

AACSB. See The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

Abrahamic religions, 185

ACBSP. See Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), 88

Adult educators, 97

Adult learners, 97–98

Altruism, 189, 190

Ancient virtues, 101–103

prudence, 101–103

Anti-corruption teaching, management education, 109–123

context-specific, 116

Giving Voice to Values (GVV) approach, 111, 112, 117–123

holistic approach, 116

internalization, 116

participatory, 116

real-time knowledge creation, 116

U4 guidelines, 115–116

value focus, practical issues, 112–116

value–linkage focus, 116

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), 66, 88

Attitudinal commitment, 28

Autonomous learners. See Learner autonomy



business ethics education, 41–54

certificate of social assistance, 46

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 44

country of inequalities, 43

cultural aspects, 44–45

democratic opening of, 44

education and social issues in, 45–50

jeitinho concept, 45

national council of education (CNE), 46

overview of, 43–45

place of vast potential, 43

quality, higher education systems, 47

social consciousness, 44

social exclusion, costs of, 43

Brazilian miracle, 43–44

Bribery, 133, 137, 143, 148

Bristol Business School, Faculty of Business and Law (2012), 13

B-school, 110, 112

Business Anti-Corruption Portal (video), 175–176

Business corruption


On Deadly Ground, 165–166

Duplicity, 169–170

Edge of Darkness, 168–169

Erin Brocovich, 167–168

Inside Job, 170–171

Wall Street, 162–163

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, 164–165

understanding and reducing, 157–177

videos, World Wide Web, 171–176

Business Anti-Corruption Portal, 175–176

The Corporation: Case Histories (5/23), 174

The Corporation: Unsettling Accounts (17/23), 174–175

Corruption Risks Europe’s Financial Recovery, 173

The Corruption Trap, 173

Economic Fraud and Corruption, 172–173

Scandals in Business—The Ethics Guy on CNBC’s “Surviving the Market,” 175

World Wide Web sites, 176–177

Business curricula

design, ethics and dignity, 89–90

integrating ethics, 90–91

Business ethics education

in Brazil, 41–54

institutional design perspectives, 53

Business ethics pedagogy, 70

Business of corruption, 60, 62–64

biased composition of government expenditures, 63–64

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 64

economic growth, 63

GDP per capita, 63

Partnering against Corruption Initiative (PACI), 62, 63

World Economic Forum (WEF), 62

The Business School, Bournemouth University (2012), 14

Business schools, 57–73

CSR mainstreaming process, 67, 68

fight against corruption, 64–69


CEMS (2011), 16

Certificate of social assistance, 46

Christian ethics, 186–187

Cognitive dissonance, 99

Collectivist society, 24

Collusion, 61, 218

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 64, 66, 67, 68

The Corporation: Case Histories (5/23) (video), 174

The Corporation: Unsettling Accounts (17/23) (video), 174–175

Corruption perception index (CPI), 23, 59, 60, 140, 148

Corruption Risks Europe’s Financial Recovery (video), 173

The Corruption Trap (video), 173

Corruption/unethical behavior, 129–132

citizens and, 24

cultural causes of, 134–136

cultural dimensions of, 140–146

culturally integrated anti-corruption model, 146–148

cultural theory and corruption practices, 136–140

defined, 23

definition for, 216–219

Indian context, 23–25

individualism vs. collectivism, 143–144

lack of culture, influence of, 226–227

legacy and pervasiveness of, 24

masculinity vs. femininity (MAS), 144–146

power distance index (PDI) and, 140–142

prevention, teaching tools, 219–227

principal–agent model for, 135

