List of Listings

Chapter 3. Reading and writing vector data

Listing 3.1. Printing data from the first ten features in a shapefile

Listing 3.2. Example of well-known text representation of a spatial reference system

Listing 3.3. Exporting capital cities to a new shapefile

Chapter 4. Working with different vector file formats

Listing 4.1. An example GeoJSON file with two features

Listing 4.2. Function to import layers to a file geodatabase

Listing 4.3. Create a web map from WFS data

Listing 4.4. Custom markers for a Folium map

Chapter 6. Manipulating geometries with OGR

Listing 6.1. Function to create a point layer from a line layer

Listing 6.2. Function to create a line layer from a polygon layer

Listing 6.3. Creating a multipolygon

Listing 6.4. Creating a polygon with a hole

Chapter 7. Vector analysis with OGR

Listing 7.1. A flawed method for determining the number of cities near volcanoes

Listing 7.2. A better method for determining the number of cities near volcanoes

Listing 7.3. Intersecting census and wind data

Listing 7.4. Combining small polygons into large ones

Listing 7.5. Create a shapefile from a .csv file

Listing 7.6. Function to get unique values from an attribute column

Listing 7.7. Calculating distance between adjacent points

Listing 7.8. Find maximum speed from locations and elapsed time

Listing 7.9. Create convex hull polygons for each bird

Listing 7.10. Create convex hull polygons separated by geographic area

Listing 7.11. Calculate percentage of total area used in all island visits

Chapter 8. Using spatial reference systems

Listing 8.1. Projecting a point layer

Chapter 9. Reading and writing raster data

Listing 9.1. Stacking individual raster bands into one image

Listing 9.2. Processing a raster by block

Listing 9.3. Extracting and saving a subset of an image

Listing 9.4. Resample an image to a smaller pixel size

Listing 9.5. Resample an image to a larger pixel size using byte sequences

Listing 9.6. XML describing a web map service

Chapter 10. Working with raster data

Listing 10.1. Adding ground control points to a raster

Listing 10.2. Mosaic multiple images together

Listing 10.3. Add a color map to a raster

Listing 10.4. Add an attribute table to a raster

Listing 10.5. XML to define a VRT dataset with one band

Listing 10.6. Subset a raster using a VRT

Listing 10.7. Use a callback function

Chapter 11. Map algebra with NumPy and SciPy

Listing 11.1. Function to save a new raster

Listing 11.2. Compute NDVI for a NAIP image

Listing 11.3. Function to get slices of any size from an array

Listing 11.4. Smooth an elevation dataset

Listing 11.5. Compute slope from DEM

Listing 11.6. Smoothing filter using SciPy

Listing 11.7. Calculate slope using SciPy

Listing 11.8. Focal analysis broken into chunks

Listing 11.9. Zonal analysis with SciPy

Listing 11.10. Proximity analysis

Listing 11.11. Function to make stepped slices

Listing 11.12. Function to get new pixel offsets in terms of old pixels

Listing 11.13. Function for bilinear interpolation

Listing 11.14. Bilinear interpolation

Chapter 12. Map classification

Listing 12.1. Function to stack raster bands

Listing 12.2. K-means clustering with Spectral Python

Listing 12.3. Map classification using CART

Listing 12.4. Confusion matrix and kappa statistic

Chapter 13. Visualizing data

Listing 13.1. Plotting simple polygons

Listing 13.2. Plotting polygons

Listing 13.3. Plotting lines and pointsbook functionsplot_line functionbook functionsplot_point functionlinesplottingplot_line functionplot_point functionplottinglines and points

Listing 13.4. Draw world countries as patches

Listing 13.5. Function to retrieve overview data

Listing 13.6. Function to stretch and scale data

Listing 13.7. Using meshgrid to get map coordinates

Listing 13.8. Creating a simple Mapnik map

Listing 13.9. Using multiple rules in a style

Listing 13.10. Adding the roads and city outline

Listing 13.11. Create XML to describe the National Atlas hydrography layer

Listing 13.12. XML describing the National Atlas hydrography layer

Listing 13.13. Drawing a raster

Listing 13.14. Using a hillshade

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