
Academic major.See College major

Adams, Scott, 46

Adulthood, emerging, 49–50

AIM (Action, Individual, and Mission), 109

American Bar Association, 83

American College Health Association, 44

American College Test (ACT), 13

American Medical Association, 83

Analyzing, as cognitive skill, 71

Anderson, Lorin, 70

Anecdotal fallacy, 19

Applying, as cognitive skill, 71

Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen, 49

As I Lay Dying, 64

Associate’s degree, by college majors, 15

Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 30–31

Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), 83

The Atlantic, 84

Attendance, 125

Baby Boomers, 70

Bachelor’s degree, by college majors, 15

Biology majors, into medical school, 83

Bloom, Benjamin, 70

Bloom’s Taxonomy, 70

    revised, 70–71

Bolles, Richard, 56

Bright, Jim, 57

Brontë, Charlotte, 65

Brotberuf, 63

Bruni, Frank, 99

Businesses support liberal arts, 80–82

BusinessWeek, 82

Capecchi, Mario Renato, 136

Caperton, Gaston, 9

Cappelli, Peter, 17


    ability to marketing value, 35–36

    chaos theory of, 57–59, 62

    college major and, 17

    critical importance of networking and, 38–39

    current economic situation for, 117–118

    demonstrated preparedness, 36–39

    extinct, new, and future, 52–53, 167–171

    geography and, 31–33

    grit in, 33–35

    issue-based, 120–121

    jungle gym metaphor and, 61–62

    knowledge-based, 119–120

    open and close mind, 117–118

    paradoxes for decision making process, 58–59

    skill-based, 121

    success, 61

        emotional intelligence and, 74

        grade point average in, 109

        networking and, 116

    target, 107–108

Casnocha, Ben, 47

Catch-22, 64

Cathy, S. Truett, 136

Causation fallacy, confusing association with, 17–18

Center for Workforce Development, 51

Chanel, Gabrielle “Coco” Bonheur, 134

Chaos theory, of careers, 57–59, 62

The Chaos Theory of Careers: A New Perspective on Working in the Twenty-First Century, 57

Chenault, Ken, 81

Chihuly, Dale, 137

Christensen, Clayton, 113

Cognitive and emotional empathy, 75, 142

Cognitive skills, 70–72

    classification of, 70–71

Coleman, Liz, 77

College degree.See also Higher education

    career preparedness and, 36

    earnings and, 7–8

    employment opportunities and, 8–9

College graduates. See also Undergraduate education

    AIM for purpose, 109–110

    awareness relates to milkshake, 113–114

    career preparedness, 36–39

    career target, 107–108

    career vision, 119–120

    choosing geographical location, 31–33

    cognitive skills of, 70–72

    communication of value, 149–155

    components of undergraduate education, 103–104

    description of, 49

    dream job, 43

    emotional intelligence, 74–76, 141–143

    employment and. See Employment opportunities

    expected earnings, 45

    information technology revolution, 4

    internship and cultural fit, 68–70

    jungle gym and, 62

    openness and awareness index, 115–118

    personal assessment of traits and habits to success, 133–139

    professional skills, 129–131

    social media and, 145–147

    soft skills of, 72–74, 123–125

College major

    applying to jobs related to, 55–57

    associate’s degree by, 15

    bachelor’s degree by, 15

    and career potential, 17

    changing of, 13

    declaration of, 3

    and dream job, 43

    and earnings, 18, 29–41

    enjoyment and, 60–61

    fallacies, 17–20

    influence factors, 15–16

    list from university of Michigan, 157–160

    planning for, 13

    principles, 58

    selection of choices, 13–16

    skills relevant for, 4

    specialization, 77–85

    traps when selecting, 20–21

Collegiate Learning Assessment Plus, 73

Colvin, Geoff, 34, 100

Comfort with ambiguity, 46

Communication, about value, 136

    compelling, 76, 143

    describing in one word, 149–151

    by listening, writing, or speaking, 129

    proposition exercise, 151–152

    success factors exercise, 152–155

Community college, 9, 14

Comprehension, 123

Courage, definition of, 135

Creating, as cognitive skill, 71

Criticism, acceptance of, 76

Cultural fit, internship and, 68–70

Currey, Mason, 64

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, 64

Daniels, Jeff, 111

Data Driven: What Students Need to Succeed in A Rapidly Changing Business World, 100

