Finding Your Keys to Creativity

Now that you have taken a closer look at what’s keeping you stuck in the creativity closet, you will be given various keys to unlock the door. In reality, there is only one key—and that lies within you. However, that key is not always easy to find. Sometimes it gets lost in the twists and turns of your internal labyrinth with all of its secret and unexpected passageways. Part 3 is all about finding a comfort level with your creative expression and making new discoveries.

This part begins by offering suggestions on how you can overcome your blocks, such as by reframing your viewpoint and considering the different ways to accomplish that. You also learn tips to open your mind to more innovative possibilities; that way, you can get your wheels turning about how you can establish your ideal creative space. I also give you a smorgasbord of appetizers to give you a taste of what creativity feels like when you incorporate simple practices in your life. You then get to try out some unusual as well as common creative thinking techniques that you may have forgotten about or stopped using. This part also gives you ways to tune in to your passions and explores how hobbies can advance your creativity. This part ends with the benefits of creating with others. After all, creativity is often enhanced when shared with a partner, a group of people, or the community at large.

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