

Ad Hominem, 128, 154

Ameliorative psychology, 36–38

Analogy, 196–198

Anchoring, 176

Applied research, 167


analysis, 147

components, 146

critical thinking, 145

deductive, 128–130, 141

hypothetical example

argument structure, 149–150

basis, 150–151

counter-arguments, 151–152

implied premises, 152

premises, 150


description, 130–131

enumerative induction, 132–133

IBE to ILE, 134–136

inductive reasoning tools, 136–139

inference to best explanation, 133–134

in logic, 128

marketing, 128

strengthening, 152–153

Aristotelian worldview

depiction of, 52

description, 48

disproving reasons, 49–50


determinant, 14, 74

vs. perceptual constructs of products, 81–84

vs. perceptual constructs of services, 84–85

vs. psychological constructs

articulating constructs, 90–92

behavioral attributes, 85

construct-based strategies, 88

in marketing, 86–88

as social scientist, 92

Authority, appeal to, 154


Background knowledge, 210–214

Barrier tools, scientific reasoning

ameliorative psychology, 36–38

causal reasoning, 43

feeling of certainty, 39–40

marketing research budget,

pattern bias, 40–42

Basic research, 167

Begging the question, 146–147

Behavioral economics, 175–176


definition, 14–15, 113, 177

empirically based, 117

justification of, 113–115

logically connected, 116

product attribute, 177

self-consistent, 117

Brand loyalty construct, 68–69

Business reality, 209

Business Week, 3, 165


Capacity knowledge, 15

Captive business model, 11

Causal reasoning, 43


applying scientific reasoning, 108–109

consumer behaviors

free will, 99

measurement error, 100

predicting market
behavior, 100

unknown factors, 99

intrinsic nature, 96–99

in marketing, 96

natural factors

absence of other causal factors, 102–103

concomitant variation, 101

interaction effects, 104

moderating variables, 103–104

necessary, insufficient, and INUS conditions, 106–108

temporal sequence, 101

scientific reasoning and theory, 72–73


definition, 114

empirically based belief, 117

justification of beliefs, 114–115

logically connected belief, 116

multiplicative effects, 123–124

scientific reasoning and theory, 71–72

self-consistent belief, 117

strengthening, 123

Coherent marketing belief systems

number of individual beliefs, 119–120

validity, 122–123

variety of sources

anthropology, 121

behavioral economics, 120

neuromarketing, 121

psychology, 121–122

Conclusion, 146

Constant conjunction, 105

Construct-based strategies, 88

Context of discovery, 168–169, 182–183

Contextual awareness, 79

Controlled experiments, 43

Counter-arguments, 151–152

Creative thinking

abstractions, 200

analogy, 196–198

case studies, 188–189

conventional wisdom, 202

imaging, 195–196

indirect problem solution, 198–199

metaphors, 196–198

molecule diagram, 203–204

opposite assumptions, 200–201

in and outside marketing,

paradoxical incidents, 195

participant observation, 192, 195

personal experience analysis, 188

practitioners’ rules of thumb, 189–190

role playing, 190–191

scale changes, 199

shifting unit analysis, 203

thought experiment, 191–192

variables, 199–200

why and what questions, 201

Critical reflection

assumption analysis, 78

contextual awareness, 79

definition, 78

imaginative speculation, 79

reflective skepticism, 79

Critical thinking

arguments, 145

background knowledge, 210–214

definition, 5

description, 127–128

Cytogenetics, 215


Deductive arguments, 128–130, 141

Deductive logic, 70

Definition, as thinking tools, 12–13

Determinant attributes, 14, 74

Dirichlet model. See negative binomial distribution

Double jeopardy law, 185

Duplication of purchase law, 186


Empirically based belief, 117

Enumerative induction, 132–133, 141

Epistemic exceptionalism, 44

Epistemic humility, 209

Epistemic virtue, 51

Epistemology of science, 12

Explanandum, 171

Explanans, 171

Explanation, 134


Fact, 15

Failed thinking, causes of, 7

Fallacist’s fallacy, 154

feeling of knowing, 39–40

Forbes, 3, 165

Fortune, 3

Free will, 99


Genuine explanations, 171

Good marketing theories, 166, 180–181


Hume’s problem of induction, 35


IBE. See inference to best explanation

ILE. See inference to loveliest explanation

Illusory correlation, 40

Imaginative speculation, 79

Individual belief, 51

Inductive arguments

description, 130–131

enumerative induction, 132–133, 141

IBE to ILE, 134–136

inductive reasoning tools

method of agreement, 136–138

method of concomitant variation, 139

method of difference, 138–139

inference to best explanation, 133–134

Inductive logic, 70–71

Inference to best explanation (IBE), 133–134

Inference to loveliest explanation (ILE), 128

Informal logic, 127–128

Interview discussion, Timothy D. Rey, 21–34


JND. See just-noticeable difference

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 122

Justification, 208

of belief, 113–115

context of, 168–169, 182–183

definition, 16, 105

Just-noticeable difference (JND), 168


Knowledge, 208

capacity, 15

propositional, 16

Knowledge creation methods