Daum, Kevin, 33

Deadlines, intermediate and final, 124

Degree completion rates, 9

Deloitte’s global survey of Millennials, 59

Deng, Valentino, 135

Deresiewicz, William, 45

Diamond, Rebecca, 31–32

Dimon, James, 81

Dorsey, Jack, 133–134

Downey, John, 55

Dream job

    changing, 50–53

    flawed thinking with, 47

    identifying, 43

    landing in, 43–53

    pursuit of, 62

Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us, 41

Duckworth, Angela, 33–34

Dweck, Carol, 34


    ability to marketing value, 35–36

    and college degree, 7–8

    college major and, 29–41

    demonstrated career preparedness and, 36–39

    geography and, 31–33

    grit in, 33–35

Economic facts, 115

    careers and, 117–118

Economic Policy Institute, 7

Emerging Adults in America: Coming of Age in the 21st Century, 49

Emotional balance, 75

Emotional insight, 75, 141

Emotional intelligence (EI).See Emotional quotient (EQ)

Emotional quotient (EQ), 74–76

    empathy, 142–143

    relationship skills, 143

    self-awareness, 141

    self-management, 142

Empathy, 75

    cognitive and emotional, 75

Empathy, 75, 142–143

Employee engagement, lack of, 40

Employee satisfaction, 39–41

Employment opportunities

    chaos theory of career development, 57–59

    through jungle gym metaphor, 61–62

    pursuit of living with purpose, 59–61

    through subtle maneuvers, 63–65

Engaged, definition of, 39

Evaluating, as cognitive skill, 71

Facebook, 145–146


    college major, 17–20

    definition of, 17

Faulkner, William, 64

Find The Thing You’re Most Passionate About, Then Do It On Nights And Weekends For The Rest Of Your Life, 64

Fortune, 61

Fosbury Flop technique, 135

Foundation, undergraduate education and, 103, 105

Friedman, Thomas, 3, 62

Frost, Robert, 65

Gardner, Christopher Paul, 134

Gardner, John, 45

Gates, Bill, 7, 9

Gates, Melinda, 9

Gelatt, H. B., 58

Gen 2020, 70

Generations, of people, 69–70

Gen X, 70


    career and earnings, 31–33

    variables for choosing, 32

Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, 29

Gilson, Diana, 81

Gladwell, Malcolm, 34

Glass, Philip, 65

Goleman, Daniel, 74

Good jobs, war for, 56

Grade point average (GPA), 35, 109

    in career success, 110

    college major and, 67–76, 74

Graduate degree. See also Graduate school

    for corner office and success, 82

    for richness, 84

Graduate school, fallacies related to, 82–85

Greater fool theory, 111

Great Fire of London, 60

Green, Henry, 64


    in career and earnings, 33–35

    definition of, 34

Growth Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, 34

GTCR, 82

Harmonium, 63

The Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 63

Harvard Business, 34

Heldrich, John J., 51

Heller, Joseph, 64

Herzberg’s theory, 40

Higher education, 3. See also College degree

    cost of, 10–11

    economic conditions and, 12

    ironies in, 10

    payment method for, 11

History major, in knowledge-based area, 119–120

Hoffman, Reid, 47, 138

How Will You Measure Your Life, 113

Humans Are Underrated: What High Achievers Know that Brilliant Machines Never Will, 100