small bribes, big damages, 222–225

strength of values, 225–226

student’s perception of, 221–222

teaching anti-corruption, lessons for, 149–150

Transparency International defines, 132

uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) and, 142–143

understanding, nature of, 132–134

World Bank defines, 132

Course value chain, 109

Cowardice, 104–105

CPI. See Corruption Perception Index

CSR. See Corporate social responsibility

Cultural diversity awareness, 150

Culturally integrated anti-corruption model, 146–148

Cultural relativism, 189

Culture’s Consequences (1980), 140

Curricula design, 89–90


Deception, 183, 185, 198

Degree of discretion powers, 134

Denial of responsibility, 100

Design and delivery, 109, 113, 114, 123


defined, 83

Dishonesty, factors leading to, 183–185

Duplicity (movie), 169–170


Economic Fraud and Corruption (video), 172–173

Economic rent, 134

Edge of Darkness (movie), 168–169


defined, 82

Eduniversal ranking agency, 68

Effective teaching, 112, 118, 131, 139

Efficacious learner autonomy. See Learner autonomy

Enlightened self-interest, 189

Episodic corruption, 133

Erin Brocovich (movie), 167–168

Escudero, Manuel, 8

Ethical behavior promotion, 21–37

Giving Voice to Values (GVV) Approach, 27–36

Indian context, 23–25

management education, role of, 25–26

Ethical decision making process, 84–85

Ethical decision-making strategies, 188–191

Ethical decisions

defined, 83

Ethical fading, 34

Ethical Leadership (Mendonca and Kanungo), 103


defined, 83

integrating into business curricula, 90–91

Ethics of care, 190

European commission for Education and Training, 84

Extortion, 218


Faculty of Economics and Management (2012), 14, 17

Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management (2011), 13

Feminine culture, 145

Femininity, 144–146

Foolhardiness, 104–105

Fortitude, 104–105

temperance, 105

Fraud, 158, 172, 188, 218


Giving Voice to Values (GVV) approach, 27–36

anti-corruption teaching, management education, 111, 112, 117–123

characteristics of, 118–119

curriculum, 117–118

framework for adoption, 119–123

implementation-related issues, 122–123

research integration, 120–121

application, in India, 30–33

case studies, 30–33

implications for teaching and writing, 35–36

potential challenges in classroom, 34–35

contemplated action, 28

influencing others, 29–30

NEN workshops, case studies in, 33

reasons and rationalizations, 28

respond persuasively, 29

script, developing, 27

understanding stakeholders, 28–29

value conflicts, 27

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Project (GLOBE), 137–138, 140, 144

GLOBE. See Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Project

The God Delusion (2006), 185

Grand corruption, 59

Grenoble Ecole de Management (2012), 12

GVV approach. See Giving Voice to Values approach


Harm, 167, 185, 192, 198

Higher education, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51

Honesty, factors leading to, 183–185

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration (2011), 16

Hull University Business School (2012), 14, 15, 17


ICN Business School (2010), 13, 14

IDV index. See Individualism index IIB. See International Institute of Business

Imprudent leaders, 102–103

The Indent for Machines: A sugary finale, 31–32

Individualism (IDV) index, 143–144

Individualized imperative, 191–195

Inhibitive moral agency, 99

Innovative teaching tools, 213–228

Inside Job (movie), 170–171

Insider information, 24, 159

Institutional collectivism, 144

Institutional theory, 139

Integrity, 7, 25, 57, 65, 68, 70, 110, 130, 133, 136, 148, 159, 160, 170, 176, 177, 182–185, 184, 187, 188, 192–196, 203, 217

