Appendix B. References

Data used in figures

The numbers in parentheses correspond to items in the second section of this appendix, “Data References.”

Chapter 1

1.1: Library of Congress (7)

1.2–1.4: Natural Earth (9)

1.5: USDA NAIP (16)

1.6: PRISM (12)

1.8: Grand Canyon NP (6), USGS Grand Canyon (19)

1.9: Snow (13)

1.11, 1.13: USGS Small-scale data (24)

Chapter 3

3.1: USGS Small-scale data (24), GSHHG (10), OpenStreetMap (11)

3.2: OpenStreetMap (11), USGS NHD (22)

3.3: Natural Earth (9)

3.4: Natural Earth (9), USGS Small-scale data (24)

3.5: USCB TIGER (15), USGS Small-scale data (24), City of New Orleans (2), OpenStreetMap (11)

3.10, 3.13: Natural Earth (9)

3.14: USGS Small-scale data (24)

3.15, 3.17: Natural Earth (9)

Chapter 4

4.2: Natural Earth (9)

4.4: USGS Small-scale data (24), NWS (8)

4.5: USGS Small-scale data (24)

4.7: NWS (8), OpenStreetMap (11)

4.8: NWS (8), Stamen (14)

Chapter 5

5.1–5.9: Natural Earth (9)

5.11: USGS Small-scale data (24)

Chapter 6

6.7: Natural Earth (9)

Chapter 7

7.4: City of New Orleans (2), USGS Small-scale data (24), USCB TIGER (15), OpenStreetMap (11)

7.5, 7.6: USGS Small-scale data (24), City of New Orleans (2)

7.8: NREL Wind data (29), US Census Tract Data (28), USGS Small-scale data (24)

7.9: US Census tract data (28), USGS small-scale data (24)

7.10, 7.11: NREL Wind data (29)

7.12–7.16: Natural Earth (9), Env-DATA (3 and 4)

Chapter 8

8.1–8.4: Natural Earth (9)

8.5: Utah AGRC (27)

8.7: USGS Small-scale data (24)

8.8–8.10: Natural Earth (9)

8.12: USDA NAIP (16)

8.13: Natural Earth (9)

Chapter 9

9.1: USGS GAP (26)

9.2, 9.4: USDA NAIP (16)

9.7, 9.11, 9.13: USGS Landsat (20)

9.16: USGS Ortho (30)

Chapter 10

10.1: USGS GAP (26)

10.2: USGS DOQ (17), USGS TOPO (25)

10.6: USGS DOQ (17)

10.7, 10.8: USGS GTOPO30 (18)

10.12, 10.13, 10.15: USGS Landsat (20)

Chapter 11

11.2: USDA NAIP (16)

11.7, 11.9: USGS GTOPO30 (18)

11.12: USGS GAP (26), EPA (5)

11.14: USGS Roads (23), BLM Wilderness areas (1)

11.16: USGS Roads (23)

Chapter 12

12.1: USGS GAP (26), USGS Landsat (20)

12.2: USGS GAP (26)

12.4: USGS GAP (26), USGS Landsat (20)

12.5: USGS GAP (26)

Chapter 13

13.4–13.7, 13.9: Natural Earth (9)

13.10: USGS NED (21)

13.11, 13.13: USGS Landsat (20)

13.15: USGS NED (21)

13.16: USCB TIGER (15)

13.18, 13.19: USCB TIGER (15), USGS Small-scale data (24)

13.20: USCB TIGER (15), USGS Small-scale data (24), NOLA (2), OpenStreetMap (11)

13.21: USGS TOPO (25)

13.22: USGS NED (21)

13.23: USGS NED (21), USGS TOPO (25)

Data references

  1. Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service. Wilderness areas.
  2. City of New Orleans—Office of Information Technology & Innovation, Enterprise Information Team.
  3. Cruz, S.; Proaño, C.B.; Anderson, D.; Huyvaert, K.; Wikelski, M. (2013). Data from: The Environmental-Data Automated Track Annotation (Env-DATA) System: Linking animal tracks with environmental data. Movebank Data Repository. DOI:10.5441/001/1.3hp3s250.
  4. Dodge, S.; Bohrer, G.; Weinzierl, R.; Davidson, S.C.; Kays, R.; Douglas, D.; Cruz, S.; Han, J.; Brandes, D.; Wikelski, M. 2013. The Environmental-Data Automated Track Annotation (Env-DATA) System—linking animal tracks with environmental data. Movement Ecology 1:3. DOI:10.1186/2051-3933-1-3.
  5. Environmental Protection Agency. Level III ecoregions of North America.
  6. Grand Canyon National Park—Science Center GIS. Roads, Routes, Streets and Trails of Grand Canyon National Park and Arizona.
  7. Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division.
  8. National Weather Service.
  9. Natural Earth.
  10. NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, GSHHG, October 2015,
  11. OpenStreetMap. Map tiles by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY 2.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL:
  12. PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University, Map created 31 May 2015. Copyright © 2015.
  13. Snow, John.
  14. Stamen Design. Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL:
  15. US Census Bureau. 2006 TIGER/Line shapefiles.
  16. USDA FSA Aerial Photography Field Office. NAIP Imagery.
  17. US Geological Survey. Digital orthophoto quadrangle (DOQs).
  18. US Geological Survey. Global 30 arc-second elevation (GTOPO30).
  19. US Geological Survey. Grand Canyon data repository.
  20. US Geological Survey. Landsat imagery.
  21. US Geological Survey. National elevation dataset (NED).
  22. US Geological Survey, 2013, National Hydrography Geodatabase (NHD).
  23. US Geological Survey. Roads.
  24. US Geological Survey. Small-scale data.
  25. US Geological Survey. US topo quadrangles (TOPO).
  26. USGS National Gap Analysis Program. 2004. Provisional Digital Land Cover Map for the Southwestern United States. Version 1.0. RS/GIS Laboratory, College of Natural Resources, Utah State University.
  27. Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center.
  28. US Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division/Cartographic Products Branch. 2010. 2010 Cartographic Boundary File, State-County-Census Tract for California, 1:500,000.
  29. US National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Wind data.
  30. USGS EROS 1-foot orthoimagery from the National Map.
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