nonscientific method, 66–67

scientific method, 66


Law-like generalizations

necessity, 172–173

prediction, 173–174

understanding, 175–176

validity, 174–175

Law of buyer moderation, 185

Law of prototypicality, 186


deductive, 70

definition, 69

inductive, 70–71

informal, 127–128

Logical fallacy

begging the question, 146–147

in marketing, 153–156

Logically connected belief, 116

Logical reasoning

deductive arguments, 128–130, 141

inductive arguments

description, 130–131

enumerative induction, 132–133

IBE to ILE, 134–136

inductive reasoning tools, 136–139

inference to best explanation, 133–134

skills, 141–142



argument, 128

causation, 96

coherent belief systems, 122–123

logical fallacies, 153–156

psychological constructs, 86–88

reductionism, 216–217


marketing concept, 56–58

product focus, 53–56

Marketing concept worldview,

Marketing laws, Sharp, Byron, 185–186

Marketing theory

example of an applied theory, 176–177


applied research, 167

basic research, 167

context of discovery, 168–169, 182–183

context of justification,
168–169, 182–183

law-like generalizations

necessity, 172–173

prediction, 173–174

understanding, 175–176

validity, 174–175

Measurement error, 100

Methods of induction

method of agreement, 136–138

method of concomitant variation, 139

method of difference, 138–139

“More of the Same” induction. See enumerative induction


Natural monopoly law, 186

Negative binomial distribution, 186

New York Times, 55

Nonscientific method, 66–67

Novelty, appeal to, 154–155


Observables, 89–90


Parallax, 50

Pareto law, 60/20, 185

Perceptual constructs

of products, 81–84

of services, 84–85

Peripheral belief

marketing concept worldview, 56

product focus worldview, 53

Philosophy of science, 12

Philosophy of Social Science, 169

Popularity, appeal to, 154

Premise, 146

Proactive service attributes, 85

Probabilistic causation

free will, 99

measurement error, 100

predicting market behavior, 100

unknown factors, 99

Product attribute belief, 177

Product focus worldview, 53–56

Proposition, 16

Propositional beliefs, 113

Propositional knowledge, 16

Pseudoscience, 66

Psychodiagnosticians, 40–42

Psychological constructs

articulating constructs, 90–92

behavioral attributes, 85

construct-based strategies, 88

in marketing, 86–88

as social scientist, 92


Reactive service attributes, 85

Reductionism, 216–217

Reflective skepticism, 79

Retention double jeopardy, 185


Scientific method, 66

Scientific reasoning

barrier tools

ameliorative psychology, 36–38

causal reasoning, 43

feeling of certainty, 39–40

marketing research budget, 44–45

pattern bias, 40–42

definition, 5

reasons for, 208

and theory

brainstorming, 78

causation, 72–73

coherence, 71–72

construct development, 68–69

critical reflection, 78–79

informal to formal theories, 76–78

logic, 69–71

marketing research, 74–76

testing, 78

Scientific thinking and acting, 9–10

Self-consistent belief, 117

Service attributes, 85

Sharp, Byron, marketing laws, 185–186

Standardization, 147

Stellar parallax, 50

Subjectivist fallacy, 155


Tacit theory, 76

Temporal sequence, 101


components, 170

creative thinking

abstractions, 200

analogy, 196–198

case studies, 188–189

conventional wisdom, 202

imaging, 195–196

in and outside marketing, 202–203

indirect problem solution, 198–199

metaphors, 196–198

molecule diagram, 203–204

opposite assumptions, 200–201

paradoxical incidents, 195

participant observation, 192, 195

personal experience analysis, 188

practitioners’ rules of thumb, 189–190

role playing, 190–191

scale changes, 199

shifting unit analysis, 203

thought experiment, 191–192

variables, 199–200

why and what questions, 201

definition, 16–17

expanded definition, 169

general structure, 170

graphical depiction, 77

investigations in marketing

applied research, 167

basic research, 167

context of discovery, 168–169, 182–183

context of justification,
168–169, 182–183

law-like generalizations

necessity, 172–173

prediction, 173–174

understanding, 175–176

validity, 174–175

and scientific reasoning

brainstorming, 78

causation, 72–73

coherence, 71–72

construct development, 68–69

critical reflection, 78–79

informal to formal theories, 76–78

logic, 69–71

marketing research, 74–76

testing, 78

The scientific method (TSM), 10

Thought experiment, 191–192

Tradition, appeal to, 154

True belief, 16

Truth, 15

Truth-conducive theory development, 67–68

TSM. See The scientific method


Understanding, attribute of explanation, 135

Unobservables, 89–90


Valid deductive argument, 128–130

Verifiability principle, 89–90


Wall Street Journal (WSJ), 3, 35, 36, 57, 124, 138, 165

Weber’s law, 168–169


affecting actions, 58

of Aristotle, 48–50

depiction, 52

description, 48

disproving reasons, 49–50

characteristics, 51–52

definition, 47

market focus, 60


marketing concept, 56–58

product focus, 53–56

significance of, 47

Written theory, 76

WSJ. See Wall Street Journal

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