International Institute of Business (IIB) (2011), 15

International University of Monaco (2013), 12

Istanbul Bilgi University (2012), 15


Jeitinho, 42, 45

defined, 45

Jewish ethics, 186

Journal of Management Education, 9

Justice, 103–104


Kant’s categorical imperative, 189

Kickback, 110, 188

Kyiv Mohyla Business School (2011), 16


Learner autonomy, 97–99

conative factors of, 98


connecting to ethics-based curriculum, 85–88

cultural perception of, 89

dignity, 89

perceive values associated with grades, 89

process of teaching ethics, 89

supervisory nature of faculty, 89

Legalism, 189

Level of accountability, 134

Light-of-day, 189

Lying, 96, 189, 198


Managerial corruption, 110

Masculine culture, 145

Masculinity, 144–146

MENA. See Middle East and North Africa

Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

anti-corruption teaching, mainstreaming stages of, 69

business ethics pedagogy, 70

business schools

fight against corruption, 66–69

corruption in, 59–62

schools teaching business ethics, 69

Moral agency, 99–101

Moral disengagement, 99

Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers (Jackall), 192

Movies, business corruption

On Deadly Ground, 165–166

Duplicity, 169–170

Edge of Darkness, 168–169

Erin Brocovich, 167–168

Inside Job, 170–171

Wall Street, 162–163

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, 164–165

My Ten Commandments of Character, 187, 188, 193

exercise, tips for implementing, 204

facilitator preparation and background information, 204–205

learning objectives, 195–196

participant learning, evidence of, 203–204


further refinement, 203

initial refining of, 199

personal application, 198

reflection, 196–198

workplace applications, 199–203


NASPAA. See National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration

National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), 149

National council for social assistance, 46

National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) workshops, 33

Negative externalities, 62–63, 165, 167, 174

NEN workshops. See National Entrepreneurship Network workshops

Nepotism, 24, 134, 218


OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

On Deadly Ground (movie), 165–166

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 148

Organizational corruption, 96, 97, 100

Organizational decision-making process, 102

Organizational injustices, 103

Other shoe test, 199

Oxford Brookes Business School (2012), 12


PACI. See Partnering against Corruption Initiative

4P approach. See Principles, Prevention, Prosecution, Protection approach

Participant learning, evidence of, 203–204

Partnering against Corruption Initiative (PACI), 62, 63

Patronage systems, 45, 134

PDI. See Power distance index

Petty corruption, 59, 133

Power distance, 24, 28

Power distance index (PDI), 140–142

Principal–agent model for, 135

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), 3–18, 110, 150

challenges for implementation, educational programs, 5–9

characteristics of, 8

collaborative work, business executives, 8

conducting research, 7–8

dialogue and debate, facilitation of, 8

future leaders, preparing, 7

global compact, 7

implementation, 8–9

Journal of Management Education, 9

mission, 6

principles of, 6–8

research results, 9–18

sharing information on progress (SIP), 9–18

teaching responsible leadership, 7

Principles, Prevention, Prosecution, Protection (4P) approach, 150

PRME. See Principles for Responsible Management Education

Proactive moral agency, 99

Process quality, 111

Prudence, 101–103

Psychological distance, 24

Public corruption, 133–134, 149

Public sector corruption, 22


Reciprocity, 199

Reflective exercises, 91, 106


framework for anti-corruption behavior, 191–195

source for ethical guidance, 185–188

Resourcefulness, 98

Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration (2012), 12

Rotterdam School of Management (2012), 15


Sarbanes-Oxley act, 5

Scandals in Business—The Ethics Guy on CNBC’s “Surviving the Market” (video), 175

Sharing information on progress (SIP), 9–18

criteria for, 10–11

results for, 17

SIP. See Sharing information on progress

Social responses, 84

Soft science, 47

Speed money, 133

Stakeholders, 28–31, 33

Stealing, 185

Strictu sensu corruption, 220

Syllabi objectives, outcomes, and assessments

defined, 83

Systemic corruption, 50, 57–73


Teaching and research subsystems, 109

Teaching Anti-Corruption—Developing a Foundation for Business Dignity, 59

Temperance, 105

The Temple Encroachment Issue, 32–33

Ten Commandments of Character, 181

Toulouse Business School (2012), 16

Toxic triangle, 96–97


UAI. See Uncertainty avoidance index

UNCAC. See United Nations Convention against Corruption

Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI), 142–143

Underground economy, 176

Unethical and destructive leader tactics, 100

UNGC. See United Nations Global Compact

United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), 148, 215

United Nations Global Compact, 67

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 150

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 214

Universality, 207

UNODC. See United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Utilitarianism, 189


Vice-driven misconduct, 95, 96

Videos, World Wide Web

Business Anti-Corruption Portal, 175–176

The Corporation: Case Histories (5/23), 174

The Corporation: Unsettling Accounts (17/23), 174–175

Corruption Risks Europe’s Financial Recovery, 173

The Corruption Trap, 173

Economic Fraud and Corruption, 172–173

Scandals in Business—The Ethics Guy on CNBC’s “Surviving the Market,” 175

Vignettes, 199–203

Virtue-based leaders, 95, 96

Virtues, 101–103


Wall Street (movie), 162–163

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (movie), 164–165

Wasta, 59, 62

WEF. See World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum (WEF), 62

World Wide Web

sites, 176–177


Business Anti-Corruption Portal, 175–176

The Corporation: Case Histories (5/23), 174

The Corporation: Unsettling Accounts (17/23), 174–175

Corruption Risks Europe’s Financial Recovery, 173

The Corruption Trap, 173

Economic Fraud and Corruption, 172–173

Scandals in Business—The Ethics Guy on CNBC’s “Surviving the Market,” 175

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