HuMed humanity-oriented program, 83

Hypercompetitive marketplace, 55

Immelt, Jeff, 81

Information technology revolution

    college graduates and, 4–5

    impact of, 3

    and transition from connected to hyperconnected, 4

Initiative/motivation, 123

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 81

International Telecommunication Union, 3

Internet usage, in world, 3


    and cultural fit, 68–70

    definition of, 68

Issue-based careers, 120–121

Ives, Charles, 64

The Job Crisis at Our Best Law Schools is Much, Much Worse Than You Think, 84

Jungle gym metaphor, 61–62

Kafka, Franz, 63

Kaplan, Robert, 34

Knauss, Donald, 81

Knowledge-based careers, 119–120

Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 51

Labor Department statistics, 7

The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, 137

Law school graduates, employment rates and happiness, 84–85

League, Ivy, 43

Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead, 61, 137

Lewis, C. S., 61

Liberal arts

    businesses support, 80–82

    value within liberal education, 78–80

Liberal education, 78–80

LinkedIn, 80, 145–146

    career and, 39

    employment and, 59

    overused profile buzzwords, 149–150

Listening, 76, 143

Mae, Sallie, 14

Marketing Your Value: 9 Steps to Navigate Your Career, 149

Markus, Hazel Rose, 48

The MBA Bubble, 63

Medical school, biology majors into, 83

Mental health problems, college students and, 44

Mental models

    assumptions prevalent in, 20–21

    college major and, 20

Miami, Minneapolis and, 30

Michigan Career Personnel Association (MCPA), 154

Millennials, 59–60, 70

Minneapolis, Miami and, 30

Mintzberg, Henry, 79

Mitchell, Jim, 81

Motivation, 123

    factors affecting, 40

The Motivation to Work, 40

Munn, Olivia, 111

My Butterfly: An Elegy, 65

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 29, 68

National Center for Education Statistics, 14

The National Leadership Council, 77

National Science Foundation, 3, 84

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, 9, 10

National Survey of Counseling Center Directors (NSCCD), 44


    career success and, 116

    critical importance of, 38–39

The Newsroom, 111

New York Times, 3, 99

Noncognitive skills.See Soft skills

Nurius, Paula, 48

Obama, Barack, 17

O’Boyle, Ernest (Jr.), 74

One-word descriptor, in interview, 149

The Onion, 64

Orfalea, Paul, 136

Organizational culture, definition of, 69

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 11

Outliers: The Story of Success, 34

Palmisano, Sam, 81

Pausch, Randy, 137–138

Performance, challenge about level of, 127

Personal Assessment of Traits and Habits (PATH) to Success, 133

Personal growth, career and, 46–48

Personal skills and traits, 116

    assessment of, 133–138

    open and close mind, 117–118

Petite, Philip, 137

Pink, Daniel, 5, 41, 71

Positive uncertainty, concept of, 58

Possible Selves, 48

Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, 18–19

Prelaw majors, 83

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 100

Problem solving, 123

Professionalism, 68, 124

Professionals, areas of creating relevant for, 71–72

Professional skills, assessment of, 129–131

Pryor, Robert, 57

Public assistance utilization, 84

Pulitzer Prize, 63–64

Realistic self-confidence, 75, 141

Relationship skills, 76, 143

Remembering, as cognitive skill, 71

Resilience, 75, 142

Resolving conflicts, 75

Responsibility, 125

Resume, success factors in, 152–155

Robinson, Janet, 81

Roosevelt, Theodore, 110

Rostain, Anthony L., 44

Runciman, David, 3

Salary, job satisfaction and, 39–41

Sandberg, Sheryl, 61, 137

Sanders, Jeff, 46

Sandove, Steve, 77, 79

Self-assessment tools, 99

Self-awareness, 48, 75, 141

Self-determination, 47

Self-discipline, 134

Self-evaluation, 123

Self-improvement, practice, 138

Self-management, 75, 142

Self-motivation, 75, 142

Sellers, Pattie, 61

Single-cause fallacy, 19

Skill-based careers, 121

Smith, Adam, 81

Smith, Fred, 136

Social media, professional preparation and understanding, 145–147

Soft skills, 72–74

    evaluation of, 123–125


    college major, 77–85

    proponents of, 78

The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career, 46–47, 138

Stevens, Wallace, 63

Success factors, in resume, 152–155

    examples of, 154–155

Survivor investing.See Greater fool theory

Sweeping generalization fallacy, 19–20

Symphony, 72

Talent is Over-rated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else, 34

Tanner, Jennifer Lynn, 49

Team playing, 76, 143

Technology Entertainment Design (TED), 77

Their Lives Ahead of Them: Myths and Realities About Why So Many Students Fail to Finish College, 9

Thomas, Eric, 135

Time, 134

Time management, 124–125

Traditionalists, 69

Treuhaft, Jeff, 81

Undergraduate education, 105. See also College graduates

    bridge illustration for, 103–104

    components of, 103

Understanding, as cognitive skill, 71

Unemployment rate, 7

U.S. Department of Education, 14

Value proposition, in interview, 151–152

Verbal interaction, 124

Volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) global environment, 41

Vonnegut, Kurt, 65

Wales, Jimmy, 136

Walker, Madame, 133

Wall Street, banking and working on, 52

Wall Street Journal analysis, 13, 82

Wesch, Michael, 137

What Color is Your Parachute?, 56

Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania, 99

A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, 71

Williams, William Carlos, 65

Wilson, Charles Kemmons, 134

Wren, Christopher, 60

Wright, Orville, 135

Wright, Wilbur, 135

Zanetti, Mariana, 63

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