
First, I want to thank my family for their support and understanding. My wife, Diana, and my daughter, Ada, were with me every step of the way, giving me all the encouragement and space I needed to complete this book.

Writing a book is most definitely a team effort. I’m grateful for Michael Stephens’ initial feedback, which helped shape the book into what you are reading today. I want to thank my editor, Elesha Hyde, for all her help, advice, and feedback. Thanks to Mike Shepard for reviewing every chapter and keeping me honest. Also, thanks to German Gonzales for going through each and every code sample and making sure that everything works as described. I want to thank all reviewers for taking their time and providing invaluable feedback. Thanks to Viktor Bek, Roberto Casadei, Ahmed Chicktay, John Corley, Justin Coulston, Theo Despoudis, David DiMaria, Christopher Fry, German Gonzalez-Morris, Vipul Gupta, Peter Hampton, Clive Harber, Fred Heath, Ryan Huber, Des Horsley, Kevin Norman D. Kapchan, Jose San Leandro, James Liu, Wayne Mather, Arnaldo Gabriel Ayala Meyer, Riccardo Noviello, Marco Perone, Jermal Prestwood, Borja Quevedo, Domingo Sebastián Sastre, Rohit Sharm, and Greg Wright.

I want to thank my colleagues and mentors for everything they taught me. As I was learning about leveraging types to improve our codebase, I was lucky to have some great, supportive managers. Thanks to Mike Navarro, David Hansen, and Ben Ross for your trust.

Thanks to the whole C++ community from which I learned so much and especially to Sean Parent for his inspiring talks and his great advice.

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