
acknowledgment, basic, importance of, 79–80

action-oriented questions, 45

anxiety, survival, 100

artistic abilities, engaging one’s, 104–5

asking, 7–8

skills of, 99–100

telling vs., 3–4

ways relationships are built by, 8–10

assumptions, tacit, 53–54

basic acknowledgment, importance of, 79–80

basic humility, 11

basic trust, 79–81

blind self, 85

case examples, of Humble Inquiry

getting commitments, 29–31

getting help from subordinates, 24–26

giving directions, 31

initiating culture change, 31–33

missing opportunities, 21–24

power of ignorance, 33–34

providing choices, 35–36

succession plans, 27–29

surgical team, 14–18

causes, questions about, 44–45

concealed self, 85

confrontational inquiry, 46–48

confrontational process inquiry, 49


Humble Inquiry and, 41–42

for improving communication, 9

coordination, becoming sensitive to, 106–7

cultural islands, building, 107–9


hallmarks of, in United States, 55–58

as inhibitor of Humble Inquiry, 53–54

national, 77–79

occupational, 77–79

organizational, 77–79

reasons for focusing on biases in, 61–63

of Tell, 58–61

deference, 69–71

demeanor, 69–71

denial, 91

diagnostic inquiry, 43–46

diagnostic process inquiry, 49

Digital Equipment Corporation, 40

economies, trust and social, 79–81

espoused values, 53–55

expressive vs. instrumental relationships, 72

feedback, communication, 86–87

feelings, questions about, 44

gamesman, 60

gamesmanship, 59–60

Gittell, Jody, 106

Here-and-now humility, 10, 11–13, 54

feelings of, 19

Humble Inquiry. See also inquiry; questioning; questions

case examples of, 21–37

conversations and, 41–42

culture as inhibitor of, 53–54

defined, 2

differentiating types of questions and, 19–20

as form of inquiry, 40–43

motivation to explore, 2–3

questions, asking yourself, 102

slowing down and, 101–2

humble process inquiry, 49


surgical team example of kinds of, 14–18

types of, 5, 10–14

hurrying, Humble Inquiry and, 101–2

Ingham, Harry, 84

inquiry. See also Humble Inquiry; questioning; questions

defined, 18–20

forms of, 39–49

instrumental vs. expressive relationships, 72

intervention, 94–95

Johari window, 84–89

judgment, 93–94

Langer, Ellen, 103


building relationships with team members and, 107

challenges of, 63–65

learning, 100–101

learning anxiety, 100–101

lifeman, 60

listening, 7–8, 60–61

Luft, Joe, 84

mindfulness, 103–4

motivations, questions about, 44–45

national culture, 77–79

new learning, 100

observation, 90–91

occupational culture, 77–79

Olsen, Ken, 40

one-upmanship, 59–60

open self, 84

optional humility, 11, 54

organizational culture, 77–79

ORJI cycle, 89–90

observation (O), 90–91

reaction (R), 91–93

judgment (J), 93–94

intervention (I), 94–95


defined, 74–75

as relationship building, 75–77

person-oriented relationships, 72–74

Potter, Stephen, 59–60

processed-oriented inquiry, 48–49

projection, 91

questioning, as science and art, 18–19

questions. See also inquiry

about feelings and reactions, 44

about motivations and causes, 44–45

action-oriented, 45

asking right, 3–4

confrontational, 46–48

differentiating types of, and Humble Inquiry, 19–20

Humble Inquiry, asking yourself, 102

reasons for learning to ask better, 1–2

systematic, 45–46

rank, status and, 69–71

reaction, 91–93

reactions, questions about, 44

reflection, on one’s behavior, 106


asking and building, 8–10

building, between humans, 4

building, between leaders and team members, 107

instrumental vs. expressive, 72

personalization for building, 74–77

person-oriented, 72–74

task-oriented, 71–73

ways asking builds, 8–10

relationships, building, 4–5

relative status, 72

role relations

personal-oriented, 72–74

task oriented, 71–74


blind, 84, 86

concealed, 85, 86

open, 84, 86

unknown, 86, 88

social economies, 79–81


rank and, 69–71

relative, 72

survival anxiety, 100

systematic questions, 45–46

tacit assumptions, 53–54

task-oriented relationships, 71–74

team members, building relationships with, 107

Tell, culture of, 58–61

telling, 7–8

trust, 9

economies, 79–81

U.S. culture, hallmarks of, 55–58

values, espoused, 53–55

Wasserman, Ilene, 105

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