of Caring seminar, 90

Reliance on wholeness, 27, 77–78, 113–114, 118

Ridge and Valley Charter School, 165, 171–176

Rim of circle structure, viii, 21, 69

ancestral history, 5

components of, 18–19, 18f

host and, 141

intention holding of, 48

leading from, 39, 50–51, 100, 128, 196

personal preparation, 18–19, 40

recentering on, 56, 111

reliance on wholeness and, 77

scribe and, 29–30, 58, 59

talking piece and, 25

teaching from within, xiv

Rotating leadership (circle principle)

guardian, 27, 49, 52, 123

guardians, 100, 169, 189

hosts, 27, 49, 189

scribes, 27, 34, 189

Ryman, Steve, 145

Sandford, Mary K., 150–154

School of Lost Borders, 164

Schumacher, E. F., 195


defined, 201

model of, 50

preparations of, 12

role of, 29–30, 40, 50, 58–61, 64

rotation of, 27, 34, 189

working agreements crafted by, 151

Seed, John, 164


acknowledgment of, 129

agreements and, 70

avoidance of tending to, 140–142

covert vs. overt, 137–140

defined, 129, 130

in everyday life, 132–133

group issues of, 70

interior shadow, 130

Jung/von Franz on, 128

origin of term, 127

projected shadow, 131

tending in circle process, 134–136

transference shadow, 132

types of, 128–132

Shambhala Summer Leadership Institute, 92

Sharing responsibility, 27, 134

Siesta, Martin, 63–64, 170

Sikhethiwe, 49–50


check-out and, 32

collective/individual, x

conversations and, 38, 104, 136

guardian and, 55, 69

honoring story through, 149, 154, 160

introduction of, 24

meanings conveyed by, 31

start-point and, 23

talking piece and, 75

Sister Gabriele, 47

“Small is Beautiful” movement (Schumacher), 195

Spring, Cindy, xvii


circle direction flow from, 81

described, 23, 82–83, 201

host/guardian use of, 19, 61, 63, 72

introduction of (examples), 82, 137

role of, 87

Story, 95–106. See also Fund for Women and Girls

center placement of, 22, 87

choice for check-in, 83–84

context created by, 102

as core communication, 95–106

defined, 95, 98–99

gifts (four) of, 101–104

making time/space for, 99–101

personal ownership of, 67

sharing of, 96–98

Story Council, 99–101

Story catcher (Baldwin), viii, 144

Stuart, Barry, xviii

Sullivan, Annie, xv

Talking piece council, 19–20, 30–31, 32, 46, 75, 139

Teaching Kids to Love the Earth (Linnea), xiii

Thich Nhat Hanh, 28–29

Thomann, Carola, 77–78

Thompson, Pamela Austin, 88

Threshold Circle, 104

Transference shadow, 130, 132

Transpersonal space, 113–114

Tree of Life circles, 154–160

Trenshaw, Cynthia, 188–189


with circle, 13, 43–44, 48, 179

flattening of experiment, 50–51

as group process archetype, 10–11

host’s role, 52

of leadership, 180

scribe’s role, 58–59

as social container, 14

symbolism of, 10

vs, circle, 11

True North Circle Connectivity diagram, 181f

True North Health Care Center, 165, 176–182

Turning to One Another (Wheatley), xviii

Tuttle, Marv, 169–170

Uhlein, Gabriele, 47

University of North Carolina, Greensburg (UNCG), 150–154

van der Post, Laurens, 95–96

Vogt, Eric, 85

Walesa, Lech, 164

Way of Council, 13

The Way of Council (Coyle & Halifax), xvii, 164

WE-CAN Women’s Circles Project, 99

Webinars, 62

Wedge, Mark, xviii

Wheatley, Margaret, ix– xi, xviii, 16–17, 60, 164–167. See also From the Four Directions (F4D) network

Wheaton Franciscans

agreements of, 70

Chapter of affairs of, 78–79

use of center, 47–49

Wisdom Circle of, 70–71, 72, 78

Wholeness, reliance on, 27, 77–78, 113–114, 118

WindEagle, xvii

Wisdom Circle, 48, 69–70, 71, 72, 78

Wisdom Circles (Cahill & Spring), xvii

Women Within International, 163

Women’s Leadership Circle Kit (Berkana Institute), 97

Women’s Leadership Revival Tour, 60

Women’s Summer Solstice Campes, 163

World Café, xviii, 13, 53, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 103, 108–109, 140, 166–167, 170–171

World Trade Center attack (9/11/2001), xv– xvi, 166–167

Zimmerman, Jack, xvii

Zulaski, Marge, 47

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