About This Book


This book demonstrates various tips and tricks that you can use within ODS to enhance your reports. Each tip in the book is independent from the others, so the sections can be read in any order. Many of the tips are used to encourage the reader to explore more about ODS features in the documentation.

Is This Book for You?

The audience for this book is users with at least some ODS knowledge. This book is not meant to teach ODS; it is meant to give interesting little code snippets to try out and use as a foundation for development.


This book assumes at least minimal knowledge of ODS.

About the Examples

Software Used to Develop the Book's Content

SAS 9.4 was used in all examples.

Example Code and Data

All data used in the book exists in SASHELP. The code can be downloaded from the author’s page.

You can access the example code and data for this book by linking to its author page at http://support.sas.com/publishing/authors. Select the name of the author. Then, look for the cover thumbnail of this book, and select Example Code and Data to display the SAS programs that are included in this book.

For an alphabetical listing of all books for which example code and data is available, see http://support.sas.com/bookcode. Select a title to display the book’s example code.

If you are unable to access the code through the website, send an e-mail to [email protected].

Output and Graphics

All output was generated using ODS.

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